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Posts posted by Roland

  1. Use obs for your recording software. Include your Mic as a sound source and the desktop audio as a sound source (to get game noises).


    Easy peasy. Lazer has a thread in off topic for settings.


    Thanks. Now I feel bad about your link in the index....lol

  2. Good question. I wouldn't mind it just being in this thread but a separate index would work as well.


    Okay, I got it done and linked to everyone's thread and put it in the Rules Thread. That way there's not another sticky and it's a closed thread so it will always stay on the first page. Thanks for the suggestion Tin.

  3. Question: What is the best way to record as I play? Right now I am narrating after the fact but when I start my series that I want to do I want my comments to be as I'm playing. I think I did it once by starting just the windows sound recorder and then mixing that file in with my video. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  4. Hey Roland


    [sUG] IDK if there's an easy way of doing this but do you think we can get in this thread the creators channels to be listed in alphabetical order?


    Should we do it in this thread or create a separate index thread?

  5. Bald Guy Plays Games


    I went to his thread mainly to switch the title from "New Youtube Channel" to the actual name of his youtube channel and then thought, "Why not?" and clicked on one of the episodes. 30 minutes later I tore myself away because I had work that needed to be done and it wasn't ever my intention to sit and watch stuff.


    Bald Guy has a pleasing voice and a very good pace and he talks as though you were sitting right next to him on the sofa playing video games on a Saturday morning together. His use of the pronoun "we" really makes you feel like you are part of it all. You can tell that he is very much into the adventure of it all and he speaks a lot of his thoughts out loud in a very entertaining fashion. I subscribed and will be watching more when I have a chance. Love it!

  6. So content = video, right? Just wonder why it's called so. I guess you would like to refer yourself as a content creator?^^


    "Content Creators" is a curious term for me. The developers are content creators. The modders are content creators. Someone who posts a guide or even a review on Steam is a content creator. But here it refers exclusively to video content creators. A more precise name may generate less confusion and less need for moderation in the long term. Just a suggestion.


    I think this was a valid concern during the first few hours that this subforum was opened. Perhaps I worried a bit about whether people would figure out what was meant to go in this section. But it appears that most everyone gets what content creator is referring to and the format in which they should post.


    So now there is plenty of context I think to allay any concerns. Content Creator was chosen as a term to be inclusive of both those who only stream and those who only record and of course those who do both. "The Stream Team" caused confusion because people thought we only wanted to support streamers which isn't true.


    I think the idea that we want people to create a thread that they can use to link to their stream page or their YouTube channel and be able to update and advertise when they publish/ broadcast something new is clear enough. "Content Creator" also does not explicitly convey that the content we want posted here is 7 Days to Die related but I trust people to grok the context.


    If all you want to do is post a one and done video or some screenshots of your base then use the video and images subforum. If you plan to do more and you would like to use this subforum as another access point to your channel then please create a thread here.

  7. The images and videos section is being used by streamers because that has been the only place that supports embedded videos. But that forum is more for anyone to show off their cool builds or funny screenshots they were able to do. Now the content creators can post here and that will allow casual videos and pics to be shown over there.

  8. This thread is for when you find a new content creator and he or she is the best and you just have to sing their praises. Please do it here and include a link so others can find them and experience the joy of watching them play our favorite game.


    This is a positive review thread only. No negative reviews or naming and shaming of content creators who have somehow burned you. Unload all of the injustice upon your significant other or if you are a hermit then perform a soul scream and move on.

  9. Please post here and here only to talk about streaming, let's plays, and the magic that makes it all happen. Shoot the breeze and go off topic as long as its funny. Really this is meant to be a place to post general questions and comments so that we can leave the rest of this forum clutter free for the talent to make their threads and peddle their wares.

  10. Hi Survivalists,


    In our ongoing mission to fully explore that mysterious creature known as the content creator, we have decided that a new forum is in order. Please follow the rules and don't manhandle the streamers or the youtubers you might encounter here. A soft tickle or quick poke will be overlooked.


    Have fun and find lots of new talent and spread the word. Let's help out all the streamers who devote their talent and time to 7 Days to Die.

  11. Servers and Community Posting Policy


    1) If you run a server you may maintain a thread in this forum to promote it and inform people what they can expect on your server.


    2) If you have modded your game but your mod is only available by playing on your server then this is the correct forum for you to post about your mod and promote your server. Do not post in the Modding Forum unless you plan to share your files.


    3) If you are running a business providing servers and server admin support services you may maintain a thread in this forum to promote and advertise your business provided that you maintain at least one free public server dedicated to 7 Days to Die. You cannot transact business out of this forum (i.e. no Paypal buttons) but you may post a link to your own website in order to conduct business. Information about the public server should be posted within the first couple of posts in your thread.


    4) Disputes should be handled as much as possible through private messaging and no user should try to derail or disrupt the topic of someone else's thread. Any such antagonistic posts should be reported immediately.

  12. Update: changed the wording slightly to emphasize that a Terms of Use statement must be its own post in the thread so that we can determine the date it was posted.


    EDIT: Mod Authors, you need to make sure that your ToA is not buried and unfindable in your thread. This means you must either state in your OP that you have a ToA and link to its post or if you have decided you want one you should create a new thread for your mod and make the second post your ToA so that it is easily found. Just PM a mod to have your old thread closed if you do this.

  13. I was asked whether the guideline saying that people who upload their mods should accept the idea that others may take their work against their wishes invalidates the rest of the rules.


    The answer is no. The guideline is simply a suggested code of behavior. We feel people should be mentally prepared to the possibility that someone will take their work and use it contrary to their wishes. If that is an unbearable thought then you shouldn't post your mod publicly.


    The rules state that we will impose consequences on people who ignore the wishes of the mod author and take without permission.

  14. Terms of Use Clarifications


    1) The default setting for the forum is that a mod can be downloaded for any purpose so you do not have to list anything that can be done without your permission. You only need list your restrictions.


    2) Your Terms of Use statement must be its own post so that it carries a time stamp of when it was posted. You can link to the post from the OP of your thread if you wish to make it easier for people to find. The most recent "last edited by" date will always be the date by which we will judge when a Terms of Use statement went into effect.


    3) Your Terms of Use has no effect on mods created by others prior to the date of your statement. These rules are not retroactive.

  15. I like stats and whether they are ultimately useful or not I would love a scoreboard that showed things like meters traveled, blocks destroyed, bullets/arrows fired, etc. Its just fun to see stuff like that for everyone.

  16. Reasoning behind the Guidelines


    Just a list of good behavior suggestions. Some mod authors have a...casual...view of copyright infringement and plagiarism. Sticking an image of a Coke can into your mod probably isn't going to set alarms off over at Coca-Cola and most would probably not think twice about lifting such images off the internet somewhere. We hope that people won't take that same view with the work of their fellow mod authors here in our community. We hope that out of respect for each other you will always seek permission first even if there is no request by the mod author requiring it simply because it is the decent thing to do and is sure to engender good feelings even if the answer is, "Sure, you didn't need to ask" and then giving credit whenever possible.


    To alleviate any fears, we as a Moderator staff are not going to police mods for copyright infringement. If we were ever to get a cease and desist letter regarding any copyright infringements (as unlikely as that might be) we would notify the mod author and give him or her a chance to remove the offending material. If unable to get a reply or if the mod author refused to remove the material then we would have to delete the mod and possibly ban the user from the forum.


    In other words we will let companies police their own intellectual property if they wish but we will also comply with their wishes should they make a stink. Most likely as long as everyone is following the rules of not monetizing their mods there will be no problems at all and things will go on as they have with no real change.

  17. Reasoning behind the Rules


    Rule 1 & 2


    The fact is that TFP owns all the mods as soon as they are uploaded. Period. Mod Authors do not have any control over what they have posted and it is at TFP's discretion how mods are used. As we all know, TFP is very generous and plans to be even more generous in the future with their game and what they will allow to be modified and changed and derived. It is in that spirit that they, in turn, expect all of the mod authors who make use of TFP's code and files to also be generous and allow others to be creative with their work.


    However, TFP also expressed a desire to support those who want some measure of protection for their creativity and who might like some say as to how their work is being used (aka The Hitler Principle). Therefore they have decided to allow those authors who feel it is important to do so to set their own permission levels for the use of their mods.


    From the feedback we have received we believe that most mod authors will not bother with a Terms of Use statement and so there will really be very little change or impact from what has gone on before. We also believe from what has been said that most if not all mod authors that do want to include a Terms of Use will usually grant permission for their work to be used and to be further modded if they are asked beforehand.


    So as long as people remember to be as generous as TFP is in their own work and to be respectful enough to ask first and give credit there should be no problems going forward. Also this places the burden on the mod author to choose his or her own level of permissions and there won't need to be one size fits all permission rule for everyone.


    Rule 3


    One way to not share your mod is to divide up all your files between server and client and then invite people to come to your server to experience the changes you've made to the game. That is perfectly fine to do but you cannot create a mod author thread in the modding forum to advertise your server.


    Rules 4 & 6


    Selling the derivative work of 7 Days to Die violates your EULA with The Fun Pimps and cannot be tolerated if it becomes known. Having a small link or button for voluntary donations is fine but that is the extent of what is allowed. Also posting your mod at another site that charges fees is not allowed nor is advertising your mod that exclusive to your server and then charging admission to your server. You cannot monetize your mods in any way. Posting your mod at another site should always be accompanied by a link back to this modding forum where they could also download your mod independently of the other site.


    Rule 5


    Mod Author threads have one topic and one topic only which is discussion to help downloaders, to report bugs, to collaborate with and help the mod author, and in all ways to promote and enhance the thread for that mod. Any arguments or disputes or accusatory posts are considered off-topic and if reported will result in infractions and bans. We want all disputes handled privately. Period.

  18. General Guidelines


    Our community of modding is based on the idea of collaborating, sharing, and standing on the shoulders of others to ever improve. It is important that there is respect and honor shown to each other. The following are guidelines for conduct we suggest in order for you to avoid any legal issues and/or any disputes with other members of our forum. Again, these are codes of conduct we hope everyone will choose to follow.


    1) Copyrighted work should be used only with permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators, images found on the internet or from other file authors. Even if you are from a country that does not have copyright laws it is expected that you will seek the permission from copyright owners before using their property in your own mod.


    2) All files uploaded should have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content before uploading the file.


    3) You should always provide appropriate credit when possible to authors who have given you permission to use their content within the file description.


    4) If you are collaborating with one or more other users to create a file then you should have a written agreement that is maintained as to who is the original author of what so that questions and misunderstandings do not arise later.


    5) If you give your permission to another author for them to use your work within their own modifications then you cannot take back that permission once the other author's file has been released.


    6) If you upload your file you should understand that you no longer have control over how it is used. TFP is the sole owner of all derivative content created using their code and files. Also, other users could use your work without your permission. Before uploading your file you should decide whether you can accept these possibilities.


    7) If you are using assets and/or tools under a license that you purchased then you are bound by that EULA and should not grant any permissions to others to re-use those assets if that would cause you to breach that EULA. Make sure you understand and abide by all EULA's that cover what you have purchased.



    Forum Rules


    These rules will be enforced and used to arbitrate disagreements. Failure to comply with these rules could result in the removal of your uploaded file and thread and possibly a permanent ban from the forums.


    1) All files uploaded become the sole property of The Fun Pimps as derivative works of 7 Days to Die. TFP offers all mods on its site as open source material and free to download and to modify subject to the following stipulations:


    • All mod authors MAY CHOOSE to include a personal Terms of Use* as a separate post in the thread featuring their mod. The Terms of Use should list the permissions you are granting with your mod and what permissions you are withholding unless contacted first. Any mod without a Terms of Use in its description will be considered to be open source. Your Terms of Use cannot contradict the rules and guidelines set here.
    • All mod authors must disclose any tools or assets in their mod that they have licensed. Such licenses only grant the person who purchased them the right to use those tools and/or assets and they cannot give permission for others to re-use them in their own mods.
    • If a mod has been left inactive for a year and the mod author cannot be reached then any Terms of Use will be removed and that mod will be considered open source.


    2) All forum users must abide by the Terms of Use of the mods they download. By downloading the mod you are agreeing to the Terms of Use of the mod author.


    3) Since Steam Workshop support is still pending, the Mods sub-forum in particular serves as a de facto repository for publicly released mods. Thus all threads in the Mods sub-forum must contain a link to download the mod. Unreleased works in progress can be discussed in the Discussion and Requests sub-forum instead. If you have a modded server, where the mod is not available outside of that server, then you can showcase that server in the Servers & Coummunity sub-forum.


    4) Do not actively solicit for donations. You may include a link in your thread for voluntary donations but no financial sum should ever be required of users to download part or all of your file. This includes not requiring payment to be part of a team of testers for early access to a new version of your mod that you are developing. You can have a private team but nobody should be required to pay to be on the team.


    5) Never post off-topic content in another mod author's thread. If you have a dispute handle it through mail and get a moderator involved. Arguing in a mod author's thread disrupts the thread and makes it impossible for the mod author to effectively communicate with his followers. These types of posts should be reported at once.


    6) Do not distribute a mod posted here on another website without the mod author's express permission. Mod authors are free to post their mods on other sites, so long as they (i) abide by the conditions set out by those sites, (ii) maintain a link to the mod which can be accessed independent of the other site.



    *You may choose to use one of the licenses from creative commons as your Terms of Use if you so wish.


  19. I don't think you're far off the mark. I would lump myself into that category too quite frankly. But I think he, as well as several others that have posted in this thread, are still trying to make a sincere effort to provide input and guide the decision making process. I suspect you could agree that my trepidation (and likely others) that are passionate about this topic are not without basis.


    Let's not frame the picture of how the conversation went after the fact to support your own interpretation of how the thread has evolved. I think there has been valid points on both sides of the aisle on most the relevant topics. Some better than others. Some from left field. It's all there plain as day if anyone cares to read it, or as you say "will turn it to Madmole for review" once it has borne fruit.


    To be clear, you did say additional options later on down the line. This is not how it was represented in some of the "throwing out ideas" posts at the beginning of this topic. This thread was billed as a "PVP Mode" and ideas were pitched by you and Gazz to achieve those ends. What the "mode" actually meant in terms of server execution was not really communicated. I interpreted it as a standalone product like H1Z1's King of the Hill. Knowing how the dev's have portrayed the development of the game, I suspected this was something that was being explored so they sell it. It would be all packaged up to satisfy the "PVPers" and conveniently enable further silo'ing off the core game's development so that they could develop it to cater to their PVE-only audience's desires. I'm skeptical like that. Please tell me I'm wrong.


    But on the arguments in question, it was quite specific that it was seen as a positive move to flatten out the progression curve, which could theoretically be customizeable. Fair enough. However, I don't understand how Gazz's ideas about creating a single, centralized claim block +/- perks protection assets +/- invulnerability status would be be compatible within the current or simple adaptation of the server customization variables. It seems likely that this is a stretch to say it could be supported both ways. ...? I'm all ears.


    Madmole is not of the same mind as the developers behind H1Z1 and thinks they made a mistake splitting their game into two separate games (and charging for both). I seriously doubt he would follow in those steps. I said PvP mode because that is the language that has been used by the developers in their general talk about the subject. Nobody has made concrete plans in this respect and this thread is just to start centralizing different ideas about what could benefit PvP play.


    I think the main idea of the developers is that they are not going to alter the current game to make it work for PvP gameplay and there is a sense among (not just Gazz and I) some that there actually should be some differences in the approach to this game when thinking solo and co-op versus competitive play. The good news is that if you and Bloom really truly feel that the current game is perfect for PvP as it stands and just needs larger servers, fixed glitches, and better admin tools then you are set because I'm certain that those three things are on the high priority list once the game goes beta and they start looking for what optimization can give them in the way of player numbers and of course polishing away all the rough edges so people can't look through the ground etc..


    Separate mode in my mind is like what they used to have for Horde Mode and Arena Mode. A separate mode within the same game at no extra charge where fun additional options can be done to create competitive games within the world of 7 Days to Die. So in something like that Gazz could design and configure his indestructible single claim block and all the "carebears" who I supposed don't really do PvP up to your standards can create their own servers and play something that they call PvP but that Bloom would call "crap" but its okay because you guys would still be playing the regular default 7 Days to Die on your servers in a competitive atmosphere with all the deep vertical progression, multiple claim blocks, and "learn how or leave!" attitude you wish.


    There will never be just one way to force everyone. The nice thing about different modes is that weird experimental options that would never work in the standard survival game could be implemented and made available and it would have no detrimental effect on the balance of the core experience.


    So guys. Chill. We are looking for ideas for cool ADDITIONAL ways to look at PvP and create options for a wide range of people who like to play PvP and "PvP" depending on how religiously you want to look at your own version of competitive play. And many of these ideas will be in a separate mode (Just like Horde Mode used to be) so that if you like the way the game works currently it won't be polluted.

  20. Where does this notion come from that all of this would be hardcoded caps?


    Have claim stone size and modifiers (as far as they work =) not been configurable?


    I think Bloom has been irreparably scarred by the anti-PvP sentiments on the forum these past couple of years so his knee-jerk reaction to anything we say is that we are against PvP. We talk about additional options for configuring servers in more ways than currently exist and he says that is less choice and argues that keeping what we have now represents more choice than adding additional options....


    I don't know how many times I have to write that nothing I put forward as an idea is anything more than extra options for people to choose and how many more times he is going to read that as THROW AWAY EVERYTHING AND FORCE ONE PLAYSTYLE!!!!!!

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