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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Quick patch! (v1.4.1) Fishing poles now break at 0 durability due to NRE bug. This is a very quick fix for that. Lead Fishing Weights now craftable in both forges. All 3 types of bandages and boiled water in a can now stack to 15.
  2. I told you what my system spec was and how I ran it. If you can run starvation, you can run this because it needs less RAM and has less models in it. It's more like War of the Walkers or Valmod in terms of system requirements. And I doubt you're gonna hear from someone with a worse PC than you, because that's Core2Duo/Core2Quad territory. Your friend is going to have to just try the game and see if it works, then see what mods work and accept their PC is gonna need an upgrade. As for his internet speed, why not take the game to him on a USB stick? It's seriously like... 4GB uncompressed and 2GB compressed to download.
  3. No idea. I haven't tried adding SMX hud to anything. I may look into it and stick it on the first post as a seperate download if I can make it play nice. However most of the workstation windows are at the bottom of the windows.xml and xui.xml files if you want to try and do it yourself. And there's comments to identify them. I... actually have no idea on that. I think I'd need to rename the github repo, which may then break the link. However, it does tell you in the console when you first load the game at the menu.
  4. Thought it might be something like that. Glad you sorted it. Well if you read the very first post, I put the specs of the PC I used to develop the mod before it finally died (and it wasn't to do with the mod, backlight died on the monitor, then the keyboard started to go... but it was old). That should give you an idea. As a very general rule, graphics card from 2011, a quad core CPU (like an i5) and 8GB RAM should be fine. I do NOT recommend running it on a laptop that doesn't have a proper, dedicated graphics card... but then I don't recommend that for any game.
  5. Completely normal. It means it's building the UMA textures for the new zombies. Always does it when I delete my dev version and redownload/patch it. As long as you don't have a ton of console errors, just let it get to the menu, go make a coffee, come back and it should be done. I always recommend leaving it to do it's thing, generating your world, then closing the game to clear RAM and then play. Works great on all 3 PC's I've tested it on (including the laptop).
  6. Yep, it's on the launcher/github. Only thing I can think of is let the mod boot up on first run, generate your world, then close the game and try it again. That clears out the RAM. Also make sure you have a UMATextures folder and you arent getting a ton if console errors when the mod first loads.
  7. Big Update Time! I've been forgetting to do version numbers, so I went through the thread, totalled up everything I consider to be a "big" update and used that to work out what version the mod should be on. So let's call this v1.4. 5 "new" POI's! They are modifications of current ones, but should make for some variation. New zombies for the above POI's! Tread carefully. Lots of zombies listed as "missing" in the files have been added! This means some extra ferals and a LOT of radiated and feral radiated zombies have been added. Radiated Dogs, Bears and Vultures added! ...with a surprise... *evil grin* The "ZombieScouts" group has been edited. Expect some surprises. I need to go through the gamestage stuff to edit wandering hordes and 7 day hordes to include some of these new zombies, but that's a big job, so I've left it alone for now. The new zombies require UMA textures to be built, so first run after the update will have a laggy menu. Let the game do it's thing (go make a coffee or something) and when the menu is not laggy, close the game and reload to clear your RAM. There might be some localization that I've missed, so let me know of any bugs or the like as per usual.
  8. Insomnia is a pain, but it's handy for coding. So I've been working on the mod pretty much all day. Modified some existing POI's and then saved them as new ones to spawn into the world. Added a lot of the zombies tagged as "missing" (most of which are all rad zombies, or feral rad zombies), plus a few new ones. Still need to add them to entitygroups so they can spawn, then test. I also fixed the "infinite loot" bug on the destroyed workstations by having them destroy on close. Sadly means loss of resources, but it prevents that exploit, which I believe is a vanilla thing. None of this is on github yet, just wanted to give folks a heads up on what's going on.
  9. Small update time! Hollow Tip item was missing icon, so one has been added. (thanks Unforgiven!) Ferals had loot lists improved. Also some prep work for adding in extra zombies. Survivors and Bandits now turn into "Human Remains." Melee Survivors and Bandits have slightly improved loot. Ranged Survivors and Bandits now have a chance to drop their weapons and ammo in loot bags!
  10. Thank you for the kind words! Very much appreciated
  11. Had ideas for some modified current POI's (they wouldn't replace the current ones, just be additions). So new zombies may be on hold while I poke at these as potential ideas.
  12. It did not. Came with windows 7 as a pre-install because it's a bit older and a refurb (came out in 2013, but is MILES better than the 2011 model laptop I had). But Windows 10 really doesn't like it. Windows 7? Running like a dream... actually faster than Win 10 too. So it's only a minor inconvenience. I liked W7 anyways.
  13. Alright, sorry for being quiet... I had a few issues with the new laptop. Apparently it doesn't like Windows 10, to the point that it'd start getting laggy and unusable instantly after running a game (like 7DTD) or just after a few hours. So I spent today putting Windows 7 back on it, and now it's great! So I can get back to working on the mod now And I can actually run 7DTD at 60fps!
  14. Very small update! Tweaked the loot tables to remove leather schematics and scrap iron schematics for all "parts" except the chest. Reason: All the books only gave +1 to the appropriate skill anyway (Leather Armor Crafting or Scrap Armor Crafting). This way it lowers the chances of getting those books to max out the perk, while also giving other books a good chance to spawn.
  15. That's why I try not to mess with the progression or rwgmixer files too much. It usually means you need a new game.
  16. Just a heads up for folks. I usually try and do a bit on the mod every single day, but I likely won't be today. For those who don't know, I pretty much use my laptop for modding since I can do coding while I do my physio crap. Not saying that to get sympathy or anything, it's just a heads up. But anyway, the laptop is basically dead at this point. The monitor is dead (using an external right now via HDMI), the sound card is dead (thank god the HDMI monitor has speakers...), the DVD drive PORT doesn't work (tested with DVD drive and one of those caddies that lets you plug a HDD in) and the keyboard is on it's way out (using an external right now)... oh... and the power brick only works 50% of the time... and the battery is buggered. Sooooo... I've got a new one turning up today. That means I'm basically spending my time backing up EVERYTHING ready to move to the new laptop. I'll try and get any really bad bugs fixed, but saving data is today's priority.
  17. The perk is commented out in the code right now... <perk name="Farming" icon="resource" description_key="farmingDesc" title_key="farming" max_level="3" skill_point_cost_multiplier="1" skill_point_cost_per_level="3" group="crafting"> <!-- <requirement skill_level="1" required_skill_name="Scrap Iron Tools" required_skill_level="1"/> --> <recipe name="plantedChrysanthemum1" unlock_level="1"/> <recipe name="plantedCorn1" unlock_level="1"/> <recipe name="waterBarrel1" unlock_level="1"/> <recipe name="plantedBlueberry1" unlock_level="2"/> <recipe name="plantedMushroom1" unlock_level="2"/> <recipe name="seedCarrot" unlock_level="2"/> <recipe name="plantedAloe1" unlock_level="3"/> <recipe name="plantedCoffee1" unlock_level="3"/> <recipe name="seedWheat" unlock_level="3"/> </perk> Just out of interest, it might be worth trying a new game and seeing if the issue still exists. It worked fine for me on a new game (I always quickly boot up a navezgane map to test anything) Your community must hate you then, max. Regarding zombies and such, I do plan to put more in later, and using the bandit and survivor archetypes to make slightly tougher zombies is on my "to-do" list. Right now I want to get the missing radiated and feral radiated zombies into the mod, then maybe work on the wandering horde system a bit along with the 7 day hordes. Basically I thought it might make things interesting to throw those zombies in with the normal ones and feral ones just to mi things up... and as mentioned, I do want to work on some that prioritize destroying your base.
  18. Okay, there was a problem, and I fixed it. Basically I had the original rwgmixer.xml file in the Data folder. This wasn't an issue with the old mod launcher because I've seen people playing with the compo pack. The new version was copying that original file into the config directory and overwriting the one that's supposed to spawn the new compo pack POI's. So I've zipped up the original file and deleted the XML file. That way, compo pack is the default but the original is still there in-case anyone needs it. So the issue is now sorted. @sphereii is the launcher SUPPOSED to do that?
  19. Odd. Was working for me and some other folks on stream... Will test it later or tomorrow depending on how soon I go to bed. EDIT: Yep. Definitely working, and the default file includes the compo pack POI's in the rwgmixer. There's a lot more in cities than the wilderness though.
  20. Tiny update! Radiated Earth blocks in Hub City now apply a radiation debuff when walked on. Lasts for 30 seconds, -1 health/water per 3 seconds, -10 stamina per 3 seconds, -1 wellness per 10 seconds. So be careful where you walk! (they show as red on the map, green in-game) EDIT: Also removed the perk requirements for the Forge perk, Farming perk and Leather Tanning perk. You can now buy these at game start, if you want, or read the book without buying tool crafting/armour crafting.
  21. 1) Working locally. Please make sure you have the latest version because I was an idiot and labelled the pistol recipe perk the same name as the pistol SKILL. So either book would teach you the recipe and then not work for the skill. I fixed that a few days ago. 2) Fixed and pushed to github. Scrap Iron Fireaxe was also missing, so I added it. Thanks for the info!
  22. Nah. It's the same mixer from a few pages ago, but with the new POI's added. So no odd cliffs... though the sharp cliffs look cool. I miss having cliff-side bases carved into the rock.
  23. It has been included totally, not as an addon. Simply because it was a headache trying to incorporate it and I'm tired. I can muck around with things and put up a non-version if people wish. New game is NOT needed as far as I know. You just won't find any POI's until you go to an unexplored area, if I'm right with how rwg works. EDIT: Actually, sort-of done. I've put the original rwgmixer file in the Data folder. If you don't want to use the compo pack, just copy that into the Config folder. This way it gives users a choice, and I have a backup as well. Which is good, because I'm dumb and I've overwritten files by accident once already!
  24. Another update! Folks have asked for this... so I've done it. Compo pack is now included in the mod! I've also included Tin's POI's from his 16.3 rwgmixer thread, so make sure you give him some love. I did disable the a-frame houses, because... honestly... I personally don't like them. Too much free loot and the doors that don't go anywhere really irritate me.
  25. It worked for Kickz about 2 hours ago too because he's streaming this mod atm. Updated fine through the launcher. But as Sphereii said, it only seems to be working for some people.
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