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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. building Deobfuscator requires plenty of dependencies, missing patchers.xml, etc

    Get the release build of the deobfuscator. You don't have to use its source. Also there is no missing dependency, the only thing not included in the source is the patchers.xml which can be taken from any of the releases.


    Sorry for the delay, this is not possible currently as we do not run Linux servers so we cannot run webservers along side the game.

    They neither have to run on Linux nor do they have to run any additional software. The webserver stuff is part of the mod and thus is run from within the game server itself. Just add the webserver-folder to the game's root folder and it will run. They only have to make sure the ports aren't in use by anything else and are not blocked by their firewall.

  2. Heh, ok, good point, should have made that clearer as it's an undocumented one ;)

    It's one of the mods console commands. Only for debugging purposes so I never wrote it down. Just execute it as the command you run regularly and save the output so I can compare it to the thread/mem monitoring :)

  3. No, not using authentication currently. One of the problems troubleshooting these things is that when the server crashes and restarts, it creates a new output.log file. And when telnet hangs, I can't putty into the server to see what's going on.

    Have it create a new log: -logfile "somelog-with-timestamp.txt". If you use the batch file you can use Windows commands to get the current time automatically and insert that to the filename.


    Do you know at what point it stopped working?

  4. Hi


    I grepped for "Net.Sockets.SocketException:" but found nothing.


    I use authentication on the webmap.


    I get tons of these though. The log files are 600MB each day.


    You are running a Linux server, aren't you? If so could you check the number of open threads every now and then?

    cat /proc/$(cat /home/sdtd/instances/<instancename>/7dtd.pid)/status | grep Threads


    Also if possible try to watch memory consumption of the game server over time.

  5. Hm, there were no code changes at all from 218 to 222 (only the AC#.dll was patched for b10, now you run b9 on the server).


    Also "Telnet" and HTTP aren't related in any way, I fear there's some kind of bigger problem in there like thread count problems :( Will continue investigating, maybe after all I have to replace the HTTP library.


    Btw, are you using the authentication on the webmap?


    @bolibompa: Do you also get a spam of those log entries as Soylent before the "Telnet" connection hangs?

  6. Alloc, Ive been getting these errors since the latest hotfix:


    2015-01-09T17:00:07 111233.046 INF Error in ApiHandler.HandleRequest(): Handler threw an exception: System.IO.IOException: Write failure ---> System.
    Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
     at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send (System.Byte[] buf, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags flags) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
     at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at System.Net.ResponseStream.InternalWrite (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at System.Net.ResponseStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.API.WebAPI.WriteJSON (System.Net.HttpListenerResponse resp, AllocsFixes.JSON.JSONNode root) [0x00000] in 
    <filename unknown>:0 


    They have always showed up sometimes and are typically ok. Could only be a hint to an actual issue if it does that non-stop.

  7. Hey guys, sorry for not replying for so long. But sometimes I just don't feel like checking the forum as it always takes a lot of time (as of now my current session is like 3 hours straight because of all the stuff to go through ...) ;)


    ... Which raises the question... what would be the cleanest form to do that in?


    So far, I just have just made hacks of your code in place... some extra source files to be compiled along with your source, then additions to the patcher to insert my hooks after yours. This is a terrible terrible way even for a user-base of one. For me to maintain, I have to keep re-merging my code with yours whenever you update.


    It seems like a separate .dll with a separate patcher would be cleaner, with the assumption that the a specific version of the deobfuscator is used, and that my patch-in occurs after your patch. Order dependency will get messy for additional modifications, but it's better than the current implementation.


    Perhaps there's another way?

    Hm, besides merging with the code or having it as an additional mod I don't see any really good approaches right now. A lot of this should become easier when we start adding a modding API but I doubt that will be within the next two months or so.



    ... So finally is there anyway I'd be able to have 2 maps? ...

    Currently not. Well, basically never ;) But I plan to add permissions so you could have regular users who could e.g. only view the map and nothing more. That will be way in the future though.



    having a prob with putty and FRT SM

    Can't send RPC function because the target is not connected to the server.

    Shouldn't happen anymore since A10.4 or .4b9 or something like that. Does that happen often? Since that patch I haven't seen other reports of this spamming.



    They cannot (or don't want to) open the port required for the webserver to allow Allocs mapping...

    Seems to be time to look for another hoster.

    Yeah, some are a bit stricter in that regard. Though I can understand them: If they allowed you to do whatever you want on all ports you could bring in a lot of malicious stuff. Even allowing users to replace binary files of the games is a really high security risk for them ;)



    new hotfix out and fixes broke?

    You would be the first one to report so ;)



    Is there a way to have the mapping site tool perform a "reload tiles" at a set interval? I poked around a bit, but I only know the very basics of java and this is way out of my reach.


    I just want to have it auto-reload the tiles without completely refreshing the web page. A coded interval would be nice, and it seems like it should be relatively simple to create the function, I just can't figure out the code.

    Where's the Java in here? ;P


    Something along these lines at line 513 (i.e. before the closing curly bracket) should work:

    var reloadTilesEvent = function() {
    	tileTime = new Date().getTime();
    	window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 60000);
    window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 60000);

  8. Hello, as a kinda new guy on Linux, I tried to install the server automatically with bootstrap.sh. After it, I did setup my server like said on 7dtd.illy.bz/wiki, but when I try to start it, it always "fail".


    This is what I get in the log :

    /usr/local/lib/7dtd/start-stop-daemon/start-stop-daemon: unable to start /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86 (Permission denied)


    Actually, I'm on a 64 bits Ubuntu dedicated server, with every prerequisites checked, and I don't really know what to do... We tried, with a friend, to uninstall and manually install, but we had the same problem. Any help, please?

    Hm, almost looks like there's something wrong with the game download. Did you check if the contents of the engine-folder look right? E.g. is there a 7DaysToDie.x86, 7DaysToDie_Data/, Data/ ...?


    a question about the script , I can start multible instances , can I in each other a xml for example recipes Start ?

    If I got you right you want different recipes.xml and stuff for different instances? If so, that's currently not possible with that server layout as the game always loads those files from the same folder.

  9. Noticed zooming in and out on the webserver map is causing errors in the server console. Seems when you zoom in and out its resetting the connection.


    INF Error in Web.HandleRequest(): Remote host closed connection


    Makes sense, if the request isn't handled before you actually drop the request on the browser the server sees this as a closed connection. Nothing out of the ordinary here ;)

  10. The used HTTP server library (part of the .NET library) seems to be a bit picky on what it delivers and what not ;) For me it happened very rarely but most of the time refreshing the page worked. I may be going with a different solution in the future that should be more stable though, as it indeed is annoying that way :)

  11. Nope, you'll have to change the scripts for that purpose. Open /usr/local/lib/7dtd/commands/updateengine.sh, go to line 77 and add "-beta alpha10.3" right behind the "294420":

    ./steamcmd.sh +login $STEAM_USER $STEAM_PASS +force_install_dir $SDTD_BASE/engine "+app_update 294420 -beta alpha10.3" validate +quit

    Should work that way. You'll have to do a update with --force then though as the buildid will obviously be lower than the current one.

  12. show the contents of the webserver folder...

    It only checks for existence of the folder, so this should not matter for now :)


    It's in the same folder as the 7DaysToDie.exe

    Did you actually restart the game server after putting the folder in there? Does the folder have the correct permissions?

  13. First of all I would recommend updating to 10.3b12 (if you updated the game from Steam already don't forget to update the fixes-DLLs).


    Re web:

    2014-12-17T12:23:31 7.056 Webserver not started (folder "webserver" not found in game folder)

    You put it in the wrong folder, judging from your previous post probably the SaveGameDir. You have to put the "webserver" folder next to where the game executable is.

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