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Everything posted by Gipothegip

  1. It's been a decade for me which is crazy to me because I was in school back then. I'm looking forward to it, but I was basically not expecting it to happen for a couple years. It does kind of feel like they're just slapping 1.0 on it though. The game does feel well fleshed out in what's there, but lacking bandits and story stuff in release seems odd. Then again, like Roland stated, we weren't getting those in the next update (formerly A 22) anyway.
  2. It was obviously written by the AI overlords, but Navezgane being kind of podunk couldn't afford the cutting edge stuff. I'm fairly certain there will still be books and magazines in less than a decade. Kids these days. Though I guess the game does look more 2013 than 2033. Otherwise I think we're following rule of cool here.
  3. The biggest thing I miss is the old biomes, they added more variety to the terrain generation; I also miss having caves. I kind of miss how farming used to work as well. Some of the old zombies such as football players, bees, and climbers. I miss jars too, they were probably too numerous and easy to make, but being able to collect and boil water from lakes and rivers made sense.
  4. Bigger maps in general would be cool, although I haven't played in a while so I don't know how big they are these days. I do recall there being technical issues the further you are from the origin, like animations being off or something of that sort. I'd probably never utilize a huge map, but it's fun to explore and even be a little nomadic.
  5. What do you mean by "layers"? Are you talking about channels? I do see that something is still there looking at the rgb/a channels. I'll have to figure out how to delete those, clearly they aren't being erased. I've noticed that too, it must be a change to one of the recent builds, as when I was first fiddling with it the game did generate a TGA file.
  6. Don't know if this helps, but I've noticed with the biomes PNG if I save it as 32 bit in paint.net it throws a null reference error with chunk generation. If I do the auto detect setting, it then saves it as 8 bit and I run into the issue that Guppy did in his video, that only snow biomes work. I also noticed that after saving in paint.net the file size is notably smaller, even saving as 32 bit. It seems to me paint.net borks something in the way it saves files that is important for 7 Days to Die. Perhaps something to do with file compression? Probably what Kam was saying. Edit : This isn't relevant anymore. I sorted out what I was doing wrong, it was the brush doing blending and anti-aliasing. The pixel art brush works fine. However, I've ran into a problem with the splat3 png, I can't seem to erase roads. The game still generates roads even if they aren't drawn in the file. The ones I do draw show up, but the ones I delete remain. I am editing a random gen file though, so maybe it has something to do with that? Anyone else having this issue?
  7. Isn't there already a videos and images section? I mean, that's most of what's in that section anyway. (I mean content creators promoting their channels, not Guppy's "bootleg Snickers"). Edit : And no Guppy! We don't need an unofficial How It's Made!
  8. Perfect Voronoi Patterns
  9. I find it worth mentioning myself that they are starting to pave the way for a lot of the stuff on the list within the next several Alphas. They are working on new character models and animations, a new clothing system, and vehicles in the next update. There also has been talk of weather effects and surviving against the environment. It's also a bit distant, but NPCs might be on their way as well. Personally I think by the time they reach Beta they'll have a lot of the original stretch goals done. The only things on here left for Beta I see is the workshop and map creation tools, the story, professional voice acting, and Oculous Rift support, and maybe a character creation tool if it doesn't make it in Alpha (The current character creation looks like presets and clothing). It actually makes me curious what they plan to do in Beta if Alpha does end up finishing most of the list. In fact, I didn't know there was going to be a Beta, I thought the use of the term "Alpha" was a misconception (still kind of is, and Alpha is technically in house production and testing), but it appears there will be more in due time. I will however mention that a road map would be nice to see, as I'm not sure what the entire direction of things are, though the Pimps are making good progress and adding in things that weren't planned as well. I kind of feel like I'm going from update to update, which is fine, but knowing where the game is going long term if they have any ideas on that would be nice.
  10. I'm really excited for the npcs and quest system. I'd like to see some bandits and some friendly survivors running around and having established bases. Perhaps bandits could have camps that have special loot that the player can go and raid, while non-hostile npcs could have a trading system; npc establishments could range from simple camps for small in-advanced groups, to more secure strongholds for larger groups with better equipment. As for the quests I'd like to see perhaps a bit of background and story for the game, as well as leading the player to other survivors, points of interest, or bandits. I think it would be interesting (depending on how quests are implemented) if when the custom map creator comes out the map creator could implement their own custom quests for the map. In addition, I think it would be cool if there were generated quests that had the player do simple objectives, like the radiant quest system implemented in Skyrim.
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