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Posts posted by Star69

  1. I have the same message in my log and always have, never have any problems with the game. The shader errors are in my current server log and the server works perfectly. I'm just saying what the people who actually made the game have said....you can believe them or not, I'm just sharing information that they have shared with us previously. Not looking to get into an internet argument here, I just hate to see someone looking at something that is been determined to not be an issue per the developers. /shrugs

  2. Looks like it's a network connection issue. The first thing I would do is to be sure you have excluded your 7 Days folder from your antivirus/antimalware software as 'something' is messing with your connection to the server. If that doesn't fix it, make sure your firewall is allowing 7 Days through it. Those are the 2 things that could mess with your connection to an outside server. I'm assuming you can play single player with no issues?

  3. INF lines in the log are just that....informational; that particular line means that the player is not running Steam in Big Picture Mode. It is not an error, it is INF(information). Pertinent parts of the log are marked with WRN for warning and ERR for error. Some WRN are informational as well such as the time it takes for some data to be unloaded. Shader error messages have been in logs forever and The Fun Pimps programmers have said we can ignore those errors when evaluating log files, they are there for them not us so when evaluating log files we ignore those errors as we've been told.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Shnoz said:

    From what I can tell it looks like two things are contributing to your issue. The file path not being found, the version, and the shaders not being found. I would look into the shaders first by turning shadows/reflection/shaders off honestly, and looking into why the file paths for those two seem to be mixed up. Might just be that the file and folder location is incorrect, and when the game attempts to search for it it cannot find it because it is in the wrong spot.

    The shader warnings are in every single log file even those with no problems. Those warnings are there for the programmers and not an indication of shader issue.

  5. Okay, looks like you have several issues happening that cumulatively are probably causing your problem.


    1) zombie lootbag mod failed to load so remove or fix it.


    2) physx errors; update your video drivers preferably by doing a clean install, I use Geforce Experience but there are other methods as well 


    3) litenetlib failed to connect. Make sure your 7 Days folder is excluded from your antivirus/antimalware software. Also be sure the proper ports are open/forwarded on your modem/router.


    The fallback handler warning you are seeing is not an issue, it happens in every log even those with no issues. If you are still having issues after doing those things, I would remove all mods and try to play a game together using a vanilla game to see if you’re still having issues. Let us know how things go.

  6. On the Nitrado server, your GameName is either empty or has invalid characters and so config file won’t load which may/may not be the issue.


    I’m not being a jerk here but you need to set up your server FIRST as a vanilla server and see if you have the same server reboot issues. If vanilla runs properly, then you add one mod at a time to figure out which mod is causing issues. Once you figure out which mod is causing your server restart, you should contact the author of that mod to have them help you get your server up & running with their mod. Mod authors are available in the Mods section of the forums and may not be monitoring the General Support forum you’re posting in. There are way too many vanilla servers running perfectly fine from both of those server providers for this to be a 7 Days issue, your issue has to be a mod issue so your best source of help will be those mod authors.

  7. Have you used mods in A20? If not, you may have residual files from A19 or even earlier A20 experimental. My first suggestion, delete the mods folder. Click on the blue banner at the top of the forum and follow the instructions to clean out all your old saves and files then do an uninstall/reinstall. If that doesn’t fix your problem, post back. Unfortunately, just removing mod files from the mod folder doesn’t always fix issues because some mods will modify game files so cleaning, uninstall/reinstall is the only option to fix certain problems.

  8. @SylenThunder The warning about Analytics disabled for route (1) seems to occur in every log I’ve ever read, even in those with no EOS issues so I’ve just accepted that it’s a warning with no real concern similar to the fallbach handler couldn’t load library warnings. I’m sure it means something to the programmers though may not be important in figuring out issues although it would be interesting to find out what it means just for the knowledge.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Blonanjo said:

    OK, i will try this, Thanks!

     I dont see any mod installed....is another place where the mods can be instaled? I check in this place: E...\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die

    Usually there is a folder named Mods in that 7 Days to Die folder but I’m not familiar with how all mods are loaded. This is from your log so you definitely have mods installed somewhere:


    1. 2022-01-03T18:38:53 24.104 INF [MODS] Start loading
    2. 2022-01-03T18:38:53 24.110 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
    3. 2022-01-03T18:38:53 24.111 INF [MODS] Loading done
  10. 29 minutes ago, Blonanjo said:

    Hi there, is my log, i hope you can help me.






    You have mods installed and many warnings related to mods. First thing I would do is remove all mods and make sure that the game works as expected. Then add one mod at a time until you begin having trouble again then you will know which mod is causing the problem. At that point you contact the mod author to see if they can advise you how to get that mod to work properly.

  11. 46 minutes ago, Zæffy said:

    No, they don't 😕 . To be more precise, they do have a logfile up until the day they switch from unstable to stable (the day A20 went stable), and none since then.

    Have them do a clean uninstall/reinstall as something is definitely not right there. The procedure for doing a clean uninstall/reinstall can be found by clicking the blue banner at the top of the page. They should also delete the Mod folder manually if present. This will assure just A20 files from stable are added and no files from previous A20 experimental are present. The log file is ALWAYS generated unless stated in the command line as -no logfile (I think that's the command) so if there is no log file being generated, the installation is corrupted needs to fixed by the above clean uninstall/reinstall.

  12. The first error needs more context....there is usually something associated with it. The second is not an error and can be ignored.


    As for finding your server, you have correctly set visibility at 2 so that isn't the problem. More likely, there is a port on your router or firewall that isn't open/forwarded that  should be. The following ports need opened/forwarded mentioned here"  7 Days to Die Dedicated Server - Valve Developer Community (valvesoftware.com)



    • 8080-8081 (ONLY if you plan to administer your server remotely AND do not change the ports in the serverconfig.)
    • 8082 (If you are using Alloc's mods, this is the control panel port +2. If you use 8080 then you need 8082.)
    • 26900 (This is the port designated in the serverconfig)


    • 26900-26903

    You can find port checker websites that will check if those ports are indeed open/forwarded.



  13. The only thing that I see is an error in your serveradmin.xml file where a name has been typed in beginning with < which isn’t permitted…..line 48, position 5 and I’m pretty sure that has nothing to do with the current problem, but should be fixed at some point. I also see no issues with that players log. This might be a true bug as I’ve seen one other thread with someone with the same problem and, as far as I know, has not been completely resolved. You might have your player submit an official bug report by clicking the red banner above and following the link to the bug report section by clicking the word HERE at the bottom of that post. The bug report goes directly to tfp QA team. One thing they want done, besides filling out the form, is to make sure the player performed a ‘clean install’ of A20. Instructions for that can be gotten by clicking the blue banner at the too of the screen.

  14. Also, just food for thought, if your server log file is so big you can’t use Pastebin, you aren’t restarting your server often enough. There are enough performance issues that, in my opinion, you should restart your server every few days, more frequently if you have a busy server. I reboot mine once a day. If I’m still having server performance issues, I submit a ticket to the server provider asking them to reboot the box. Server providers run multiple servers on a box and there can be a cumulative performance drop over time. Steam does this once a week as part of their ‘maintenance Tuesday’.

  15. Pinned topic at the top has all info you need, where your saves are located are determined by your operating system. Go here for instructions how to find them:


    As for your graphics issues, first thought is there are some previous alpha files in your game but without seeing your log file, I couldn’t say for sure. If you want to be sure that you only have A20, follow the instructions found by clicking on the blue banner at the top of the forum. It tellsyou how to clean out old files and install a clean version of A20.

  16. Without the log files, I’m afraid the only solution that anyone could offer you is to clean files, uninstall then reinstall the game. Click the blue banner at the top of the page to do this the correct way. If you don’t do this, any reinstall will probably result in the same problem.

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