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vitamin last won the day on April 2 2018

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  1. Can confirm. Turning VSYNC off makes things much better. But still slaggish. For example: in inventory the highlighting yellow square lags behind the actual cursor. Changing full screen yes/no help for a little bit, but then it's the same lag. Or even worse. FPS doesn't change, and stays in the reasonable range (70+).
  2. Can confirm. Turning VSYNC off makes things much better. But still slaggish. For example: in inventory the highlighting yellow square lags behind the actual cursor. Changing full screen yes/no help for a little bit, but then it's the same lag. Or even worse. FPS doesn't change, and stays in the reasonable range (70+).
  3. Attempting to enable Vulcan graphics leads to horribly delayed and non-functioning interface. Log file: https://pastebin.com/qekDGJVM
  4. Accepted buried supplies quest, traveled to location, clicked exclamation mark. No circle appeared. Started digging, circle moved a couple of times. I see some yellow distortions, but not a solidly visible line as before in A19. Log: https://pastebin.com/h1QKKxJ2 Quit game trying to restart, because it was using lots of memory. Forgot that existing game fails quest. Quest marker remains on the map, can not be removed or hidden.
  5. vitamin


    Managed to get the full crash and the corresponding log file. Hope this helps. Appreciate you taking time to look into it. BTW, I tried running 7D2D with the mod under Wine using OpenGL renderer. It does not crash. 7d2d_winter_crash.txt output_log__2021-01-12__10-08-09.txt
  6. vitamin


    I grabbed the master branch. But it looks like it is for A19.2. Just checked out a19.3 branch and created a new world. Same thing. Crashes right when the player is being first drawn on the screen. Still no backtrace.
  7. vitamin


    I was just starting the new game. Single player. Here is the full log. New world generated fine. The crash is always reproducible. output_log__2021-01-09__11-05-40.txt
  8. vitamin


    Any idea why it might be crashing on Linux? Not much help from the logs. Last few lines say: 2021-01-09T11:08:16 154.064 INF Respawn almost done 2021-01-09T11:08:16 154.072 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: LoadedGame, position: -1632, 66, -1728): localplayer Obtained 1 stack frames. #0 0x0000004124761f in (Unknown)
  9. Quality Joe skill does exactly what it says - increases quality of found loot by the particular amount. So with level 4/5 you should be getting all the loot with +70 quality. Now for the base quality, for your level 60 character base quality is 51 - 150. And you won't ever get items better than quality 350. The reason devs removed scavenging skill is to get around it's broken (or intended?) mechanic. Authors of this mod want for loot quality and level (common, uncommon, rare, untrarare) to scale with player level instead.
  10. Quoting the release notes (first line): Wipe means you have to start a new game.
  11. The server might be running a different mod version than you do. Aside from that have no ideas. Since this mod requires EAC off there is no way to sync files between server and a client.
  12. This is normal. All SDX mods show this. The only issue I can find is you trying to play on Navezgane. This is not a good idea for mods that have many more POIs and modified world generation. There is definitely something up. Seen several people having same issue on discord. Mod devs might need to take a close look at this. What Jax meant is this mod mostly balanced around MP coop game play. Single player will have to learn additional classes to be able to progress. Which makes game much more challenging, especially with difficulty constantly increasing based on in-game day.
  13. Mod changed categories of many items. Think they tried to reduce lag on other stations. You should still be able to buy everything from show all and secret stash tabs. - - - Updated - - - Did mod launcher had any errors? Also, are you installing into separate directory structure as suggested by that image (ex: c:\7D2D)? And are you trying to play SP or join a server? - - - Updated - - - How much memory does your PC have? Also, check the log (default 7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt) for any obvious errors. Might also upload to pastebin.com and post link here. - - - Updated - - - Sounds about right (at least the way it was in RH3). Using stone tools in this mod is an extreme PITA. Until you get at least an iron pickaxe just avoid special ores.
  14. It's been added in RH4.0. If you seeing this problem your install is broken. Try reinstalling it again with modlauncher as shown here: https://imgur.com/XBjSyEO If you doing manual install, you must start with vanilla A16.4 version.
  15. What exactly broken about it? It looked fine to me. Mod did change some categories. But show all, and secret stash should still have all the items.
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