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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 49 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    If you set  180 minutes per day and get a lot EXP fast - welll granades can be useful during early blood moons


    For now....nobody ever said having OP weapons wasn't useful. But, no amount of XP gained at any speed is going to get you the recipe for granades in A21. You gotta read enough of the right magazines and good luck forcing that into a speed run strategy.

  2. 2 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Did you get all 3 filters from the trader or did you finally find one? 


    I bought all three. I have found a filter before but it definitely is a rare occurance. By contrast, both my original trader and the one I went to next had filters and my first trader (Rekt) had filters after each restock. Also I could have chosen to take a filter as a reward for completing the tier one quests (but I chose the bike instead). So filters are very easily obtained and in numbers necessary to make a full dew collector farm if you use the trader. Currently they cost 1500 dukes a piece.

  3. 1 hour ago, EliminationXYT said:

     i mostly use contact grenades for horde night but to make that i need a workbench. but to obtain crafting materials for both i need a wrench to take apart cars. and to make a wrench i need duct tape, mostly i dont find lots of ductape or glue in loot.  if i wanted to make a supply of explosive arrows/bolts and grenades for my family and friends i play with will not be possible since i need lots of duct tape. or lets say i wanted to craft a bunch of workstations but it needs a claw hammer and a wrench. and it takes duct tape to craft both hammer and wrench.


    and if it was "trying to make the game feel more survival like", survivors would keep those water jars and refill it


    In my A21 play I have been able to make duct tape without any issue. In my current play it is Day 13 and I have just built my third dew collector which means I will passively gain 9 water per day on top of whatever I find in loot and boil. I'm playing 40 minute days as well so that would compare to being able to have 3 dew collectors by about Day 8 using 60 minute days or day 4 using 120 minute days. Yes, I have to make some choices about what I use for drinking water and what I use for recipes  but after I get a few more dew collectors I see myself graduating from that situation to having stacks and stacks of water ready to be turned into stacks and stacks of glue beyond my own hydration needs and that is exactly the point of the change. The game is supposed to be a progression but empty jars together with having recipes unlocked by skill points bypassed any type of progressive gameplay. Now it is true that if you are playing longer days your water will collect more slowly as it is three water per day and not three water per real time timer. But that simply means you should focus on getting lots of dew collectors going as a priority right from the beginning.


    It may not be possible to make a supply of explosive arrows and bolts and grenades during the first week or two but do you really need those during the first two horde nights anyway? Not only that, but will you even be able to craft the recipes for explosive arrows and bolts and grenades during the first couple of weeks anyway? If you focus your efforts on developing your water supply early on then by time you need lots of explosives you should easily have the means to craft what you need. I agree that it probably won't be possible to have explosives in time for your first horde night but in my opinion it has been OP for the first horde night anyway.


    I understand that someone might like that sort of gameplay where they start out OP from the beginning and be mad that the devs are forcing them to start out weak and progressively develop their skills and knowledge to become strong and then eventually super strong and then even over-powered for anything the game can throw at them. Sorry, but that is the game the developers are creating and they have provided us with the creative menu and godmode if we want to bypass the progression aspect of the game and have the powerful stuff earlier.

  4. 7 hours ago, Doomofman said:

    Well they haven't even released 20.7 with the Twitch stuff yet. I assume that'll have to happen before there's any talk of the dev streams

    I believe A20.7 is simply a build Prime uses for his twitch stream that includes A21 twitch integration features for testing. It’s possible they could push it out to everyone but I think the public will jump from A20.6 to A21. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    Well, that would still be new, which is what I was wondering about. Biome spawns are currently fixed, and they never change no matter your level. Biomes modify lootstage, but that's it in A20. Yes, the wasteland has some specific, tougher spawns, but they are still fixed. You'll notice you never see rad zombies wondering around in vanilla outside of bloodmoons. Even wandering hordes only use regular zombies I think. Being able to have biome spawns dynamically change would be awesome.


    That hasn't been my experience with A20. Gamestage and Lootstage got boosted. You can view your gamestage on the allies screen and it dynamically changes when you enter into a tougher biome. I don't know exactly how bandits will fit into gamestage. Faatal would have to answer that.


    EDIT: I see you were talking about wilderness spawns rather than sleeper volumes.... yeah, I don't know whether wilderness spawns are affected by gamestage and how bandits will fit into that. There may be no wilderness spawns of bandits-- simply wandering groups of them and fixed POI spawns of them.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gamida said:

    Edit: Noticed also that you are picking up the lingo as you said liters and liters of coffee and not gallons and gallons. :D


    That was on purpose since the coffee gofers were all foreigners in my joke. They were liters when they made the coffee but gallons when the Americans drank it. ;)


    But buckets of sweat and tears all around during and after the mission I'm sure!

  7. 1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Will bandit type/difficulty be tied to gamestage like zombies? Like only running into melee-only bandits if your gamestage was low? If they are specifically worried about encountering strong ranged bandits early game, I would think the gamestage would help prevent that. (like how you shouldn't run into a wandering horde with irradiated zombies if you're still in early game phase)

    Unless you purposefully walk into the boss room of a bandit infested location or something


    Yes. Bandits will definitely be gamestaged. You would only run into them in the early game if you intentionally went into a gamestage buffed zone like the Wasteland, Snow, or Desert biomes.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Gamida said:



    Wait? You make it sound like it was strictly Americans who worked on it.

    Just a joke, man. We also don’t not use the metric system. I’m sure there were liters and liters of coffee provided by foreign born support staff who should also get credit for helping…


    I kid, I kid!

  9. 4 hours ago, Tabby said:

    Thank you for the welcome. Kind, kill, close enough. The building is fun. I just don't like the idea of being shot at while I'm still in the wood club phase. Brings back memories of growing up with 3 older brothers. 

    It would be good to have separate options for wandering bandits vs all bandits. That way you could eliminate the big brother syndrome but still have challenging bandit inhabited destinations to go to that are different than the zombie infested ones but still not get bothered by bullets while building your base. 

  10. We've discussed sanity in the past and just like spoilage it seems to divide the community pretty evenly into haters and lovers of the feature. I'd be for both features as the more things to manage is awesome in my book but there seem to be plenty who just look at sanity and spoilage as just more unfun grindy mechanics.


    Sanity, wellness, food spoilage, degrading tools and weapons, withering crops-- bring it all on, uh, modders...

  11. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    PFF Moon? it was popular in 80*!

    Now flying cars are mainstream!

    Poland can into .... air?🙃

    (btw this car looks a little bit like 7dtd car..... 7dtd 2 should take place in Poland😜)

    Na rondzie prosto. Samochód wystrzelił jak z katapulty - Polsat News



    When I was young, all the Blonde jokes we tell now started out as Polish jokes...just saying. ❤️❤️

  12. 6 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Honestly I am fine with a buggy first release and I’d prefer to have it a little early even if that means it’s a little screwed up.

    It’s a balance. There are a ton of known bugs they are working on. They want to clear as many of the known issues as they can so that nobody is making pointless bug reports. WIP items also need to be finished because no programmer wants a bunch of bug reports for something that isn’t buggy so much as it just isn’t finished. Even on the team devs are often communicating with the Smurfs to request “no bug reports yet” when they first commit something because it is still a work in progress and they know it isn’t working as fully intended yet. Level Design Guys like Laz are also vocal about when they are ready to hear feedback on a new POI. 

  13. In every case the Monday release benefited from the weekend limited launch. So even if you don’t want to watch and have it spoiled, just know that your first experience with it on Monday is better than it would have been. Yes, it’s experimental but people still want their download to work at a minimum standard of playability and the soft launch for qualifying streamers really does help ensure that happens for the greatest number of people. 

  14. We are not in content lock, there are features in flux, and A21 won’t be held up for features that aren’t ready. When the project manager and the owners decide that it is time for content lock then any features not ready will get punted and those that are ready or can be ready for the experimental release will be included. As faatal said there are features they have prioritized and content lock won’t happen until those features are ready. Any others are up in the air. When the dev stream happens and they show what they’ve been working on you’ll know at that point what those priority features are. 

    I’d say that if this alpha has a main theme it is art assets. There are so many new original assets in the game. Things you probably never realized were placeholders have been replaced with awesome original assets specifically commissioned for the game. So many POIs have been updated with amazing items. Maybe not super exciting for those hoping for big gameplay changes and content but huge for builders (in between all their forced loot runs, of course…haha)


    I do hope bandits make it in at least in an acceptable basic form but it is not a clinched feature yet for A21. It is still possible though so send faatal lots of positive energy!!

  15. 2 hours ago, Zoe Lycan said:

    but this project will soon reach a 2 decade long stage in ALPHA.


    Not even close. We just celebrated the 9th year of its entire life span this past summer and are approaching the 9th year of it being in Early Access on Steam. Next year will mark 1 decade.  2 Decades is 20 years so you are way off. 


    2 hours ago, Zoe Lycan said:

    And I'll be a bit salty here, specially with a project that started as a Minecraft Clone.


    Are you sure? Minecraft released in 2011 so if we've been in Alpha since 2002 (2 decades ago) then maybe Minecraft started as a 7 Days to Die clone...

  16. 37 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

    but this system just feels the most limited


    We will be sure to listen to feedback about how the system feels once we have people who have actually felt it and not imagined what it must be like based on the limited revealed information so far. There is no way any discussion at this point is going to make them roll back the changes they've made before they can see it tested in the hands of thousands.

  17. 37 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    Alot of people enjoy finding and giving stuff to their friends in game.  Magazines will just add to that.  It's like receiving more gifts on Christmas.  My prediction is the hunt for magazines will be felt as an enjoyable goal for people to engage in.


    Unlike the RNG of books / schematics of past alphas, players have more ways to up their chances of finding the types of magazines they need.


    BUILDER:  "Hey Roland, we really need to build workstations ASAP.  Can you focus on finding more workstation mags on your next scavenge run?"


    LOOTER: "Matt, We are in dire need of water and food but I can see what I can do.  I saw a neighborhood of houses to the east yesterday.  Lots of those may have workstations I can check.


    Also, There is the new trader route we opened up recently.  I could head over there and see if they have any workstation mags.


    BTW, stop telling me about your survival horror stories. Kthxbye!"






     Haha...you're forgetting about all the min maxers out there. It would be more like:


    Builder: Hey Roland we need more Forge Ahead books


    Looter: Okay, Matt. I saw some buildings that probably have some workstations and I also saw a Working Stiffs. I'll check them out.


    Builder: Wait! Did you perk into Engineering at all?


    Looter: nooooooo....


    Builder: Stop!!!! No!!!! Stay away from those places, damn you!!! LAZ!!! Go loot those containers because Roland isn't worthy!!!!!


    4 minutes ago, Gamida said:



    This was an alternate universe I was talking about. Pfft, I don't expect you to understand Matt in the real world.


    Now the real game...who got dissed in the statement above.


    Obviously you dissed yourself. Alternate universes aren't actually real.

  18. 5 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Does that mean you volunteer to collect the magazines in the dropchests and bring them to the builders ?

    Really noble of you.

    Bah! My charity barely extends to me stepping away from looting to fill up the drip chest at all and only so as to free up inventory space. 

    4 minutes ago, Gamida said:





    I see it more like this...


    Matt:  "Hey Roland, we really need to build workstations ASAP.  Can you focus on finding more workstation mags on your next scavenge run?"


    Roland: "Matt, We are in dire need of water and food but I can see what I can do.  I saw a neighborhood of houses to the east yesterday.  Lots of those may have workstations I can check.


    Matt:  "While you are out could you check all the newsstands and see if there any skeletons around I could harvest?"


    Roland: "Matt, I keep telling you there aren't any newsstands like you want or skeletons"


    Matt:  "Awwww, that is a shame. Well in that case while you are out could you check all the newsstands and see if there are any skeletons around I can harvest?"


    Roland: "Sure Matt, sure. Will keep and eye out."

    Woah, at what point did Roland suddenly start comprehending whatever the hell Matt was talking about…? 😜

  19. 36 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    I assume that then drop chests in A21 will be used a lot more. The looters deposit the magazines there and the other players pick them up.


    You mean builders will have to step away from building to go loot a drop chest?  Outrageous!!!!

    3 hours ago, meganoth said:


    While I don't agree with this, I have heard the concern about inventory space from multiple sources. The fact that in any co-op game you will find lots of magazines that are destined for your co-op players will put a larger strain on inventories.


    I only have heard feedback from Rolands playtesting but it seems he is playing SP where this is no problem at all. I assume there are testers playing co-op somewhere, any feedback from them about it?



    The impact on inventory is huge. As a single player I read everything immediately. You can easily acquire a dozen different magazine titles while clearing a couple of POIs and if you are saving them all to be read by someone else then, yeah, inventories will fill up fast. 

    From what I can tell, those who enjoy inventory management will be fine with the changes and those who hate inventory management already modded the size of their backpacks ages ago and will also be fine. 


    If the devs see the need to increase backpack size, so be it, but as of now there has been no changes to inventory size


  20. 7 minutes ago, Kalex said:

    It was never designed for more than the recommended 8 players.


    He knows. Regardless, he would like to be able to have the game be able to do what it used to be able to do. It will be a something to find out once A21 hits whether the large server woes of A20 were an isolated downturn for those builds or whether it will continue. Personally, I hope the game can once again handle large communities as it can't hurt the wider appeal of the game.


    4 minutes ago, Howlune said:

    I was expecting this reply


    I winced on your behalf.... ;)

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