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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. Under certain conditions both the admins.xml and webpermissions.xml are being overwritten with some kind of default version where most everything is commented out.

    No idea, should never happen unless it doesn't find a config. Reason *might* be given in the log when that happens though.




    Would it be possible to add a disconnection option when players stay IDLE after the "Pess a Key to enter" Screen. Some player use this feature to be able to skip night when they are alone on the server.

    Might be, but I normally try to avoid to add things that merely fix something within the game. As this could be seen as being against the game "rules" I might be looking into adding this to the core game. No promises on either if or when that will happen though.




    ive had a prob not being able to see the icons in the player inv , anyone know a fix for that?

    Depends on the reason. Mod updated for A13? Information in the log?




    Alloc i need your help. I want to start A12.5 server and i need you fixes for them, can you help me? I read that i need rev. 250 files.

    Old releases can be found in the same folder as the latest archive. Added a section to the wiki page with that info :)




    Does anyone know if there is a way to make it center the map on the selected player and keep it centered? I'd like to select a player and have it "track", but it only moves the map when they are at the edge, and they just stay at the edge unless they turn around.

    Planned for a future release, especially when adding the more playerlist centric stuff. For now there is no easy way without changing the JS code.




    The icons on my server map do not display.

    Is that server modded (items.xml / blocks.xml) by any chance? (I think I know what it is but at least in vanilla servers this shouldn't be possible)




    Also, you need to re-install the Mod after each client update.

    Definitely not with a client update and also for the server only if there are changes to the server code that break compatibility which again should only happen for major releases. Doesn't hurt to update though whenever there is a new release of the mod ;)

  2. Are there any plans for adding block placement and removal messages?

    If you're talking about printing a message to the log each time a block is changed in the world then it's definitely a "no". This would spam way too much to the log.


    If it's something else you're talking about you have to explain in more detail what you are referring to ;)

  3. It's only the TCP port (8082 by default). Steam auth works by simply accessing different websites in the browser, it won't be affected by your firewall. Unless your firewall blocks the outgoing request of the game, but even if that was blocked it will at least show the page without authentication.

  4. @Thoron, Are you running the server manually or are you using the the startserver.sh script? If you are running it manually try adding this to the parameters (like in the startserver.sh):




    Once I did that I started getting the same errors as these guys.


    These shouldn't have any impact if running the Linux dedicated build. "quit" never should make any difference, "batchmode" and "nographics" are only for clients being run as dedicated (also required for Windows dedicated), "dedicated" always only required for clients run as dedicated.


    Also, continuing this over there as it's not relevant for the scripts: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?34299-A13-Dedicated-Server-Linux-Bugs

  5. Same permission, the tcp port 8082 is forwarded, but still no access.

    No access at all? I.e. not even the page showing saying they have to log in?

    Also, nothing changed for the web part and this seriously sounds like a local network issue. Maybe your external IP changed and your friends still using the old one?

  6. getting this error:


    "An error occured or you have not logged in. Try logging in with the Steam login in the lower left!"


    logged in with steam id and still same error

    Looks like you didn't setup the permissions properly. See the webpage for details. (Hasn't changed since WebMap v7).


    I can 't get webmap working. I have the latest Alloc's update. When I type "webtokens list" I get this weird response:


    2015-12-13T10:02:20 36574.540 INF Executing command 'webtokens list' by Telnet from xxxxxxx
    2015-12-13T10:02:20 36574.542 ERR GetString: InvalidCastException MaxSpawnedZombies
    ArgumentException: Path is empty


    That doesn't really look like you updated the mods. That's exactly what's "supposed" to happen if running A13 with an older version of the mods. Run "version", should output:

    Game version: Alpha 13 (b141) Compatibility Version: Alpha 13
    Mod Allocs command extensions: 5
    Mod Allocs server fixes: 7
    Mod Allocs MapRendering and Webinterface: 9

  7. Love the webserver thing you added to your server fixes. I noticed some of the inventory icons on the webserver inventory dialog are not exactly correct. My best guess is that it is returning the icon based on the item name, and not respecting the 'CustomIcon' and 'CustomIconTint' properties. Is that something that might get updated in a future version?

    Yeah, that could be. Do you have a specific example of such an item?



    Hey Alloc, with your new map interface, is it possible to set it up in such a way that players can only see themselves and their own claim blocks on the map? This would be very useful for players and make it much easier to confirm if their claim blocks adequately cover their base.

    Yeah, that sounds like a really good idea, added to my list :)

  8. I noticed that 1st the other telnet connections will disconnect or the data comes slower and sometimes the webinterface goes down so that i have to restart the server. their is no other connection on the webinterface, because we dont post this to our players.


    it's a bit crazy with your mod and a12.5.

    Not telling players about it doesn't mean they can't access it ;)

    Those that do know about this mod might just try to guess the port.


    If you do feel like it's caused by the mod ... try running the server without and see if it gets any better. As I said I doubt it's the mod that's causing the problems though.


    alloc is it possible in the next version of the web map for admins to be able to kick/ban directly from the map?

    Depends on when the next version will be released ... I just have to keep updates to myself long enough before I release it then such feature will be in the "next" version :p

    User administration is of course planned but it probably won't become available for a bunch of weeks.

  9. I reinstalled the server today and loaded the mod from your site again. I started the server, logged me in at the webinterface, look in to a inventory and get this error:


    This error occours everytime i open a inventory in the webinterface.


    You sure it's not another user accessing the page at the same time? As I said this should only pop up when someone tries to access the log page (but again: it won't hurt).

  10. just as a heads up, the mapping "sign in through steam" doesnt seem to work when the map is ran in a frame,

    I suppose this might be some kind of "security" feature of browsers or Steam's own code. I can't see a reason why it shouldn't work from the code used in the map.



    Would it be possible to update the map so the left hand pane can be collapsed (an option to have it collapsed by default/remember a choice would be awesome too)

    Yeah, good idea, will add it to my list.


    Btw, would have responded way earlier if you had used the thread for the mod instead of the Linux scripts thread ;P

  11. The error occured after i wanted to look in a inventory on the livemap. :o

    Just had a minute to check the full log. The error was at least 10 seconds before the crash ;)

    Anyway, from what the log shows there's been nothing abnormal before the crash and the stack trace only points to an error within Unity's code. No idea what happened there.


    Inventory view works fine on my server, but we had this error spamming when we switched to the Map tab, posted this earlier somewhere here.

    Yeah, though the error should rather show up when switching to the *log* tab ;)

  12. Question: Is there anything in the code that would prevent me from reverse engineering it to add se @ x,y,z myself?

    Why reverse, my stuff is open source... ;)

    But yeah, se is part of the core game.



    Hey Alloc, my server crashed today after i loged in on the livemap.



    You can load the crashlog here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66757750/survival-gamers.eu/7dtd/2015-09-03_215912.7z

    That exception won't cause any problems, it's caught before it could do any harm. Can't look at the full log right now though.

  13. Alloc, would you please remove the horrible 7dtd background from the map display? Its absolutely horrid when used in that context. A Plain black or white background would be better.

    As schwanz9000 already pointed out you can easily remove it yourself. I kinda like the background so unless I get heaps of complaints (and something better to put there ;) ) it will stay in the default build.



    Hey Alloc! Any news on any additional features/improvements in the works?

    Nope, currently not really getting much time due to real live tasks. Maybe I can spend a few hours on it again next weekend :)



    So Alloc, is there any chance there's a fix planned for the teleport bug?

    Sure, but it's something to be "fixed" in the core game, gotta have a look at that, maybe I can get it in before A13.

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