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Posts posted by Star69

  1. For OP, the error 2021-12-06T15:17:48 0.310 ERR Error while initializing platform code, shutting down. 

    is your problem, though not sure why you are getting that error. For andydahl, I moved my config file into the Config folder that I had to create. You also need to create a Saves folder if the install didn't make one and put your serveradmin.xml in there.

  2. This still smells like a Windows issue. It definitely is not a 7 Days problem. The fact that you did need to repair corrupted system files, I still think you have corrupted files even though the scan isn’t finding anything now. I guess it could be a bad sector on your hard drive but I doubt it. As a last resort, I’d suggest either reinstalling or repairing Windows. A clean install is best but you could also reinstall while keeping all your files.  I think you’ve tried just about everything else.

  3. That’s interesting, no errors at all. Makes me wonder if it’s not a 7 Days issue causing the crash??? Have you done some of the basic things like excluding Steam from your antivirus software, making sure your graphics drivers, chipset drivers, audio drivers are up to date as well as Windows? In my old rig, I ran the game just fine with a gtx 980m so I don’t think it’s your videocard. Hopefully someone else can give you additional ideas.

  4. 12 hours ago, ChickenWings said:

    I think you guys are right, a tree and a bird nest somehow mixed together.  It acted like a nest when I searched it.  If it ever happens again I will chop the tree to see what I end up seeing or gain in my inventory.

    When you go to chop those trees, they only have 1 hp so fall on the first swing and nothing shows up in your inventory.

  5. It’s funny, I just went on a new server yesterday and while the trader was open, Trader Jen I think it was, had dropped through the floor of the trailer so all you could see was her head. Once I had Trader Joel fall through the second floor trader onto the ground and landed in front of the workbench and you had to interact with him there. There’s still some weird trader issues. Vanilla server, no mods.

  6. I’ve run into that one rarely on vanilla. It’s so uncommon and not reproducible that I’ve never submitted a bug report. Probably happened 3 times in A19. Usually opens again in a few game days but one time it never opened again. Wish I could be more help.

  7. Yes you are right on the Party Member but I'm sure that's what op meant. Having to Party Up every time you join is annoying. Moreso for me right now as I'm working through disconnection issues and have to rejoin 3 or 4 times an evening. The LCB issue is still an issue, only the person who puts down the LCB can pickup workstations.

  8. I like all of your suggestions, even 4. I believe it’s done in the Borderland series so it can be done but maybe it’s a Unity issue?? With 3, we see it as once everyone is spawned, we head to the ally with the best city. I’ve only quested with 3 in the party, one kills, one salvages and one collects all of the loot(person with looty goggles). Everything goes into a community box, person whose quest it was gets first dibs. Selling is done by the one with the best better barter. Although, we do try to get one person with better barter 3, another 4 and the 3rd have a 5 so we get the best variety of inventory. Of course you have to trust your allies are doing the right thing. One change to vanilla that we made was to increase ally experience range to 10,000m…..none of us likes it at 100 but it’s a personal choice. I’ve been playing with these guys for years so we tend to like things the same way and we don’t compete against each other.

  9. Posting your complete server log and the client log when attempt to join the server would be super helpful for the experts on here. Also, check at the bottom of this thread where they had to install the Steam client on the server pc instead of using the steamcmd when someone else had this exact problem: 


  10. As was mentioned earlier, verify game files twice. Also, be sure you have excluded the game and eac(I personnally exclude the entire Steam folder) from your antivirus program. Make sure you have fully allowed eac and 7Days through your firewall. Finally, shut down Steam and reboot your computer and restart Steam.

  11. Check this thread out. Apparently it’s a harmless message that shouldn’t affect server function. An aside, I see that you’re running a bunch of mods. Further down your log it mentions wrong hash tags in a bunch of .xml’s. I don’t know if that could be caused by the mods or from someone editing those files. If people are having trouble joining, the first thing I’d do is remove all mods, verify files then see if people can join. If they can, add back one mod at a time to see which mod is causing problems. Just my 2 cents.

  12. When you uninstalled Steam, did you then go into your firewall and remove the entries for allowing Steam through the firewall?? I just uninstalled Steam and all my games. Rebooted, went to Windows Firewall and both 7 Days and Steam still had their firewall rules set up as allowed. So if this is a port issue and if it's due to updates to Steam or Windows, you should probably delete your firewall rules for Steam before reinstalling. Just my 2 cents.....I'm hoping this solves my connection issues.

  13. Excuse me if this doesn't sound right.....if this 'could' be a Steam issue, wouldn't completely uninstalling/reinstalling Steam so that it automatically sets up the ports it wants to use, be an option for these folks? I am about at that point myself. I posted a thread about a handshake issue where I get booted from a dedicated server a couple of times a night. I've tried every single thing that I could think of as well as those who chimed in on my thread and I still have the issue. Reinstalling Steam is the only thing I haven't tried.

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