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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. Love the webserver thing you added to your server fixes. I noticed some of the inventory icons on the webserver inventory dialog are not exactly correct. My best guess is that it is returning the icon based on the item name, and not respecting the 'CustomIcon' and 'CustomIconTint' properties. Is that something that might get updated in a future version?

    Yeah, that could be. Do you have a specific example of such an item?



    Hey Alloc, with your new map interface, is it possible to set it up in such a way that players can only see themselves and their own claim blocks on the map? This would be very useful for players and make it much easier to confirm if their claim blocks adequately cover their base.

    Yeah, that sounds like a really good idea, added to my list :)

  2. I noticed that 1st the other telnet connections will disconnect or the data comes slower and sometimes the webinterface goes down so that i have to restart the server. their is no other connection on the webinterface, because we dont post this to our players.


    it's a bit crazy with your mod and a12.5.

    Not telling players about it doesn't mean they can't access it ;)

    Those that do know about this mod might just try to guess the port.


    If you do feel like it's caused by the mod ... try running the server without and see if it gets any better. As I said I doubt it's the mod that's causing the problems though.


    alloc is it possible in the next version of the web map for admins to be able to kick/ban directly from the map?

    Depends on when the next version will be released ... I just have to keep updates to myself long enough before I release it then such feature will be in the "next" version :p

    User administration is of course planned but it probably won't become available for a bunch of weeks.

  3. I reinstalled the server today and loaded the mod from your site again. I started the server, logged me in at the webinterface, look in to a inventory and get this error:


    This error occours everytime i open a inventory in the webinterface.


    You sure it's not another user accessing the page at the same time? As I said this should only pop up when someone tries to access the log page (but again: it won't hurt).

  4. just as a heads up, the mapping "sign in through steam" doesnt seem to work when the map is ran in a frame,

    I suppose this might be some kind of "security" feature of browsers or Steam's own code. I can't see a reason why it shouldn't work from the code used in the map.



    Would it be possible to update the map so the left hand pane can be collapsed (an option to have it collapsed by default/remember a choice would be awesome too)

    Yeah, good idea, will add it to my list.


    Btw, would have responded way earlier if you had used the thread for the mod instead of the Linux scripts thread ;P

  5. The error occured after i wanted to look in a inventory on the livemap. :o

    Just had a minute to check the full log. The error was at least 10 seconds before the crash ;)

    Anyway, from what the log shows there's been nothing abnormal before the crash and the stack trace only points to an error within Unity's code. No idea what happened there.


    Inventory view works fine on my server, but we had this error spamming when we switched to the Map tab, posted this earlier somewhere here.

    Yeah, though the error should rather show up when switching to the *log* tab ;)

  6. Question: Is there anything in the code that would prevent me from reverse engineering it to add se @ x,y,z myself?

    Why reverse, my stuff is open source... ;)

    But yeah, se is part of the core game.



    Hey Alloc, my server crashed today after i loged in on the livemap.



    You can load the crashlog here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66757750/survival-gamers.eu/7dtd/2015-09-03_215912.7z

    That exception won't cause any problems, it's caught before it could do any harm. Can't look at the full log right now though.

  7. Alloc, would you please remove the horrible 7dtd background from the map display? Its absolutely horrid when used in that context. A Plain black or white background would be better.

    As schwanz9000 already pointed out you can easily remove it yourself. I kinda like the background so unless I get heaps of complaints (and something better to put there ;) ) it will stay in the default build.



    Hey Alloc! Any news on any additional features/improvements in the works?

    Nope, currently not really getting much time due to real live tasks. Maybe I can spend a few hours on it again next weekend :)



    So Alloc, is there any chance there's a fix planned for the teleport bug?

    Sure, but it's something to be "fixed" in the core game, gotta have a look at that, maybe I can get it in before A13.

  8. I see a smoothworld command on the console commands page but when I type it in I get ERROR: unknown command has it been removed or am I missing a step somewhere?

    It's not in the public builds. Really gotta update the commands list page sometime ... ;)




    @Alloc When I updated to the latest version the LOG menu alternative disappeared from the WEBGUI.

    I have gone thru every part of you Server Fixes info aswell this thread but cant find anything regarding this.

    You need the webapi.getlog permission for that part. But as it's not really working for now it shouldn't hurt that much not having it ^^




    Hi, I was curious if there were any chances of implementing these fixes, in particular the custom spawn point location in one of the next patch releases so I can update it from my dedicated server panel without having to go through what is described here: https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Server%20fixes , not comfortable with playing with my server files like this lol

    Ultimately probably everything will be merged to the core game. But that will take some time. There's no "custom spawn point location" related stuff in this mod though.

    Also, you don't have to "play with the server files", you simply add this mod like you would with any other mod later on too. Nothing to be replaced, changed or whatever ;)


    ... I uploaded the mods folder direction in the root folder where the other folders are....

    If the directory structure is right (as SylenThunder pointed out) this should work just fine, no matter where the server is hosted. The log could give further information as to why it's not working though.


    I just want to be able to set a fixed spawnpoint for everyone lol.

    As I said: Not related to this mod.


    I can't even find a list of command list.

    The command for that is "help".



    @SylenThunder: I suppose most (probably > 90 %) of the GSPs that provide 7dtd hosting are running it on Windows ;)

  9. Sorry, no news yet on the log-page, haven't had any free time since thursday :(



    having a problem with setting thins to 0 for admin.. when i it will not let me view it. i am a admin on the server admins list with a permission level set to 0 but it does not work. everything else seems fine and works like it should if its set to 1000 or 2000 just not the admin stuff

    Log from server after you tried logging in to the webpage?



    Did not work after setting permissions to 2000. But you mentioned required permissions; am I missing something?

    Not sure what you did but at least the log says your user had permission level of 1000:

    2015-08-14T23:52:11 127.299 INF Steam OpenID login from with ID 76561198040081821, permission level 1000


    And you also could not execute 'sa' in game for this reason:

    2015-08-15T00:09:22 1158.438 INF Denying command 'sa' from client Melcene


    So you have to make your user level 0 (by using the admin command) *or* set the required permissions for the web modules (webpermission command) to 1000 (if just for logged in users) or 2000 (for everyone).

  10. Thanks for the feedback on the log-part, will have a look (I suppose I almost know what it is anyway ;) ).




    having a problem with setting thins to 0 for admin.. when i it will not let me view it. i am a admin on the server admins list with a permission level set to 0 but it does not work. everything else seems fine and works like it should if its set to 1000 or 2000 just not the admin stuff


    ... Changed admin settings back to 0 (they were at 2000 just to try that last time when 0 was no longer working), and still no luck. I'm sorry, please remind me what log is needed, or maybe what i need to change to get our map working again?

    Both of you: after logging in on the web page please provide the server log: https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Logs


    @Melcene: Did it work for you when you tried with the required permissions set to 2000?

  11. D. All of the above.


    It worked beautifully for me for the first 15 - 20 minutes after the update. It has been a blank page ever since. Reloading or switching between the pages seems to do nothing.

    But it only went blank after the first page reload?

  12. The log tab ran great for the first few minutes after I updated. Now the screen only shows header information and the mark as read button. The counter next to the log tab keeps going up.

    Are you saying it does that without reloading the page? I.e. load the page once, go to logs, works fine. Switch to map (or stay in log?) and later on the log is showing empty?

    Or did you reload the page and nothing shows up anymore?

  13. The server does cause problems. The console (Telnet) isnt accessible after a while and so the engine seems to be frozen.

    The problem is random by nature and it happens with only a few players too.

    Afterwards we have to shutdown the server per (SSH) with the command: "7dtd.sh kill intancename" but the server doesnt shutdown properly. The world isnt saved. (force kill)

    Logs from when that happened?




    Hey, I haven't read the last 47 pages, so maybe I'm reading the last comment out of context, but can't you just do "sa" from the ingame console (~) before killing the process so your game is saved?


    I run my 7DTD server on Ubuntu and I just do "sa" and then ctrl-C the server because I can't be bothered to telnet and figure out the proper shutdown command.

    If you can run "saveworld" then you can just as well run "shutdown" which does save too but also cleanly shuts down the engine ;)




    It has been this way for serveral major versions. Don't keep you hopes up. Linux server just won't get fixed. (Sorry, Alloc)

    =D This is part of the TFP experience. They really don't have any comprehension of usability.

    If you don't like it why are you still here? Such comments aren't really helping anyone and are plain insulting for the team (incl myself). Give constructive criticism instead and it might help getting things improved...

  14. ... I would love to be able to track myself on the map. So while it is reloading it is moving the map with my movement so that I do not have to move it manually(I know lazy me)....

    Yeah, got that one mentioned before I think. Shouldn't be too much of an issue, no deadline though ;)



    I really like seeing these two fixes in the release notes:


    Fixed player marker clustering when players move towards each other or get farther apart

    Unfortunately that added a problem as below:



    I have noticed since the updates that the map is very hard to get to the inventory of players and almost impossible with players close together. I try to move my mouse to show inventory and it closes back to the blue icon before I can click it most times. Anyone else have issues like this?

    Problem is with the used clustering library for markers. The hack to have those clusters updated (e.g. a marker moves out of the cluster range or inside of one and then splitting up the cluster or merging them) makes those popups disappear. As the player data is reloaded every two seconds that's the maximum amount of time you get from opening a popup til it's closed. Noticed that myself but forgot about it before shipping.

    Will see how to fix this.



    Hi Alloc, regarding the "reload tiles" option. How is it different than just clicking the reload button on the browser?

    It doesn't reload the webpage but just the image tiles used by the map. So a lot less heavy on the browser and server and also faster ;)

    /EDIT: Too slow ... :(

  15. Hey Alloc, its the same background image used in the forums and wallpapers floating around :p. I assume you can use it under the fair use rights. (That was my assumption when I used it at least lol, please don't sue me pimps!)


    http://Http://serenityreborn.com/content/images/bg.jpg also my live maps down (being ddosd) so you can't really see what other edits were done :(.

    Thanks, I knew I saw this before ... that probably shows how much attention I spent on the page backgrounds ;)



    Hey Alloc, I sent you the IP for the map. I've tried it both with no one logged in, and with myself logged in. The map had worked previous to updating recently. Which log files would you need?

    Will upload a new version (web v8) in a few minutes, this will at least print the login to the server's log. Please try again by then and post the log + webpermissions.xml.



    I'm a little bit confused about how to set permission levels. Is there a way to just let anyone that logs into it see the map?

    Basically what Ynd21 posted, just notice that this will enable every feature for anyone as opposed to only e.g. enabling viewing the map (but not executing commands or viewing player locations). If you want that you can use it as Ynd21 posted, if not only set the permission level for those parts that you actually want to be completely public.



    Or open up webpermissions.xml (mines located in Saves) and copy/paste the following

    Even though that's a valid option I don't recommend modifying the XMLs manually, the console commands make sure nothing gets wrong ;)

  16. What does the log contain? Also, if the panel is accessible on the internet and you don't mind me looking at it you can send me the ip/port and I'll have a look at the frontend part (just make sure to set at least the webapi.gamestats or web.map permission to >= 1000).

  17. Yeah, sorry, of course it changed a bit ;)


    var reloadTilesEvent = function() {
    var newTileTime = new Date().getTime();
    tileLayer.options.time = newTileTime;
    tileLayerMiniMap.options.time = newTileTime;
    window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 120000);
    window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 120000);


    This one should work, somewhere before the closing bracket in line 199 of map.js should be just fine. 128 would be fine too. Will probably add a simple control for that later on. Maybe the weekend.

  18. The automation of the reload tiles function was done by adding this to the index.js file after line 512
    		var reloadTilesEvent = function() {
    	tileTime = new Date().getTime();
    	window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 120000);
    window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 120000);

    - the reload time could be set to any value, we used the 2 minutes reload for our server. Someone posted this some months ago here in the forum, and it was a useful find.


    Ah, ok, not in the official part :)

    Should still work the same way though.

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