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Everything posted by The_Great_Sephiroth

  1. So this is a known bug? I don't need to report a duplicate?
  2. Summary: Players who are not the host can lose quests when reconnecting Game Version: A21 b313 OS/Version: Windows 10 22H2 CPU Model: Intel i9-11900k System Memory: 64GB DDR4-3200 GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia RTX 3080 Ti Screen Resolution: 2560x1440x144 Video Settings: Everything on the highest setting, motion blur and bloom off Game mode: MP Host Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes (300min days, nothing else) EAC on or off? Off Status: NEW Bug Description: I started a new A21 game with a friend. We did the quests up to going to the trader, then we took a break. I got back, she was busy, I went to the trader and it turned in. I quit playing. We got together a few hours later, I hosted again, she joined. Her quest to go to the trader was gone. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Start a new game with a friend 2) Play for a while and take a break (quit the game) 3) Host again later, and when the friend joins the quest is gone Actual result: My friends quest was gone, as if it was completed or dropped Expected result: My friend should be able to retain the quest and complete it My Game log is here: https://pastebin.com/Lyhs40qC
  3. If you use the "chunk reset" option (ours is set to 30 days for now) doesn't that respawn all loot anyway, or does it just respawn the terrain and buildings?
  4. I personally love the new system 99%. In A20 I used perks for survival skills and heck, I was making motorcycles earlier in the game than if I had specced into the skill using perks because I found the blueprints. I always used BPs for crafting and perks for survival skills. The 1% I dislike is the new water/"you will die if not lucky" side. I played with two friends and we never found the book to skill us up ONE TIME so we could make a dew collector. We all wound up having no stamina and had to start over. This time we found the skill book on day one and had the dukes to buy a filter too! Basically, if your RNG sucks, you get to start over repeatedly until somebody finds a skill book that allows you to build a dew collector. Only complaint from me and my group so far, we love the rest!
  5. Yeah, and I updated those lines and the mod works. We're using it now, so again, thank you!
  6. I wanted to respond and state that Stallionsden has the correct solution. It is a pain in the rear to do properly, and it weakens the door, but take for example the commercial door. It has 1000hp and has sheet metal tacked to it. At 750hp it becomes a normal door without the metal or gaping holes. Using a stone axe at level 4 you knock it down by 15hp increments. It will go below 750hp the first time, so you use the stone axe to repair it one time, bringing it above 800hp. Attack it again, then heal it again, and on the third try it settles at exactly 750hp. Other doors may vary.
  7. I did not expect it to be there. I got the warnings and came here looking. Thank you for posting the correct solution.
  8. Okay, I just spent some time looking and cannot find anything on the new format. Can somebody point me to this elusive V2 format that I keep getting warned about when loading my new A21 mods so I can update the format?
  9. Yeah, the axe always brings it too low. Maybe we need a mod that allows us to enter the health of a block. Might look into that.
  10. Asking before filing a false report. I upgraded my prefabs to A21. I then made a copy of the new Navezgane map and imported them. One needed rotating. I rotated it, then hit "Apply". Saved world, played in it, and all appeared to be good. Went back into the world editor to fine-tune some things and one of the prefabs was rotated. I selected it and pressed X to rotate, and it made a duplicate prefab in-place and rotated that one instead. Is this me doing something incorrectly or an actual bug I need to record (make a video of) and report?
  11. I did not think about that. Is there a way to damage it properly? In other words, if it has 2000hp and has boards on it and the boards disappear at 1000hp, is there a way to get it right to 1000hp?
  12. Thank you. I don't mind looking at existing code but I don't like ripping. I'll check it out though and see if I can make heads or tails of it. I'm more of a C+ programmer here, so the way Unity does these mods is a bit alien to me!
  13. I'm updating a few prefabs from A20 to A21. So far the only thing missing were a few lights and a specific window, as well as the interior doors from all prior versions. This is easy enough to fix, but I cannot find just a normal door to use. Every door of every type has boards or metal tacked to it. The installation I have been working on is supposed to be one that was abandoned early on by the military. It's supposed to be mostly empty and in pristine shape. Nobody was there to fortify the place by the time the outbreak occurred. Are there any normal-looking doors left in A21? If not, should I be able to take the ones from A20 and port them as modlets, or would it be more than that?
  14. Okay, I am and have been a HUGE Postal series fan for decades. I was checking out A21 and came across "Shady Slaughter RV" while checking out the new map changes and I swear it's a Postal reference. If this was not intended as an easter egg, it is one. The car color, RV style everything. My hat goes off to the devs whether or not this was intended. You just made my day!
  15. I'm trying to write a modlet for A21 that adds a few more options to the new game menu where you select the day length, which maxes at 120min by default. I want to modify those options and add three more to the end of the list but have never modded a file in a sub-folder of the configs folder. It's been two years since I touched this as well, and am rusty. How can I access that in a basic XML modlet? To be clear, I want to modify the following line in my mod. This line is in Data/Config/XUi_Menu/windows.xml on my A21 install. <gameoption name="DayNightLength" title="goDayLength" value_wrap="false" value_type="int" values="10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120" display_names="" value_localization_prefix="goMinute" /> I just realized I posted this in the wrong section. I meant to post in discussion, not tutorials. I assume a mod can fix that? (=
  16. That will make it less fun. Zombies aren't supposed to be smart. They're supposed to be very powerful, very dumb killing machines. If they play like the bots in UT2004 then give me an ASMD shock rifle. Don't get me wrong, I don't want a "sit back and watch them die" setup, but I don't want them so smart I can't survive a horde night either. I love the traps we have. I love using them. That's what makes the game fun for me. Designing a base protected by crazy, Looney-Tunes style traps that cut off heads and shock the enemies.
  17. I'd like the ability to select the firing mode on the automatic weapons in the game. I own two MP5-A5s personally and can tell you that they support semi, burst, and full-auto. I have used an M4A1 and it supported semi and full-auto. Fairly sure the AK-47 is semi and full-auto also. I don't mind needing to find a part to enable this, but swapping lowers (or a bunch more on an MP5) to change firing modes is a bit taxing in combat. Yes, I know this isn't Infiltration or Ground Branch, but it'd be nice to have!
  18. I am referring to the rows above the pit. Imagine a flat area. Put electric fence-posts up in a square. Horde night comes. They go right for the first fence-post in the loop almost every time, rendering the entire thing useless.
  19. The pit is five stories deep. I'm at the bottom. They fall onto barbed wire, crawl through five rows of it, hit electric fences dug one block down (this gets crawlers and such) that are under blade traps mounted upside-down at neck-height (stun them so they can't move while being decapitated), then auto-turrets, then me. It worked REALLY well in A19. Now they seem to run to the posts and hammer on them.
  20. I get that, but my fence lines a pit. It's literally 8 blocks of nothing but the wire, then the post, repeat all the way around. They flock to the post when they could easily run through the wire to get down to where I am waiting in the pit.
  21. I haven't played in a while but have been playing a lot recently. I am seeing something odd though. While zeds will still run through barbed wire and blade traps, they seem to take out electric fence posts every single time. I have eight blocks between them and still, they run for the posts, usually the first or second one, and take it down to 49hp and then they start storming the other defenses. Is this normal? If they are smart enough to take out the one post that powers the rest, how about upping them to 5,000 durability? I have literally seen four or five zeds crouched around a post attacking it. I can't kill them all before the entire defense is down. Also, is it just me or do we get WAY more 7.62mm ammo than anything else? I have one column of 9mm, almost one column of .44, and almost one column of shotgun shells, but I have four columns of 7.62mm ammo. Seems odd. All of this ammo was looted.
  22. Sylen, Jugg, when this happens to me I get nothing in my log about it. My framerate drops to around 70fps but the thing is stuttering. This happens with everything in graphics options on low also. My gut tells me, based on past experience with other CPU-intensive games, that this is a CPU issue. Steam and the green FPS meter in 7 Days both read the same and at 70~72fps I should not get stuttering. This is NOT common for me as it happens only rarely, but it does happen. The next time it occurs I will upload a game log and everything for you to review. Also, I have to use V-Sync to use G-Sync. Vertical sync should not cause random drops until you look around or kill zeds. It simply syncs the render buffer on the video card to the timing of the monitor looking at the buffer so the buffer is full. It prevents tearing and works in every game I own, including other Unity games like Subnautica 1 and 2, The Long Dark, My Summer Car, and more.
  23. This "stutter" you mention, is it only when looking in certain directions in a city? I have a base in Navezgane north of the city. Once or twice while in the city (once or twice in a month of playing daily) my fans spin up and framerate drops from around 130fps (v-sync on, 1440p, max details) to the low 90's. Looking in another direction momentarily resolves the issue. My fans spin up when this slow-down occurs. 7 Days is on a PCIE4.0 NVME, I have 64GB of DDR4, I use an i9-11900kl, and I use an RTX 3080 Ti. Not low specs, and my monitor is a G-Sync monitor, so that might be why I don't get the stuttering but instead have a slow-down. This only occurs when I am in the city, with or without friends, and looking in another direction usually resolves it instantly.
  24. I just realized why 7 Days spins up the fans in my rig. The thing is trying to run at 144Hz (144fps, I use V-Sync so G-Sync works). With that said, this is one of only a few games I own that does not have the option to cap the framerate at 60, 90, 120, etc FPS. Maybe this is a limitation in the Unity engine, I don't know. I'd like to see an option to cap it though. Changing my monitor refresh rate just to cap 7 Days isn't feasible, nor is downloading and installing extra software to do it. I love the game, but this is a fairly standard feature I'd love to see in a future version!
  25. I knew it was XML but did not know where. Thank you very much for sharing! Hopefully, this helps others.
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