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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Ooof. I can't even remember what I've changed.... I know you'll need Mods/DarknessFalls/Harmony, 7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed, Data/Config and Data/Bundles/GKRTorch.unity3d as a minimum. You can't. Glad to hear you're enjoying it. Check the Animal Husbandry section of the journal. It has all the info. I doubt they'd do that. They haven't for more complicated mods like Ravenhearst. Shame really because I think it'd be a great idea for DF, RH, WotW and UL (when SubQuake finally releases it) - - - Updated - - - Forum derp, so replying to these in a seperate post. Wrenching to level scavenging is intended. The item thing is... sort-of not intended but I just decided to leave it. Seems appropriate for a class-mastery item. The bleeding effect I cannot confirm OR reproduce. It's working absolutely fine for me locally and I have confirmed the ranged attacks DO NOT proc bleeding in the XML. I used the cop as a base to get the hand items all working, and they don't proc bleeding either. The second isn't a bug. It's an effect of the Mutated Wight. All mutated zombies have some kind of special effect... that's the wights. He makes you throw up. You can thank my wife for that idea. Glad you're enjoying it. EDIT: Potential fix for Holo. Go on to the server, open buffs.xml and search for buffIsOnFire. Replace it with this. <buff name="buffIsOnFire" name_key="buffIsOnFireName" description_key="buffIsOnFireDesc" tooltip_key="buffIsOnFireTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_fire" icon_color="255,0,0" icon_blink="true"> <damage_type value="Heat"/> <stack_type value="ignore"/> <duration value="0"/> <update_rate value="1"/> <!-- bookkeeping for all burning buffs --> <effect_group> <!-- extinguish any fire if wet or if buffExtinguishFire is executed --> <requirements compare_type="or"> <requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" target="self" min_max="0,1" operation="LTE" value="@_wetness"/> <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffExtinguishFire"/> </requirements> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffBurningFlamingArrow"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffBurningMolotov"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffBurningMolotov2"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffBurningEnvironmentHack"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffBurningEnvironment"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffBurningElement"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffBurning"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInjuryBleeding"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <!-- terminate only if all burn buffs are gone --> <requirements> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurningFlamingArrow"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurningMolotov"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurningMolotov2"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurningEnvironmentHack"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurningEnvironment"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurningElement"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurningElement2"/> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffBurning"/> </requirements> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffIsOnFire"/> </effect_group> <effect_group> <!-- run particles --> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_onFire" local_offset="0,0.75,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEnteredGame" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_onFire" local_offset="0,0.75,0"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_onFire"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_onFire" /> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="AddJournalEntry" journal="onFireTip"/> <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="buffInjuryBleeding"/> </effect_group> </buff> That should remove the bleeding buff and make you immune while on fire. I haven't tested it beyond "It doesn't break the game" so I make no promises.
  2. Best place would be the wasteland, probably underground. Glad you're enjoying it. I wouldn't worry about it too much. The rad biome still spawns demons. Just means you can't farm for XP, so you'll at least be getting drops. Huh. I was sure the advanced wire tool was perk locked. I'll check it. I don't mind it making fence traps OP if it's class locked. Bunker locations. <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="3584,18,3544" rotation="3" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="-3515,13,-3540" rotation="0" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="-3056,35,1793" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="-2900,36,319" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="3070,37,-1842" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Military_Bunker" position="2958,35,-93" rotation="1" />
  3. Yep, it's still disabled for now.
  4. I realised what the portal problem is. When I fixed it, I had to restart my save or it didn't spawn demons. Yes the portals are intended to respawn. Feel free to disable NPC's if you like. Eve and Wandering Trader should be fine because they don't use the hunger/thirst code. Haven't had that with demons from their fireballs, only from their hands (going to be reworking that though... had some ideas). The fire effect WAS bugged but should be fixed. Pretty sure I put that update in with the gamestage thing because it was literally just 1 missing line. - Lathes only drop on behemoths and secret stash. You don't technically need one, but that's where they are. They're also rare. - Research notes drop in bunkers and feral+ lab zombies/hazmat zombies. - Feral+ soldiers for these. - That's intended because they were dropping like candy. You can also find them in trader secret stash.
  5. Mmmkay... so... Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster - Kills vehicle engines on bloodmoon Harmony-Mythixdino_ClearZombiesBM - Clears out any lingering bloodmoon zombies (they like to get stuck on stuff and cause lag due to the AI calcs) Harmony-Mythixdino_ClearZombiesDawn - Kills biome-spawned night zombies at dawn (because people kept complaining about rads/ferals hanging around for 2 hours) Harmony-Mythixdino_Nodifficultypenalty - Removes the damage reduction from zombies at higher difficulties (We're going to look into our own, custom difficulty thingie) Harmony-Mythixdino_NoSleeperHealth - Removes the HP bar from sleepers until they activate. Harmony-Mythixdino_QuestSmallerRange - Selects quest POI's and buried treasure closer to the trader. Harmony-Mythixdino_TownRWGfix - Greater variance in town sizes. Harmony-SphereII_EntityHook - SphereII magic. We leave it alone since the NPC's need it. Harmony-SphereII_ModLoader - More SphereII magic. Harmony-SphereII_UnlockHealthBar - Allows the zombie HP bar to be displayed. If you don't want that, I recommend deleting DarknessFallsHPBarModlet-master instead as that just disables the XML. Harmony-SphereII_WanderingTraders - Required for the wandering trader to work. Aha. Ok. I can go add that later. Demon portals are working fine for me. But I made their spawn radius larger so it doesn't all just spawn ON the portal and thus add to the lag. And yes, the NPC's are going to do that. It's NOT my code so I'm doing the best I can. If it's not causing lag, don't worry about it. I've trimmed it down the best I can and really do not want to mess with it any more than necessary and risk breaking something.
  6. Ok, I'm gonna go witha semi-blunt answer for that... it's not intended to be offensive, but I just want to be up front. I have absolutely NO IDEA how long it will take to port DF from A17.4 to A18. Modders get exactly the same amount of info as the general public get. We don't get any early access to builds... STREAMERS get it before we do (which I completely disagree with tbh). Now, the rumour is that the XML for A18 is basically the same, so that should make porting all the items/blocks/etc a lot easier. I have no idea if I need to rebuild my unity assets or not, we also don't know if SDX/DMT patches will work etc. So I'm gonna use A16-A17 as a very rough example for a time frame. That took me 2 months... working on it 8-12 hours a day. I THINK 1 month is probably more likely... but... I have no basis for that estimate.
  7. That's interesting. I wonder if it's like that on vanilla too. Will have to check.
  8. No idea on the helmet light thing. Might be conflicting with something on your gun (like flashlight or laser sight). And yes, I know about the M4A1. It's difficult to get the mod to behave properly with fully auto weapons, but going to be looking into it. Tool Crafting 1 for Forge Ahead Level 1, Tool Crafting 2 for Forge Ahead Level 2. Those are generic perks you can just buy which increase the crafting tier of tools.
  9. This should help. I wish I could pin specific posts in the thread.
  10. The model is still there, so I do want to look into putting it back. But I need to be careful, as the loot bags + those could cause way too much lag.
  11. Pushed a very small fix. - Fixed Scavenger difficulty level having no loot. If you don't play that difficulty level (which is the lowest), then you don't need to worry.
  12. 1) Had to remove gore blocks as they were causing some nasty issues. May look at revisiting this in the future. 2) That's not a glitch. You have to cook food, or drink goldenrod tea to get rid of it. Rations (the white cans) do NOT have food poisoning. 3) This was a bug and fixed in 2.30A that I released yesterday.
  13. You do not. I think I worked out that duster + pants + boots + 3 storage pockets (triple) + advancd tac rigging (for chest armor) + large backpack + either 3 or 4 ranks of pack mule unlocks all but 1 slot. EDIT: Number stuff. Duster - 3 slots. Pants - 2 slots. Shirt - 2 slots. Triple storage pocket - 3 slot. (3 times for 9) Advanced tac rigging (Security mastery) - 15 slots Large backpack (Survivalist mastery) - 45 slots. Total before perk - 76 slots. 3 ranks of pack mule - 18 slots. Grand total - 94 slots (2 still locked) Overalls take the pants slot and unlock 3 slots instead of 2, so you can get to 95.
  14. I have no idea what to tell you then. I've just been playing for a couple of hours with the wife and healing is absolutely fine. <!-- used on self --> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="maxHealthAmount" operation="add" value="25"> <!-- X --> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPhysician" operation="LTE" value="2"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="maxHealthIncrease" operation="set" value="@medicPerkIncrease"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="medicalHealthAmount" operation="add" value="20"> <!-- X --> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkPhysician" operation="LTE" value="2"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="healthIncrease" operation="set" value="@healthPerkIncrease"/> <display_value name="foodHealthAmount" value="20" /> That's the normal first aid bandage. Green keycards drop from lab zombies, soldiers and hazmat zombies (must be non-feral and not the decaying versions)
  15. Any food should heal you. In testing, bandages (all types) and painkillers (both types) healed me fine. Food gave a small regen. Bandages give max health heal.
  16. Alright, Darkness Falls V2.30A is now on the Launcher and gitlab (so links on the first post are updated). Changes as follows. Disabled a lot of the logging for EntityAliveSDX, which means NPC's shouldn't spam the console anymore. Created a new buffStatusUpdate for NPC's so they don't starve too quickly. Fixed missing quest reward groups for Eve's quests. Fixed the portal lag issue... somehow. Increased spawn delay on the bunker portal as it was pretty much impossible for SP. M4A1 now has the correct durability for T7/T8. Near Death doesn't make you starve anymore. Burning shaft mod no longer has a flame effect to help with lag. Demon zombies now remove the fire particle on death. Players now start with a torch. Torch has a new model and can be thrown (sheds light where it lands. Torch can no longer be used for melee) Added extra options to XP Multiplier and Loot Abundance. Slightly decreased fire damage. Tweaked movement speed increases of Gotta Go Fast so it's less buggy. Slightly lowered amount of zombies in wandering hordes so it's less laggy. Removed the ability to heal traders due to random NRE on multiplayer. Myth's Bloodmoon Engine Killer finally fixed on servers.
  17. Already fixed for 2.30A. Later gamestages had a typo so they were spawning 60 zombies. This wasn't intended. And I didn't notice until one of my testers said it started at Gs 250.
  18. Found out why. It was setting the players walk speed lower than default. Will play with it a little more but I'm pretty sure it's fixed on the stuttering. And of course the turning is going to be off. Even looking around is partially coded to character movement speed. The "no arrow retrieval" is because of this. Yes, that's a behemoth with an arrow in it's head. Now imagine that happening to a hornet... HP bars is easy. Go onto the server, and go into Mods. Delete DarknessFallsHPBarModlet-master That leaves the DLL patch in-place, but removes the XML edits so it should be off.
  19. 1) No you can't. 2) I'm pretty sure it doesn't work due to adding extra skills to skills that don't exist in the mod. That's intended. Lower damage, +25% dismemberment chance. Yes, that stacks with your perks.
  20. It's in the wasteland. DFalls_Resarch_Lab1
  21. Already fixed in 2.30a experimental. So no. It's not an XML fix.
  22. No idea, but I'm looking into that + some near death issues right now. So keep your fingers crossed I can get it to play nice. Delete the Harmony-Mythixdino_BloodMoonVehicleBuster.dll file from the server. We're working on a fix atm.
  23. Pretty much. Just make sure he's about 5 blocks away from you as a minimum and you should be fine. So say one of you heals one side of the base, the other person heals the other side. That should sort you out.
  24. What you did is how to heal them. The problem is you likely had a PLAYER nearby, because that's what was causing the NRE.
  25. I hate you Mumpgfy, you macOS pleb... Thank you, Roland.
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