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Posts posted by 4sheetzngeegles

  1. I have a question regarding the destructable doors.


    If the doors have the playthrough collider holes, is it possible to
    extrude the flat shape and apply the destruction to blocks? a door is basically

    a block with very low depth.


    What i mean is the door has two basic use faces, Houdini was used to
    create the low poly render for destruction. Conceptually can that same
    procedure be applied to the building blocks, for say a base. Presently
    there is the crack overlay that is used, but the block stays solid until
    its destroyed.


    The crack render has 10 cells, can this be applied to a glass door texture,
    then extruded to become a block template.  If so that would be trippy being
    able to see and fight through these blocks during an attack. Two other results
    are immersion during game play, and give a real feel for the integrity of all
    damaged blocks visually.


    If reversed "meaning during building" it would be like actual resource building.

    Out of the box thought, a player builds from wood to 80% the applies metal overlay.
    It would still be and look damaged but have additional strength.


    Just curious

  2. I agree with Riamus statement, players should be allowed to do what they want in this game especially.
    My reasoning this is one of the most easily moddable games, with the quality of gameplay, texture, and
    dev support.


    Its a sandbox with attitude basically. Xml,structures,AI,environment,even the exe is moddable to allow
    almost infinite variations, rules, and personal choices.


    If too many stringent rules are applied it may lose its re-play ability for others. I have tried the nerd
    pole and prefer using ladders, not to get to the loot, but, to gain a vantage point, and safe locations.
    If one were to look at it from a reality standpoint, I wouldn't actually carry around 30 plus ladder segments.


    One of the side effects, of A21, is if you have been getting deprived of getting loot in the past, the region
    reset will put it back after a time for you to claim your reward. The devs may or may not have had this in mind
    but they are in the process of solving the conundrum.

  3. Since Slanhattan is basically a tiled map layout, and now 7dtd is also a tiled layout, plus pc's have progressed, is there a possibility

    of it being revived for 20 21; by replacing tiled locking points with slanhattan?

  4. Thank You Riamus


    I thought the local pdf doc was the only one for now.  I've always used it offline, so I didn't see there was online doc.

    Going there now.


    I will post my map mod for 20 as soon as it's correct. Then  on to 21.

    Thanks again

  5. Hey Tallman Brad, Pille


    I  terraform a lot. I've hand painted, used gw::terranoise, photoshop, nitrogen, kinggen,  teragon and honorable mention

    7DTD version A17.4 .  Teragon has a steep learning curve in the beginning. Only because of no popup hints, but these

    Tuts have been invaluable to me.


    My question is what is the format of the city mask?  Is it grayscale, if so what shades are used, or colored png?


    The things i like most about teragon are the city tiling, the import of my custom heightmap, and the biome import.


    Im trying to get the mask set up because im making a hybrid, tera king nitro 7dtd.


    Thanks in advance


  6. Here is yet another future request, and follow up explanation for request.


    If possible can the Hero loot, mentioned in the Stream,  be set to a timer,
    based off of clearing a POI? A player enters the poi, activates the volumes,
    and must clear all zombies in an allotted time period, to received advanced loot.


    It could basically be 3 stage, then normal loot. The loot container could have
    a colored tag, that goes from green, to amber, to red, to blank. This would be
    dependent on the clearing of the POI, not reaching the package. It would be
    similar to a clear quest, but add a sense of urgency in order to receive advanced
    loot. A simple math equation could be applied, loot modifier, volumes, zed quantity,
    tier level, and Night bonus time.




    One of the things for me that is the most fun, is when I play 1 extra life, minimum day,
    on a custom map. I don't use a sleeping bag, and since i play nomadic i don't place a
    territorial block. The fun comes when my character dies, and I have to retrieve my bag. I
    usually will die, that first time, to an animal in the dark. This is mainly because they
    don't have footsteps yet. My maps lean toward minimal forest with taller grass, and higher
    volume grass. The main biome is waste then burnt then desert in descending order of coverage.


    So if i get ganked, I rez halfway across the map, with only a torch, to begin with. I make
    rudimentary weapons on the fly, and stop only long enough to hide and catch my breath. The
    majority of the time whatever got me is still there, so I have to kill or outsmart it and
    run back through all the kill zones at night or dusk with thick fog, to make it back to
    base camp.


    The second fun part is if i get sick, the minimal forest and tree stumps, add a sense of
    urgency for survival, as i search for antibiotics and honey. I try to make it feel like
    alpha 7.                                     A sense of urgency to receive a reward.

    A second request is menu configuration: can the directional selects be synchronized, example
    if scrap is left, then anything that is scrapped is left. I use a controller the majority of
    a play through. Often when clicking through crafting and mod and wear menus i hit left when
    that item was right up or down and have to rush to cancel or lose it.

  7. I watched the dev twitch and liked basically what was said. My question is regarding rwg.
    As Fubar flew around, there was an instance of a cabin, actually a few that were on elevated
    terrain. Is this a hint, or indication of 3d elevation being incorporated? If so what is the
    degree of the max angle, for the pathing? I ask because I make maps focused on differential
    elevation and it would help to know for making compatible stamps.


    Thanks    4Sheetz


    PS: This is about one of the questions answered regarding removal of mechanics answered by Rick
    and Mad Mole.  After all of the alpha variations, and, going toward gold. Will TFP possibly
    reincorporate some of the BOTB mechanics from past to present, to make an ultra game?

  8. What I meant for the Y height config is, as many POI's as there are being created.
    There is a possibility of a mis-typed value. I recently checked all of the poi xmls,
    because I was converting a list for Nitrogen, 570 to place A20.6 pois.


    The internal format is not a consistent layout for the fixed parameters.
    Example: yoffset can range anywhere from top to mid within the file. Some Poi's don't
    have a Yoffset, I think some of these may be manually placed Nav pois.


    After a map/world creation I used DM to check the pois on the map, I mis-typed, on
    the number pad, user error :) approx 8 or 9, which i manually corrected in my prefabs.xml
    deleted the regions and rechecked leveling. While doing this i came across a few pois that,
    would remain offset, even if i re-rendered with the corrected value. Example: skate park
    temp, basketball park, and remnant_downtown_filler_16 i think. There were a few more but i
    can't remember them now. This made me wonder if there is the possibility of a  block or a
    parameter in a block that is regulating or can regulate the height regardless of the
    Yoffset parameter.


    That gave me the thought that a consistent single placed block, basically an air clone
    placed at surface level, and coded to render at terrain surface height, when being created,
    by the devs would remove the necessity of a y offset parameter.
    Sorry for the run-on sentence.


    If it is/were possible then as long as there was enough compatible leveled landscape, then
    any poi that fits within that lot would only need two parameters to be placed, in vanilla
    or modded.


    The thought came about, using the obscuring effect of the fog would allow an even lower
    form of imposter. Basically a postcard render of the outline of the building. I got the idea
    because there is a specific yucca plant that i have seen, recreated in different alphas. It is a
    postcard render much the same as the grass, but it is configured to always face you as you
    walk around it. The pois, from that distance, if postcard rendered in the same fashion, blocked
    by the fog and particle rendering, would not be noticeable. But could significantly reduce the
    load. I thought this because a Postcard render is just an png, with 2 tris.


    For the stealth, I have used UABE before to tweak values, to see what happens. Basically when i read
    "a this doesn't work post" I look at the black and white to try and puzzle it out for myself. A
    few alphas prior I manually reduce my camera height when crouching to make the zombies more imposing.
    But when I reduced the light intensity, I could go into a darkened room, and when they would wake, I'd
    crouch and not easily be found, if I'd really slowly creep around the room/attic/basement.
    If i crossed a sunbeam I'd quickly be spotted whether creeping or not.  This is the first time i
    changed the daylight amount in the main menu, with nearly the same effect.

  9. 1 Why does weather, specifically wind, fog secondarily, not start until days into the game?
    how can I set it to start upon the beginning?


    **** Modding question
    2 Can a block be created, invisible, complete pass through, that represents the
    y offset? Or a copy of the terrain replicator. Similar to a foundation stone. So that a poi
    need only be placed in an (x z) plot and automatically levels itself with the terrain.


    3  I'm not promoting another game but its something I observed in one. Dark souls series, there
    was a form of occlusion. The only way to describe it was like a mirrored wall as you progressed
    toward an object or structure, it formed like coming through a waterfall. Before that it was a 2d
    object. I'd coin it a sphere of influence. I also saw it in a unity video. Which greatly reduced
    cpu/gpu load to a minimum.


    The fog in 7dtd seems to provide the same basic primer for it. Since 7days pois are basically
    cube structures. Can fog be applied to a rendering sphere, allowing structures outside of it to be
    rendered at the simplest LOD, minimal color? The face of a rectangular or square building can be 2
    tris per visible side and rendered in b/w or grayscale until it pierces the veil. Because the fog
    is obscuring a massive amount of detail, it seems to present the opportunity to render as extremely
    low resolution.


    For a visual example of this, it may sound funny, but if you look at the movie Tron. The res and deres
    of objects follows the same premise, just using a different medium.          3d extrusion.


    4 These are two things I noticed when applying dense fog to my game a20.6. The front approx 40' view is
    rendered fog, the peripheral, on either side, is not applied for approx 15'. Can this be made to cover a
    wider view. As reference i use 70' view.


    The second deals with stealth, Stealth as it is works but doesn't. Explanation: It reacts directly to
    light, and indirectly to AIi view distance. I don't know if it's the ambient gradient, or the sun/moon
    refractive light. I have not tested it yet.


    How I achieved this, I have my game set to 120 min days, but i recently changed it to minimal daylight
    hours. I go away from my base, the sky overhead is black, but the red sunset never disappears. I can see
    clearly about 40 meters in front of me, then all is pitch black. Here is the interesting part. If i am at
    the edge of the sight range, 20 or so game meters, of a zombie, i can shoot them, they react to being hit
    but as long as i stay stealth/crouched they stop searching after a few seconds, returning to wander mode
    Unless i stand up within range, I can fight multiples of them at night. My light meter is 3 until around
    9am, then it jumps to 37 crouch. During the day if i stealth shoot at 40 + meters A single shot brings all
    of the AI to my direct location.
    As you may guess, I go out at night instead of day now.


    When the sun sets, can it be set using a timer to go from 0 intensity to 100 % of the default then back to
    0? This might make the stealth mechanic more viable outdoors. Indoors it just needs the colliders to block
    light. Not just localized but sun moon ambient. This should provide for the black nights, and naturally dark
    interiors, matching stealth play.

  10. I have a question re: weather on the title page. Has it been TFP/Dev discussed?
    If so can someone point me to the approximate page, I've been away from the forum for a bit.


    The second is more of a TFP query. Due to the Dev diary being akin to an evolving novel.
    The first page is like a combination Table of Contents and Index, without pointers. Would
    it be possible, as dev proceeds, to shrink the sub topics, under a spoiler tag, below the main
    headers as its been accomplished on the back end. This can be done by either the moderators or
    the dev. Or next to each post a page or post link for reference.


    I only ask if it's a viable possibility, because if life takes you away from here for a bit.
    Without any frame of reference, its nearly impossible to find.

  11. I like 3d terraforming to make my maps. But I wanted one that used A20 POIs.
    I manually drew the base terrain and Biomes to match for elevation. Basically
    its a Wip map idea. The tools used were Nitrogen, Photoshop, Krita, Notepad++,
    and Excel.


    The base quantity of prefabs is 5780. After Biomes.xml  its above 6k. That's  
    more than enough for the average play through. The elevation may prove fun for
    PVP vs flat terrain. The Roads are relatively smooth, the paths are uneven like
    real paths, and offroad is just that. Some may like it others not so much, but
    here it is for the fun of it. until 21 comes.


    Just unzip into the 7dtd Worlds folder and load as a new game. If i missed any
    of the Z height elevations, let me know and the difference - or + .

    My average FPS in a city mid 90s to 120. 1920 X 1080 High and Ultra, low shadows
    amd ryzen   gtx 1080.


    Some poi clusters are direct and easy to reach, others you must find the path that leads to different elvevation.


    I just re-uploaded the map. I had to adjust some of the pois that dont have
    a y offset, in the xml. I also included my biomes.xml.


    It has subtle changes to match the map layout. Biomes.xml is more stormy
    and foggy. Singular spectrum so that light does not keep changing as you
    cross biomes.


    In my default config, It is set to 120 min days, and the lowest amount of day time.
    If you use these settings, the stealth mechanism may work better.


    To try the biomes.xml simply rename biomes.xml in your 7dtd config folder to
    orig_biomes.xml and copy the biomes.xml from the included world folder into the config
    folder and load game.


    New download link




    Valley shot




    Elevated city


  12. KingSlayerGM;Cpt Krunch


    I have been working on an A20 POI list for Nitrogen, looking at the format, you should be able to convert it with excel.

    I have tested multiple iterations, edited out the failed pois. using f1 from login to gen into world there are no errors. If you

    would like i can upload the list maybe it will help. I hand paint or photoshop paint my own terrains for the import_hm.png

    It work well with them they average from 4500 to 7500 pois. a copy for use will be posted later, there are two more things i

    need to add, contiguous terrain cluster links, and nostalgic inclusions.    let me know if you would like the list.

  13. Hey Cpt. Krunch

    I just finished an updated prefablist.txt based on your format
    I wanted to use my manual grayscales with your render, because i have something
    particular i would like to do.

    There is an error it says    For input "" .
    How do I fix that please?
    I also adjusted the line in prefab config made a file .csv labeled .txt
    name prefablistmine.txt with the same error.

    I did a compare in notepad++ the only differences are my new add ons.

  14. I like subtle but consistent changes. I still mod weather settings sometimes in older versions
    and to the best of my ability in the newer ones.


      "weathersurvival.xml"   "biomes.xml"
    The changes i make are percentage Temp per altitude, I have to adjust settings depending on the
    map I create. My maps are all manually adjusted via custom grayscale, as well as the biomes. I
    posted an example a while back. So basically i make 25 biomes out of 5 by having overlaps. it
    makes scenery blend as i ascend and descend. My cities are created at different altitudes, from
    Waste which is burning hot, to the snowy plateaus which are frigid. In biome settings i add a
    lot of variance for wet dry fog clouds, but use a single or dual spectrum.


    This is necessary to stop the constant light/spectrum recalc,

    Single for foreboding subdued light, dual if I want the snowy areas to be more visually defined.
    My main single spectrum is desert it feels like the most balanced light, if you use variable fog,
    clouds, and particles.


    The one thing I did notice besides having to plan my attire to survive an excursion, is higher
    FPS and a more consistent FPS.


    To be on top of a mountain approaching a city obscured by windy/snow and not being able to see
    whats in the valley, or even the approaching cliffs, adds to my experience. When i am below the
    Snow range, fog shows the silhouette of building at a higher level in the distance. So even with
    High detail on, my environment only seems to render full detail up close.

    In buffs.xml search for <!-- Weather Survival. copy and paste your own health desires and you may
    achieve your goal. Just search for health to get an idea of the parameters. Other searches
                <!-- Weather Survival HOT -->
                <!-- Weather Survival COLD -->
                <!-- Weather Survival WETNESS -->
                Walkspeed runspeed ETC.


    In the end I agree with the desire for more (structurally sound) funky weather affecting my
    attributes. I can tell when i have done it right. I will play for 4 to 8 hours and not notice
    the time. I just like to make my visuals match.

  15. This is an example of the above. Navezgane snow to forest region

    original image


    edited image


    ingame original


    after image


    and last the new view from the valley


    I just did this after the post to show visual example.

  16. Biome proposition.


    Conceived using photoshop, layers, adjusted via grayscale image. Ranged
    between 255 and 30. I did this because water gen is fluid, but regulated


    Pattern repetition every 200 pixel/meters approx, 40 repetitions per map width
    40 repetitions per height. Seamless integration because of the flora
    generated per color code. Smoother transition from biome to biome.
    it allows for 5 base biomes, to instantly be rendered into 25, biome


    400 meter square is the approximate size of each stamp. This is to reduce
    resource size. each stamp can be an entire map size, or scaled down to 5
    meter square, but this would be too, compressed.


    Redux terra firma biomes


    ORIGINAL Snow, burnt, forest, desert, waste.


    snow   SB SF SD SW
    burnt  BS BF BD BW
    forest FS FB FD FW
    desert DS DB DF DW
    waste  WS WB WF WD


    It is not a simple repeat, The fist letter is a dominant biome, in the fractalized
    image it takes up a higher percentage of the surface area. Because of this the Dom
    has the larger assets placed, and the lesser has the undergrowth flora.


    No additional resources needed, just set each image to an altitude range.
    Game renders grayscale map, ranged between 0 and 255.
    Terra firma from 30 to 255. Water from 0 to 30.
    All are adjustable either by slider or numeric input.


    Generate a grayscale map. Set simple algorithm to replace a range with
    the associated stamp. IE between 255-170=snow stamp, 170-160=snow-forest stamp,
    160-130=forest stamp etc. adjustable depending upon preference for particular
    playthrough. or biome dominance preference. No holes in the world, because its
    using precompleted color schemes.


    Each stamp is only composed of 1 or 2 colors.  For special circumstances example
    an oasis, just set a designation Oasis=Forest stamp or Desert stamp or Water stamp.
    It only limited by imagination.


    The game will automatically populated the already available resources.
    It will just vary in volume. Visually more natural changes.


    Any fractalized image can be used as a stamp. A maze, swirls, etc. it's all just
    square pixels .


    Conclusion: Flexibility, Adaptability, Adjust-ability, and Visual expansion.


    Potential positive points are, in resource and asset placement. In poi xml asset can be
    assigned to Biome, and or altitude range thus raising the chance for more asset variation
    per rendered map. Specialty pois can be "text-gened", the a fore mentioned Oasis, and its assets
    can be assigned a dominant biome, and be set to to render within a specific altitude range.
    The game will instantly render the surounding assets. no more agonizing over precise placement.
    Simply make a biome stamp shape "non-fractalized" labeled Oasis and Jackson Pollock it randomly
    at any preferred altitude.


    The dom biome will be the same, but altitude will automatically rearrange the assets.
    This can also be done with non-fractalized yards around homes. It may have the same
    base home asset, but every yard will be different. All of the tools are already in place,

    just need to be activated. It also over laps and randomizes spawn, levels and ai reactions, predctability



    4SHEETZ "to the wind".


    Dominance example


    5 biomes expanded to 25


  17. There may be an option that can satisfy both the dev and player initiative
    without it being a repetitive situation. Presently if a player or group
    returns to a previously cleared POI, whether spawn on or off they already
    have a map of whats coming because they remember.


    One of the things that made me think of this after reading, is that i like not
    knowing whats going to happen. To approach from the weak position vs the strong.
    For me that's what makes a challenge, suspense and a "fight" for survival situation.


    The idea uses foundations already laid. A poi has a spawn volume, is sedentary,
    there are timers, players have an xp level. Once a poi volume is cleared, a random
    timer is activated depending on the POI loot level, heat can be set for that POI
    just below the screamer spawn. A player generates a certain amount of heat just by


    If a player returns to a cleared poi, either by basic sweep and clear, or by trader
    quest then their heat plus the poi heat will spawn a screamer. The POI heat level
    will never lower below the new threshold, only the player leaving the area will
    bring it back down.


    The spawn group by this screamer is special. It spawns a group based on a formula.
    The poi loot level 1-5 plus a multiplier of the players xp plus each one has at least
    one player killer in the group. Cop, Cop radiated, Feral radiated, Wight radiated,
    Demolisher, Bear, Wolf pack.


    A logical hierarchy can be set, clear poi, the new heat level alone spawns predator
    packs, vultures progress to dogs to wolves to bears and in between come the screamer
    player returns and fights, and screamer joins the party. If players have a group the
    highest one in the group is the regulated multiplier.


    Once the timer runs out the poi area is set to active for predator/screamer spawn


    It would provide a filler for a progressive threat level as a person progresses.


    The image: as you clear more of the sleepers, you progressively open the world to
    the walkers and predators. That combined with feral sense makes for a continuous
    nightmare, potential XP acceleration, potential death, yet keeping within the
    rendering limitations.


    Either way nothing will be handed to anyone, you fight to survive, and it creates
    an accelerated vicious cycle of treat progression.

  18. This is what i have done since the creation of spears early game.


    1 collect a ton of wood and stone.


    2 mark and remember the straightest path out


    3 turn up the volume of my game to hear, grass rustling in case
    zombie howl fails. now i can also hear bird's wings.


    4 Create a stack of ladders, and frames. I don't nerd pole, i use the
    frames for blocking egress, so nothing sneaks up in a poi quietly.
    i place the ladders 3 blocks up and do hard pois from top down.
    This way if you get a zombie tail, climb or jump down off the roof,
    run around the house when it follows, climb back up. block the interior
    poi path but allow for you to shoot a bow or throw a spear. After dispatch
    destroy the block, and progress.


    Make as many arrows as you can, this will also give you the chance of eggs.
    I keep at least 6 spears in my belt until i find better weapons.


    If you can see the POI's before entering the zone its best to pick a flat
    one near your target. Clear the roof, and destroy the bottm two rungs of
    any ladder leading up. use that as a temp base should you get bogged down,
    have to beat a retreat, or it starts getting dark. Its a good thing that
    vultures only attack after you are wounded or it would be a long night.


    If you see a bear, make sure you are fast enough to get to the flat top.
    Lure it there and if you want build a catwalk, so you don't fall, then spear
    the #*@*! out of him, aim for the head. That's the reason for the rocks, and
    wood. use spears, make six more rinse repeat til one of you is dead. reclaim
    the excess spears and put them in a secure box at th catwalk.


    Raid the POI slowly, then get out of Dodge and sell to the Trader.


    Tips move in a zigzag fashion over the terrain, when headed toward target biome
    look for golden seal, tree trunks, cotton plants, and check any, garbage and
    external loot container along the way. you will need bottles and murky water,
    use your arrows mainly for chickens and rabbits along the way. the only point id
    advise is chef, the rest is up to your playthrough. bacon and eggs, and water
    will keep you alive, until the next day.


    Its not perfect, but depending on the poi locale, i usually have more than one
    roof to climb up on. Best if done by day to watch for mines.

  19. I hope this helps.

    First you will need an image editor if you manually do it, for png format i would suggest Krita. it s free and works well with the transparency layer.

    Open splat4processed png.

    on the right you see layer one, right mouse brings up menu,

    you will see split alpha, hover mouse over

    left click alpha into mask

    uncheck the eye and you will see layer one change from checkerboard

    select layer one, you should see green, use eyedropper to make green your paint color

    pick a brush and paint, save file reload game and the game should generate water.

    This is the roughest insertion possible.

    water can also be added in biomes using      fill up to, and in r w g adjusting water level.


    If this is something you would like to do, tell me which option you are most comfortable with

    and i will try to type instructions.


  20. Disclaimer "This is my personal opinion regarding the changes to A20" probably unpopular but.


    Overall I like it. Vanilla visual: The lighting makes it look like peering through a window now on
    my monitor. The ground textures are now blended instead of color contrast making a more
    contiguous scene. Render is smoother than before, with low AA no jagged overlays as I move.
    Map loads a lot faster than before.


    The slowed animation is a plus for me, it forces me to check my distance and bearing when
    using a weapon, I like the low dps because it forces me to head shot and sneak for max damage,
    the increased infection and rate has made me rethink "my fools rush in moves". Feral sense
    is woah, I can't do a dig quest without watching my back, I like it. The creep factor and the
    this is your rifle this is your gun factor, is beginning to remind me of the early single digit
    alphas. the addition of the poptop decapitation and limbs is a visual and visceral plus for


    How I play
    I play with Xbox 360 wired controller, "I know, I know" but it's basically menthol vs regular.
    My starting equipment, stone axe, torch, club, bow, and 6 stone spears. As i find other weapons
    I begin to replace the spears. I am Nomadic by nature, play SP offline. No stuttering so far.
    Settings customizations so far: Edited additional fog particles from my a19 to a20, customized
    biome height oriented and based on my fractalized biomes, example snow, snow to forest, forest,
    forest to desert, desert, desert to burnt, burnt, burnt to waste, waste. Blends and overlaps,
    spawn, and mixes visuals for a personal visual flow. When in the mountains, I can't see whats
    below a certain level until i descend. In the desert, burnt and waste, combined with the new fog
    overlay it causes a now you see me now you don't visual for entities. i have to listen more


    Hardware specs: Walmart GTX 1650 super with Ryzen 3600 hp motherboard. The only change, upgraded
    to 16 gig ram, and replaced the 1650 with my EVGA gtx 1080 founders that I bought and stored
    2 years ago. Monitor Vizio 50" DU 4k.


    The 1650 is being added to a prior pc for my girlfriend's son Merry Christmas to all. And I am
    getting a steam version of the game.


    Pics included as reference, may help others with settings and choices, or not. For those on servers
    as a test see audio image included, if you have voice on try turning it off, play silent talk,
    if stutter slows or stops, then try using a third party voice app. It may lower
    data throughput. If stutter is still there. Then i can't help.



    Happy gaming


    Thanks TFP




  21. I don't know, i've only ever seen a few seconds of my girlfriends son playing. I never saw the beginning.

    But if that's the mechanic then yes. I liked the opening of predator, saw that the basic mechanic was in place,

    swap the block model for the humanoid. And i recently played Sorcery mod, the beginning has a jump scare

    so i put it together as a potential request.


  22. I have a future request regarding how the game starts.


    We know there is life outside the arena because there is a supply plane drop
    periodically, unless a player turns it off.


    I would like for players to wake up falling from that plane, none of the major
    control buttons work. only directional until the auto chute opens. Randomized drop

    points, same location as spawn points just from altitude.  First time players will have

    a good starting shock.


    Anyone that has played, will wait and guide the chute to an approximate desired
    drop location. You get an initial birds eye view of the surrounding land. You
    can also read the opening notes before you land.


    The amimation, basically semi-ragdoll into a rigid emulation of how the Loot Chute
    falls, with the advantage of guiding close to a chosen starting location.


    When you die you spawn/drop directly over a placed bed or a random point from the

    plane again, and you loot bag is dropped from a second chute, like the lute chute.


    Idea originated from the beginning of predator.

  23. The situation that is the main topic can be broken down to relationships.


    Here's the logic


    I sometimes like to watch my girlfriend doing things, especially if she is doing some of
    those things for me.


    Then there are times that i like doing those same things for her as she watches me.


    Last there are times we enjoy doing those same things to each other, while watching each
    other. Thats the basis of a good relationship.


    Roland was right about relativity.
    "Put your hand on a hot stove and a second can fell like an hour. Get your hands on a hot
    woman and and hour can feel like a minute

    "L.L. Cool J in Deep Blue Sea"

  24. The Ketsup Analogy

    My point of view comes from what i've learned about TFP, the forum, and the Game over the years.
    Over time TFP has built a semi proven marketing plan that seems to still work like this.
    But as the new generations and different varieties of personalities join this is the result.
    this is what they get.

    To summize https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/9e/b9/739eb9c928b11bba13f69e36816aecf3.png

  25. @Faatal


    My Poi question came from multiple twitch sessions/commentaries, each about
    separate new changes going into A20. You, Ken, MM, and the last was the gentleman
    that spoke about TFP adjusting the loot table to more logically distribute the type
    of loot per poi type/Tag.


    The Poi tags are what i was talking about, Madmole had FubarPrime to refresh
    the Poi's generated in the area to show the nearly infinite random spawn layout
    visually. Ken showcased the Street stamping layout, which showed a visual view
    of his coded street configuration, he had produced in a prior alpha and had now
    perfected. You spoke of being able to assign custom Poi Tags to regulate entity spawning.
    Then the last TFP member spoke of loot redistribution. Separate processes that are
    all related to randomized and controlled spawning.


    Heirarchy: top down  Biome/Entity, city/layout, street/grouped poi according
    to tag, loot/distributed to poi group/per poi tag. Result higher more difficult volume
    entities surrounding specific pois naturally, no matter the randomization. That combined
    with loot distribution control makes for a nice flow.


    I only wanted to know if its Poi tag, street stamp, or the old biome association, from
    prefab xml that could regulate how many of a particular Poi would repeat in a random
    generation. Or none of the above.


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