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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. No trader isn't intended. That sounds like it didn't spawn properly. No guards IS intended. I removed guards on servers.
  2. Yep, Grease Monkey 1 gives the wheels recipe, which is mechanic only. You can get them by wrenching the random tyres found in the world too, just like you could in A16. Glad you've been enjoying it. I've made a few tweaks, so even if you get to that point, there's still "something else" to do in 2.2 I have a suspicion you might be hitting max zombie limit. It's an issue in 2.2. Living at the trader also adds to it since the game seems to consider the guards to be zombies, even though they aren't. I do have a potential fix for that in 2.21. However, you can open the console (F1) and type this. sg MaxSpawnedZombies 100 See if that helps. When horde night is done, run the same command but with either 60 (that's the game default) or 75 to lower the max count as 100 zombies is a bit laggy. 200 is sheer hell. My laptop hates me for testing that.
  3. If it is OS X... then... buggered if I know. The normal, unmodified wire tool on DF works absolutely fine. It connects and disconnects power. The advanced one is giving me the error you describe on disconnect, but the normal wire tool can disconnect those wires. That's on Windows 10.
  4. Yeeeeeah. That GPU is part of the problem. It's a low-end laptop GPU. Also the mod is currently absolutely NOT recommended for users with only 8GB RAM. I would try the DFalls-Navezgane map instead of RWG or one of the other maps with only 8GB. And even then there's no guarantee you'll be able to run it. Only other thing I can suggest is lowering the resolution so it forces the CPU to do more work. You can also try gfx pp enable 0 in the console.
  5. Should work on any tree. I know it works on basically all of the ones in the forest biome. Right, wire tool. Tested it. Normal wire tool is working absolutely fine locally. The advanced wire tool does NOT disconnect power for some reason.
  6. Mmkay. Very odd. Will poke it. I may take you up on that. Blessed metal mod. +100% damage to demons. That is currently a scientist-only perk, which is NOT intended. It will be fixed in 2.21. Scientist is supposed to be biofuel only, not all gas gans.
  7. Yep, it is. I haven't altered the vanilla one, so will do some investigating
  8. Which wiretool? Because there's 2. The vanilla one and the modded one.
  9. Yeah, you DEFINITELY spawned in the rad biome. I recommend using one of the pre-made maps for new players to avoid nonsense like that. RWG is RWG and will literally spawn you in a hell hole. If you use the premade maps, then you learn to recognise the hell hole and can roll a new seed. DF-Medium isn't RWG, it's a pre-made map, and yes it does. It has 2. Actual RWG? That can straight up not spawn stuff because it's RWG. Not a lot I can do about that. But Myth has tweaked it a lot to try and make sure folks get at least 1 of each bunker and 1 caitlin. Still screws up from time to time. Sounds about right, though the hordes are getting tweaked again, as are gamestages as it's advancing a little quicker than we'd like.
  10. Wait... why the hell are you getting the fireball zombies? That's not right... I'ma have to check some spawning groups.
  11. It is tents. You probably got the co-ords the wrong way around because those co-ordinates are the opposite way around to what's displayed on the map (pretty sure the first is east/west, second is north/south) Congrats on being the only person with that complaint. It's not unplayable. The game itself LOVES to front-load it's night spawns on day 1. So put down your bed and then find somewhere to hide not near your bed.
  12. That block still exists. That's a good idea. Cave-type wilderness POI. Only in the wild. I did NOT add them to the sleeper spawn list.
  13. I think I forgot to give the spider a load block, which would be why there's occasional frame dips. Nope. Not possible to change the keys because it's actually defined in the DLL patch I use to get them working. So that'd be something 308 needs to change. They SHOULD spawn, but it's RWG... so they also might not. Yep, I derped. Already fixed locally. Yes there is. <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="-4865,14,4197" rotation="2" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="5358,19,-5412" rotation="3" />
  14. Them landmines are stealthy little buggers...
  15. Should be able to if you have a claim block. I didnt mess with that. I THINK it's in XUi/controls.xml, specifically the bit starting df_backpack_item_stack. I'm gonna look at moving the UI around a little to make that larger. You can't because some of them are my own personal ones that I haven't released to the public. Current build list is... AnimationSDX - Sphereii Block Spawn Entity - Mine CCTV - 308 EmuEntityAlive - TormentedEmu EmuGuiManager - TormentedEmu Hal's Display Case - HAL9000 Hal's Custom Journal Entries - HAL9000 Item Action Connect Power SDX - Mine MortePlantGrowing - Morte (A14 code updated to A17 by me) Nests Mod - SDX Team (A14 code updated to A17 with help from sphereii by me) Powered Doors and Hatches - 308 SDX Elevator - 308 SDX Buffs - Sphereii SDX Dialogue - Sphereii SDX EAITasks - Sphereii SDX EntityAliveSDX - Sphereii SDX ItemActions - Sphereii SDX Quests - Sphereii SDX SpawnFromEntityGroup - Sphereii Sphereii entity player - sphereii Sphereii mod localization hack - sphereii Sphereii Remove XP notification - sphereii Sphereii Wandering Traders -sphereii Sphereii Entity Hook - sphereii Sphereii Mod Loader - sphereii Sphereii Unlock Health Bar - sphereii Usable Watch - Mine and sphereii Zombie NRE Hacks - Mine Plus all my custom code to increase wandering horde gamestage to 5000, add extra item tiers and increase party size that I added to the DLL by hand. So you can't recompile the mod with DMT and preserve all of it's features. Open entitygroups.xml and find animalSpider. Remove all instances. Done. It's called DFscifiAIOT. And yes, those requirements are correct and intended. You need to find a large bunker.
  16. Yep, it does reset for some reason. No idea why. New biomes should be in every map, yes. DF-Nav has the small bunker (3), the large bunker (1), Caitlin and I deleted the vanilla rad biome and replaced it with mine. That MIGHT be spiders spawning... maybe. Will need to double check.
  17. Base damage is 100, mining tools adds 100%, miner 69'er adds another 100% and then mods add more damage but the game has an odd way of calculating mods/perks for damage. So yes, that's about right. Also, more block damage is a BAD THING on tools like fireaxes and pickaxes. It gives you less resources (tested and confirmed in vanilla). Yeah, I dont recommend using the trader as a base at all. It's good for the first couple of days to store stuff while you build or find anothe POI, but there's too many random things the game does with trader POI's (like randomly resetting them, deleting claim blocks, guards counting against max zombie count, etc) that it's just not a good idea. What's annoying is it wasnt an issue in A16. They do spawn demons, especially in DF V2.2. The bottom floor is almost all demons.
  18. Trader should respawn automatically. The spawn block is set to respawn them at their inventory reset time, which is 6am. Guards are intended to NOT respawn. EDIT: Also forgot to mention this. When respawning stuff from the F6 menu that you want to stick around, make sure you tick "From Static Spawner." That should fix it... no guarantee, but should.
  19. Portal can be destroyed and looted. Other than that, it spawns demons.
  20. Ok, I was slightly wrong. Guns are made in the WORKBENCH. Not a metal workbench, the normal workbench. That's a minor derp on my part. And here's the video to prove it. Crafting Area: <whatever> refers to the recipe you have SELECTED. So when you select a gun part, you make THAT gun part in the Lathe. NOT the gun. As you can see with the P225 which says Backpack or Workbench (and is wrong, it should be workbench only). So apparently I have some localization to fix to reflect the fact guns are made in the workbench. But you still don't need a lathe to make a gun.
  21. I think you misunderstand me. You need the Lathe to make GUN PARTS. If you have all the parts for a gun, you can just build the gun in your backpack or workbench. If you don't have the parts, check the trader or do more looting... just like A16 used to be. She's not intended to be hired. She's intended to be an NPC quest giver. That's why she does a lot of damage. Issue is almost fixed. It was an issue within EntityAliveSDX. - - - Updated - - - That's odd. I tested it on the guards and it worked absolutely fine. But I had that issue reported on players. EDIT: Just re-tested locally with all 3 bandages and both first aid kits. Still working with no NRE... so... I'm confused.
  22. Lathe is NOT needed to assemble a complete gun. It is only needed for the gun parts. Pretty sure the complete gun says Crafting Area: Backpack or Workbench.
  23. That's actually being re-worked and tested now. Same for sleepers as a few of us felt they advance a little too quickly compared to the gear you get. Mythixdino basically ripped my horde code apart.
  24. So I slept on it, and now I have an idea. What I CAN do is use already existing UI icons. So theres a cooking pot in the perks section. I could make that apply to the oven. I could use the wrench for the metal workbench. There's a "leather tanning" icon I could use for the tailoring bench, etc. Worth looking into I think.
  25. Possible to do that? Yes. Am I going to? No, because I'd have to rebuilt the ENTIRE UI_icon atlas and have it all as seperate icons in the mods folder. I did that in A16. It was an absolute pain in the arse.
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