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Everything posted by 4sheetzngeegles

  1. Chrnosdark I like the last set of images you posted. Nice work. I just downloaded it. I will try to adjust the slope gradient for the crater for you. With your first post it inspired me to make a new map, making uneven elevated POIs. Rukminesh Zip and upload that world folder and I may be able to paint the biomes.png for you. Data In entities.xml approx line 54 the backpack reference has been replaced by Backpack You may try changing that reference in the file. Or it may be that you still have some older configs in the 7dtd folder referring to the old name, in other words an older version of the alpha.
  2. Faatal I have a few questions relating to one subject. Since TFP has access to all of their archived\older versions Do you or any of the team ever go to them for any inspiration or do you start from scratch with each iteration\alpha? Will or is it possible to do a similar configuration, regarding the weather, as it was in alpha 15. I am referring to the altitude temperature manager. Example: Lower altitudes had a hotter climate, as you went higher the temperature declined. Imagery: Wasteland, if painted to the lowest altitude has the most brutal heat, then burnt forest, desert, Pine forest, snow in the mountains. If a single day\night lighting gradient is used for all then it would have less abrupt visual lighting changes as you move between biomes. The only difference would be the atmospheric effects, Fog, clouds, LUT, Particle emission. Gradient ref: sun,moon,fog,fog fade etc. For me its like an atmospheric LUT adjustment. Biome distribution was also more 3d. It would go along x,y, and z. With the manager that you are working on, if the above reference is applied could the manager also be applied to a singular governor for the atmospheric effects? I mean not only the temperature but as you change altitude, then say you have the existing particle storms, but they would progressively decline, as you approach the median height, and progress as you approach the extreme upper and lower distances. Imagery: Pine forest is middle of the height and has ChunkMargin 20, as you descend\ascend the chunk margin decreases creating a smoother transition visually. Is the prior code used, Copyright protected or TFP intellectual property, as TFP team mates change?
  3. ChronosDark: I will try a smoother edit and will go to the link provided for some insight. The main thing I like to do is Terraforming by painting . I will layer it with one of my maps to try to create a hybrid. to remove the peaks. The islands came from Nitrogen, I will try to leave those and add safer sloped roadways. It may take a bit for me to manually edit. then I will try to build a biome file to compliment it. One free program to try to get an idea of what Stample is explaining is GWterraNoise. Modules with libnoise to make mountains, and terrains. 6K this time. I will test a couple of ideas, raising the islands, and making the the road to match, and try to do a smoother gradient for the roads to lower elevation. Stample: I like what you have done. I never seeded cities just autogen. Some of the spikes came from me selecting color range then deleting the excess, then I inverted only selected parts of the image. Other spikes came from me editing out the watermarks. Painting for me becomes a lot of what if scenarios, then I save them to a stamper file for later.
  4. Stample is 100% correct. Just for @%$#zNgiggles I edited the map and produced it in Nitrogen. I took a little creative license and adapted a bit of the terrain. Makes an interesting world. Elevations are drastic. But if you want to play around on it for a bit. here is the link. If we could still edit terrain texture Id use this for part of a fantasy landscape like the original final fantasy map. <!-- https://mega.nz/file/UCo0nCoY#2Ay7SuxAI4QYtmKIEFgQnuoYh1XdvKQv8Lqq19dyo-U -->
  5. @Chrnosdark 1 The first step is to convert it to a grayscale. 2 resize it to 8192 by 8192 for 8 k map 3 resize it to 4096 by 4096 for a 4k map. save it as a png file 4 create a copy and paint your biome separations or it will be all forest. Rename the map png to import_HM.png and drop it into the resources folder. in GUI point to resources folder and to the import_HM.png. and it should work. From what I see it should generate cities town in 2 - 6 areas.
  6. @vergilsparda You are not doing anything wrong, the default mask is what causes the layout. The flexibility of nitrogen is that if you learn to use Photoshop and Krita you can create your own custom layout and spread out the cities. here is my example.
  7. File size difference, is because of different amount of data compression on your pc vs the server. The only thing I find strange is my 8k maps are always 131 meg never as large as 500meg that seems more like a 12k or 16 k size.
  8. @Axebeard This is just a guess but first check the directory structure biomes.png checksums.txt dtm.raw dtm_processed.raw main.ttw map_info.xml prefabs.xml preview "i left this as a reference this is a Nitrogen directory" Region "i left this as a reference this is a Nitrogen directory" spawnpoints.xml splat3.png splat3_processed.png splat3_processed.tga "Nitrogen" splat4_processed.png splat4_processed.tga "Nitrogen" water_info.xml The main thing the error is pointing to is the DTM Raw file. Is it there, is it named correctly? Hope this helps @ExeBT The custom dtm image you posted. Is it PNG or JPG on your computer? Png is the format normally used. In the GUI do you have it set on the right to use Resources folder, and to use the import_HM.png , Is your file spelled exactly like that when dropped in the Nitrogen directory?
  9. I think i read that TFP is working on something like it, using distance. Looking at the way Damocles renders, then thinking about the pixel by pixel .jar that edits biome colors. It made me think that maybe custom colors could be added via a list to assign either POI groups or individual POIs. Then you could paint a probability layout using the DTM image as a base. But it also made me think that if it could be coded for distance also, if you had a map that was 8192 by 8192, and set the nearest distance to duplicate to 8193, then you would hypothetically limit the render of the POI or group to one instance on a map. I just made a map just to see the outcome. I reversed the thought process. The base is desert, and two cities are forest, the rest are burnt and wasteland cities, the snow i painted on elevated peaks. It makes for some serious initial searching to get to a calm biome. There are 17 cities and 4 towns and only two are forest. I may switch desert base to wasteland base just to see what happens.
  10. Damocles, first i have to say, and this is no smoke, the Java generator is nearly a perfect mirror of the random gen. You might actually try posting it on the asset store. Different games would benefit from the flexibility. I paint my own terrain in PS, and use Nitrogen to compile it regularly. I do have questions, regarding now and how you intend to develop it in the future. First is there a way for me to use specific colors, and paint 7DTD zones? For instance //placement zone types: <prefab rule="residentialOldGroup"/> <prefab rule="residentialNewGroup"/> <prefab rule="commercialGroup"/> <prefab rule="downtownGroup"/> <prefab rule="industrialGroup"/> <prefab rule="ruralGroup"/> <prefab rule="detailFillerGroup"/> //alone //mountain //farm //houses -> //smalltown //downtown //industrial //citycenter //trader //oldwest //hillbillytrailer, hillbillyjunk //carlot //unique The second in conjunction with the first is, How can i limit the amount of repetitions a POI will have on a map, or in a city? The last question is in regard to the future releases. Since you have figured how to get the overhead roadway to spawn. Do you have any intension of having bridge POIs recognize, water to land boundaries using biome color code and size recognition? If so that ties back into my manual paint question, I would be able to place potential bridges within cities or over waterways and strategically place POIs without dev mode. Even if all answers are no, this is still my go to for my TerraGen. Thank you for creating it.
  11. Madmole The above is just a curiosity, As of 19 it has prompted me to use more systems in longer gameplay days. I still play Nomadic, and turn lighting to 0, but the actual gameplay gives me more choices between horde attacks. A new midrange pc plus your optimizations and my terrain tweaks allow me to play a 7 day 120min session and ignore the time on my day off. Thanks
  12. This gave me a thought In the workstation, if a multi-slot upper queue was added like in the forge. You could put the repair kit, and other repair materials there similar to the anvil bellows cruc. You could,then, place up to 6 items in the repair slots and hit the start button to begin. This way you would not be holding the weapon or device on person until complete. But, stone age axe, and shovel should stay on character.
  13. In code if you read the method in the class. It is Int32 implicit, if you just change it to a decimal, it rounds it back to 1 or 0. In dev diary a19, Gronk verified it. I use the 0xp mod, because it's similar to the play style I personally like. If a CVar can override it then, I'm golden. If not then I asked regarding the code, because it would make it easier to adjust precisely in xml. I did in A16 using Ilspy when first starting to adjust parameters. I had to change a lot of references and cross references to get it to work. I cant find the dll i edited. Basically I think 0XPMod is a good addition to any of the other mods I use. Because of the way Roland did his mod I knew he would get the idea, and may point me in the direction necessary to redo it.
  14. Yes, when I did it from my side i had to jump through hoops to get it to work. Pretty much I had to do a lot of ugly hacks to get it to work. Programming is not my forte. In general conversation, i was hoping you could ask if it were possible or feasible. As I read the forum, posts of TFP desires, player likes dislikes, I thought of not optimization but flexibility for spawn situations. Literally it should allow for a customized flow of entities dependent upon each persons play style. A similar idea to learning AI in some games. So without a slider each player gets their own custom fight experience. But using minimal resources. Even minimal prereq: computers can provide a full action experience. The more powerful the computer the more assets can be incorporated. The only necessity to regulate it was, entity deaths per minute real time equation, posted in spawning.xml. Literal picture, If I was in a town, and I had set , I had to physically clear an area before I could go into a POI. And with it set like this It never overran the sleeper volume count. So both existed simultaneously. <biome name="desert"> <spawn maxcount="7" respawndelay=".00016" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> <spawn maxcount="7" respawndelay=".0028" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> <spawn maxcount="7" respawndelay=".066" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> <spawn maxcount="7" respawndelay=".20" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombieDogGroup" /> </biome> These numbers are not actuals, just an example to show the cascade effect. But also back then I used maxalive. maxalive would be set to 16. Its not perfect, but it made for a constant, battle if you wanted to enter a POI. and this was before pathing, the new spawndistance, and spawn angle were adjusted.
  15. Roland Good post. I have always liked the sweep and clear, way of playing. What I would ask as a subtle change is in code can public int respawnDelayInWorldTime; be changed from integer to float. The reason I ask is because I tested before and found I could lower the overall count of entity load per scene. If i manually adjusted the int to float, and mathematically had a sort of spawn cascade time wise. I equated it to my own efficiency to dispatch entities. in real time to game time. Example: I play 120min days, would like it to be 240, even if resource gather is slower but that i will mod later if possible that combined with your 0xp mod makes a simple sweep clear play till im tired rinse repeat. Example 2: I, on average can dispatch say 6 per minute using melee and spears, average 4 loaded on belt. this is liberal guesstimate. so I had figured out an equation for realtime minutes vs ingame minutes. This allowed me to have a minimum amount of zombie entities on screen at once, but the overlapping cascade of added spawn times allowed for what felt like a temporary battle royale, depending on where I was at the time. After fight is over , there was a lull for a period before respawn. Overall if the float availability is added it would allow for more active interaction, but at the same time have less assets on screen. Old personal mod I called it the Flood. looking for the settings I had now.
  16. Alpha Buried somewhere deep in the mods is a map I made when testing Nitrogen. Here is the link https://forums.7daystodie.com/forum/-7-days-to-die-pc/game-modification/mods/144108-a18-2-b5-customized-nitrogen-map Download it and open the resources folder and you will get a visual idea of what I did. Nitrogen is a template, to make your own design. I made a personal Height map. After the map was generated, I just copied my Biome map over the default, to get the layout I like. Best part is I really like my terrain but each gen the pois are moved around for variety. For the round layout around the houses. choose the option for road condition make it overgrown. In resources you will see an image called mask.png When making a selection if you have your own height map choose heightmap import_hm.png and import from resources. Heightmap is a grayscale image with shades ranging from 0,0,0 or bedrock to 255,255,255 render ceiling. Biomes.png is the 5 color image that will let you shape where you want desert, snow etc. and their shape.
  17. Life_For_Dead Try this Heights are basically grayscale, create a png 8192 8192 open Krita go to pixel brush pick color 75 75 75 paint whole picture same color rename import_HM.png to import_HM orig.png save your pic as import_HM.png save it to the resources folder should have a 75 block high floor approx. just remember 0 0 0 is bedrock 255 255 255 is build height limit or ceiling for now.
  18. I have a suggestion that may help. I just uploaded my Nitrogen builder folder. Named 4sheetz_resources. Rename the nitrogen Resources folder extract my resources folder to NitroGen_WorldGenerator. In settings use import from resources heightmap use import_HM.png do not use the mask The rest of the settings you can use personal choice. Once its completed copy my Biomes 3.0 to the world folder you just built. I edited with PS and tested with Indexed color then fixed the discrepencies using Nitrogen tool. Has the five color biome layout. Create some mountain huts. The general height of my pois range from 50 to 135. With peaks that are higher. I included my gen 2 config. Forgot to do it with gen 3. If you want streets to be there but look like terrain after you make your world, just open the 2 processed splat files and paint them black. Biomes 3.0 5 color verified https://mega.nz/#!1CQVkAgL!2RayGBePYjBvzNiAQwSfsnDVEmUnJOGW7UtVLCzFP9g 4Sheetz_resources My nitrogen resources folder with edited heightmap https://mega.nz/#!ATwhlYqR!wvh-JTuefoOc0AfBaePJdP2hKEtwLprBXJo3zuShwpY
  19. Cool Then if you get "Krita" open the image. Right click on its name on the right select split image alpha. unselect the mask then on the left bar scroll down till you see the second eyedropper with the dotted box around it. select the main color of each biome zoom in a bit. If you see any blinking areas other than the outline of the picked biome those are a different shade. If so select one of those all of the rest of same color will highlight and fill. rinse repeat until satisfied. also in Nitrogen in the tools folder there is a png conversion tool. Hope this helps.
  20. Marski can you up load the two png images? and state which is which. I can try to repaint it for you. 7D engine is really particular to format and color, if your color is off by 1 hex you get holes, a bad import a single biome or a Tarmac. I created my own custom biome layout by hand and will help you if I can. Just upload them. - - - Updated - - - Damocles I just wanted to say thank you for the creation of Nitrogen. It has made it easier for me to transfer my terrain to the later Alphas. Elevated POIs like alpha 16, Snow capped mountains, Treacerous terrain to traverse between cities, naturally overrun streets and the rocky paths leading to the wilderness pois. That plus having the towns, and displaced zones create an immersive collection of exploreable areas. It merges well with TFP's, music lighting and pois I have nearly 30 cities villages towns and communities, but it's not clustered your masks make it so I still have to trek hostile terrain to get from place to place. Since my main focus is manual Terraforming, I'd like to know if the option for smoothing can be expanded to per biome by using a custom biomes png in the resources folder. Example: we have snow,desert, burnt,pine,wasteland. to set each one to a different level of smoothing dictated by specific paint color. Or does 7D engine just do a world smooth only?
  21. Ecksfiftyone. Try this step by step for test. 1 Download Red's dll with correct size change for your world 2 open PNG in paint.net 3 "snow" "#FFFFFF"> "pine_forest" "#004000"> "desert" "#FFE477"> "water" "#0063ff"> "wasteland" "#ffa800"> "burnt_forest" "#ba00ff"> 4 Pick your biome color from here 5 use Eyedropper and paste it there 6 open paintbucket 7 click area paint it and save open game and see result. Oh and use RGB not CMYK always after all is done if you have any world droppoff open edited biome file and zoom to 500 percent and scroll side to side to see color issue.
  22. You delete or rename the raw file, delete the region files in appdata\...\your saves. Edit your tga and it will rebuild and synch you raw to it. If you have a good raw file then you can copy the shaded layer to the tga main layer/channels to do additional edits. Once ground terrain is as you want then you pick order of biomes and splat. I use photoshop and copy the raw layer with the poi circles to first layer, add on copy streets add one copy tga add one compy biome. Then starting at second layer progressively lower opacity per layer so in the end i can see all have them lined up. so my edits are accurate to map. Then i copy each layer back to its respective file. save and load game. The other choices are in the tutorial i posted above. it included one terrain texture to clone in areas.
  23. @sam They are just graphics that i edited in b231, i saved for rainy day. I can zip and up load them if you want to experiment with the biome terrain layout. But you will have to adjust your prefabs and water, i blcked them out as i tested. I started in 197 since they are images and TFP can't change their format. If you make a good terrain in 197 you can copy those file from world folder to next, and use them. in b240 you ned Reds dll for it to accept with out going mincraft on the screen.
  24. Guppy, here are some updated snaps, dupes on discord. Thanks to You Dust RedEagleLXIX
  25. Red: I copied the dll, and added my b231 files to b240 world, didnt need to reun co mmand it recognized automatically. thanks
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