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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 44 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    slow in your old age arent you... not that  i am saying anything about it.... but just saying :)

    Blame church! I copied the pic just before but couldn’t upload until after. Look at all those sinners! Lol

  2. I don’t think we really need 1000+hour veterans trying to speculate and anticipate the behavior of brand new players. I mean go ahead for the thought exercise but TFP uses Game Sparks to learn the exact and actual behavior of new players. Thanks but the role of player behavior tracker and analyst has been filled…

  3. 12 minutes ago, Jihh said:

    My main problem with the progression system is that due to the item mods usually a lvl 5-6 item from a previous tier is better than a lvl 1-2 from the newer tier. That problem exists in A20 and A21 and thus both systems are kinda flawed in my opinion. It makes a comparison really difficult. For now I'm not completely happy with any of those progression systems, because of that flaw. But I can imagine that all three of them can be implemented in a good way. While I find the new system interesting and like to experience it more, it currently makes progress too fast for my taste. In A20 I had to sacrifice stuff to get other stuff on a higher level, but in A21 I can just put a single point in every stuff I consider important and then they will level up quite fast. I'll have to see what I prefer, but as I explained, even after more testing a definitive answer will be hard to give.

    This problem could be solved by limiting attachments to one slot and removing tier 6 quality from primitive items. Iron should be limited to two slots for all quality levels with tier 6 allowing a third and the steel limited to three slots at all quality levels with tier 6 allowing a fourth. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Neminsis said:

    Because someone eventually gets around to fixing balance issues like they did with the strength tree which has now been replaced by the Intellect tree as the must have?

    Try playing anything that's not a city start without traders and see if you can make it work. Try playing any playstyle that's not the approved playstyle of questing and see if you can make it work. There's really only one game play loop right now, and that's to quest and buy what you need, and the intellect tree is sitting right there saying "pick me" 🙄

    Sometimes it is because of balancing and TFP is working through that and will continue to work through it for the 21.x updates. 

    But a lot of times it is because someone figures out how to make it work and soon the word spreads and eventually playstyles thought to be closed by the dastardly developers really aren’t. 

    Im not saying I’m the genius who can figure it out but someone will. 

    Or not—and perhaps people will need to mod the game in order to play it the way they want to. 

  5. On 6/15/2023 at 9:02 PM, Survior said:

    An efficient player will eventually overcome the artificial boundries of "mere survival" and establish a stash big enough to make as much glue as they want.

    Thirst has always been meant to be overcome. This is exactly what the point of the change was so that both efficient and inefficient players could eventually establish a stash big enough to make as much glue as they wanted. Thank you for reiterating the design goal. 

    Did you think you were poking a hole into something…?

  6. 30 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Not just me but alot of folks. Btw there is another poll in general discussion where it's over 50% in favor of the old learn by doing system or does that poll not count?

    I’ll let you convey my thanks to all of them but I’m just talking to you. The poll here counts for sure. I even defended the author for making it. 

    What’s interesting about the polls is that YouTube comments are historically more critical and hostile than these forums are and yet 3100 players showed an overwhelming positive first reaction. The 46 people(so far) in the poll here show a more negative reaction where most people are viewed as being more supportive of TFP decisions.


    30 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Would also be nice to get an answer as to what the pimps will do about that massive problem since folks can bypass the whole tool and weapons magazine nonsense with that simple trick.  Why waste time looking for magazines to craft tools and weapons when you can just stroll into the wasteland and loot vehicles for OP gear lol.

    I don’t think they’ll do anything. They are fine with players going to the wasteland and looting and questing for rewards that bypass the crafting. It’s just an optional path.  It doesn’t make the crafting progression useless if a lot of players want to go that route. 

    It’s funny that critics like you accuse TFP of shutting down player game play choices when TFP has never claimed that they want to force players to play the game only one way. Now it is YOU calling for TFP to shut down an entire option to loot in the wasteland because you see crafting as useless. 

    The answer is that TFP is happy to allow players to either craft, or loot, or purchase, or quest, or any combination to progress.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Yes because youtubers communities aren't biased lol. Love his channel but that poll is ridiculous. This update is mediocre.


    Heck he has proven with his let's play so far that by day 8 you can have quality 6 items. So much for madmoles we don't want people getting OP fast by crafting 500 duct tape because was is easy to get nonsense.


    So unless the pimps nerf drop rates, redo the skill system again or do who knows what the meta or strategy is  spend a few days leveling and questing in forest biome, get bike and after day 7 horde go into wasteland, loot cars and get OP gear easy. Kinda makes all those magazines folks have to collect kinda useless if most of it can be bypassed so easily.

    Thanks for your opinion. I really hope once your favorite mods get updated for A21 you’ll have a version of the game you can be happy playing. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    No they are seen as exaggerated by certain folks on the team on folks who hold power here because they don't like bad feedback only positivity and no criticism.

    It has nothing to do with positive or critical posts. It has to do with time after time after each alpha this person or that says the changes made their play style impossible only to be proven 100% wrong. My personal favorite was the supposed end of building underground bases that have since been proven completely possible..lol


    30 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    the pimps can't bother bringing back learn by doing and making it into a hybrid with the attribute system like alot of mods have done

    Why should they? The mods have already done it as you said. What’s wrong with having a variety of versions to play? If the devs just duplicate the mods then there’s just one version.  Why so angry about A21 if you already have access to the version you enjoy? It shouldn’t be long before you can have A21 visuals and performance with your favorite alternative version of player progression. Seems like these changes shouldn’t even really phase you or affect you honestly. 


    30 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    This alpha so far feels like the last 2 years were spent making the game look pretty with little in the way of fun gameplay mechanics.

    Why do you care if you already use mods? Seems like you could just ignore the vanilla updates at this point and just wait for your favorite mod update. Why so displeased in something you aren’t going to play?


    There are plenty of people who are pleased so they can be happy and you can be happy. 

    30 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Huge thanks to the modders who keep this game alive and entertaining and fix up bugs and issues when they show up in mods. 

    Exactly! You’re covered. Be at peace. 

  9. 51 minutes ago, xbonedragonx said:

    100% agree with this. Regardless of anything all you salty people think, and especially you @Roland, I've played for the past 7 years, and I've experienced so much time gating because you keep changing it to suit such a specific playstyle.

    Whoa…Especially me? I’m not even salty….lol. I’ve enjoyed playing all the iterations and have been able to let each one go as each new one was developed. 

    Even if vanilla becomes so restrictive that it completely limits everyone to one single dev-approved play style, they have made sure to make the game moddable so that all players can still play the way they want to. 

    But here’s the thing. Reports of dead and destroyed game play styles are always greatly exaggerated during the first weeks of experimental. 

  10. 51 minutes ago, Exxodous said:

    That's interesting.  My wife and I play coop and we're on day 7.  I think she already has 15 forge ahead books and probably 20 tool mags.   I'm not even perked into them and I probably gave her 8 forge ahead books.  Are you guys only looting food trucks lol (joking)

    It’s all random. The perk boost is not a guarantee. You and your wife are flush with Forge Ahead mags this playthrough but could experience a famine of them next playthrough. It is different every time I play. Sometimes it’s parts I can’t find and sometimes it’s magazines and other times I have plenty of everything. 

    @Archer and his group could restart and have a gush of all the right magazines that new game. As expected, there have been people wondering if the perk boost is bugged and others claiming it is too powerful. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Morloc said:


    You're talking about you and the other Pimps?...or are you talking like the queen again?


    /concerned 😕



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

    You should be. Our response to your affront to our person can only be, “Off with their head!”

  12. 3 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

    Good lord, it's been out for 4 days. You cannot tell me that after 4 days you can honestly (and fairly) make up your mind regarding a new progression system. Also given the fact that the game is in experimental and balancing will be a continual process for the next few minor releases.


    How about we let it cook a little bit?

    I encouraged him to go ahead and do the poll now when he first brought it up and then do another one after a few months. Some will initially like this new system and then grow to dislike it and others will initially dislike it and then grow to like it. We don’t know how people will like it for replay value after restarting a few times nor for long term games yet. We always get discontent people claiming that x play style has been destroyed by some change but then within a few weeks lo and behold someone figures it out and the play style turns out to be just as viable.

    But it’s fun to see a snapshot of forum sentiment during week one. Nobody should feel threatened by any outcome of this poll. TFP doesn’t design by polls. They encourage mods by polls… 😜

  13. 7 minutes ago, Archer said:

    I just logged in to actually see what day & skill level everyone was at. 
    Still got my inventory. 
    0 skills now as if I've never read a magazine and I'm back at level 1. 

    Base is still there, inventory still there, and everything physical is still there but my character's skills and everything else are wiped to 0. Nothing is removed from the inventory of my character or from containers, but anything I've read, and everything I'd leveled from XP is wiped. So, I guess I can't tell you the answer now to what level we were, it's day 24 on the server.  (P.S. - Not @%$#ing about it, I understand it's an unstable release)

    Right now the forge ahead magazine is by far the rarest, we've found a total of 17 of those, but the medical magazines I think we've recovered like 60-70 of them. 
    The 'old school' books and mags that were already in the game seem to spawn at a normal/similar rate as before. 
    Lots of 'Tech Junky' magazines are popping up, too, seems to be a disproportionately high amount, I'm at like, level 37 in those? 
    Tool mags are spawning in 2nd to 3rd lowest rate which is preventing us from being able to build certain things. 
    Over the course of the past three days we've had anywhere between 6 and 22 players on the server at one time, last night was probably our largest crowd (we can't add more than 8 people to a party so we just end up making extras but would really like it if the devs allowed us to make parties larger than just 8 ) 
    Bar Brawler, Batter Up, and The Fireman's Almanac seem to be everywhere as well, they're so abundant we also have stacks of them sitting unused. 
    The Great Heist, Hunter's Journal, Lucky Looter seem more or less normal rates I guess. 

    The problem that keeps happening right now is early 'bottlenecks'. 
    We keep needing magazines for another tool or item that we want/need to build in order to make other stuff. 
    At the moment - the blood moon isn't actually much of an issue, because we've only played the first 3 of them, so they don't start 'getting hard' usually until a bit later in the game (which to us was normal, and totally fine) 
    This forces us to stop working on the base, and go out to help the scavengers. PLEASE NOTE: if this is intended, it's not appreciated. We really did not want to be forced to go out. But the 2 of us (which is a skeleton crew of builders/crafters compared to usual) who are staying behind keep "running out of stuff to do" because we can essentially only do basic tasks with the limited options of tools and recipes available to us, which force us to just go out and look for more of these magazines so we can get back to work.
    We always build the baseline outershell first obviously so we don't end up getting a bunch of breaches, but the interior where we organize, build rooms for crafting, storage, and processing materials from one into the next is essentially collecting dust and cobwebs. I can use the forge now which means I can melt stuff down but once that task is done, it's pretty much "whelp, time to go look for magazines" which comprises roughly 80% of the time we have allocated for building stuff, so the base looks like @%$#. It's functional and holds up but it's mostly just empty rooms right now.

    I can't think of them all off the top of my head now but overall, each day I play this update I like it less and less. Some of the looters/scavengers in the group were also mentioning that they didn't really care for the 'skulls' system actually, it kind of takes away some of the surprise of 'finding out' just how dangerous an area is before they go in, and now it's as though their character psychically knows how bad the monsters down in the cave/basement/wherever are before they go in. 

    The graphics changes made are awesome in the update, love the new forge/workbench models for sure, haven't seen the chemistry station yet except on streams and that looks great, but pretty much everything else, especially all of the 're-works' are an emphatic thumbs down, with the magazine 'system' being front and center of that negative response. Balancing this out for a group of people just seems impossible, I don't know how they would ever adjust loot rates and spawn rates to respond to a # of people on a server. 

    And because the moderator on here keeps implying I'm either lying or we're just bumbling through like we've been caught in a '90s infomercial doing a simple task of some kind, I've started streaming/recording our game sessions now and can share a link to the twitch, or if want/need be I'll take the time to upload a video onto YouTube or something of it (I don't stream/record regularly or anything) and to triple iterate this because this seems to be the go-to response to every post that suggests there's a possible flaw in the system: THE LOOTERS ARE NOT READING THE MAGAZINES FFS. THEY BRING THEM *ALL* BACK TO BASE AND WE SORT THROUGH THEM. 
    I'm one of the looters MYSELF now, unfortunately. Air Drops are bringing in tons of magazines, in fact they're almost the best place to get them at this point but more often than not it's crap we don't need.


    Thanks for the details. You’re quite off on your assumption about my motives. This is the first time you’ve described exactly what you’re doing as a team. We do appreciate detailed and descriptive criticism that is courteously given so thank you. 

  14. 5 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    I left it alone.  Also didn't boost the overall dukes you get from missions, but that might change as I made a huge lot of changes overall to increase the difficulty by slowing down the traders.  I did increase their ammo stock numbers to compensate for not having them as awards.


    Tier completion awards were also removed, though you get dukes as awards instead.


    Do you want it now or when A21 goes into stable?  Haven't released any of my modlets yet as I been waiting for stable to drop so I play experimental as vanilla, but for one of my favorite moderators, I might release earlier than planned.

    No let’s wait until stable. But drop me a pm when you publish it. 

  15. I’d be totally on board for this. Collectibles like this are great. Definitely not on their to do list to finish the game but maybe something they could do when there’s time. They plan to keep updating the game with content for up to two years after gold so it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility. 

  16. 11 hours ago, Archer said:

    there's a whole 8 human beings out scouring for them and there's just *not* enough to go around for everybody.

    What does this mean? To me it sounds like you’re sharing magazines around with everyone instead of specializing. Added to that the fact that TFP has further nerfed the amount of magazines in loot because most reports coming in have been that magazines are too abundant and the only conclusion I can think of is that you have multiple people reading the same magazines. 

    If that isn’t the case then it could be that your loot tables are bugged somehow. It’s not about proving your team is playing wrong, it is about helping your team be successful. 

    I guess your only purpose for coming here was to ask that the feature be reverted and you aren’t interested in learning how to adapt to the new system. Fair enough. I’ll drop it and refrain from responding to the issues you raise. 

  17. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    I fought the day 7 horde with a wooden club and had stone tools until day 8. Does that count as "long enough" ?

    If you feel that it is. If not, take Daring Adventurer and go to the wasteland. You can control how long or how soon it happens. 

  18. 34 minutes ago, Belgarion32 said:

    Not too sure what happened but uh, I guess good bye to that save with today's patch, spawned in to a death and after doing a quest I realized that the character itself is entirely reset progression-wise and has only 1 skill point after leveling up once from the quest.


    This is often the case during experimental. Often mistake the term "stable" to mean bug free but what it really means is that your save game is stable and won't break with each new update. There is no guarantee of that with experimental. I've had to restart the game countless times over the past year as new builds break previous ones. They usually do give warning and if they didn't it was simply because they overlooked the skill reset on characters.

  19. 10 minutes ago, Wulf said:

    Todays's B317 release brings some interesting balance changes.

    -Increased water filter cost. Dunno what exactly the thought behind that is, but i'm not sure it really affects me anyway. Money is still too easy to come by if you do quests. (personally i'd rather see a nerf to questing income).

    -Lowered the availability of crafting magazines. (book bundle appears less often, the bundle contains less books, and randomly found magazines have their loot change reduced. Oh boy, looks like we're still progressing too fast guys. :) What's intended here, stone age through the first week? First 3 days? Honest question.




    I don't know how long they want the stone age to last but they do want it to last beyond a few days. They want players to fully explore at least some of the tiers of quality within each tech stage. If players are skipping from brown stone to blue stone to yellow iron all in 2-3 days then all the intermediate tiers are irrelevant. The ideal would be crafting up through all the quality stages because you're spending time in each one.


    That said, it does get tougher to get to the top levels later on and I worry that a nerf to stop primitive level rushing might cause some mid game stalling. I'm betting they will likely adjust it back to a bit more generous again once more players get to the midgame and start complaining they can't get their chemistry station unlocked and that they've been stuck on a minibike forever.


    Personally, I'd like to see another magazine or two added to each primitive stage advancement and leave the availability of books alone. 

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