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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. I wanted to ask you and anyone else whether they experienced the below error on their dedicated server? It keeps repeating as well but I can't pinpoint the exact reason, I only know that it's due to the GM_SavePlayerData.


    Should I change the false to true ?

    Not experienced this myself, but a full log might help me pinpoint the issue (though I do have an idea ;) ). Also "no", you shouldn't change that part, it's false there because it's not supposed to allocate a new player entry there.



    EDIT: Forgot to Rendermap on my new world. LOL

    So does it work now? (You shouldn't need to manually call the rendermap command ever though, unless you had people playing on the server without the mod at the beginning as then there would be discovered stuff that's not written to the map)



    and what type of method would you suggest??

    SteamAuth, planned for a while, didn't get around to add that yet. But for some reason I'm currently really interested in getting this finally in so maybe towards the end of the week :)



    Alloc is it still possible to get old versions?

    Yep, if you look at the folder where the archive is you'll find all the old versions too. Also please stop advertising in every single thread you post especially if it's completely offtopic like in this case.



    Yellow on the text was quite readable.

    Ah, thanks for the feedback. Will see how this would work out. Still wondering about yellow on deserts but it might be good enough :)



    First i run a server for weeks now in 32Bit mode instead of 64bit (should pay more attention).

    64 bit Linux is not supported.


    The other one was the status.sh

    i was getting Following Output: ...

    See how the Current Players show (standard instead a number. Aparently this is an issue with grep if you took the regex out you got following output

    Great find, thanks, will add this to the next script release.


    (Also, this thread is about the server mod, not the scripts ;) )






  2. webserver stops responding , had to take out the protect file to get it to work

    Meh, yeah, some people had that before. It's really time to get rid of that authentication method ... :(



    I wanted to ask you, currently, we log the inventory and belt of all players in case of bag destruction or cheating in a csv file, but we'd like to log the equipped armor/clothing as well, I was wondering if you could help regarding how to do that?

    Well, shouldn't be that hard to also query the equipment when doing the inv / belt. Just didn't see a need for that so far but I might get on to that at some point.



    I have one proposal: Could you make the "map rendering" command with an added option like "map rendering -5000"(or other values) so it would render all terrain around 0 in 5000 blocks distance? Would be nice to test out the options in rwgmixer.xml and would be like the wanted prerendering of the map.

    If I got you right you want a map without exploring the areas? If so that's not possible with the current code at all as RWG only generates the world when you move around. In future there might be ways to generate a given area of the world manually but before that's in the game there won't be a mapping feature for undiscovered areas.

  3. That is the result for ("after" timestamp mentioned):

    The full log of that part would be interesting (like the next 1 minute) to see if there's anything related at all. Doesn't necessarily have to contain the SteamID.


    Nonetheless seen should be stamped on join and part (not to mention during) for just this reason or it is not coherent.

    Yeah, added that :)


    And while we're talking about logs, another thing I noticed is that there is no stampfixing (same timestamp) in one logfile rotation:

    Yup, the timestamp for the game log is generated on starting the game, the other timestamp on starting the monitor script. Will have to make it pass the appropriate timestamp (will be v91). Thanks for bringing this to attention.

  4. So do we not need to download your A12 update?

    If you want to use the mod you have to of course.



    after i configure and start a new instance

    servercrash -> The requested value 'DayLightLength' was not found.


    my configfile ->


    <property name="DayLightLength" value="18"/>

    <property name="DayNightLength" value="40"/>

    Log & config?



    my map worked for a few hours then stopped working


    And stops working == you can't access it (i.e. the webserver does not respond) or does it stop generating map tiles?

  5. I suppose it's not related to the game but more likely a system issue. Where do you run the server? If locally, have you checked your firewall(s)? If remote but under your control: same thing. If you rent a game server, have you made sure the provider has the port opened?

  6. Right-o, checked the log as well on the line where the maprendering loads and it loaded in no problem. Line after however, did mention disabling HDR textures as they were unsupported, but seem unrelated to the map mod. Would that cause any issues? I would inbox my outputlog but I feel like you get a million msgs a day :p


    In reply to log:

    First of all, next time please don't wait til the server ran for like forever before grabbing the log, would have made this one a lot smaller ;)

    Secondly, everything is fine on that side. You should be able to connect to the server by (or whatever your server's IP/domain is if not running on your local PC).



    Problem Solved!

    Hehe, great :)

    And yes ... the reading thing ... :p

  7. Sorry, I forgot to quote this. It is showing all the recent places uncovered by people, but it isnt showing who is online or offline, and it isnt showing land claims. I have to re-render the map each time to get the latest uncovered areas. I also cannot look it up in my web browser, I have to open the index.html in the maprender folder to view it

    Most important part would still be the log as that would contain information on what is the problem if there is any ;)

  8. If it helps, I can send the PHP script which will demonstrate the error issue.

    Got another script by now, but I'll get back to that offer if I can't repro it myself.


    Update: Appears there is a reasonable work-around, ....

    Which is? (especially as this might help me nail this down) ;)

  9. ...WoT...

    So is it only the PMs or also e.g. say?



    My Control Panel is enabled, and my port is 8080. So I tried (my IP):80802 and got nothing. Tried my 25000 port (25002, got "problem loading webpage). Like I said, I can render it and see the last render, but cant view it in real time.

    Like *I* said:


    What exactly does not work? Does the game not open the additional web port (controlpanelport + 2), does it only show a blank map, something else?

    Server log?

  10. Worded that wrong, shoudl have asked if the fixes would eventually be packaged with the official dedicated server. So when updates happen and we update our servers, your fixes will also be updated. Just eliminates a step when patches come out.

    Ok, that makes more sense ;)

    Well, a lot of it was moved over, the rest is probably getting integrated later on. For now it's just not really stable enough to "force" it on everyone and have it seen as something official.

    At least starting with A12 it shouldn't require to replace the AC# anymore so that possible mistake should be removed.



    but I can't seem to get mapping to work?

    What exactly does not work? Does the game not open the additional web port (controlpanelport + 2), does it only show a blank map, something else?

    Server log?


    - - - Updated - - -


    Hey - i'm using a servermanager that relies heavily on Allocs fixes, and since the 11.5 patch everything seems to be a lot more delayed than before.

    Nothing on the game / mod changed from 11.4 to 11.5 regarding console / commands.

    Is it one of those online managers? Maybe it just has more load to handle now that probably a few more people are playing again for a few days?

  11. how can i see the name of the region? Can i change the color, maybe to red or black?

    webserver/js/index.js lines 122 and 123, will affect both the grid lines and the strings. Though you probably won't easily find a a color that will be easy to read on every background ;)


    Does this mod allow the server to set up a "Message of the day" type message to appear to each player when they first log in?



    How can I erase/remove banned players from the Map browser? Been looking "everywhere"..

    You would have to edit the AllocsPersistentData.bin, but this won't be easy to do manually.

    But that's a good point, will add a command or something to clean up this list.

  12. Wasn't spawnwanderinghorde removed by TFP in alpha 10? ...

    Yep, exactly. And thanks for reminding me on this issue, actually tested it and the wandering horde code isn't there anymore, at least not in a state compatible with the old command. After all there was a reason we removed the command back then ;)

  13. It would appear hook parameters are missing (at least for playerConnect) in v.85 (2015-04-29), only instance name (1) is passed.


    2015-04-30 07:57:28.568 [1] qInit.php: Initializing, parameters: /home/sdtd/hooks/playerConnect/qTrigger-playerConnect.sh instance-name [1]

    Log stuff fixed, thanks to behemoth.

    Has been some time since I have been working on the scripts :(

  14. This thread is about my mod, not about the game. Neither saveworld nor spawnwanderinghorde were ever part of this mod ...


    That said, I'm not aware of any problems with saveworld and I don't know anything about spawnwanderinghorde, but I'll have a look at that one.

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