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Everything posted by Star69

  1. No way to know for certain until the server comes back online. Hopefully the server saved that info before crashing.
  2. Have you used mods in A20? If not, you may have residual files from A19 or even earlier A20 experimental. My first suggestion, delete the mods folder. Click on the blue banner at the top of the forum and follow the instructions to clean out all your old saves and files then do an uninstall/reinstall. If that doesn’t fix your problem, post back. Unfortunately, just removing mod files from the mod folder doesn’t always fix issues because some mods will modify game files so cleaning, uninstall/reinstall is the only option to fix certain problems.
  3. @SylenThunder The warning about Analytics disabled for route (1) seems to occur in every log I’ve ever read, even in those with no EOS issues so I’ve just accepted that it’s a warning with no real concern similar to the fallbach handler couldn’t load library warnings. I’m sure it means something to the programmers though may not be important in figuring out issues although it would be interesting to find out what it means just for the knowledge.
  4. Usually there is a folder named Mods in that 7 Days to Die folder but I’m not familiar with how all mods are loaded. This is from your log so you definitely have mods installed somewhere: 2022-01-03T18:38:53 24.104 INF [MODS] Start loading 2022-01-03T18:38:53 24.110 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code 2022-01-03T18:38:53 24.111 INF [MODS] Loading done
  5. You have mods installed and many warnings related to mods. First thing I would do is remove all mods and make sure that the game works as expected. Then add one mod at a time until you begin having trouble again then you will know which mod is causing the problem. At that point you contact the mod author to see if they can advise you how to get that mod to work properly.
  6. Have them do a clean uninstall/reinstall as something is definitely not right there. The procedure for doing a clean uninstall/reinstall can be found by clicking the blue banner at the top of the page. They should also delete the Mod folder manually if present. This will assure just A20 files from stable are added and no files from previous A20 experimental are present. The log file is ALWAYS generated unless stated in the command line as -no logfile (I think that's the command) so if there is no log file being generated, the installation is corrupted needs to fixed by the above clean uninstall/reinstall.
  7. The first error needs more context....there is usually something associated with it. The second is not an error and can be ignored. As for finding your server, you have correctly set visibility at 2 so that isn't the problem. More likely, there is a port on your router or firewall that isn't open/forwarded that should be. The following ports need opened/forwarded mentioned here" 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server - Valve Developer Community (valvesoftware.com) TCP 8080-8081 (ONLY if you plan to administer your server remotely AND do not change the ports in the serverconfig.) 8082 (If you are using Alloc's mods, this is the control panel port +2. If you use 8080 then you need 8082.) 26900 (This is the port designated in the serverconfig) UDP 26900-26903 You can find port checker websites that will check if those ports are indeed open/forwarded.
  8. The only thing that I see is an error in your serveradmin.xml file where a name has been typed in beginning with < which isn’t permitted…..line 48, position 5 and I’m pretty sure that has nothing to do with the current problem, but should be fixed at some point. I also see no issues with that players log. This might be a true bug as I’ve seen one other thread with someone with the same problem and, as far as I know, has not been completely resolved. You might have your player submit an official bug report by clicking the red banner above and following the link to the bug report section by clicking the word HERE at the bottom of that post. The bug report goes directly to tfp QA team. One thing they want done, besides filling out the form, is to make sure the player performed a ‘clean install’ of A20. Instructions for that can be gotten by clicking the blue banner at the too of the screen.
  9. Also, just food for thought, if your server log file is so big you can’t use Pastebin, you aren’t restarting your server often enough. There are enough performance issues that, in my opinion, you should restart your server every few days, more frequently if you have a busy server. I reboot mine once a day. If I’m still having server performance issues, I submit a ticket to the server provider asking them to reboot the box. Server providers run multiple servers on a box and there can be a cumulative performance drop over time. Steam does this once a week as part of their ‘maintenance Tuesday’.
  10. Can’t help you without your log files.
  11. Pinned topic at the top has all info you need, where your saves are located are determined by your operating system. Go here for instructions how to find them: As for your graphics issues, first thought is there are some previous alpha files in your game but without seeing your log file, I couldn’t say for sure. If you want to be sure that you only have A20, follow the instructions found by clicking on the blue banner at the top of the forum. It tellsyou how to clean out old files and install a clean version of A20.
  12. Without the log files, I’m afraid the only solution that anyone could offer you is to clean files, uninstall then reinstall the game. Click the blue banner at the top of the page to do this the correct way. If you don’t do this, any reinstall will probably result in the same problem.
  13. Unfortunately, neither of those logs have that error. Are you sure they are from right after she got the error?
  14. Unfortunately, it looks like your player profile on the server is corrupted. Your friend will need to delete your profile from the server. Unfortunately, you'll need to start over. Hopefully your friend will use admin to give you the experience and items you lost back but you will be level 1 again.
  15. Go to the bug report section and post a complete bug report there. Bug Report section can be accessed by clicking on the red banner above, click on the word HERE at the bottom. This may actually be a bug rather than a settings issue.
  16. Something is blocking your internet connection to EOS, did you exclude your 7 Days folder from your antivirus program like I suggested before? Your log errors are very typical of your antivirus blocking that connection.
  17. Several things that I see: many chunk errors so your world is likely corrupted and you'll need to start a new world. Secondly, go into your serverconfig file and where it says: "ServerDisabledNetworkProtocals" make value="SteamNetworking" and see if that helps some lag.
  18. Go to pastebin, copy the text from the log and then copy the link and paste it here. Exact instructions are in the pinned topic at the top of the forum.
  19. Have you tried excluding your 7 Days folder from your antivirus? It may be blocking the EOS connection. If it already is excluded, post your log file using pastebin so we can take a look at it.
  20. I’m not positive on this, my fear is that a 2mg upload speed may not be adequate for acting as a server. That being said, it sounds like you are running a Lan game so your internet upload speed shouldn’t matter. Hopefully someone else will chime in with some additional.
  21. Several of the errors relate to Gamesense which is new in A20. It’s a background program that notes the choices you make like how you spend your perk points so tfp can see what perks are commonly used vs perks that are rarely used so they can determine which perks stay and which need fixed or removed. You can turn it on/off on the game launcher. It appears you have it enabled but your log shows it isn’t able to get it running. So several ideas to try: exclude 7 Days folder from your antivirus; verify your game files; turn off gamesense in the game launcher; last resort if none of those things work is to do a cleaning of the files before uninstalling/reinstalling of the game. Cleaning part is critical, follow the instructions posted when you click on the blue banner above. Let us know what does/does not work for you.
  22. The best way is to a complete cleaning/uninstalling/reinstalling the game. Bring up the game launcher, select the tools tab then check every box then hit clean button. Uninstall the game. If you have a mods folder delete it and everything in it. Before reinstalling, be sure under Betas that it says 'none'. Install the game again. EDIT: Joe beat me to it lol
  23. Not all of the data is being transmitted. I’ve seen this error when someone is using an odd port for the server but your friend is using 26900 so it’s not that. Has your friend excluded the 7 Days folder from his antivirus? Are they using a wireless connection? I’d suggest always running servers on a wired connection. EDIT: what's his internet upload speed?
  24. Besides the player profile error, there is also a network error. Is your game folder excluded from your antivirus? Is your firewall allowing 7 Days through? What is your internet setup ie. modem->wired pc, modem->router->wireless pc. That’s about all I can think of at the moment.
  25. Did you also exclude 7 Days from your antivirus??
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