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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 47 minutes ago, XCOUNTRY said:

    I think someone was asking about this earlier, but they were misunderstood. Can we get the ability to custom edit the percentages in the world prefab editor instead of the arrows to increase and decrease percentages? I want 60% plains, 25% mountains, 15% hills. I should be allowed to type those values instead of playing the "mini game" decreasing one, then the other, then the other, then the other, before finding out that I cannot do it at all after 15min of trying. Guess 62% 15% 23% is it...

    A percentage counter for the math impaired showing the total should suffice. If it doesn't equal 100%, throw an error.

    This should go for all percentage-based terrain options.


    I agree that being able to enter in percentages would be a good QOL update. Until/if that happens, if you start every slider from zero and adjust each up one at a time it is pretty easy to get very close to the percentages you want. It took me no time at all to get 62% plains, 25% mountains, and 12% hills which is probably not going to be a very noticeable difference from 60-25-15.

  2. 21 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

    Hello, i was wanting to share some information about a21 and for the life of me do not understand why so many Chinese servers show up in my region list. Is there ANYONE out there who knows why this is? I play on Nimage.thumb.png.a3ba4463c5d6a403b69c6e0a6faeafc7.pngorth America West and all i ever see is chinese servers to play on when i try to join.


    Wish you would have shown your whole screenshot instead of just a tiny part. I just went on North America West and did get several chinese servers intermixed with others  but nothing like this.

  3. 7 hours ago, Eduho said:

    To change the subject, I imagine that each one would like some more than others. Is there any way that you could consider driving from inside the vehicle? . I hope it is well translated 


    They've stated that the current following camera viewpoint is all that they have planned for driving views.

  4. 3 hours ago, Krougal said:

    No, the difficulty settings IIRC only control 2 things; what % of their rated damage a zed does to you, and what % of your rated damage you do to zeds.

    Nomad being the level playing ground of 100% and 100%.

    Gamestage and loot and various other things have been coupled to difficulty in the past, but I think it's for the last several alphas just the 2 things.



    and rage probability

  5. 1 hour ago, hiemfire said:

    You're stating that the perks make up for the difference in capability between a fully modded off spec weapon and an on spec weapon 2-3 quality levels lower, or more, and that excluding weapons you're specced into from quest rewards and, iirc, trader loot won't result in a long lasting capability disparity between the two.


    No I'm not because I'm not assuming the player will keep that on spec weapon that is 2-3 quality levels lower or more and play the rest of the game with that weapon while waiting to be able to craft the best version of that weapon. I'm assuming that as they find magazines and are able to craft better and better versions they will do so and the disparity between the bat and the spear will disappear much faster than you and Uncle are representing things. 


    I would agree with both of you if we were locked into using that quality 3 stone spear for the rest of the game until we could suddenly craft a tier 5 iron spear but that is certainly not the case.


    1 hour ago, hiemfire said:

    Even if you are correct, what is a player going to reference to be-able to accurately tell that without having to break out a pen & paper or a calculator while flipping through multiple tabs in game while eating the time to the next Blood Moon or gamestage threshold (noticeable when the zombies get harder)?


    Who does that? Who feels the need? I suppose the player would just use both weapons and when they noticed that they could kill an enemy with one or two less hits but that they were running out of stamina more often and not getting very many dismemberments or one shot decapitations from their non-perked bat but then with their raw stat weaker spear they were never running out of stamina, able to do more power attacks and get lots of one-shot kills by smashing off heads due to the perks granted by perception and Spear Master-- I dunno-- they might mostly use the "weaker" spear since it was more fun but keep the bat for variety since it is also powerful and sometimes you just feel like swinging instead of poking.

    55 minutes ago, Krougal said:


    Seems to me like "kicking the can down the road" since now instead of RNJesus for quest rewards, you get cash to spend on....RNJesus trader inventory?

    I don't think it would make the "trader haters" camp happy.

    How is that working out in practice? I mean I guess you are happy with it since you are using it and put it out there for others to use.



    I've tried it and it is definitely much slower since what the trader offers for sale is significantly less quality than what he offers for rewards. While I acknowledge that there definitely is a "trader hater" camp, those particular gamers won't be made happy until the trader is removed from the game. Most people here are not trader haters. We like the trader and want to see a better balance between quest rewards and crafting progression. BFT's mod definitely fixes the problem but if you really like choosing an item as your reward it can result in an anticlimactic end to your quest and often the trader doesn't have anything exciting to spend your dukes on.


    I got a tier 5 auger for my last quest reward and it was a lot more exciting of a reward than simply dukes would have been-- especially since I have 40k dukes now with nothing I really want to spend it on available.


    I do want to try out his mod again but it isn't an easy change to make. Its definitely a nerf.

  6. 9 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

    "Temporary" with your suggested exclusion would be when you finally craft a quality 5 steel spear after 30+ real life hours of game play not using spears, but perking into them and some how getting better with them, and leaning on clubs or other weapons that you get of higher tier to get you through those 30+ hours because the spears you could craft won't keep up with the GS scaling.

    Are you simply comparing dps stats between the two weapons and discounting the added bonuses of Perception and the Spears perk?  You won’t get any stamina reduction for the bat. It would be way more expensive to purchase the perk that increases swing speed for the bat than it would be for the one for spears.  It doesn’t seem to me you are bringing those things into the equation or that it is that you think they are negligible bonuses compared to the raw damage stat numbers. Personally, I think all the perk and attribute and support perk bonuses do matter and it isn’t going to take as long as you guys claim to equal and then exceed the worth of the bat by continuing to progress your perk path on the spear. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Uncle Al said:

    But if I'm now going be offered a T5 baseball bat instead, then I'm better off totally ignoring my perked weapon and using the bat, rather than the T3 stone spear I can currently craft. Now not only is my magazine hunting invalidated, my perk choices are too. That's even more horrible.

    That’s crazy talk to me but I’m not obsessed with only using the most powerful weapon in my arsenal to the exclusion of anything else. 

    To me, getting that bat would be a fun alternative that would be worth switching to since it’s high level of damage would make up for the lack of perked abilities. It definitely would not invalidate my progress in spears. 

    Any advantage over my spear that the baseball bat might have would only be temporary as I continued to craft better spears and gained more perception and spear perk abilities by spending points. 

    I think your characterization of it is a wild exaggeration. 

    1 hour ago, Krougal said:

    It seems to be a very hard act to balance for some reason.

    It’s hard because it annoys/pleases people to varying degrees and there is no way to make it pleasing to everyone other than making an option for rewards:


    1. Dukes only

    2. Items below lootstage

    3. Items equal to lootstage

    4. Items above lootstage


    Then people can choose the setting that best fits their own sensibility. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Krougal said:

    Game was released on console, that means they have to cater to the "filthy casuals".

    I say this without sarcasm or malice or any other negative connotation


    If that were true you would have typed "gamers that are on the more casual end of the spectrum" or something else neutral like that. BTW, I don't know whether console gamers can collectively be called casuals any longer. Console gaming has come a long way and while control schemes must often be streamlined to work with gamepads, this in itself isn't what makes a gamer casual or not. Maybe in the 90s up through the 2000s there were mostly simplistic casual gaming experiences on consoles that drew a more casual player base but I think that has changed quite a bit in the last decade.


    The streamlining of 7 Days to Die for consoles is entirely control-scheme-based and performance-limitations-based. Whether the game is balanced more toward crafting or more toward looting and quest rewards has absolutely nothing to do with it going to console and being played by the type of players who buy and play on consoles. 

  9. My only annoyance about trader rewards is when I am offered something better than I can craft in my primary perked path. If I’m not perked into something I don’t really expect to be able to craft it at a high level for a long time and if I’m rewarded with a high level high tier version of it and I know I might never be able to craft it then that’s awesome. 

    Maybe just an exclusion in rewards for any item you are currently perked into would be enough. 

    15 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:

    You're literally swimming in resources that are just waiting for you to show up and loot them.  I don't understand this deep reliance upon one single aspect of the game whereas you have up to 10k maps where there are towns that do not even have the benefit of having a trader within its borders.

    The answer to that is that trader progression currently follows an unrestricted LBD game model. The more quests you do the better you get at questing. The faster you do them the faster you get to the top. The biggest weakness of LBD is that it tends to overwhelm all other gameplay for those who are susceptible to it and all they can do is spam that game loop.

  10. 7 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    I acknowledge my post was long but here's the part you may have missed, and I think we agree on.



    The perfect system IMO would have been LBD where it makes sense (making better quality items), LBR where it makes sense (learning new skills as a baseline for later LBD)



    Just do it so it makes sense, and it'll succeed. 


    I didn’t miss that part but I was simply responding to the part of your post that was incorrect regarding how knowledge acquisition actually works. 

    As to your suggestion, I would be fine with a hybrid system of LBR and LBD but not how you organized it. Reading to unlock a recipe and then use LBD with crafting to push the quality tiers up is exactly what was wrong with the game in A15 which is why all forms of “spam crafting” were finally removed for A16 even though LBD was still in force for other skills. 

    LBD would be great for improving skill in using items which is what the current point system handles. So the LBR would need to remain intact as it is for crafting recipes including the quality tiers. The point spending system of getting better at skills is the only thing that would be replaced by LBD. 

    The thing is that in my opinion the point spending system is also fun and enjoyable and perfectly adequate so it doesn’t really need to be replaced. It can be played in a way that feels like you’re progressing in an organic and natural manner and still gives the freedom of not having to grind in those categories you don’t really enjoy but want to improve in. 

    If they changed the skill point spending part of the game back to LBD and kept the crafting progression as it is now by looting magazines, I would be fine with that but— I’m also fine with the current system. They both represent skill mastery but just in a different manner and they both can be abused in different ways. 

    The original post I was responding to claimed that the current system of reading to learn how to craft new recipes is nonsensical because it isn’t how people learn. I simply demonstrated that we learn new knowledge easiest by having a teacher of some form—in this case magazines and that in most cases we don’t learn something new by practicing something we already know.

    We hone acquired skills through practice which can be represented by either the LBD or point-spending systems. Even if LBD was to be ultimately chosen over point-spending it would STILL be a good idea to keep the quality tiers as “new recipes” rather than as “improved skills” since spam crafting was really bad for gameplay. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Tete1805 said:


    Well, you don't learn tennis by reading a magazine and you don't become better at it by reading more magazines.


    You don't learn tennis by reading a magazine simply because there are tennis instructors that impart the knowledge and that is the most effective method. But if there were no tennis instructors and you found a magazine that described the rules of tennis and how to hold the racket and different hitting techniques you certainly could learn how to play tennis a lot faster than you could by experimentation.


    Once you had the knowledge you would get better at tennis through repetitive practice. It would be tougher to improve without an instructor's feedback but it could be done.


    My point is that whether it is by reading, direct instruction, or watching youtube all of these fall under the LBR umbrella in that you are gaining new knowledge by appealing to an authority on the subject. Direct instruction is the most effective method while having to learn it by reading only is less effective.


    For a post-apocalyptic setting it makes sense to regain lost knowledge by finding remnants of information that you can find while scavenging. It is neither stupid nor nonsensical.


    Is it fun gameplay? THAT is going to be each gamer's personal opinion. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Wrong. 😉


    Learn by doing is literally how we have evolved as a species.

     I’m glad you are the one who is wrong about this because if students could gain new knowledge simply by repeating and practicing their current knowledge, I would be out of a job. 

    The type of learn by doing we had in the game had nothing to do with how we have evolved as a species but it did have a lot to do with how some members of the species could become masters of skills they already had. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Justsomedudewholikespasta said:

    It's stupid and doesn't make sense.

    it’s not and it does. The system makes more sense than learn by doing ever did as far as how human beings acquire new knowledge without years and years of personal experimentation and many trials of failure before success is gained. Learn by Doing is a great system for honing and mastering knowledge and skills you already understand. Learn by reading AKA Learn from some authority on a a subject you don’t yet know is perfectly reasonable. 

    You can’t really think we are finding full and complete copies of the same magazines. We are finding fragments and pieces and once you find enough information you’ve basically researched some old world knowledge you didn’t know before. 

    Granted…some topics are pretty basic but it’s a game so not 100% reflecting reality. If you think about how you’ve gained every bit of new knowledge, it is most likely from reading, listening, and/or watching someone who already possessed the knowledge. 

    You don’t like the new system which is noted. No system will please everyone. But it isn’t stupid or nonsensical. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Arma Rex said:

    @Roland I know it's been asked before, but do you think it's appropriate to start the A22 development thread? Besides discussion surrounding the experimental point releases of A21, this thread is largely becoming obsolete.

    As soon as Madmole gives the say so I’m sure that Crater Creator will get it started. Are we really ready for arguments over armor, outfits, bandits, weather, and the traders becoming an even more critical factor in the game?

    Of course we are! :)

  15. 16 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Art style/tone  not gameplay.


    Thief is stealth game but not horror.

    AC is stealth game but not horror.


    I could imagine medieval dynasty game that could be survival horror - just add zombies or ghosts and keep medieval dynasty serious tone. I could imagine even.. car game that coulde be named as horror survival : road of the dead 2. 


    I'm not complaing  about gameplay Roland but about tone/style/world building. If 7dtd was 1:1 like it have today ( except things like tier pool which influence on wordl building ) mechanics but world made similiar to Contagion or Days gone or NMRIH or even WD then i woudn't complain

    Gotcha. Their next game is going to be original art from the outset so there won’t be subbing in original art for unity store assets which might result in a change like what happened with this game. 

    For example in this game the guns started out as generic but realistic models of existing guns but eventually got changed to jury-rigged scrap parts guns. 

    They already have the theme and tone they want for the next game and they are creating all the art to match what they want from the outset. So if you are happy knowing that this will be the case for the next game then you can set your heart at ease. 

  16. Just like any dedicated survival game or dedicated role playing game or dedicated farming game or dedicated stealth game or dedicated shooting game or dedicated melee fighting game or dedicated sandbox game or dedicated survival horror game, 7 Days to Die will come up short by comparison because it is a mixture of elements from those games. 

    People who are survival horror mega-fans will be bothered by the lack of depth in that area while everyone else will think it’s great. It’s just like how stealth game fans are bothered by the stealth in this game while casual fans of stealth gameplay are perfectly happy with that aspect of the game. Farm nuts are less than thrilled by farming in this game while all the rest are okay with the level of farming in the game. Survival-philes are constantly begging for item degradation and food spoilage and more scarcity whereas everyone else is pleased as punch their weapon lasts forever. 

    The game is never going to reach the level of dedicated survival horror that you want because it is but one of many elements that make up this game and the devs only sprinkled the game with it. 

  17. 3 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    MY only problem with these 4x4 vehicles is the things on the front that make them useless. The jeep isn't even used on our server (we use Bdubyah's humvee instead) because of the thing on the front that constantly goes into terrain. I can off-road in my F-250 all day right now. Put a snow-plow on it where it has an inch of clearance. Think it will do much of anything off-road?


    I don't mind these plows as an option, but make them optional. The current jeep would be rad if we could remove the rigging up front and actually have more than an inch of ground clearance.


    I'm from the south, I enjoy off-roading. Clearance is at the top of the list, especially if you're climbing rocks or going through rivers/deep mud. Give us a REAL off-road option!

    Look at the pictures again a bit more carefully. 

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