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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. It might be something on your end.
  2. It's just localization. It's absolutely 100% on most weapons. Automatics are harder to get to listen to the "trigger" properly.
  3. No because it uses one of Sphereii's SDX mods to make it work. Work's fine for me. You may need to make a new save because one guy in the discord had this on the STABLE branch, for no reason at all, and making a new game fixed it. Absolutely no idea why.
  4. No idea on the screamer thing. All I know is if they play their "alert" sound (which is the scream), then they summon zombies. But I haven't messed with the screamers other than to add in some extra textures.
  5. It's an absolute pain, but yes. You'd have to edit all the items.xml to change the caterogies the new items are added to. That's the "neat" way. If you want to do it the "dirty" way, find this under windowTrader in windows.xml. <grid name="categories" pos="-5,7" rows="3" cols="15" width="390" height="43" cell_width="28" cell_height="28" repeat_content="true" controller="CategoryList"> <category_icon /> </grid> Change cols to something larger, like 30.
  6. Yes that's intended. The bunker has 3 bags that spawn zombies. 1 near the door, 1 in the back room, 1 in another room. You have to destroy them. The screamer is coming because you're making a ton of gun noise. <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="-4865,14,4197" rotation="2" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="5358,19,-5412" rotation="3" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="-4080,37,3140" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="3970,36,3250" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="-4100,35,-3190" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="4100,36,-3200" rotation="1" /> There you go It's not the amount of inventory the trader has. It's the amount of categories the trader can display.
  7. That's the bloodmoonenginekiller mod. Go to Mods/DarknessFalls/Harmony and delete Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster.dll. We're testing fixes right now. Yes there are hazmat boots. Titanium spawns 10 blocks above bedrock in all biomes. Wasteland has the best chance and also spawns on the surface. The farming section of the journal has all the info. Just wait. It can take approx 2 RL hours per stage. Most folk report that having the water flow UNDER the crops works better.
  8. You can edit the prefabls.xml to add them in. The problem is it will need a new save to actually spawn them. I've HEARD you can delete the regions where the prefabs are to force a world regenerate, but I've never tried it so cannot confirm. Chunk corruption (missing bits of base) is sadly a vanilla issue. I'm not sure why your profile got reset though. O.o
  9. Ok. Download the 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server build from the Tools section on steam. Then go to your Steam/Steamapps/Common folder and look for 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server. Go into that folder. Then open the server ZIP file you downloaded. Drag the 3 folders from there, to the dedicated server folder (7DaysToDieServer_Data, Data, Mods). You should eventually be asked to overwrite. Click yes. Then edit serverconfig.xml. Set up your gameworld however you want (DFalls-Navezgane, DFalls-Small, DFalls-Small2, DFalls-Medium or RWG. If using RWG, enter a seed, not needed for the other map names). Then go down to MaxZombies and set it to at LEAST 85, 100 max. Set EAC to false. Then save and double click startdedicated.bat. That should do it.
  10. You don't use the mod launcher to install servers
  11. They do. Myth made them spawn towards the center of the map. And they're usually surrounded by wasteland AND burnt biome. So you have some warning before you wander in there.
  12. Sounds like you're using modlets that add extra skills, because I didn't mess with progression between 2.3 and the 2.30A experimental.
  13. 1) Yep, that's intended. It puts a buff on the nearby animals. This way it makes it useful in both SP and MP. I'm actually considering doing something similar for the survivalist and zombies (yellow = non-feral, red = feral/feral rad/demon). 2) You would need to edit a LOT to remove all of that. Though I've just been through all of the code and disabled a lot of the console logging. Just pushed it to experimental for testing, in fact, including portal fixes and a potential fix for the engine killer at bloodmoon.
  14. Ok, so heads up. Portals fixed. INCREASED tick rate for the portal in the bunker so they don't spawn as often (was really hard to clear in SP, now it's still hard but not too hard). Made a new status check for NPC's because apparently hunger/thirst were firing TWICE. Need more testing. May have a temp fix for the engine killer.
  15. Right-click while holding a sterile bandage, first aid bandage, first aid kit or paramedic kit while standing NEXT to an NPC to heal them. And there's a radiation biome. It's a dark-reddish color in the RWG previewer, red in the map screen in-game.
  16. Removing the wandering trader DLL file will break the mod, because he's also in entityclasses and entitygroups. You would be better to remove him from entitygroups so he doesn't spawn. If the HP bar modlet is removed, then removing the unlockhealthbar and nosleeperhealth is safe.
  17. She shouldn't be eating that much, so I will absolutely go have a look at it. I may need to make a new statusUpdate buff for her.
  18. The invalid cast stuff is because of the bloodmoon vehicle buster. Go to Mods/DarknessFalls/Harmony on the SERVER, and find this. Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster.dll Delete it Temp fix until Myth can work out why servers are special little snowflakes that don't want to play nice with anyone else 1) Forged steel is made in the big forge. 2) Dig some channels so the rain catchers spew water, it follows the channel and goes under/around crops. Also, the grow time for crops is 2-ish RL hours per stage. PLEASE CALM DOWN INSTEAD OF GOING ON A RAGE. Otherwise I won't change a thing. Your character doesn't eat every second. There's a food/water tick every 6 in-game hours. There's plenty of food you can EASILY make to deal with it. And the archer is immune to the food/drink tick.
  19. I don't think so. Will check. Wasn't doing it for me... until today. Looking into it. EDIT: Seems to be fixed with preliminary tests, but sleep is needed because I have an early start tomorrow. Will do more testing. I haven't touched land claim code. At all. I do know that's an issue if you claim a POI as a base though.
  20. Sounds like you just copied the server files over the client copy. You need to download the DEDICATED build from the Tools tab in steam. That's why it has a 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder.
  21. Yup, just extract and overwrite. I only include files actually needed. I didn't touch it, but I know Myth did to try and make the player area checking vs mob checking be seperate. I'll play around with it later. It shouldn't have broken anything.
  22. Aha, that'll do it. You should download the 7 days to die dedicated server and manually install the mod (https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa17server/-/archive/master/darknessfallsa17server-master.zip) instead of using the launcher. The dedi server build works WAY better than trying to use the single player version as a server.
  23. Want to preface this by saying I just got home from a day of tabletop gaming, so if any replies sound irritable, absolutely NOT intended. I'm just tired. But we finished a campaign we'd been playing for about 2 years and it was absolutely incredible! The downside of social anxiety is it means you just end up exhausted even if you had fun. Red text: It's the engine killer mod. Go to the 7DTD directory, then Mods/DarknessFalls/Harmony and delete Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster.dll on the server. Myth has a fixed version we need to test tomorrow. I hate servers. Food/Drink consumption is in buffStatusCheck near the end... I think (pretty sure I put it near the end). If you put extra "ticks" in, make sure to also put extra ticks in for the dirty hack otherwise it'll break things. I'll double check the bunker, but it was 100% playable to me on 2.2 on my LAPTOP, which is way less powerful than most of the desktops you folks have (i7-4710MQ, GTX 980M... about the same as a desktop 970, 32GB RAM). By playable, I mean at least 30fps. Yes there is a difference. The one I have does 150 damage base BEFORE any modifiers for difficulty. And no, it's not like "road runner." The speed of the behemoth is set to 1.2. The speed of a Feral Wight is 1.35. It's already had it's speed, range AND damage nerfed. It's not getting tweaked anymore. It's supposed to make you terrified if being in the wasteland. That shouldn't happen on a dedicated server at all. Unless you copied the prefabs file from the SP version, or someone is hosting via steam (because that uses the SP version of the mod).
  24. There are no guards on servers due to an MP bug that I THINK is fixed. No zombies is due to hitting the max spawned zombies limit. Find this in your server config or control panel. <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies" value="60"/> Increase it to 100 to be sure, but 80-85 should also be fine. Explosions through walls is a TFP issue, not a mod issue. Even cop puke can go through walls, or the explosion can hit you through walls. The second bunker is absolutely NOT supposed to be easy. The behemoth is supposed to be hard. It's toned DOWN from the TFP version. Trust me, if you saw the damage TFP intended for the behemoth, you wouldn't complain (hint: Base 500 damage to a player). So no. It doesn't need balance. It requires players to think about things.
  25. Only for the recipe with reduced requirements.
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