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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Hm, off. You're welcome to teamview in to my game machine to see it happen. - - - Updated - - - Hit me up on steam.
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5t9ojthfakvryu9/gup-house2-a16.zip?dl=0 Okay, so if xray is on then? Nice! Glad to be of help.
  3. What the f... I think I deleted it when I was clicking "make link" and ended up linking a file next to it. Gimme a sec. lol. - - - Updated - - - https://www.dropbox.com/s/5t9ojthfakvryu9/gup-house2-a16.zip?dl=0
  4. Well, it is more or less reproducible. It's a particular prefab and a particular column or row, like 99% of the time. Why I was able to after turning off OpenGL is a mystery. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t1eyw6nxfb2w02a/a16b119.zip?dl=0 Try to remove the top row (the light blue wedge one).
  5. K, so the openGL did NOT fix the remove rows/columns bug, it only worked that one time because the gods wanted it to.
  6. K. Take the one side. Insert it into a world with the -2 rotation. Re-export. - - - Updated - - - ...but yeh, a Rotate Prefab would sure come in handy. =)
  7. Yeh then type help and see the new options. It's complicated. Anyway, back to this editor. Pille, so let's talk wires. How are you carrying over wires into the actual game? What's your plan?
  8. Yeh. His does neat stuff, and I'm able to capture just the specific parts of the prefab I want to export a whole lot more easily, and it's fast.
  9. Yep, that fixed it. =) Fixed remove rows too. So um, note to self, opengl isn't a good option. =) Thanks! - - - Updated - - - Yeh typically I like to see if I'm alone in an issue before doing any real leg work. If I am then it's usually me.
  10. Remove rows crash video and dropbox link to prefab. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5t9ojthfakvryu9/gup-house2-a16.zip?dl=0
  11. So, I'm on v3.0n. I can't even get the block picker tool to work, so I assume that's my issue. Oh, and as an aside, middle mouse button is a horrible choice because it's also on a wheel, and my wheel likes to move. Had that issue with Hal's for some mapping he was using too. A right click/context menu would be better IMO.
  12. Middle Mouse button didn't do anything for me, so I guess the difference is that. =) I need something to update the edit tab fields with what I'm click on so that I can change just one thing. I'll play with middle mousebutton later, I may be missing something?
  13. Couple of requests: "Do not change textures" checkbox under Edit. Sometimes I want to change a block, but want to leave the textures alone. Some way to copy a block from Info into Edit, so that I don't have to remember the rotations, textures, etc. Ideally a right click on the block when in Info Tab, and an option to "Copy to Edit", then when I go to Edit, the block is there with all of the features. It would make changing densities so much easier. (F)ile,(S)ave menu! Tab going to the next field (I can understand not doing this yet if you're planning on more buttons) Remembering the directory I loaded and/or saved the last file from/into. A button to "Set All Faces" in the texture section, so that I can select a texture and have it set all faces, instead of having to do them one by one. A way to search for Textures.
  14. Any word on when the "program crashes when deleting rows/columns" bug will be squashed?
  15. Bah, no guppyui by dust2death? This program is useless! - - - Updated - - - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?57277-DUST-s-UI-HUD-Collection-REQUESTS
  16. Use a checksum against the exe to get the version. (Snicker)
  17. Thought that as well briefly, but it is incorrect. I'll resume testing tomorrow.
  18. So... Volumes can't extend below the actual sleepers? I'll play with that in a bit.
  19. Fresh prefab, all sorts of volume settings. I get the trigger response in console, it's just almost always empty. Like 99%. They do spawn 1% of the time. I'm even smart enough to move locations so the chunk counter doesn't say "no more spawns". It's frustrating, and likely nothing to do with your editor. I had some sleep, so will try additional tests later.
  20. I keep getting empty spawn volumes. (sigh)
  21. So... what's the logic of hiding "write XML" behind a checkbox? I'm thinking maybe that should be a default. =)
  22. Did I read somewhere that sleeper volumes can exceed the size of the prefab?
  23. ? It's all free. Whatchu talking about Willis.
  24. Excellent video. The sleepers work better than I thought they would. Intelligent volume placement is going to be vital. I like it. Hal had some comment about sleepers coming in as blocks if you do one thing instead of the other, but I didn't pay attention to what, but it may have been why they didn't attack. Anyway, fantastic show and tell. What Hal blank world is that? I feel I've missed something...
  25. Do you realize you can use right click to resize the sleeper volumes? You do not need to use the sleeper volume size boxes. :-) Thanks for this video, I'm watching it now and will make more comments as I go through it.
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