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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. Next update, doesn't work:


    2015-04-18T15:35:19 2.971 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 1.803s
    2015-04-18T15:35:20 4.500 INF Loading permissions file at 'd:\7daystodie2\Worlds/serveradmin.xml'
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.536 INF Loading permissions file done.
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.554 INF [MODS] Start loading
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.555 INF [MODS] Trying to load from d:/7daystodie2/7DaysToDie2_Data/../Mods
    Non platform assembly: d:\7daystodie2\Mods\Allocs_CommandExtensions\AllocsCommands.dll (this message is harmless)
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.565 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Allocs command extensions (1)
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.565 INF [MODS] Trying to load from d:/7daystodie2/7DaysToDie2_Data/../Mods
    Non platform assembly: d:\7daystodie2\Mods\Allocs_CommonFunc\7dtd-server-fixes.dll (this message is harmless)
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.566 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI, creating instance
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.566 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Allocs server fixes (1)
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.566 INF [MODS] Trying to load from d:/7daystodie2/7DaysToDie2_Data/../Mods
    Non platform assembly: d:\7daystodie2\Mods\Allocs_WebAndMapRendering\MapRendering.dll (this message is harmless)
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.568 ERR [MODS] Failed loading DLL
    2015-04-18T15:35:21 4.568 EXC The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
    ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
     at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
     at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at Mod.md000b () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
    (Filename:  Line: -1)


    At least this one should only affect that single mod (map + web) ;)

    Going to check what's wrong at that part.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Release notes of 11.3: Quotes on parameters.

  2. NotImplementedException: The requested feature is not implemented.

    Make sure you got the latest release with the web mod being version 2.


    2015-04-18T14:27:20 9.392 ERR Exception in PersistentContainer.Load

    Delete AllocsPersistentData.bin


    2015-04-18T14:27:20 9.300 ERR Error registering commands
    2015-04-18T14:27:20 9.302 EXC The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

    Hm, didn't happen when I tested but I'm going to give it another checkup.

  3. just edit the bootstrap.sh and install ?


    That alone won't do it, there's a lot more to change. As I said the easier route would be to "just" edit the start-script to look for a different location of the engine and then copy the engine to each of these locations.


    alloc, can you add some constans in the next patch like instanceconfigfolder = pathtofolder,

    or each instances have a independant /configfolder for the *.xml files in the future

    Nope, that's quite a bunch of overhead that won't apply to a lot of people. You would basically create multiple copies of the ~2 GiB server files.


    (Things like these will probably come when the game has better modding support)

  4. Alloc, is there any way you can add player level to listplayers output?

    Should be possible ;)


    Nor can we register one.

    But it states how you can get one ;)

    But I'll reenable registration, maybe spammers have lost interest in trying as it was disabled for some time now.

  5. I'm trying to make a custom 'mod' using your ModApi.

    Right now I have a consolecommand that should give player an item to their inventory like this:


    it does return true but it does not add any item to inventory, anything I missed? or is this just not possible?

    Inventory is client side, you can't control it from server side code.


    any issues with the "rlp" command for removing the landclaimblock?

    The console says the claim was removed. After i try "llp" i see the claimblock again in the list.

    Was the claim block on a currently loaded chunk? I.e. it can't remove the *actual block* if the chunk isn't loaded on the server. In that case it can only remove the association to a player, but at least this part should work. (And it should no longer be shown in the list after that).

  6. Hello, I am expiriencing issues with my machine operating under debian. The server does not launch but it says "Set current directory to /home/steam/7daysded Found path; /home/steam/7daysded/7daysToDie.x86" while it is connecting it says "could not connect to server : could not retrieve comment"

    The console/stdout.log won't show any more than this if it's starting normally. The output_log should contain more info though. https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Logs

    Either the server doesn't completely start up or you have at least the ServerPort on TCP blocked.


    LP is a core command, it's not added by the mo


    Can you pls modify your script like this:


    Good idea. Will have to adapt the bootstrapper too but in the end a few people might like this ;)

  7. I use lowlatency servers. And TCadmin. On the tcadmin it has a mod button to install Allocs server improvements. No matter what every time I install it I cant get into my server. Says, failed to retrieve server information. I uninstall it and it works fine. I cant use any server manager because of this. I have reinstalled the game over and over. Done the steam updates and then the allocs. Still same thing. Please if anyone can help me I would appreciate it so much. Thanks

    Sounds like an issue with what they install for you and I can't do anything about that. You'll have to get lowlatency to figure that out. I would assume they use an outdated version of the mod.

  8. I deserved it.

    Why you? That wasn't on a quote of any of your posts?! ^^


    Please note v.76 (2015-04-04) hook playerConnect $6 is missing client IP.

    Could be fixed in the latest mod, but it mostly depends on Steam providing that information quickly enough.


    root:~# 7dtd.sh updateengine --force
    Success! App '294420' fully installed.
    ./steamcmd.sh: line 35: 50227 Segmentation fault      $DEBUGGER "$STEAMEXE" "$@"
    Also update the scripts as soon as there is a new release for this dedicated server build.
    root:~# 7dtd.sh updateengine
    Engine is already at the newest build (local: 578130, remote: 1).

    Looks "fine". Ignore any problems from SteamCMD as long as it says "Success!..."

  9. It seems that the leaflet portion of my install of Alloc's isn't working. I can get to the page and it loads the background but there are no maps displayed and none of the leaflet UI items show up. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any help would be appreciated.


    This worked fine with 10.x and is not working since 11.0 or 11.1. I've verified the file structure is correct and everything seems to be there. I've removed the 'webserver' from my root folder. I've tried it in IE, Chrome and Firefox.

    So you got the Mods/AllocsWebInterface folder with the DLL and the webserver subfolder?

    If that server is accessible from the internet and you don't mind giving me the connection data (PM) I could check if there's something going wrong on the web content. Also you could post your server's log.


    Teleport has some issues. Players get teleported and keep falling through the world. Currently I can only TP with godmode enabled to stop falling. It seems to ignore the y coordinate and TP just below ground level

    Yeah, got that reported already, have to figure out why it doesn't work right.

    (I assume you are talking about player teleporting to another player though?)

  10. I know its said teleport doesnt work, does that include /home /sethome?

    Those are not real commands but stuff that's added a layer above the actual game commands by FRT's SM. But they are most likely using teleport so yes, they won't work.


    So far setup is:


    7daystodie\7daystodie_data\managed\the two fixes files


    You don't need the webserver folder in root anymore, it's included in the WebInterface mod :)


    any one get teleport to work (correctly)?

    Really? It's even being talked about in the post prior to yours :(



    Going to upload a new build in the next minutes which fixes teleport.

  11. ... I dont know how can I install "Mods" so I can get these admin commands ...

    Just extract the archive as is to your server folder, it will put all files where they belong (unless you have it create a subfolder for the extracted archive first).


    Don't blame us that you can't spend time with your gf because TFP is making you work over the weekend. You don't have to be rude, you could have just acknowledged that the teleport doesn't work and you'll see if you can fix it next week.

    TFP don't make me work, this is still a spare time project and I also support it in my spare time. If I get asked stuff that's answered on the documentation again and again that's really frustrating because it costs my time to basically read it for others.


    LP reports internal network IPs not player internet IPs:

    Yep, but that's the core game (or more exactly external code). I can't change that but we will be looking into if/how this could possibly be fixed on our end. But I fear I know the answer to that already :(


    Since Alpha 11.1 - alloc's fixes just simply don't work. FRT won't connect. WEBMOD is killing server performance. If other's are experiencing the same problem, i'll upload screens/logs. Reinstalled several times already.

    Other than the teleport issue there's been no reports on anything not working.


    That sounds like a security issue... I hope it's just reporting local IP, and not actually punching a hole through the firewall

    It's just Steam giving that IP, and that's not a security issue ;)

    It's only annoying because you can't block IPs that way :(

  12. Any ideas why, with this update, the web map now requires a login?

    Documentation states how to enable, go the other way round and you got it disabled...


    can you link me some useful info about telnet? thank you mate

    Not sure what you're talking about, if you want to know about the changes: RTFM


    Alloc, any update on teleport? Still not working after hotfix :(

    Release notes didn't say anything about teleport so there's been no change.


    Alloc: Please note v.76 (2015-04-04) hook playerConnect $6 is missing client IP.

    Wrong thread.


    teleport still broke after 11.1

    Won't help to have every second post in this thread stating this.



    Sorry if this sounds a rude but most of the questions in here could be solved by looking at the documentation. Instead I have to spend my free easter weekend in here answering that instead of spending the time with my gf .... :(

  13. Wow, I apologize, I usually just use the server inside the game folder, I just presumed that was the dedicated one everyone was talking about. I had no idea there was one under tools.

    I should be good now, thanks Alloc. :)

    As long as it works now and you learned a lesson about reading documentation I'm happy ;)

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