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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. You would type in which layers to remove.


    ...with your editor, something from side view should work. Huh. Maybe it does... If I remove rows from side view, is that layers? It kind of is. Huh.

  2. Interesting idea, I wonder how can you use the mixer to randomize prefabs.


    The way it worked is there were 10 prefabs. 9 equal sized pieces and a 10th outer wall.


    Each inner piece had doorways at the same spots, but different interiors. Setting up the mixer (well, stompy did most of the work) made it so that ONE of the 9 pieces would spawn in one of the 9 spots, with a random rotation, until all 9 were filled then the outer wall was spawned. Voila, instant random maze.


    You could do a building the same way. First the outside shell, then individual components that spawn in the interior, that could connect together to make rooms. As long as the connection spots lined up, it would work.


    I doubt you would need to take this approach to your idea though.

  3. K. My thoughts. On random prefab building.


    I choose category house. I can then choose # levels, and "has basement".


    Exterior I choose material type (stone vs wood, or combo (stone base with wood top)).


    I choose quality, which says if my house is a piece of crap, minor repair, normal, expensive.


    Then I choose whether or not it's fortified.


    I choose the number if bed, bath, etc rooms.


    Thoughts? =)

  4. Lol, I'll take it however I get it. =)


    - - - Updated - - -


    Have you put any thought into making the red selects and blue prefab insert boxes translucent so you can see through them a bit to the blocks on the other side?

  5. Checking the poi, it has both the badass group AND has a +150 modifier to your gamestage, so the chances are pretty decent.




    - - - Updated - - -


    Huh, wonder why there's a space in SleeperSmall, it's not there in edit mode. Stupid forum :)

  6. The only vanilla groups that spawns radiated is SleeperTestChamberGSList and ZombieBadassHorde, which spawns some tough cookies, but shouldn't spawn one until your GS is level 400, when it calls "ZombieBadassGroup", which has

    <entitygroup name="ZombieBadassGroup">
    	<entity name="zombieArleneFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieBoeFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieBusinessManFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieCheerleaderFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieDarleneFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieFarmerFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieFatCopFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieFatHawaiianFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieFemaleFatFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieJoeFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieMarleneFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieMoeFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieNurseFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieOldTimerFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieSkateboarderFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieSnowFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieSoldierFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieSpiderFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieSteveCrawler" />
    	<entity name="zombieSteveCrawlerFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieSteveFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieUtilityWorkerFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieWightFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieYoFeral" />
    	<entity name="zombieSpiderFeralRadiated" />
    	<entity name="zombieWightFeralRadiated" />
    	<entity name="zombieFatCopFeralRadiated" />


    At gs 585 is when you start seeing radiated zombies through other means (hordes, sleepers and whatnot).

  7. [quote=Pille;685993@all

    I hope someone can assist me with the prefab XMLs. I am trying to find all valid property names and corresponding values.



    <property name="AllowedBiomes" value="wasteland, pine_forest, plains, forest, snow, desert" />


    There are values (and perhaps properties) which aren't used in the current prefab xml files, e.g. "burn_forest" is not used but should be a valid entry in AllowedBiomes. I tried to read the Assembly-CSharp.dll and found an incomplete list of properties but no value lists.


    Where can I find these things (do I really have to go through the other xml files (e.g. biomes.xml))?


    Your xml making gui should basically have checkboxes that include the biome names in biomes.xml, which would then add to the prefab's xml. The biomes are in biomes.xml and there aren't a lot.


    <biomemap id="01" name="snow"/>

    <biomemap id="02" name="forest"/>

    <biomemap id="03" name="pine_forest"/>

    <biomemap id="04" name="plains"/>

    <biomemap id="05" name="desert"/>

    <biomemap id="06" name="water"/>

    <biomemap id="07" name="radiated"/>

    <biomemap id="08" name="wasteland"/>

    <biomemap id="09" name="burnt_forest"/>

    <biomemap id="10" name="city"/>

    <biomemap id="11" name="city_wasteland"/>

    <biomemap id="12" name="wasteland_hub"/>

    <biomemap id="13" name="caveFloor"/>

    <biomemap id="14" name="caveCeiling"/>


    ...and I'm fairly certain the cave ones don't work. :)





  8. Thanks, i forgot about that post. What is interesting is even with a somewhat lower game stage there is a chance to spawn irradiated zeds. I remember seeing my first irradiated zed in the new pawn shop POI.


    I opened up the pawn shop POI in pilles editor and didnt see any special sleeper blocks in it so not sure how one spawned for me.


    I have to go through the gamestage xml and see if any of the early gamestages has a small chance to spawm irradiated zombies.


    Some poi's have modifiers to increase the gamestage within the prefab. Nice stuff with decent potential. Also, since you can create custom prefab spawn groups, you could say, fill a police station with swat team zombies, if the UMA zombies still worked...

  9. No, that's right. I suspect ultimately, it would be best if each prefab has its own sleeper volume group; well, at least for the ones where it would make sense. Lumberyard, sewer, etc.


    I always find it odd that there can be dogs on the upper levels of Joe Bros and usually a stripper in the trailer.


    The latter is funny, the former is retarded.


    My point? My prefabs will likely have their own groups.

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