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Everything posted by The_Great_Sephiroth

  1. MY only problem with these 4x4 vehicles is the things on the front that make them useless. The jeep isn't even used on our server (we use Bdubyah's humvee instead) because of the thing on the front that constantly goes into terrain. I can off-road in my F-250 all day right now. Put a snow-plow on it where it has an inch of clearance. Think it will do much of anything off-road? I don't mind these plows as an option, but make them optional. The current jeep would be rad if we could remove the rigging up front and actually have more than an inch of ground clearance. I'm from the south, I enjoy off-roading. Clearance is at the top of the list, especially if you're climbing rocks or going through rivers/deep mud. Give us a REAL off-road option!
  2. Updated to 21.324.0.2 this afternoon. While testing buffs for another mod I improved the shock damage and stun duration of the electrical shock buff for the electric fence. Enjoy!
  3. I am working on a mod and I want a custom electrical/shocking buff to apply under certain situations. I copied the shock buff from the games Buffs.xml file to the mods Buffs.xml file. Below is the stock shocking buff. <buff name="buffShocked" description_key="buffShockedDesc" tooltip_key="buffShockedTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_electric_power" name_key="buffShockedName" icon_color="255,0,0"> <damage_type value="electrical"/> <stack_type value="duration"/> <duration value="4"/> <update_rate value="1"/> <display_value value="$buffShockedDisplay"/> <display_value_format value="time"/> <effect_group> <!-- Blinks the display --> <passive_effect name="BuffBlink" operation="base_set" value="2" duration="0,3" tags="buffShocked"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="GetBuffDuration" reference="$shockDurationMax"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="GetBuffDuration" reference="$buffShockedDisplay"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$buffShockedDisplay" operation="set" value="4"> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$buffShockedDisplay" operation="LTE" value="0"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStack" action="GetBuffDuration" reference="$buffShockedDisplay"/> <passive_effect name="HealthChangeOT" operation="base_add" value="-6"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$buffShockedDisplay" operation="add" value="-1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$buffShockedDisplay" operation="set" value="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_electric_shock" parent_transform="Spine1" local_offset="0,-.2,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEnteredGame" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_electric_shock" parent_transform="Spine1" local_offset="0,-.2,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="ETrapHit" operation="set" value="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfLeaveGame" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="PlaySound" sound="electric_fence_impact"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="FadeOutSound" sound="electric_fence_impact"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfLeaveGame" action="StopSound" sound="electric_fence_impact"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$shockDurationMax" operation="GTE" value="4"/> <passive_effect name="RunSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,4"/> <passive_effect name="WalkSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,4"/> <passive_effect name="CrouchSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,4"/> <passive_effect name="JumpStrength" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,4"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$shockDurationMax" operation="GTE" value="5"/> <passive_effect name="RunSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,5"/> <passive_effect name="WalkSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,5"/> <passive_effect name="CrouchSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,5"/> <passive_effect name="JumpStrength" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,5"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$shockDurationMax" operation="GTE" value="6"/> <passive_effect name="RunSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,6"/> <passive_effect name="WalkSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,6"/> <passive_effect name="CrouchSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,6"/> <passive_effect name="JumpStrength" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,6"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$shockDurationMax" operation="GTE" value="7"/> <passive_effect name="RunSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,7"/> <passive_effect name="WalkSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,7"/> <passive_effect name="CrouchSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,7"/> <passive_effect name="JumpStrength" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,7"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$shockDurationMax" operation="GTE" value="8"/> <passive_effect name="RunSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,8"/> <passive_effect name="WalkSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,8"/> <passive_effect name="CrouchSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,8"/> <passive_effect name="JumpStrength" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,8"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$shockDurationMax" operation="GTE" value="9"/> <passive_effect name="RunSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,9"/> <passive_effect name="WalkSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,9"/> <passive_effect name="CrouchSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,9"/> <passive_effect name="JumpStrength" operation="perc_subtract" value=".9,.05" duration="0,9"/> </effect_group> </buff> I believe I can figure most of it out, but why so many effect groups? Is this for a situation where a player or zed sits on an electric fence and the damage becomes stronger the longer he/it sits there? What about these cvars? Are these variables in the game code itself that we are accessing or are these defined here in the XML and used in the XML? I can't seem to find any documentation on this and I would like to understand it better.
  4. Updated to 21.324.0.3 and uploaded to Nexus Mods. Added pillars to the options, made a few corrections in the naming convention, and updated the FilterTags from A19 to A21 values.
  5. The default fences have 200hp. When they reach 50hp they will no longer work. My upgraded fences are 400hp and 50 to fail. Maybe The Pimps will adjust the traps in a future patch now that zeds will go for and attack them.
  6. I place my poles 14 or 15 apart in A21 and they work. Sparking normally means damaged or broken. Fences are the first thing zeds hit at my base so I can snipe some before they hit other traps. Also, some zeds specifically target the poles and take them out. Every horde night we get a few zeds attacking the poles. I also made a small modlet to double their health due to this new behavior.
  7. I did not. I'll check it out, thanks for the tip! Update: That's the file I needed! Now to figure out how to mesh it all into the modlet. Thanks! The first thing in the "ROUND" section: <shape name="pillar100"> <property name="Path" value="solid" /> <property name="Model" value="Pole1m" /> <property name="CustomIcon" value="shapePole1m" /> <property name="ShapeCategories" value="Basic,Round" /> <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket" /> <property name="UseGlobalUV" value="Local" /> <property name="ImposterExchange" value="imposterBlock" /> <property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted" /> </shape> The piece I was looking for. Thanks!
  8. Call me thick, but where do you download it? I have the documentation linked above and I have the old A20 version of Teragon but cannot find a download for the new Teragon. Update: Found an old version and it updated to 0.44.2 so I believe I am good now.
  9. My personal opinion is from the golden era of gaming. I never had to pay for a mod in my youth (80's and 90's) for any game. No, I didn't pirate mods, but that just wasn't a thing. Expansions and such by the devs? Yeah, we bought those. Skins, maps, sounds, weapons, etc? Community-made things were free, made by the fans, for the fans. If we look at it another way, we're using the games dev-kit (in most games, this one is a tad different with modlets) and by using the kit we agreed to the rules the game devs set. It was this way in the old Quake games, Doom, etc. With Unreal we got UnrealScript (boy I miss that) but there were rules in-place then too. If you agree to a set of rules for a game, any game, you have to adhere to them.
  10. Okay, I believe I know what my issue is. I extended the "woodMaster" for the basic cube that grows up. I also used this for the pillars (woodShapes:pillar100) and the icon is a wood cube. In fact, when I place it in the world it is a wood cube, but as it builds up, it changes into the correct pillar shape. The thing is, I cannot find the shape for a "pillar100" that I need to extend or use as an icon. The two lines that are likely my problem are below. <property name="Extends" value="woodMaster"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="woodMaster"/> I assume I should extend some wood pillar, but I cannot find it in the "blocks.xml" file, so I am a tad lost.
  11. Been away from 7 Days recently. Things in real life taking over. I do not need a custom icon. Somehow the game knows what to put on its own. Spoke too soon. I started adding pillars and such, and they have the wrong icon. Going to look into the icons folder and see if I see pillar icons. <property name="CustomIcon" value="woodMaster"/> That's the icon line currently.
  12. Do you guys have rig or budget rigs? It seems like collision detection starts failing. I run an i9-11900k with a 3080 Ti and 7 Days can warm up the CPU! If you have solid CPUs I'm out of ideas. It looks like it just stops doing collision-detection on mobs and they start falling.
  13. I want to make a half-height electric fence post. Would it be possible to adjust the in-game model bounds using only a modlet so half of the pole simply sinks into the ground below it and the top half remains visible, or would this require modifying the actual asset?
  14. I had a crazy thought. If you guys have motion blur on, turn it off. Your screenshots look like motion blur. Maybe motion blur is bugged. I play without it and I am not experiencing the issue. May be something else, but worth a shot.
  15. That is how I learned C and C++. Lots and lots of OpenGL crashes telling me I'm stupid.
  16. I just uploaded 21.324.0.2 to Nexus Mods. I added wood, cobblestone, and concrete cubes, all of which can be made to grow up to eight blocks high. I also made all types craftable at the workbench, and began referring to the items by their shape (cube). I intend on added other shapes to the mod when I get some more time. Enjoy!
  17. As a guy who was once a kid with a 1976 Honda CR125M Elsinore 2-stroke, real dirt-bikes are CRAZY fast. I wouldn't own a four-stroke dirt-bike and am planning to buy a new YZ250 to possibly break my neck on one day. I have not tried BDub's yet, but I will tonight.
  18. Due to zombies suddenly being seemingly smarter and able to zero in on electric fence posts and blade traps and then proceeding to destroy them, I decided that electric fence posts and blade traps needed to be a tad more buff. This modlet doubles the durability of electric fence posts and both halves the damage received for blade traps as well as doubles their damage to zeds. The traps cost twice as much to make now, but they should balance things out a bit. If you add this mod to an existing game, your existing traps will need to be picked up and replaced before the changes take effect. If you remove the mod, you will need to pick up and replace any traps placed while the mod was installed or they will retain their new values. The mod may be safely removed at any time. Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/3256
  19. Thanks, I am still learning to deal with XML, and that went over my head for some reason. Switching the code as you had fixed the other error as well. Apparently, when the recipes.xml had issues, it triggered an issue with the blocks.xml as well. Thanks very much for your help!
  20. What you said sounds correct. WHile waiting for a more experienced person to chime in, I'd try it. Worst case scenario it doesn't work and you saved time by already creating the infos and blocks.
  21. I'm trying to make the blade traps more expensive right now and seem to have an issue that I cannot seem to figure out. First, the modification in blocks.xml is below. <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='bladeTrap']/property[@class='RepairItems']/property[@name='resourceForgedSteel']/@value">20</set> Not sure why this isn't working. Next is the recipe component that is not applying. <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='bladeTrap']/ingredient[@name='resourceForgedIron']/property[@name='count']/@value">20</set> <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='bladeTrap']/ingredient[@name='resourceForgedSteel']/property[@name='count']/@value">20</set> <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='bladeTrap']/ingredient[@name='resourceMechanicalParts']/property[@name='count']/@value">16</set> <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='bladeTrap']/ingredient[@name='resourceElectricParts']/property[@name='count']/@value">12</set> <set xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='bladeTrap']/ingredient[@name='resourceOil']/property[@name='count']/@value">20</set> Again, it looks right from what I understand about this XML stuff. C++ is my cup of tea though, so something might be wrong here. Have I missed something?
  22. This mod is an ongoing project to speed up building bases without reducing item costs or making the game "easy". Currently, the mod has one set of steel blocks targeted at mid- to end-game players who are building walls or other defenses (such as a pit) and spend a lot of time stacking blocks. There are seven steel blocks added (search for DHTA in creative or build menus) which, when placed, will spawn one to seven other steel blocks on top of the initial block. For example, placing "DHTA_GrowSteelBlock02" will place one steel block on the ground and one will appear on top of the first one. Placing "DHTA_GrowSteelBlock08" will place one steel block on the ground, then one on top of it, then one on top of that one, and so on until it is eight blocks high. This makes building walls up to eight blocks high much quicker. Do note that each one costs the amount of steel block resources that it would require if placing the blocks manually. The blocks that are both placed and the ones that spawn are normal steel blocks from the built-in game files. This means that you can remove the modlet and everything that you built using the modlet will remain. Note that I fully intend to add blocks for each type of material in the game and I intend to tie them to the correct skills. I will update this post when I release a new version. Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/3243
  23. Okay, I figured it out. <property name="PlantGrowing.Next" value="steelShapes:cube"/> I had no idea I could do that. My only remaining option is the "CustomIcon" field. Is there a way to set that to the steel cube icon? I've tried several things and nothing seems to work. The icon is always blank or the mod fails to apply.
  24. I'm having an issue with a modlet I am porting from A19 to A21. A19 had a "CustomIcon" value and I had it set to the stainless steel block. That's gone so I just removed the custom icon line for now. However, the growing line is confusing me. I cannot figure out how to tell it to grow a steel block. <property name="PlantGrowing.Next" value="steelBlock"/> This does not work. I see something called "steelShapes" in the official blocks.xml file, but I am not sure how to use that in my modlet. This thing basically costs the same as X steel blocks, you place it down, and it grows up X blocks to speed building. How do I tell it to place a steel cube in A21?
  25. Okay, maybe that's what it was then. CTRL+SHIFT+V actually shows what you are placing in the blue box bounds. The copied structures appear in red.
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