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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. @Alloc

    Is the Deobfuscate going to be updated soon? Just wondering no rush.

    Code is updated, you just have to build it yourself as there's no release done.

    Also, depending on what you want to do you don't have to deob yourself, you can add stuff that doesn't need any extra deob to the standard deob'd stuff and does not rely on additional game hooks with the new mod API in the fixes.


    I'm trying to use this with the FrontRunnerTek server manager and the SM works fine without Alloc's fixes, but refuses the Telnet connection when I install them.


    Any ideas?

    As Lordicon already stated it's likely a problem on FRTs side of things. The Telnet part hasn't been touched in a while and is still working as before.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Thank for the response.


    I guess I am confused as to the new install method. Before we would just put those two files in the /managed folder. Are we now supposed to do something different? Are there new install instructions? I looked for them but did not see any. Also, I do not see a mod folder.

    Wiki had been updated prior to release: Extract the archive to your game folder. And yes, it does contain a Mods folder ,)

  2. The assembly is named right so you don't have to go through the extra rename-step. If the web-stuff isn't showing at all you most likely did not extract all of the archive to the game folder, i.e. you are missing the AllocsWebInterface part in the Mods folder.

  3. Oh, right, what you guys *could* try if you want to: Remove (rename whatever) the AllocsPersistentData.bin or whatever its name was (stop server before, restart after of course). That will obviously kill all the data in there, i.e. information about players that are not online currently. But it will also remove all the map markers for offline players and stuff and thus *might* help. Not sure if that's really a problem though, never had a leaflet-map with like 10k of markers or whatever you guys got by now ;)

  4. Alloc, anything I can do to improve the performance of the webserver map? The game map is 3-4 months old, and it's gotten to the point of being barely useable, taxing both clients and server.


    Which clients? The game clients?

    Also, is it viewing the webpage that's causing the problems or is it when no one is viewing it (i.e. is it the server or the actual rendering of the images)?

  5. Would you say your changes of moving more of it to the core is still going to leave something that useful for c# modders or not?


    Because this was the most useful api, provided hooks, among other things that just made it easier to build on from etc


    Will see what the damage is or move on.

    Some things should get easier (like adding commands) but I want to get it in a state that does not require any engine patching. Deobfuscation obviously still has to be applied if you want to access stuff that's originally obfuscated from your own code.

  6. The latest svn head(rev223) says "Source file 'src\CustomCommands\webstat.cs' could not be found" when compiling in Visual Studio 2013.

    Just remove the reference, not required.


    "The type or namespace name "ConsoleCommand" could not be found"

    "The type or namespace name "ConsoleSdtd" could not be found"

    "The type or namespace name "InventoryField" could not be found"

    You didn't supply a deobfuscated AC#.dll as reference (i.e. read the readme found in the "7dtd-binaries" folder and the build yourself notes on the wiki ;) ).

  7. not sure if it is a known issue or not, but after I added this dedipatch to my server and rendered it, the region files were reset to default.

    Any way to fix this? Everytime I apply a backup, they reset to default again.

    Haven't seen / heard anything like this before. Can you do it again and provide the log afterwards?

  8. yeah I've coded my own voxel raycast, the one in the game use Unity's physics raycast on the terrain generated mesh. That wouldn't work since it won't hit chunks that are not loaded.

    Interesting :)

    Wonder how much of an additional impact that has on performance.


    By the way Alloc, is it ok it I make a distribution of your project with the code I made? I'd like to share it with everyone. :)

    Sure, you wouldn't be the first one anyway ;)

  9. Maybe some smart person can make the webserver throttle map file access?

    Could help a bit but the major problem is probably the amount of requests, not the individual file size.


    Hey me again!

    I've added an isometric map renderer, check this out! http://www.theroad7dtd.com/plotworld

    Wondering ... you don't use the game's rendering capabilities, do you? Looks like you added kind of an own renderer based on the blocks?

  10. Hi Alloc & everyone.


    So I've added quite a lot more various server command to your fixes, the classes are attached to this post. If you'd like to add them to your build, feel free!



    Wow, quite a bunch of nice additions :)

    Currently not planning to integrate it, I'm hoping to get the console rework done soon that should hopefully also allow adding such additions more easily. Then we don't have to put everything into a single DLL anymore ;)



    Our server map has grown enormous. Opening the webpage and zooming in/out causes noticeable lag and CPU spikes on the server, affecting gameplay.

    What can I do to optimize the webserver map?

    Feared this would happen at some point :(

    Especially when zooming the browser requests a *lot* of tile files. You could reduce the number of files by changing the tilesize to 256 though that would require to reset the map (and optionally completely rerender it afterwards). Can't tell you how much of an improvement this would be but as doubling the tilesize basically divides the number of requests by 4 it could help. If you want to do that shutdown the server, go to the map-folder of the savegame, open the mapinfo.json, replace the 128 for blocksize with 256 (theoretically 512 should work too, wouldn't recommend it though as it will trade file count against performance for the actual rendering code), delete all the subfolders, start the server again.

  11. Why does no one understand the difference between Linux scripts and a server mod? :(


    Well, anyway ... some permissions are planned for the future but this thing is mostly meant for administration/moderation of a server, not for giving people more ingame power (e.g. by seeing all the map). If you want such features I actually do recommend using one of the tools built on top of the mapping in this mod (though I don't know what level of permissions they provide either).


    Also work on the web part is highly delayed currently due to other important things on the engine to work on first ;)

  12. Hi,


    Since I want that the server sends the messages over and over again I thought I could do a while loop with true as condition.


    Here's myscript:



    It works fine so far, the problem is just that the shell goes to sleep too after I started the server. As I said I'm really new to this shell script stuff, I know a little about programming but I'm far from being professional nor I want to be professional, I have other fields of study and it's just for fun. :)


    first of all: wrong thread ;) The correct one is over here: http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?11184-Native-Linux-server-(with-management-scripts)


    On the topic of the hook: Hooks aren't meant to run infinitely but just do some action and close. If you want stuff to be done all the time I'd probably go with a cron job to run your script on a given interval. Of course in that case you'll have to pass in the server instance name manually (either as parameter to your script when cron executes it or by hard coding it into the script).




  13. You can for example use the hooks if you use my management scripts and code something that way. Or you can run FRTs SM from a Windows machine and have it connect over the network. Finally you could extend the mod to implement chat commands though that's probably the hardest way (especially if you're not familiar with C# and you'd also have to get used to how the chat stuff of the game works).

  14. Hey Alloc, any idea why the map coords in IE shows with 12 decimal places? Screenshot

    No idea. But I'm not explicitly formatting the values either so it might just be non exact calculations or something caused by the floats.


    change 7dtd-server-fixes target framework to "Mono/.net 4.0". (was 3.5 and yielded compile errors on default parameters, don't know why)

    .NET 4 wont work as Unity uses 3.5. Why some people get that default params error ... no idea, never had this happen.

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