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Everything posted by Robeloto

  1. Thank you! Wow, that is a huge fine. I need to be sure to read them policies as I am planning to upload some videos there. Just shout out your ideas here and I will look into them whenever I can. Thank you! Yes they sure are stabilising! Thankfully I was not at home when the fire started. ^^ Thanks for your concern ____________________ So I have been working some on the mod. What I have done so far: • Predator got a new temporary skin. • Cloaker bird removed. • ScreamerBoss removed. Replaced by Atrocity, attacks are screams and they will stun you for 0,5 seconds. Very dangerous. (Similiar/same as Snufkins Banshee) • Added new zombie (archetype) called RPG. This is the one who shoot rockets now and are a type of heavy soldier with a rocket launcher on his shoulder. • Fireboss got a new cool skin. (This was added a year ago, but I never updated.) • Added new zombie called RadRobot. Slow and has a skin that kinda looks robotic. Shoots a red beam that will hurt you over time. (This was added a year ago, but I never updated) What I plan to do: I plan to rework some zombies, like Ironman, Giant, Coptercorpse. • I want to add some stuff to Ironman, maybe a helmet over his head. • Giant need to change to another ragdoll than the biker. I could make an custom one in archetypes, but I do not think I can make him as big there. • Coptercorpse need to get a bigger hitbox and maybe less hitpoints. • I still want a zombie that can somehow throw grenades, but I dunno if its possible to do. Got many ideas that are kinda over the place. • I am gonna add some lowered sounds when you buy at the trader too. So I am gonna fix the other mods also, but I am not quite sure what needs to be fixed other than that was written here. Seems there is not much errors. I dunno. Anyway I am a bit sick, headache and sore throat and I cannot sit in front of the PC that long before I need to rest. So do not expect things to be done too soon. ^^
  2. That is strange. Maybe it has to do something with this. I will remove if it is. At the moment, I just wanna make my mod work for the newest alpha version. We will see. I cannot promise anything yet. Yes, I have, but I wanna use sounds that are already included in the game. I hope so. I will try to make it work for the latest alpha! Thanks! It seems the goggleeyedmaterial does not exist anymore, so I have removed that. I will remove the cloaker as there is no good skin for it now. The predator should work now. I am just doing a dirty fix now to see what works. Thank you Oh, yeah, you can remove him by going in to entitygroups and removing all spawns for him. If the hitbox is too small, maybe I need to rework that. I wanted the hitbox to be as big as the tank on the copter. If it is too small I will make it bigger. ^^ Oh I have been off for a very long time. I will take a look into this problem. Thanks! Yeah, new versions usually means a lot of new errors for old modlets ^^ I will take a look into this. Thank you! It has been unmaintained for a long time. I am sorry, but real life hit me bad. Thanks for your feedback. I am gonna try my best to fix all the issues!
  3. Hey everyone and sorry. I have been off for a while. It all started since my apartment was in a fire in april this year and I lost a bunch of stuff. I am coming back. If you wanna help me I would be so grateful. What has changed and what still works in my mod? I am gonna take time to release for the current Alpha version. I'm glad for all the feedback and support you have given until now. It means a lot. Edit: This is what happened xD
  4. Hello guys and gals! Sorry I have been gone for so long. Real life issues.... I see that A19.2 stable is out, and I am gonna see what I may need to fix. I am in the middle of moving, so I just need a couple of days. So in my next update this is changed for the custom zombies. Changed Fireboss skin Changed WhiteNoise skin and changed his name to Translucent Added a new zed - RadRobot, fires a red beam Removed WaterRaion / Replaced by HybridPanther Reworked entitygroups
  5. The shark does not work anymore sadly. Wanted sharkboy in my mod too. I have tried with different shark mesh, but nope. Tip: You do not have to close the game if an zombie has error. You can write in console: killall and the error will stop. Make sure to write it 2 times.
  6. I have updated the mod. I will write soon at the first page what I have changed. And one BIG WARNING before you proceed installing and start to play. I have included a readme file that says the quests.xml file has been changed. I have also included a quests_old.xml file as backup of the old quest file. If you have a character that plays any quests from the old version. Do not proceed with installing the new quest file. Just keep the old or else your character will be reset when you start playing. So it is recommended to start a new character on this version (2.73). If you are uncertain if your character have these quests active or not, please make a backup of your save. Cause I don't wanna be responsible for erasing your char. =(
  7. Sorry, I completely missed that. Thank you for noticing this so fast! It is corrected now! Thanks, I have removed one material(forged steel). I am going to update it soon as I am going to make the quality stages for MPA and BOH. Btw, I know noone asked for it, but here is the story why I added these items. It was for my sister who was a beginner and I wanted her to have a bit of advantage. So I made the BOH and MPA. First they were as dev tools, then I made it so you could craft them. First it wasn't supposed to go in with my Custom Zombies, but it did by mistake and I kept it that way. It was supposed to have no quality or tier stage at all. I wanted no number on it actually, but I kept it like this. Seeing how others liked it and want it to have quality stage I am willing to implement it. ^^ If you look in alternate versions for custom zombies, you can see I have several versions of zombies removed. Check them out. I am going to make more versions. If there is a version that do not match your criteria. Write here or DM me which zombies you would like to see removed.
  8. Sorry, I forgot to add the physicsbodies.xml file, so now I have added that. Download the mod again, otherwise Geist and Scarecrow won't work. edit: LoudSoundsLowered and Disassemble Traps have been updated. When you disassemble traps you will not get resources anymore, but a 45% chance to get a full trap.
  9. I have updated my mod now with some fixes, such as Chroma skin, AnimalFly error fixed. New zombie added and also added 3 zombies from Snufkins mod. Read more at thread start. Thanks. I will have to look into this and fix it.
  10. Gonna add him when I update my mod soon. 😃 But atm I am not sure if I am gonna have a dynamite in his skull or have dynamites in his hands. The timed bomb will be at the chest as it is in the video. I did not get IsLookingAtEntity to work. but I am sure it is because it says (not hooked up) in the original xmls. So the time bomb countdown will trigger if he attacks/he is attacked or attacks a block.
  11. Thanks guys! I will take a look into this. I am working on a bit bigger update so I will try to finish as fast as I can. Before weekend ends I hope.
  12. You can still use p_electric_shock by creating a new buff. First you must get rid of the looping sound. In sounds.xml : <set xpath="/Sounds/SoundDataNode[@name='electric_arc_lp']/MaxVoices/@value">0</set> <!-- no sound --> <append xpath="/Sounds"> <!-- new shock sound datanode, but still uses the original electric arc sound with no loop --> <SoundDataNode name="electricshock"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Impact_Large"/> <Noise ID="2" noise="11" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.5"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/Electricity/ElectricFence/electric_arc_lp" Loop="false"/> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="3"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="0.01"/> </SoundDataNode> and in buffs.xml. (You can also change the original buffShocked and set the playsound to electricshock) But I did it like this anyway: <buff name="buffElectrified" description_key="buffShockedDesc" tooltip_key="buffShockedTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_electric_power" name_key="buffShockedName" icon_color="255,0,0"> <damage_type value="electrical"/> <stack_type value="replace"/> <duration value="4.5"/> <effect_group> <passive_effect name="HealthChangeOT" operation="base_add" value="-6"/> <passive_effect name="RunSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value="0.9,0" duration="0,3.2"/> <passive_effect name="WalkSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value="0.9,0" duration="0,3.2"/> <passive_effect name="CrouchSpeed" operation="perc_subtract" value="0.9,0" duration="0,3.2"/> <passive_effect name="JumpStrength" operation="perc_subtract" value="0.9,0" duration="0,3.2"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_electric_shock" local_offset="0,0.75,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEnteredGame" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_electric_shock" local_offset="0,0.75,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffFinish" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="ETrapHit" operation="set" value="0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfLeaveGame" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_electric_shock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="PlaySound" sound="electricshock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="FadeOutSound" sound="electricshock"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfLeaveGame" action="StopSound" sound="electricshock"/> </effect_group> </buff> Remember to apply the new buff over the old(buffShocked) ones in Entityclasses.xml and Items.xml.
  13. Great work arramus for getting Snufkins zombies mod to work with A19! @Snufkin, I know I have praised you before for this mod. But please let me do it again. Your imagination for making custom zombies exceeds mine. I think they are more than amazing! I also have one question for you and that is if I can borrow 2 zeds from yours to mine? I will credit you of course everywhere, even in the xml. I am completely in love with Archon and the Geist. I understand if you don't allow it and then I will only use them on my private server. Oh, and have a wonderful day! Tip: If you switch the "p_onFire" particle to "p_fire_small" the console will not spam yellow errors when they hit the ground. They aren't as beautiful, but that is one solution atleast.
  14. <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="2" fade="2" effect_name="Distortion"/> Look in buffs.xml for these lines. Change the intensity to a "0" and it will show no screen effect.
  15. I have uploaded the version without animals. Just replace your entitygroups.xml with the no animal version entitygroups.xml.
  16. Sorry. I did upload all the new files, but somehow the entitygroups.xml for the 11 zed version did not update. So I did it again and now skullbird should be completely removed for that version. It should not even have been in that version in the first place, but I missed one entry and that becomes a problem if the entity is removed. Now it should work. I have not much time atm to test everything out sadly.
  17. I have now removed skullbird completely from all versions. Thank you! Yes, I could make a version like that soon!
  18. I will take a look into this. I may have only tested to shoot him from below. Thanks for the feedback Araxyllis! You can ask for a special version. Just go ahead! It is no problem. Edit: Yes, when they are already in the game, you cannot remove them. I think you need to start a new game. Edit2: I may have to remove SkullBird completely. I also noticed that SkullBird could not be seen from about 10m~ away. It is the prefab that behaves this way. Have more time tomorrow so I will do what I can to try to fix it, else I will remove him. =/
  19. Thanks for the info! I will take a look into this! Edit: The broken arm/leg issue is now solved. The mummy one I will fix later tonight. Alternate versions of my CustomZombies and NerfthemAll is uploaded now under alternate versions.
  20. This version is now uploaded!
  21. Its weird. I know I fixed that, but now when I test it again. The hitbox is not properly aligned. I am going to fix this ASAP! Edit: Now it should be fixed.
  22. I have updated the mod now with slightly lower block damage. Some are decreased a lot , such as giant, but most are only decreased by 100 to 200 blockdamage. I am going to make another version soon with higher nerfed block damage when I got more time!
  23. I will try to make a version with those this week. Cannot promise anything though! I know what you mean, some friends I have is of your opinion. It is hard to please everyone hehe. I actually had a low block damage before in older versions. The thing is it was a pain with having so much different versions of the mod and I had to update them all. But I will try to make one soon. Maybe this week or later. And hope you will enjoy that more!
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