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Everything posted by Roland

  1. I encouraged him to go ahead and do the poll now when he first brought it up and then do another one after a few months. Some will initially like this new system and then grow to dislike it and others will initially dislike it and then grow to like it. We don’t know how people will like it for replay value after restarting a few times nor for long term games yet. We always get discontent people claiming that x play style has been destroyed by some change but then within a few weeks lo and behold someone figures it out and the play style turns out to be just as viable. But it’s fun to see a snapshot of forum sentiment during week one. Nobody should feel threatened by any outcome of this poll. TFP doesn’t design by polls. They encourage mods by polls… 😜
  2. Thanks for the details. You’re quite off on your assumption about my motives. This is the first time you’ve described exactly what you’re doing as a team. We do appreciate detailed and descriptive criticism that is courteously given so thank you.
  3. No let’s wait until stable. But drop me a pm when you publish it.
  4. I’d be totally on board for this. Collectibles like this are great. Definitely not on their to do list to finish the game but maybe something they could do when there’s time. They plan to keep updating the game with content for up to two years after gold so it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility.
  5. What does this mean? To me it sounds like you’re sharing magazines around with everyone instead of specializing. Added to that the fact that TFP has further nerfed the amount of magazines in loot because most reports coming in have been that magazines are too abundant and the only conclusion I can think of is that you have multiple people reading the same magazines. If that isn’t the case then it could be that your loot tables are bugged somehow. It’s not about proving your team is playing wrong, it is about helping your team be successful. I guess your only purpose for coming here was to ask that the feature be reverted and you aren’t interested in learning how to adapt to the new system. Fair enough. I’ll drop it and refrain from responding to the issues you raise.
  6. If you feel that it is. If not, take Daring Adventurer and go to the wasteland. You can control how long or how soon it happens.
  7. If you want more magazines you can also increase the frequency of airdrops.
  8. This is often the case during experimental. Often mistake the term "stable" to mean bug free but what it really means is that your save game is stable and won't break with each new update. There is no guarantee of that with experimental. I've had to restart the game countless times over the past year as new builds break previous ones. They usually do give warning and if they didn't it was simply because they overlooked the skill reset on characters.
  9. I don't know how long they want the stone age to last but they do want it to last beyond a few days. They want players to fully explore at least some of the tiers of quality within each tech stage. If players are skipping from brown stone to blue stone to yellow iron all in 2-3 days then all the intermediate tiers are irrelevant. The ideal would be crafting up through all the quality stages because you're spending time in each one. That said, it does get tougher to get to the top levels later on and I worry that a nerf to stop primitive level rushing might cause some mid game stalling. I'm betting they will likely adjust it back to a bit more generous again once more players get to the midgame and start complaining they can't get their chemistry station unlocked and that they've been stuck on a minibike forever. Personally, I'd like to see another magazine or two added to each primitive stage advancement and leave the availability of books alone.
  10. If you hit the target you will do damage. There is no skill check that cancels your hit and damage if you actually hit the target. In other words, if you see your projectile hit there is no natural 1 that will then be rolled that will cause you to duff it. Instead, it is a probability of where your projectile will go within the circle of the crosshairs. So the roll happens when you fire the weapon and its trajectory goes toward one of the random points within the circle of your crosshairs. If that point is not on the target then you will miss it. Unrelated to that seems to be problems with arrows looking like they visually go through the target but act like they are flying past it. I've seen slo mo footage of it and it definitely appears that at times the arrow goes through the head and not near the head. What does this point have to do with the feature of a shrinking crosshair? Where does the "and yet" part of your sentence make sense with Joel's description of the crosshair area getting smaller when you pause to aim rather than shooting from the hip? I could see your quip making sense if Joel was explaining that the food and water bars were made super thin to reduce screen presence but I don't get it in this context.
  11. Then increase the loot tables above 100%. That is the only way it is going to work if your group insists on everybody reading all the magazines. Most groups are going to specialize and then there is single player. If the magazines were increased to the point that a team of 8 humans can all progress to the top of the same exact crafting trees it would break the game for the groups that are working as a team and for single players. Most of the feedback coming in is that there are already too many magazines in loot and in rewards. If your group is stuck at low levels of crafting because everyone is reading the same magazines to just craft their own stuff then you probably need to adjust the loot setting in the options menu to fit the playstyle of your group.
  12. Wow! I love the sound of that trader change although I've gotten a bit addicted to the magazine bundle reward so it might sting when I rip off the bandage but I think I really need to rip off that bandage. Link me to that modlet when it's done! Do you change Daring Adventurer to increase the Dukes reward or just leave it alone emasculated?
  13. Yeah, it’s not finished but it is getting closer and with each development cycle the game gets closer to the design the developers desire which means that if your desires run contrary to theirs then you may have to alter the game in some way. The good news is that it is easy to alter so there will be many many variations out there for anyone to get the experience they want.
  14. Its not the criticism that prompted me to say they were being narrow-minded. It was their apparent definition of what makes a game a survival, crafting, building game because if this isn’t one then nothing is. A poll? Go ahead. Users can create polls. We can do one now and another in a few months for the first impression result and then the more long term game loop view. I never said they would change it if people didn’t like it. I said they may make adjustments to it if people didn’t like it. But right now it is a very mixed bag with quite a few people also very much enjoying it. It is going to take a few months to get a clear picture. Some people who like it initially may change their mind after a long term play and some who dislike it at first try will change their mind and like it after a long term play. it’s still the first week.
  15. It’s interesting that you say that when in every game I play with A21 I am still surviving, crafting, and building. I’m still prepping for horde nights. I’m still doing everything I have done plus more since I began playing this game. Another thing that is interesting is that you talk about how much you dislike the amount of looting and shooting but at the same time can’t wait for bandits. What do you think bandits are going to bring to the game if not more looting and shooting? Did you think the bandits are going to help you survive, craft, and build? They’re not. They will be new targets to shoot and their lairs will be new places to loot. This game is meant to be played in the default version by doing many activities that complement each other. Only wanting to focus on a few of them is fine but it is going to require some adjustments to settings or modding. Maybe it used to not be that way but that was only because there were so many unfinished aspects of the game. Perhaps things aren’t turning out the way you and some others wanted but to say this game is only a looter shooter when it used to be a survival crafting and building game is simply a narrow and extreme view. Most players still build, craft, survive, loot, shoot, melee, explore, cook, mine, farm, quest, and accomplish whatever personal objectives they’ve given themselves. And that is because, in reality, all of those elements are still in the game despite the extreme perspective of a few. Thankfully there are mods for people who want to change the game to whatever they think defines a game as a survival, crafting, and building game.
  16. Wolf removal is the next step in survival progression after jars.
  17. I don’t think the times have been increased. Animal corpses have always hung around longer than zombie corpses. I think you can move the dew collectors but I’m not 100% sure.
  18. Animals actually have a really long despawn time. Your chicken didn’t despawn. It got et.
  19. Or….just lock your server at A20 man. Lock it and say no to Joel.
  20. If you feel you can’t find enough magazines for everyone even though you admit there are gobs of magazines being found then you have too many in your group reading the same magazines. I did warn you about that even before A21 released but I guess your group decided to go with everyone just reading the same magazines as each other so that you could have several people who could cook grilled meat instead of one person who could cook meat stew. You can still play the way you’ve chosen but the progression will be slower which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Specializing and coordinating isn’t hard. Nobody has to memorize what everyone else does. All you need is a central place to drop off books so that the ones who are specializing can read their own books. As far as whether it is fun to work as a coordinated team of specialists, that depends on the players involved. I find it incredibly rewarding and this change has really improved the fun of team play for us. I already told you that this conspiracy theory was wrong but you also are ignoring me on this point as well. It seems like your group has done a lot of speculating and have engineered what you believe the truth to be and aren’t open to being corrected. The magazine change as well as the drinking water change were shocking news to the forum community. The biggest question that was asked by fans with 3k hours on the forum was “Why did you make these changes that nobody asked for?”. The most positive reactions from the dedicated fans here on the forum was a grudging acceptance to reserve judgement until it could be playtested…. I’ll tell you again that TFP is very independently minded when it comes to introducing new features into their game. They are not puppets of a small vociferous minority on their forum when it comes to design issues. They will listen to feedback when making balancing adjustments but most of that will be in later A21.x updates once all the knee-jerk reactions calm down and they have plenty of data to make decisions. No, your group’s collective analysis about why this change was made is inaccurate. It was made because the developers came up with the idea and after discussion and planning decided to integrate it as the next iteration of player progression.
  21. Im not sure how builders would increase slower if they are allied with the looters since they’ll share in all the kill xp but the looters won’t share in all the block upgrade xp. Then again if they are playing shared xp as intended and not sharing xp from kilometers away then they have my respect.
  22. If you stay in the forest biome and don’t take trader and quest related perks and don’t spam quests you should be able to craft much of your gear. You’ll still get lucky finds that exceed what you can craft but it’s a much better balance compared to A20. If you perk up in trader and quest skills and go to tougher biomes and rush to tier 4+ quests then the rewards you get and loot you find may often exceed what you can craft. it’s your choice. It’s never released before noon so you can take a nap for about 4 hours before checking.
  23. You are making a faulty assumption about the way TFP develops the game. They make all design decisions and then use feedback to fine tune those decisions. We on the forum play test and give feedback which does influence the devs to make adjustments. But we don’t sit at the design table. This change was not made in response to people on the forum asking for it. It came from the minds of the developers and now we will play and give feedback.
  24. Two people reading the same magazines and duplicating their effort to progress half the distance they could’ve gone is not the shortest quickest most direct route. There is no scenario in existence that would put two people reading the same books just to save inventory space ahead of two people who are making sure to read different books. I’m sorry you can’t see that. I think new players will understand that in moments since they don’t have the history of about 12 previous versions where players were incentivized to read every book they found immediately. The incentive of getting to T5 quality tools and bacon and eggs and a workbench faster is plenty of reason for people to share books as I’ve described and I think it will be obvious to new players if not so much to veterans. Again, I’m purely talking about progression in crafting and not making friends or being seen as nice. You can’t see the advantages from a crafting progression standpoint so you think I’m talking about the social aspect of the game. You’re going to have to have the epiphany yourself, I guess.
  25. This isn’t a course change. It’s adding another sail to make the ship make better use of the wind. The course is player progression and they are still on course with that but they’ve introduced a change that really adds to the feature. Feedback definitely contributed to the changes but did not determine the actual changes. Those came from the creativity of the design team who are not puppets of .01% of the player base that gives feedback.
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