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Posts posted by Star69

  1. This is due to your antivirus program blocking the connection to EOS. Exclude the 7 Days to Die folder and your saves folder from the antivirus software and all should work fine. So it doesn’t affect any other games I have excluded the steam folder.

  2. Good. The other errors I'm seeing are this:


    1. 2021-12-27T09:29:06 2700.419 WRN No chunk for position 1504, 43, 2044, can not add childs to pos 1503, 43, 2043! Block semiFlatbedFront
    2. 2021-12-27T09:29:06 2700.419 WRN No chunk for position 1504, 43, 2047, can not add childs to pos 1503, 43, 2046! Block semiFlatbedMiddl
    There are several instances of different blocks with this error. Hopefully someone else will chime in as to whether these are A20 blocks or A19 and if A20, if it means the save has some corruption due to your repeated crashes.
  3. You have several issues in your log. I’m not on my pc with 7 Days installed so I can’t verify, but there may still be some A19 files but don’t hold me to that until I get the chance to check. Your crash, however, was a directx crash. I would do a clean reinstall of your video drivers using Geforce Experience. It will remove all your drivers and install just the latest version. You must select customize and check the clean install box. I will check on the files I’m seeing later today when I can get to my rig.

  4. So it sounds like a connection issue on your pc. I can offer a couple of options to try. Log out of friends, join the server and once connected properly then you can log back in. Why? The server is logging you in via steamnetworking because you have friends on the server then you get litenetlib timeout. The other option is in the server config, disable steamnetworking thereby forcing the litenetlib connection. Finally, if neither of those things work, you can try to disable IPv6 on the server machine. These are solutions I’ve found by searching the forums for litenetlib timeout.


    How is your internet set up? Pc wired to modem to internet or is there a router in ther or are you running on a vpn?

  5. 3 hours ago, Kamikadze said:

    Can you join any other, random server? If you can, it narrows it down to something between you and your server. If you cannot join any server then there’s something up with your machine. I noticed that you have EAC disabled on your computer….is EAC enabled on the server?

  6. For A20, EOS(Epic Online Services) is software that will 7 Days to offer cross platform playing. You do not need an account but it must be active for the game to work. It does create a EOS number similar to your steam ID and, in fact, is associated with it. It’s all about allowing pc and consoles to play the game together. Google EOS epic and you’ll get all the info you want on its functionality.

  7. You have some odd chunk errors in your log. Did you clean your files before going to A20 as described by clicking on the blue banner at the top of the page? On top of doing this, I would turn off dynamic mesh as it causes issues with lower end machines and I’d consider turning off occlusion but not as positive of that helping. But a file cleaning, uninstall/reinstall plus turning off dynamic mesh should help.

  8. On 12/24/2021 at 12:03 PM, Hazzie said:

    I moved off experimental to b238 stable and not i get the following error when i run the game


    An Error Occurred while updating 7 Days to Die (missing executable)

    "D:\Program Files(X86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die\7dLauncher.exe"


    I have tried verifying the game files integrity and it comes back as showing no errors (if its missing an exe how can this be?). The file is defiantly not in the folder mentioned and i cannot find a copy of it on my pc.


    I tried moving 2 files out of the root dir (serveradmin.xml and serverconfig.xml as i dont run a server) and then re-ran the verify game integrity option and it pulled them down.


    So it seems steam doesnt know about 7dLauncher.exe to pull down but requires it to run.


    Anyone got any ideas on how to get this file that hopefully doesnt involve a re-install or have seen this issue before?

    If you used the search function on your pc and it wasn’t found and verifying files didn’t help, I’m afraid cleaning, then uninstall/reinstall is your only option.

  9. It looks like your save was corrupted. The log shows the server attempts to load the original game save and it failed so it created a new game save. Any time a server is not shut down properly, it risks corrupting the save which, unfortunately, happened to you. So power outages, updates etc can result in save corruption.

  10. 10 hours ago, guywithjeep said:

    No luck, deleted everything server & client side except the world I generated with a20 on Dec 6, unfortunately its the only courthouse_med_01 on the map, so I cant see if others are bugged too, it was working though. As I said, I personally ran thru the poi twice without issue.


    After some digging, I used dm, found the chunk and deleted the related region file, the poi is now fixed.

    Interesting. I think that what you found just might be a bug. I’d recommend submitting an official bug report so the QA team can take a look at it. Thanks for working that up.

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