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Posts posted by Roland

  1. The instructions above are for directly changing your files to create these options. There is another way and that is to download a modlet that makes these changes for you. The advantage of using a modlet is that if the game updates, you won't lose your changes. I'll outline some easy steps to download and use a modlet soon. You can change the values in a modlet you download in order to make it do what you want it to do just as easily as the above direct changes.



    To increase your wandering hordes you do everything listed in the first post except that in step 7 instead of opening the spawning file you will want to find the file named gamestages and right click on it and open it using notepad or comparable program.


    Once you open gamestages you will scroll down past a bunch of notes and other stuff until you get to about line 216 which starts the wandering horde section. Here is what it looks like:


    <spawner name="WanderingHorde"> <!-- These will wrap around at 50. -->

    <!-- Will probably have to undo that later. Rev 19924 /19944 -->

    <gamestage stage="01"><spawn group="wanderingHordeStageGS1" num="05" maxAlive="30" duration="09"/></gamestage>

    <gamestage stage="02"><spawn group="wanderingHordeStageGS2" num="10" maxAlive="30" duration="09"/></gamestage>

    <gamestage stage="03"><spawn group="wanderingHordeStageGS5" num="06" maxAlive="30" duration="09"/></gamestage>

    <gamestage stage="04"><spawn group="ZombieDogGroup" num="04" maxAlive="30" duration="09"/></gamestage>


    It continues on through 50 different gamestage stages. All you have to do is increase the numbers I colored red. In vanilla the easiest horde is only 5 zombies which is hardly noticeable. Up it to whatever number you feel would be a fun horde size at that stage of the game. Make sure to read the spawn group name before the number to be sure you want to adjust that one-- such as the last one listed in the example. Changing an early game zombie dog horde from 4 dogs to 15 dogs might be a bad idea but it is your funeral.


    So just to illustrate, if I change that first gamestage stage 01 horde from its default setting it would look like this:


    <gamestage stage="01"><spawn group="wanderingHordeStageGS1" num="15" maxAlive="30" duration="09"/></gamestage>


    This change would make the horde be comprised of 15 zombies.


    Now I know that you've been eyeing that maxAlive="30" value and wondering why not just up that to 64 for some truly epic hordes. I'm almost certain that number is hardcoded in elsewhere in the code and changing it here won't matter but I could be wrong and someone will be along shortly to correct me if I am and then I'll change this part. But by all means give it a go and type 64 in there and then change the number to 64 and see what happens. That is the fun with experimenting with these settings.


    Just like with the spawning file, when you are finished changing the numbers for all fifty hordes makes sure to save and then close your files and game launcher and then start up your game. You will surely notice when a horde wanders by after this.



    As you scroll down the spawning document you will see lists of biomes followed by code that controls the spawn max count, the respawn delay, the time, and the group of entities it applies to.

    This is an example from the pine forest biome:


    <biome name="pine_forest">


    <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="3" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />

    <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="4" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesNight" />

    <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="14" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />

    <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="21" time="Any" entitygroup="FriendlyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />




    To change your game significantly all you need to do is increase the mumbers for maxcount and for respawndelay. That's it. You don't need to change anything else. For respawndelay you can use decimals to make them reappear sooner than a whole day. So...


    <spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="1" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />


    This will give you four times the number of zombies during the day and they will regenerate each day.


    <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay=".5" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />


    This will give you twice the number of zombies during the day and they will regenerate twice a day.


    <spawn maxcount="6" respawndelay="0" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />


    This will give you six times the number of zombies during the day continuously. Slap a Ghostlight name tag on yourself and get to killing.


    All you need to do is go down through all the listed biomes and change the numbers as you please. Some of the biomes aren't used any longer but don't worry about it. Changing those numbers won't hurt anything. Once you are done save the file and close it. Exit the game launcher and then restart and this time go and play and win.

  4. Some say that this game cannot be won because it is never ending. That is pure nonsense. This game can be won and it is all about making it even more fun and challenging than it currently is.


    The developers have their standards they must meet to be responsible to their mass market but as consumers we don't have to abide by their standards. We can modify the game and if you modify the game to add more zombies to your biomes you win. I promise.


    There has been a lot of talk about this in various threads but I wanted to give a nice clear step by step set of instructions so that ANYONE who reads this can win. I want us all to be winners after all.


    Okay, now different computers will have different configurations but the following steps if followed is guaranteed to work on anyone's computer. Often I read threads on modding where the modder says, "just open such and such and edit the files". Well let me help you unerringly get to those files:


    Step 1: Open Steam and go to your library

    Step 2: Start the game like always

    Step 3: Choose to show game launcher instead of playing.

    Step 4: Once the game launcher window opens select the tools tab.

    Step 5: Select Open Game Folder

    Step 6: Double Click on the folder named Data

    Step 7: Double Click on the folder named Config

    Step 8: Scroll down the list of files until you get to the one named Spawning

    Step 9: Right click on Spawning and select Open with notepad or wordpad or notepad+ (whatever you have)


    Now you are in one of the most glorious option menus this game has to offer. Here is what you do next:

  5. I think all that can be said about this has been said. Peeps are just repeating themselves and what others have said before them which were just a repetition of what they already read from someone else's post.


    To summarize what the developers have said:


    There are no additional updates to the console version planned. Nothing will be done in the console realm until the PC version is finished. At that point the devs will decide whether to re-enter the console arena and when they do it will most likely be an entirely new product on next generation consoles.

  6. Question about modified versions of original 7D2D assets.


    I am creating a modlet that adds Xyth's excellent NPCs to POI spawn groups. To see them in action, I am taking some of the original 7D2D prefabs, and altering them (slightly) to spawn NPCs instead of zombies. Other than the spawn groups, the POIs are not modified (or at least not much).


    Here is the question: Can I distribute this modlet through GitLab or similar?


    I would imagine the XML/Xpath is not an issue, but the prefab files might be.


    As long as they need a copy of the game to use them then it is fine. Providing modified versions of the POIs is no different than providing modified versions of other xml files.


    POIs do not have to be wholly original in order to create a prefab pack and distribute it. Good luck with your project!

  7. Which versions do you consider to have "Classic Horde Night"?


    I should have said Horde Mode sorry. Horde Mode was an alternate game from the main game that was almost pure tower defense. Multiple airdrops would bring supplies, food, and weapons during the day and you would frantically build in preparation for the waves of zombies at night. the waves would get tougher each night. I believe it was removed Alpha 8 so you would have to download Alpha 7 in order to play it.

  8. Now I feel like I need to give a compliment. The mod is awesome and I really like the whispers at night. Super creepy!!! Also I wrongly thought that zombies would be blind to me at night as in the base game but that was a fatal assumption...lol. Going out at night is a huge risk again which is great. I was about to go out and gather a few fibers near the entrance to my base and with my finger literally poised over the E button in front of my door I heard a whispered “I see you!” And that was the end of that plan. I realize it was just a sound file and there probably weren’t any zeds in the vicinity at that moment but it sucked all the courage out of me and I decided that looking over all the new skills was way more important than getting fibers in the dark...lol

  9. Yeah, think i'll stay away from this, because all these extra steps are just stupid imo. Sad because the mod sounds great otherwise. I mostly play single player is partly why, if I was on a server it'd bother me alot less as there would be mutiple people to speed it up.


    Arrows have been particularly annoying for me. I keep going to make them from wood and rocks and then have a “what’s wrong with this thing?” moment before remembering that I first have to make sticks and arrowheads grrrrrrr....


    I get the appeal of complex multi-step crafting for the visual attention to detail and more realistic approach but dang it— a more abstracted representation that gets you what you want in fewer but “good enough” steps wins for me.


    At least we don’t have to split the feathers in half and use glue....


    Would be amazing if there was a "Scrap" code that allows modders to choose Scrap as an option so actually scrapping would complete a quest. But scrapping is considered crafting by quests. Maybe we can nudge at Pimps to add a Scrap tag to quests?


    Look forward to any opinions you may have. Did you get Dads UI to work with it? If you like I can make that happen for you, if you prefer to play it that way.


    I’ll mention it. Since they’re working on quests it would be a good time to add a tag so that scrapping could be an objective.


    My opinion is that you could change the opening quest to “gather sticks” since the gather tag exists and then make it so that you harvest sticks from bushes and wood from trees. Probably have to change the stone axe recipe to sticks as well then. Or if you can swing it, make it so bushes give one wood and one stick. Then you don’t have to change the recipe for stone axes. But also keep it so you can scrap wood for sticks.


    As for the UI that would be amazing but it is Sphereii’s mod and not Dad’s I’m using now. I wouldn’t want you to put yourself out though as invisible hud doesn’t really have widespread appeal. Plus there is a bug with it so that the opening quests don’t work.


    I can live with being a cyborg when playing your mod ;)

  11. Maybe change the wording in the opening quest from "Craft Sticks" to "Scrap Wood to Sticks". Took me a fair while to figure that one out...lol


    So far so fun Jax.

  12. After 1000 hours in game playing on a PVP server I have to say one of my biggest pains is raiding.


    With the current raiding system the game forces you to use primarily augers to break into another players base. The problem with this is that the LCB introduces potentially massive amounts of defence to the player bases. A well designed base can take hours to raid. So far I've spent 8 hours in alpha 16 raiding a single base. This is just silly and boring as hell to sit in front of concrete / steel blocks for hours simply holding your left mouse button. Why not reduce the damage multiplier you say? Because the argument on the other side is that we have to give the base owner a chance which i totally agree on.


    Why not introduce additional methods for raiding?


    - Explosive charges

    What about if we had explosive charges that we place and detonate? They could deal huge amounts of block damage to player made blocks. They could be craftable and locked behind perks and cost a lot of resources to build. Maybe 10-15 minutes in the work bench. Maybe some of the items needed are rare and loot only. We could have tiered charges - wood, metal and concrete / steel charges.


    - Raiding rocket ammunition

    Name says it all - rockets that deal a lot of block damage to player made blocks. They could also take ages to craft and maybe are super rare and expensive at traders behind secret stash 3.


    Rather than spending ages staring at concrete blocks with the auger, if we could at least go and enjoy the game instead searching for raiding materials it would make it far less boring.


    Also give admins the ability to control the LCB vertical effects as well as horizontal.


    Why not just disable LCBs on the server? Sounds like that is what is making it boring.

  13. OBS is to record with. You can stream directly to youTube if you wish, but most people who watch streams do so for 1 of two reasons - background noise or social interaction. If you want higher quality video, your best bet is to record rather than stream, especially if you plan to do any editing.


    youTube allows direct uploading right from their website, so you don't need an "uploader", per se, though I wouldn't recommend using Internet Explorer to upload with.


    Not sure what you use for editing, but I have tutorials on how to edit using Hitfilm Express, and it's another free program. Not too difficult to learn either, if you're already familiar with video editing software. I even have a tutorial on making an intro directly in Hitfilm, exporting it, and reimporting it for each video, if that's something you'd be interested in.


    If you have any questions about any of this - OBS, Hitfilm, youTube in general - I'm sure there are tons of people here that can help. For most of us, it's a hobby we enjoy, so we're actually passionate about it.


    I see Laz already answered that it doesn't . I have been using the streaming part of OBS. I use Sony Movie Studio Platinum for editing videos and YouTube built in uploader on the website. Just to note the YouTube stuff I did was a different genre and I haven't put any games ones up yet on YouTube.


    Thanks a bunch. Could you link me to your tutorial Lazer?

  14. I don't know anything about bandicam but I can tell you OBS is very good. It will let you stream or record at ease. Can be set up with hot keys so you can mute or change scenes on the fly. It is pretty easy to use and there are a lot of sites with info on how to do stuff with it.


    Bandicam simply records. I use a different program to edit and upload to Youtube. OBS does everything? Record and then edit and upload?

  15. So I purchased the full version of Bandicam about a year ago. But should I just forget that and go with OBS? I noticed that Bandicam had the sound sources as well but so far I haven't been able to get them to work so that my mic is loud enough. You feel that OBS is superior?

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