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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 3 hours ago, Gr.o.m. said:

    I can remember the times, where I did not care to go to the trader or look into its inventory because there was no reason to do it.

    If I can not expect the trader to have a good item, why bother to look into its inventory? Raw resources? Who cares if you can grind them in even greater quantities and for free with mining and wrenching? Parts? You find loads of parts while looting, if you craft every 2nd or 3rd tier improvement?

    At least it would free up one inventory space because you smelt your dukes into brass and can throw away any one you find while looting.


    Good point. No matter how they tip the balance either toward crafting or toward acquiring, someone isn't going to be happy-- especially since they want both pathways to be an option in the game.

  2. 4 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    And it´s not only the trader and quest rewards. It´s also the loot.  If you have snow or wasteland nearby, it´s easy to grab some quick way overpowered loot even though you aren´t really suited for those biomes. Even the desert can already make a difference early on. A quick car looting in the wasteland neighbourhood gives you high tier tools almost guaranteed if you have some cars nearby.


    Okay, but this isn't really a balance issue. Even once they balance everything perfectly a quick jaunt into a tougher biome is going to net you loot at a higher lootstage. That is the way the game is designed and that is player choice. If you are a player who WANTS to craft your own gear and ENJOYS a slow progression, then don't make those choices. Daring Adventurer, Lucky Looter, Snow, Wasteland, and Desert biomes are all things you can ignore if you don't want the stuff you find and buy to be way beyond what you can craft. For people who love to buy great stuff and gain great rewards and find amazing loot, those perks and going into biomes you aren't suited for are fun.


    Things like this will ALWAYS be in the game because it allows players to choose how they want to play. If you go into the wasteland and come back with great loot beyond what you can craft then that is what you want.

  3. 1 hour ago, seagas said:

    Why does everyone want to make the base game tougher for everyone, nothing is stopping you from making it tougher for yourself! The trader rewards, IMO, have been toned down plenty from A20. Some people find the base game tough enough, I tweak the game game to be tougher on me, but that's my choice. At 69, my ability to play at the level of those youtubers or you super gamers do, my best gaming days are long past me. I love 7D2D and have been playing since A16 when I was turned on to it by a friend.

    I don’t see it as wanting to make it tougher so much as wanting gear to be something we mostly craft instead of mostly buy or find.  Right now finding or buying or being rewarded with something beyond what you can craft kind of takes the wind out of your sails if you like crafting your own stuff.  

    When you just need a few more magazines to be able to craft a higher tier than you have it makes finding those magazines exciting. When you need 16 more magazines just to match what the trader gave you then it makes it much less exciting. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    You can bet that some players will then complain that the quest rewards are just not worth doing higher tier quests.

    That is the dilemma. Some players want a slow steady progress, others would prefer running around with endgame gear as soon as possible.


    The other problem is non perked weapons. If I’m not perked into Machine guns but the trader gives me a blue M60 that would still be a really nice secondary weapon to my perked weapon that I’d likely not be able to craft on my own. 

  5. My fix would be that the trader only ever gives quality one gear as rewards. That way you can take it and use it if it is better than what you can craft but eventually you’d be taking it to scrap it to get parts because you can craft better. 

    Either that or the trader only ever deals in parts. 

  6. 18 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    That he's so busy actually developing the game that he doesn't have time to come up with a proper horde base? :heh:

    That he actually created that POI and that particular gas station canopy and secretly increased the hp of the blocks supporting it to 100k…. ;)

  7. 4 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    Maybe for some, but I don't follow a lot. I take the game for what it is. I enjoy exploring and figuring out things on my own. I drew my own conclusions based on what I mentioned above as well as other things I see in-game. I mentioned it due to one of the OP's original points being a "main story of some kind". Nice to know though.


    I think this attitude along with a recognition that the game is always in a changeable state is the safest way to continue to enjoy it even after 10 years of development-- not just in regard to a story but for all features in the game. That's not to say that people who approach this whole development process in this way don't get disappointed by specific updates to the game at times but they tend to adjust their expectations and adapt their play to the new conditions and often end up enjoying the game in its new iteration at least as much as they did the old. And they can always revisit the old for the sake of nostalgia thanks to the beta versions TFP provides. Tidbits and pieces of potential story have been added to various updates in the past and will continue to make their way until the main story quest chain is eventually added.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Scyris said:

    Problem here is the Devs at TFP keep redoing game systems and its been a cycle in a loop for as long as I can remember (I started in a9-10?), causing the game to basically stagnate and not really go anywhere other than visually. Its why alot of players go to mods, because mods are putting in the things Tfp needs to, so the game can finally move forward.


    Where's the problem then? If players are impatient for expansionary content and tired of the devs developing the base game then they can go to mods for that expanded content. Just because TFP is developing the 1.0 version and you want the 1.5 or even 2.0 version because you've fully explored what we already have doesn't mean that it is a problem. We have over 90k concurrent players playing the game this weekend. There is no problem. Plenty of people are still willing to play and test the basic version and there are mods for people that want an expanded game experience. Sounds like all bases are covered until TFP, themselves, turn their own focus to expansionary updates.

  9. It’s not so much a matter of players and TFP wanting different things but a matter of having different priorities. TFP does want to release updates that are expansionary but until the basic game is finished the updates will continue to be more developmental. 

    This means there will be a mixture of some new features mixed with a lot of polishing and reworking of existing features. All of those things on your player desires list are things that TFP plans to do. Some of those like bandits are very likely going to arrive in A22 and others may not show up until after the gold release. 

  10. Sounds like you need to clean your files OP. Your description is exactly like someone with A20 code still existing. 

    When you load the game choose the game launcher option and then use the clean tool and select all maps and saves. 

  11. 2 hours ago, zztong said:


    Really? I assumed it drained gasoline faster. So, if it makes me hungrier, does it not drain gasoline faster?

    Let’s put it this way: It costs you more food, gas, and possibly repair kits for the privilege of speeding during the apocalypse. 😀

  12. 35 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


    There was no reason to add it in the first place though, that's my point.

    How do you know?  If the hunger rate has been manageable but present at current settings for the last few years then perhaps there was a need because now it is better balanced than it was. 

  13. 20 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


    It's not even a matter of whether or not it mirrors reality. A "much-needed food sink?" Really? As if we don't already burn through it exploring, looting, questing, mining/harvesting, fighting zombies and animals, and just moving around.


    lol...You're acting like they just added this mechanic to the current build. This has been in the game for literally years now and the only difference is that you're just finding out about it. The important thing is that your character gets hungry as time goes on and you can eat to rectify that. By the time players have vehicles they usually have enough food production going to not have to worry about whether they are lead-footing the accelerator.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


    That is quite possibly the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. It's early in my day though, so I mighty hear something dumber.


    In any other game where the devs keep the files obfuscated you would never know about these types of things. When programmers want timers and processes to generate in the background they don't and shouldn't have to consider immersion. All they need are things in the game to hook to in order to get the results they want. Due to the intention of the devs that this game will be highly moddable the files are open to all who want to look and see. So since the developers want to keep hunger maintenance a relevant feature even after vehicles are obtained they chose to tie the hunger process to driving. Nobody is trying to make a statement that cars burn calories and gas. They announce the hooks because if they don't then the modders will anyway when they notice. Those who know either shrug and try not to think about it or they get upset because they want everything to make sense vs the real world. Those who don't know and aren't told will likely never find out and are the luckiest of all. All they know is that even in the late game they still get hungry and need to eat a plate of spaghetti and drink a smoothie.


  15. 1 minute ago, Old Crow said:


    Please tell me that's a joke. I thought the silent, non-mechanical dew collector creating heat was dumb, but making a car go fast shouldn't make you hungrier.


    I want to say that it's been that way since Alpha 19. But see? You didn't know and so it didn't matter. Its not supposed to be an attempt to mirror reality-- although at the time there were plenty of people making a case for how driving in rough conditions does work out your core quite a bit which would burn lots of calories and result in greater hunger. But regardless, the real reason was to add a much-needed food sink when it was noticed that once vehicles were built and people weren't running any longer people weren't getting hungry like they were. 


    The fact that you've been playing with this mechanic for the past two years and never knew is exactly how it and heat should be. They are just background processes and it doesn't really matter what they are tied to in order to make them keep generating.

  16. 1 hour ago, Kalex said:

    You're missing the point. if the sound of condensation dripping attracts them from blocks away then they should be having a freaking rave in the streets when it rains.


    You're missing the point. "Heat" is supposed to be a background effect that increases outside of the awareness of the player. By letting the dew collectors help build heat that is another dial the developers can utilize to adjust and balance the build-up of heat and the events that heat do and will trigger. Think of heat as a type of background timer rather than a feature like hunger or thirst that the player is supposed to be able to manage and maintain. The devs aren't making a statement that the condensation of water attracts zombies. If it really matters to you, then just think of it like the fact that dew collectors exist mean that player activity in the area checking them and gathering from them is what is generating the greater notice of zombies in the area.


    Most players who do not follow the development don't really understand how heat is calculated and accumulated. There is no visible meter to show heat and all in-game descriptions are just vague warnings that a lot of activity in the area will generate some unspecified amount of heat. If it wasn't announced in the patch notes that dew collectors generate heat you would never know. You would just notice screamers showing up periodically just like always. That is the intention for heat accumulation-- to trigger events at random times.


    I hope I'm not ruining driving for you if you didn't know this but....When you drive and especially when you press the shift button to increase your top speed it drains your hunger bar at a greater rate. Same type of thing.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


    I meant exactly what I said. I replied to you when you had said "To you, a water filter hat that removes any water struggle whatsoever" Are YOU sure you didn't mean all?


    I see the disconnect. I said "any water struggle whatsoever" which is synonymous with "all". The whatsoever qualifies the word any. I probably should have just said all. Sorry.


    When you responded you left the "whatsoever" off which changed the meaning. So I did mean all when I posted which probably is not fully correct, upon reflection, since I afterward agreed with you that there is still a need to gather water for crafting. But it is a significant reduction in the struggle since all drinking needs are covered and there never is again a need to choose how to prioritize the use your water.


    So when you said that the dew-collector doesn't remove any water struggle is that what you really believe or do you admit that the filter does undermine the water struggle if a player chooses to use it?

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