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Posts posted by doughphunghus

  1. 58 minutes ago, Star69 said:

    I just saw on Reddit on r/gaming yesterday, an indie developer posted a short video of his water in action for a voxel game he’s developing. The waves in the water look incredible. He didn’t mention the game engine but did mention that he got water flowing by rounding the water voxels, whatever that means.

    Looks like it might be this post? and yeah it looks amazing if those are voxels


  2. 20 hours ago, v3tro said:


    That would be amazing if you could make an empty picture frame and add your own picture.. from the i-net or just a screenshot/picture taken in 7dtd game itself.  

    Like an interactable picture frame. press E, choose different picture to portray from your steam 7d library or something.

    Yeah. I would love to just take screenshots of the game (like nature shots/mountains/my character in front of a bear/etc) and have them be in random houses. The scaling down of the pic would likely make it blurry enough to look “real ish”, and the ease of adding new pics would likely spawn a community pack of curated art.

  3. 2 hours ago, handsinthegarden said:

    I was just wondering if the food (and food icon) mods still work as of the new update, and if so, would they cause permanent changes to the game files (as some mods do) ? :)


    Ty for making these!

    I’m not sure actually, if they work perfectly in the latest version. They should work in a20 but several updates have been done aince I tested them, and I tested only lightly (mod loads without errors, items exist in creative menu and look ok, are a few, they spawn in loot and can be crafted, etc).


    The dilemma with adding a mod that adds new blocks or items (and this one, that adds a mini perk tree) is that once it’s in there, it can be difficult to remove without issues as those items may exist on opened loot, storage containers, or your backpack/toolbelt. Someone asked me about mod removal for a different mod awhile back and I suggest that it might work to not remove the entire mod but instead to remove/rename certain files (recipes.xml, and the loot.xml (I think that’s the name… maybe also traders.xml… I’d have to look) and then that will stop you from finding any new items in loot or being able to craft them, but existing items you can still use or drop.



    - I’m not 100% sure. No one has told me it doesn’t work with newer versions since I released it for a20.

    - I’m not 100% sure, as I normally don’t remove mods after adding them. These are xml only mods (no C#, no special resources except icons) but still I’m not sure what types of changes can break a game vs causing a lot of errors.


    The food icon mod just recolors the default icons used and actually replaces it with other ones, so I imagine adding and removing it would cause less issues as it’s not new items or blocks, just prettier pictures.


    the base “sous chef” one has that extra perk tree, which I could imagine if anyone put any points into any of it, it might cause weird issues if totally removed, But I honestly don’t know. It’s probably one you’d be safer not trying to remove.

  4. On 8/19/2022 at 3:34 PM, Melange said:

    I fell like worm sweat residue. Asking for peaches when the ubiqitous Tabasco has totally been unmentioned.  Can't craft it, no peppers, no vinegar). Oh please, can we loot it ? Duh, copyright issue  (and their lawyers are aggressive) - how about a hot/spicy pepper sauce then? 'A little dap will do ya' (Copyright again, why can't we just have more fun things?).


    Don't want to abandon this thread, but some spicy condiment (with both a buff and a debuff)  may open up some possibilites). In a mod anyways. But yeah, hot sauce...I'd throw peaches into the gutter for a bottle of Georgia Peter's Peach Zombie Sauce. Well, maybe. Would have to try it first. 😝

    maybe name the hot condiment...

    - Spaceasco <- Spaces, not tabs

    - Hot Plops

    - Ring of Fire

    - NavInsane

    - Devil's Throat

    - 7 Days on Fire

    - Eats Your Face

    - Survivor's Guilt

    - 5 Ingredients

    - Forbidden Dye

    - Hot Walker

    - Cant Sit Down

    - Gut Wrencher

    - Blood Flume

    - Gibs Glistening Chunks

    - Hot Penetrating Slugs

    - AFK Forever

  5. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:


    It seems you disabled Occlusion in the options. I would guess if you turned it on you would probably see the "!supportsAsyncGPUReadback" line as well.


    I reinstalled the game from scratch (haven’t played in awhile) and noticed that but figured it was disabled via some auto detect…..maybe it kept previous user preferences, or auto turned it off as my system is low end? I’ll manually enable it and test again tonight.

  6. Update:

    New game on navezgane, vanilla settings.

    On game launcher: Using "GLCore" as the Renderer and "-force-glcore42 -force-clamped" as additional launch parameters: I do not see any lines of "!supportsAsyncGPUReadback" in my "output_log_client..." log.


    In the "output_log_client..." log.,  have this as system into:

    2022-08-16T22:01:17 0.076 INF Version: Alpha 20.5 (b2) Compatibility Version: Alpha 20.5, Build: LinuxPlayer 64 Bit
    2022-08-16T22:01:17 0.077 INF System information:
    2022-08-16T22:01:17 0.078 INF    OS: Linux 5.18 Pop!_OS 22.04 64bit
    2022-08-16T22:01:17 0.078 INF    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz (cores: 4)
    2022-08-16T22:01:17 0.078 INF    RAM: 15955 MB
    2022-08-16T22:01:17 0.078 INF    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030/PCIe/SSE2 (2048 MB)
    2022-08-16T22:01:17 0.082 INF    Graphics API: OpenGL 4.2.0 NVIDIA 510.85.02 (shader level 4.6)


    I do see some "Occlusion" related lines:


    2022-08-16T22:01:25 8.502 INF Awake
    2022-08-16T22:01:25 8.537 INF Occlusion: Awake


    GamePref.OptionsAudioOcclusion = False


    GamePref.OptionsGfxOcclusion = False


    2022-08-16T22:02:30 72.767 INF createWorld: Navezgane, My Game, GameModeSurvival
    2022-08-16T22:02:30 72.767 INF Occlusion: Disabled
    2022-08-16T22:02:30 72.810 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration



    Note: I switched over to Vulcan and the game launched, I didn't notice any differences in the 10 seconds I ran around looking for obvious lag.

  7. I have an older pc running Ubuntu and a budget nvidia card. I can probably do some tests tonight. Normally I have to run in super low graphics settings to get above 50 FPS. Vanilla is playable but most heavily modded games crash about once an hour or so. I’ve been trying to pin it down and suspected it was memory related, though I don’t run out of memory but am up to 90% used at 16GB when playing many mods…but I have found even though I am running On an SSD that setting the Linux “swappiness” value to 1 (it defaults to 30 I think) helped a lot with random jerking (of the game), usually when opening containers and lots of zed spawning. Some posts indicated to set it to 0.


    Years ago? I tried Vulcan I had issues, haven’t tried since.


    Also: I have some nvidia specific config flags set on game launch. Can’t remember them on my phone, I’ll also post those. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Diragor said:

    I use FileZilla to open and change it.

    I would try changing it before sending it to the server, using notepad or similar to edit and save it.


    im not sure but it just feels like the server is locked down for file write access…. Which seems weird as you can FTP them over so you’re writing…. But I’ve never messed with a 3rd party server host and their quirks.


    maybe the folder has special permissions (or maybe it’s shared in some special way) so you have “write” to put files there but not “modify”?

  9. On 8/9/2022 at 1:18 PM, Melange said:

    @doughphunghus woah, individual playstyles are indeed different. What you do is not for me. But, given all the effort in your last scenario and to be betrayed by a seemingly innocent rabbit? Hell, I'd consider modding bunnies out of the game myself.

    They’re kinda like chickens in that they always seem to pop up in weird places when you least expect it. I had a rabbit once run into my base (the small White House on the cliff in the desert in navezgane) and so I kept it as a pet, which was a joy even though it’s weird that it was that much fun. I guess just the novelty of it, and it was my first “in game pet”.


    So I forgive them in times of betrayal.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Diragor said:

    But I can't change the values it's somehow locked.

    You cannot edit the xml file in the mod? 

    - what app are you using to open the file?


    - you indicate you “got a server and are admin” but I’m not familiar with this part. I assume it’s a windows server (prob win 2019 or 2022?) you’re renting from a 3rd party. I have heard that some of these make you FTP (or similar) your files to a server as you cannot edit them on the server …. But this seems weird. Maybe someone who uses rented servers can help? 

    mu guess: If you can open the xml but cannot edit it, maybe try opening the file “as admin” by starting your editor “as admin” then opening the xml

    file from there, Vs just clicking on the file to open it (windows is weird with “you are an admin, but you need to declare you’re opening as admin sometimes”). Here’s a random googled example of how to open Powershell “as admin” but there are other ways: https://www.howtogeek.com/742916/how-to-open-windows-powershell-as-an-admin-in-windows-10/

  11. I’ve played with this mod, and made modifications to it to make the fog night and day (and foggier)



    It’s a 1 line mod if you look at the xml file inside “Configs”. I believe the “smaller values” make the fog denser as the “fog number” appears to be a “visibility” number (maybe distance). There are 2 values: night and day (I may have these backwards). I find I like to have the night fog be “denser” than this mod (maybe cut the number in the 1/2) and for daytime make it about the original night value. Then, I set “feral sense” in the day only. In this way, you can see a bit further at the day, but are attacked more, and nighttime is actually safer to roam around, but harder to see.

    also note: the night fog mod changes the fog for the entire map, not just a biome. There might be a way to change the fog per biome with a mod but to make it “all the time” I think you would have to remove all the other weather effects (as fog would be 100% weather).

    Additionally, I usually like to add these mods (which are mine… shameless plug :) :




    Side note: it’s not moddable yet, but using the console commands as people suggested , there is a command to change the fog color, but it’s a bit wonky (you can’t just say “set fog green” or red. I patiently away the day TFP allows the fog colors to be set in mods.

  12. I like to make the game just hard enough that I die frequently early game, but not so hard it becomes an impossible challenge (for me). I like to have zeds be “easier to kill” but have more of them generally. I throw in some zed mods to add boss like zeds but manually drop their spawn probability so they occur rarely (and will stomp me early game). I’ve recently gotten into modding overhauls, just to see how far I can press my luck…


    anyway, I rage quit rather often, but the more recent memorable ones are:

    - suffered and suffered and finally got a base up in a poi. Nothing planned or fancy, just “I think this will last a few horde nights”. Bullets and guns were many (Harry’s calibers mod) but so varied they were not useful yet. Out of sheer luck I found a kitana. Omg finally I had a real weapon. Horde night comes (randomly). On my base, shooting arrows and some guns from a 1 story high point, as I left a spot for zeds to mostly jump to get to me (some could, random fights occurred in the base). I was going to make it… weapon swapped and …. Threw my kitana down into a pile of zeds.  Fought to kill them all. Kitana despawned. Minutes later, daylight. Base damaged very badly. I quit, as it seemed appropriate and I had my fun.


    - made a game too hard (added lots of fog in day and night, hard to see) .Died waaay  too often, losing the crucial starting items granted via a “first day” starter kit. Could not craft bedroll, ax , or anything but a sharp stick/spear. Constantly surrounded by my backpacks from previous deaths but unable to get to them long enough to escape. Was able to make small “base” in broken house poi. Rabbit came running down the stairs and actually spooked me as I just saw fast movement in the darkness. Then a Bear came upstairs and swatted me through a doorway while I was trapped in my hidey hole desperately trying to use a stick to break out windows. Nope. I’m done.

  13. 6 hours ago, NICULL said:

    ok its not THAT easy to add either XD there was actually a modlet a while back that let you zoom in really close but its broken now and it was not centered on the drivers side on the 4x4...

    I played that modlet. I liked the first person driving that it offered, and it seemed it was just moving or zooming the camera in close. It felt a little wonky, and there were some bad effects you could hit while on the bicycle (see the inside of your head, etc), but overall the effect (of just moving the camera where your head was) was workable and fun. The bicycle seemed to also have a weird effect that made it sometimes hard to tell if you were turning or not at standstill speeds. 

    anyway: another vote for “first person driving ability “ ;)

  14. 1 hour ago, khzmusik said:

    How hard would it be to modify Molotov cocktails to spread fire?

    If the effect can be applied to existing weapons…. It’s so so so going to be added to the exploding arrows and rocket launcher and moltovs.

  15. Curiosities brings the questions:


    Does it burn/damage “all blocks” or just wood based ones? Glass/cloth/plastic would be cool too…


    Assuming it does block damage, will you be able to tune how much damage the fire does (like crank it down for a long fire, crank it up for fast fire)


    also: tune for possibly less spreading chance? which would be less of an FPS hit I imagine?

  16. Lots of discussion about the upcoming jar/water changes…. I’m curious:


    dev question: any plans of making more “types of water” blocks in the world than just “murky” and “drinkable”? 

    thoughts /arguments:
    I have gently (fingers crossed) requested “blood water” in the game just for visual effect in pois but…. Having a lot of contaminated water that’s worse than “murky” might be an incentive to have more purification strategies, if you wanted to… or a way to have water that’s “unusable” for things like lakes/ditches/toilets all the places where water “look and feel” is neat but you don’t want it to be useable at all. 


    Currently there’s basically “murky” and then “clean”. Its a very binary system and purification is easy/cheap even without a lot of jars. I feel that some complexity (and possible fun?) might arise if water could have multiple types (either super contaminated, or just really nasty, radiated, oily, toxic, etc) so it will be a struggle to purify it if even possible (not just “I filtered and/or boiled it”) and finding/buying/looting “drinkable water” could be rare as crafting/purifying it would be the goal.


    In this way, having a dew collector that gives a little early game water might be nice, but other methods might yield “more plentiful water” but would require more work to set up (like radiation filter, particulate filter, boiling ) might be a good compliment to collecting dew, or rather than building a dew collecting farm. 

    for the “snow -> h2o” melting for water (being removed apparently?) just (simply! Ha ha) add some radiation to the snow (or even then snow biome) It’s low enough level you can wander around a bit before radiation hits you, but concentrate the snow and you’re going to have some nasty radiated water. Of course, this might mean needing a few levels of radiation and protection from it to the game… to make it awesome of course…  but if not just make concentrated snow radiated and harmful to drink.

    As an example: Make the “normal easy to find water” in any particular biome a special water block property/color and a biome specific challenge to purify/process/drink, therefore a special struggle to live/base in that biome near water.


  17. 49 minutes ago, Pernicious said:

    Can anyone share an example of POI guide lights and how to use them?

    usually its a lit torch or lantern/table lamp on its side that's right beside a door or a hole, usually illuminating the door/hole. usually.  you can also sometimes find them onm teh outside of a POI right next to an open door. not all lights are guide lights but if you start/enter a POI at the "proper place" and then look around you usually/sometimes see one light thats highliting an "area" when there's multiple options for a path.  It would be like a hallway with 4 doors and 1 door has a light near/shining on it, or a T shaped hallway and one hallway is lit when you get to the intersection.


    8 hours ago, zztong said:

    One last thought before heading off to bed...


    Water is heavy. A 1-gallon milk jug would be 8 lbs. If the design eventually comes around and lets us carry water from a lake back to base, you could make it so that it doesn't stack very well in inventory. Maybe the virtual "quart" jars only stack to 8 instead of 125, one bucket per slot, etc.

    Yeah, some of the stacking for “survival” items is really high and odd. I get wanting to have big stacks for the blocks/building items (and I think the stacks for building resources like rocks are a bit high as-is, but not a big deal except maybe wood/coal because it’s fuel for fires. Maybe just a reduced stack size for workstation fuel would be nice so the “burn time” of items would matter more?) but food/water feels better having low stack amounts. All/most? Of the medical items are low stack and it feels good (for survival).The ammo stack sizes are pretty perfect imho. 

  19. 9 hours ago, MisutoM said:

    I guess we just pull a Thor move and slam them on the ground after? 

    Omg this is actually an interesting idea and something I’ve never seen in a game: forced character immersion


    So: some items you really really could actually use in real life (like glass jars as an example) but make the game a bit weird (making water too easy, or an item devs don’t want you to have) the character immediately after use, destroys them in some character specific way. Like (glub glug glug) then they speak “Nobody needs this useless jar!” And smash it on the ground. Oh, they are just ignorant or have a big ego. 


    then, other items they just seem to hate but it’s random or when they’re near water or a ledge they sometimes get triggered Like, you’re walking and see some water and stop for a drink. Suddenly “I hate this stupid (item)” and you throw your gun into the water (and it deepens immediately).


    Blood moon in full swing and you shoot your AK and miss too much? A random “Stupid gun, the aim is off!” And it auto throws it and immediately Despawns. Or you miss with a knife 2 times and , whelp, your character got mad and blamed the knife and now it’s gone. 


    In this way you would be punished with never knowing what is going to be auto trashed out of the characters core stats/frustration/ego. Additionally, maybe the more of x gets thrown away, a counter maxes out (maybe like 3-5 auto junk/throws in a row) and after that you can’t use that weapon/item anymore (no seriously your character just can’t use a bow because you can’t shoot with a bow either, or they literally random stat rolled and they hate bows.


    It would also be a fun? Way to punish someone with too many resources in their backpack. Got 24k of rocks? “Damn that’s heavy!” Poof , a stack is thrown away now you have 18k rocks. Better start using or storing them!

  20. @BasicallyACat: I've moved the 5000+ random zed pre generated modlet to the project Archive on github and generated 2 smaller zed modlets:




    Found here: https://github.com/doughphunghus/7D2D-EntityRandomizer/tree/master/Pre-Generated-Modlets


    This is just so they are "available" for testing if you wish for the issue.  Note: if you load into an existing game (with the other random zed mod I made that you had issues with), it might get weird/not load right. I don't want to break an existing game (or claim this is safe), but you can probably remove the old one, and then load this one, and you might get some red errors as the "old" zeds try to spawn in, if you ran around the map a lot.

  21. 4 hours ago, BasicallyACat said:


    So we had some sort of problem related to players not being able to 'see' each other in the screen where you party up.  I didn't think to take the screenshot, but we could maybe try to reproduce the problem if you have no idea what might be causing that.

    The problem happens with your modlets in, but when we remove them and return to our original set of modlets, we're fine.

    That’s a new one. The original goal of this mod was to see if a huge number of zeds food be generated nicely, and if the game would allow it (like not use up a lot of memory, freak out, only choose the first 300, etc).  I wonder if there is a limit and it causes weird issues like this.


    ill see if I can reproduce and if so if there’s a limit. I noticed the generator made a few more zeds than in a19 and it went over 5k zeds (don’t know why, assumes there was an extra zed definition in there) so maybe that’s part of it.  I don’t think anyone needs 5k unique zeds (even if I had Uma clothes on them) but that number was more for the “unique name generator” when you put a health bar mod on and can see their names. But still maybe 2-3k might be enough/overkill, so hopefully it’s as simple as dropping the zed count

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