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Everything posted by Fox

  1. I don't think you've mentioned this yet, but have you tried disabling SLI within the control panel to see if that's the cause? Because the devs have stated many times over the years that SLI will never be supported. It might work fine for some ppl, but they don't directly support it.
  2. Wait,... so windowed works fine but borderless fullscreen (which is essentially windowed without the borders) doesn't work? I can understand if proper fullscreen didn't work, but that should have worked just fine. That's a really screwed up issue.
  3. Port forwarded at her end? If you or her have a VPN installed, did you disable it (very important)? Have you tried disabling the firewall, her too?
  4. I haven't played this game in a while, but is borderless fullscreen available and working fine for you? Lack of support for older hardware does happen over the years of developing software / games. Given that this game has been developing for 8+ years, things change, and you can't keep up with supporting every piece of hardware ever made. So I imagine your flicker issue is only the beginning. Then again, I could be wrong.
  5. All AMD GPUs tend to have issues with games, that's why they're the inferior brand to go with (their current CPUs are awesome though). Their drivers and software has always been kind of bad when it comes to games. To fix your issue, apparently just messing around with some settings in the control panel will solve (or at least lessen) the issue. Don't ask me what though as I haven't used an AMD GPU for gaming in over 15 years. I just know this based on what everyone else has said on this forum (and others). EDIT: To the 3 dummies that gave me a thumbs down... do some research before judging (it literally only takes a minute to prove me right). It is a very well known fact that this game and most other games favor Nvidia GPUs while being developped as they are more commonly used in games and it is well known that AMD has a bad reputation with their drivers and software since pretty much the beginning. If you're a casual or new to gaming, then maybe there's a small possibility that you may not have had that many issues yet, but this is the reason why the majority of gamers and devs favor Nvidia despite the higher price tags. Additionally, I'd like to clarify that I in no way dispute the performances of both brand names, only the reliability and support.
  6. You're trying to play a very demanding game on a potato. Time to upgrade. The GTX 660 was only a mid tier GPU 9 years ago when it released, nowadays, you can almost get that level of GPU performance inside an APU... that's how outdated and underperforming it is now. Also, the game does not support SLI. I also think it's weird how you have a 1.5GB version instead of the standard 2GB version.
  7. We also shouldn't be able to pick up a dozen large stacks of concrete or stone or iron or wood, etc. Realism in this game is very much non-existent in every single way possible. Just enjoy the game for what it's worth. If you want to build a garage for your vehicles, then do it, the option is there after all. Just don't expect it to still be there after a blood-moon night.
  8. It wasn't the web code, I understand most of that just fine. I just didn't recognize the link(s), and we do (or at least used to) get a lot of spam and other suspicious nonsense here, so I just wasn't risking it. Also, I prefer imgur.com. As for the image; was that a mod or something? I've never seen that before, I didn't even know that was possible. Thanks for sharing that with us.
  9. umm... I ain't clicking on that mess. Not only are you not a long time member here (not trusted yet), but you didn't even bother to explain or go into detail on what this topic is about. Too sus for me.
  10. Fox

    PC Specs?

    I'm 36. And yes, I remember Omega drivers. It was often the only way I could get AMD GPUs to work properly.
  11. Fox

    PC Specs?

    While I like the fact that AMD is catching up to the greedy Nvidia in GPUs, I still prefer to buy Nvidia cards just because of gaming support dominance. If AMD can get their drivers and software to not suck and if AMD can gain dominance in gaming support, then I would happily switch over to AMD GPUs. In my opinion, support matters more than cost hence why I tolerate Nvidia's pricing.
  12. Uhh... why would you disable cores? Besides, unless you're trying to push past the supported max player count beyond unreasonable, that CPU should be more than overkill for running a dedicated server.
  13. Fox

    PC Specs?

    Stock market doesn't paint the full picture. Most of that stock market is based on industrial use, like super computers / servers, not residential gamers. Besides, AMD is currently at 50.8% market share passing Intel in desktop CPUs according to this article: https://www.techradar.com/news/amd-overtakes-intel-in-desktop-cpu-market-share-for-the-first-time-in-15-years And as far as I'm aware, Intel still hasn't really released any 10nm chips yet as they struggle to get any (or they haven't been able to tune their 10nm to compete with anything yet). And nm is just a chip size that increases power efficiency which is why Intel runs so hot compared to AMD now. Running more efficient means AMD can find new limits as they continue to fine tune it more with each generation. It takes time to fine tune new technologies. Intel on the other hand is so desperate, they sliced off a layer of their chips just to get better contact with the heatsink so they can overclock it ever so slightly more in order to keep up with AMD again. I imagine that makes them even more delicate too. AMD is already working on 5nm and 3nm chips while Intel still struggles to release any 10nm chips. At some point, Intel will need to spend some of their blood money and evolve in order to catch up, until then, they're still being lazy and cheap.
  14. Fox

    PC Specs?

    Some software like Adobe Premiere supports Intel more due to popularity... that will eventually change though if things keep going the way they're going. Everything takes time. Gaming wise though, pretty sure AMD is the clear winner when it matters. Old games like CS:GO favor Intel, but who needs 400+ fps?
  15. Fox

    PC Specs?

    Also, Ryzen is trading blows with Intel single threaded wise as well. They're literally neck and neck with each other. AMD does win in overall performance though. Also, good luck getting an Intel CPU that can trade blows with Ryzen given their slow production rate.
  16. Fox

    PC Specs?

    According to LTT, with crypto mining being banned in China or something along those lines, apparently GPU prices and demand for them are expected to drop dramatically. I have yet to see that happen yet, but apparently it's happening. And ya, for the first time in a long time, there's actually a good GPU available at Newegg and not completely sold out like they have been. Obviously not worth the asking price, but it's a start. In my opinion, I think we might see normal MSRP prices for current gen cards next year when a newer RTX series releases. I also doubt many will buy the next generation of cards given how many are being sold right now. I've seen so many ppl buy gaming cards just to play games that APUs could handle just fine... they bought them just because of the demand and hype surrounding them. The moment something becomes rare, everyone wants them. Once that passes, the market will drop dramatically.
  17. Fox

    PC Specs?

    Not true... core performance matters more than core count. Like so many other games, this game realistically still only benefits from 4 core threads. That's why you never see the cpu reach 100% on anything above 4.
  18. I have a really hard time making it to day 100 before getting really bored and having to take a long break away from the game. 700 days is just ridiculous as there's not enough content to keep a person interested that long. Maybe if the devs had listened to me and created a form of redstone system like Minecraft did, where you can build anything and everything if you're creative enough, but of course, what do I know.
  19. To be honest, that surprised me too. The best I could figure is that it's because of the 5950x CPU being power hungry / not set up correctly power wise by default. I've built and used over a dozen Ryzen based computers so far from every single generation, not once have I seen a bios related issue other than the latest gen CPU not being compatible with motherboards out of the box, requiring that flashback feature to get it initiated. Besides, I'd much rather deal with minor issues like that than to support lazy companies that refuse to evolve simply due to lack of competition and forcing the world to pay a premium for ancient tech. I'm happy they're getting their butts kicked hard right now, hopefully that will be enough motivation to start evolving in tech again.
  20. Interesting. Thanks for the update. Let us know if the issue comes back.
  21. Fox

    PC Specs?

    That APU will hold you back, but it'll likely run at low to medium settings at 1080p. Ideally, you'd want a 6GB+ GPU and a non APU kind of CPU with 4 or more latest gen cores at high frequency. And yes, 16GB+ ram is highly recommended.
  22. Speaking of checking connectors and whatnot... I do hope the OP has his/her 3090 using 2 separate cables to feed power to his/her video card. Just because there's 2 8-pin connectors per cable doesn't mean you should use both, especially on a 3090.
  23. Sometimes it's just partially faulty no matter what timings / clock settings you have, and sometimes the contacts are just dirty (unlikely in this particular scenario though). Not too long ago, I had it happen to me with some brand new Corsair Vengeance ram sticks. Both were ever so slightly faulty to the point where the memtest would only come up with errors once or twice every several tests, but was enough to mess with me in gaming. Swapped out the ram and problem went away completely.
  24. Of course. All brands have several bad models, even Seasonic. A lot of the time though, the prices come down very quick to go with those bad models, hence cheapy model. And ya, I heard about Gamer's Nexus having a PSU explode on them (I think it was a very crappy PSU though) and Jay having issues with 30xx series cards too.
  25. When you built your PC, did you test your ram using the free software MemTest86 to see if there was any errors on the sticks? This too is a common occurrence, especially with this game as it uses a lot of ram whereas so many other games will sneak by without any issues at all because it doesn't use enough to find the errors in the ram. I'm also curious on the brand / model of your PSU. 1200w is more than enough for your hardware, but if you got a cheapy model, then SylenThunder could be right about it causing your issues.
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