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Posts posted by Roland

  1. The modding forum is actually here. It is in the mods subforum within the general modding category. In the old forum the Modding Category was simply that-- a category and you couldn't post in it. With these forums it is an actual forum that can be posted to but there are of course no posts yet except mine.

  2. Please post in this thread anything that you feel we need to know about the new forums. We know it will take some time to get used to things...again. But we hope this new platform will be much improved over what we had.


    Formatting of previous posts involving tags like quote is broken. Those codes are still being processed and should resolve after a day or two.


    Hah, on default spawn level maybe. On our server that will be a frying-pan-into-fire situation. We absolutely felt pretty safe wandering around at night before we discovered the maxcount parameter. We ought to look into planning for that, though. We could clear out several chunks in the evening, so we were pretty sure of no respawns during night. Then we can go back into those areas without attracting a crowd.



    I haven't actually tested it, so I'll take your word for it, but just yesterday we did a 'kill specials' quest (daytime) and I could barely outrun the two ferals which spawned right in front of me. I ran away until I was out of stamina, turned around and they were several meters behind and got to me well before I could recharge. Am I misunderstanding your use of 'sprint speed'? I was not encumbered, but I do wear light armor. Maybe that's the problem? Is the secret that we should go out without armor as well as being unencumbered?


    Note I am using daytime ferals as a proxy for night-time 'run' zombies (we don't use the 'jog' setting). XML does say that ferals are 0.1x faster than normal template zombies so maybe we'd be better at escaping nighttime runners than I think.


    Throwing rocks for crowd management is definitely the thing to do at night with larger maxcounts. Also, it should be noted that unless the zombie is feral it is pretty easy to run a short distance then crouch and sneak to the side and you will lose them. At night they are NOT following you by sight. They are following your breadcrumbs so if you sidestep while crouched from the position they last heard you they will go right past you to that location and then stop. It is scary to sit there and trust that they will run by but....they do. (not if their eyes are glowing though...)


    Also, armor does spoil the speed differential but I was answering the OP's direct question about what you do at night during the first few days. Typically, you don't have full armor by then and even if doing quests you probably only have a few pieces and are still faster.

  4. It is true that with increased spawns you tend to pick up new chasers even if you leave old ones in the dust so in those cases you definitely need a plan for stamina recovery. If that plan DOES NOT involve nerdpoling then you have my respect. :)


    That is a cool table, btw. Nicely done.

  5. Once you realize the Great Secret of the 7 Days to Die universe you become free to do pretty much whatever you wish. However, if you like the feeling of being so scared at night that you need to find safe shelter and that atmosphere is a big part of your enjoyment then please keep yourself ignorant and don't click on the spoiler....




    When unencumbered, your sprint speed is far and away faster than everything else's sprint speed. If you simply turn and run away whenever detected you will be safe 99% of the time.


  6. I will soon be updating this thread. I will delete all videos in each category since they are all outdated. Then I will look through this thread and sort any A18 videos into the appropriate category. So please post to this thread and I will be updating the first page to get things back to ship shape.

  7. Roland, this is your chance to make your own Increased spawning modlet. Thank you for the detailed explanation. I am sure many will find some enjoyment in changing some of these values.


    I already have made one. Its been part of my 0XP Rolmod for awhile now. What I want though is to make it super simple for people just get that modlet and not my entire pack. With schools closed I should have time this week to post it up in a way that is easy for people to get and add to their mod folder.


    respawnDelay already allows float values, as shown in Roland's examples above. What is it that you think needs to be changed?


    He seemed specfic about something (a Cvar?) called respawnDelayInWorldTime which would be a different variable than the respawndelay variable in that part of the xml. I'm not good enough to fully understand Cvars but I think Sheetz was talking about a more global Cvar. Can't be sure though as I'm only about ankle deep into all of this. It looks like he may want to do a trickle respawn effect with zombies respawning into the same chunk in a cascading fashion instead of all at once essentially having a lot of zombies to clear but then they reappear a few at a time over time so as to not overwhelm the maxalive count and make it so that POI's are empty of sleepers. Seems like the examples he posted would work but maybe there is another Cvar that could make it happen easier if it was float instead of integer....but I can't be sure.

  9. Okay I have the room I want. Please feel free to post examples of how you like to change the numbers. For myself, I tripled all the day numbers and quadrupled all the night numbers because I think more should come out at night. I like the feeling of clearing an area and having it be relatively safe for a few days so I left the respawn delays alone.

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