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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. PS: Actually running "version" doesn't necessarily give the correct information either, as the XML might have been replaced whereas the DLL might not if it was opened during the update. In this specific case running "help showinventory" might be the better one as it will either contain "[tag]" at the end of the command line (new one) or not (old mod).

  2. Thanks!

    First of all: I recommend adding a second post in such situations over editing the existing one. While the forum will combine those anyway subscribers will get a notification for that addition unlike with a normal edit. In this case I only noticed your questions because of Wyze's post ;)



    I want to ask someting, can we get the ping also for players informations?

    Wonder why I didn't have ping in there yet anyway ... Will be in the next release. The player info APIs will probably get bigger updates anyway though when I start with the player list web module.



    How is about the public server informations? It could be really nice if we can get those via Alloc's API.

    You mean GamePrefs like with GG? Or the info that's available on the server browser (basically part of GamePrefs + some game status like current players + time)?

  3. It crashed our server; well caused it to hang. I figured it was due to too many people logging in/out at the same time.


    Yet it was the last entry in the log before we "hung"

    Unlikely to be caused by the mod here. More likely within the game itself. At this point the mod simply says it has a null-ref where there should be none and is done, passing control back to the game.

  4. ... So always remember to delete the old files first i guess. ....

    I rather assume you're running Windows and tried to replace the mod while the server was still running ;)

    Windows doesn't allow write access to files that are currently "in use". Stopping + overwriting should work fine normally :)

  5. any idea what this means?


     Error in AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
    Parameter name: key
     at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player].ContainsKey (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Players.get_Item (System.String steamId, Boolean create) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AllocsFixes.AllocsLogFunctions.PlayerDisconnected (.ClientInfo _cInfo, Boolean _bShutdown) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    Without seeing any more of the log I'd suspect it happened when a player was kicked right on login. If so that's harmless.

  6. Concerning the 64bit support, does this mean that the startserver.sh respects the results of the uname command? In the past, I had to rename the ".x86_64" to "x86" to get it to load the 64bit. The startserver script seemed to ignore my request for the 64bit executable.

    -> Release notes:

    v.97 (2016-03-27)
       Use 64 bit server on 64 bit systems 



    I saw this change in the source files on your trac site, this is a welcome addition and will greatly reduce the amount of telnet connections needed, nice one :D

    Huh? There's just a ticket, nothing done yet ^^


    I had tried this first but with no success

    Just tried it, sending "\n" (the exact two characters, *not* the newline character) works just fine.

  7. I'm using it on A14.5 and seems like the PM command is broken now:

    As stated in the release notes it's not compatible with 14.5 (at least the chat stuff).


    Could you give us a little more detail behind this one? I see that parameters have been changed and/or added . I'm guessing this is something that has changed in the game that we'll need to change in our modded dll's as well?

    Yep, as it was in the release notes for 14.6b26 IIRC the chat API was changed. Parameters should be fairly selfexplanatory for the most part. the two localize parameters are only used with game event messages and typically aren't needed for mods.



    What exactly is the chunk density and why should I need to repair it? I know what density is, but what does it mean to the game?


    In RepairChunkDensity.cs under the GetHelp method, it looks like you've left a copy of the teleport instructions.

    Yeah, ♥♥♥♥, forgot to update the help. Thanks :)

  8. 2016-04-21T13:21:55 5522.749 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2016-04-21T13:21:55 5522.749 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]
    2016-04-21T13:45:41 6948.843 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2016-04-21T13:45:41 6948.843 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]
    2016-04-21T13:48:58 7145.949 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2016-04-21T13:48:58 7145.949 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]


    Is this anything to be concerned about?

    Nope, "/alloc" is my chat-hook example in the mod. Seems like somebody knew it and used it ;)




    in coppis mod is a /unlock feature so i can as a admin look in the chest from other player etc with a relog.


    Can you put this feature in your files too please ?

    He's got a bunch of additional stuff which might make sense to add. Will have to ask him if it's ok to copy it :)

  9. Do you know if there has been any progress reducing resource usage on the dedi, especially under linux?

    Nothing explicitly done there. Also see next quote:




    It seems from the few things I have read, that Windows is much more stable and less piggy than the linux dedi, but I don't know anything concrete.

    There's no difference in how the Windows and Linux version work and now that Linux has 64 bit support that part is ruled out too. So if you experience a difference in stability or resource usage it's part of Unity. We tend to avoid code dedicated to one particular OS ;)




    Also, is there a way to chain commands together in the user scripts, eg:

    telnetCommand $1 "say \"msg 1\""; "say \""msg2\""

    No, has been asked before though, will probably add this.




    Also, is there a way to get newlines into a 'say' command, or do I need to use multiple say commands to get multiple lines of text sent to the server?

    Try sending a \n, not sure if it will work though. IIRC the UI components actually search for the string "\n" too (as in a backslash followed by a "n", not a newline character) so sending that might also work.




    So, the question; what's happening to the profile ID in the URL and how can I save it for use when /static/index.html is actually loaded?

    Try querying ".../static/index.html?yourparams". A GET request to the root directory results in a redirect and I assume that's where the params get lost.




    Just got a crash in a restarted server while clicking on an inventar of an online player (1 player online)



    Wrong thread, it's about the mod ;)

    It *could* be that it's Unity with threaded Texture2D usage, if that's the issue it will be fixed when the next game release (+ mod update, but that's already prepared) is out.

  10. I think the only cron implementation I've seen so far that does not have a user column was with Busybox.

    Normally you have the column user between dow and command. Maybe try adding "root" there and see if that works.


    @zigstum: Careful about combining sudo with pipes / redirects ;)

    Running "sudo echo test >> /root/shellrestart.txt" as non-root probably won't work as only the command invocation (echo test) will be run within sudo, the redirect is not affected iirc.

  11. hello @Alloc are fixes update coming anytime soon?


    =) we are missing our rlp function

    Wrong thread ;)

    Besides that fixing rlp isn't really the highest priority atm as you might guess when looking at things like people unable to even play the game currently ;)

    Might be looking into it soon (maybe even later today) but no promises on that part.

  12. Finally tracked it down. Latest Unity 64-bit uses SSE4, and my CPU only supports SSE3. If I could find a way to force it to use SSE3 instead, I could get it working.


    Can't really afford to drop money on new hardware so I'm living with 32-bit and some hard limitations for a while it looks like.


    EDIT: Further digging shows that though the CPU's support SSE3, my cpuinfo file is only showing up to SSE2 support.

    Yeah, it's too bad things like this happen ... but after all that CPU is 11 years old. Sometimes you just have to drop support for old stuff if you want to improve things ;)

    SSE4 is also 10 years old by now so at least not too restrictive.

    And most important: You can at least still run it, even though with the 32 bit restriction.

  13. Good point ... didn't really catch my attention as my game VM is still running a rather old Debian which does use init.d ;)

    Of course this has to be updated at some point, just gotta figure out what exactly needs to be done for that. (Btw, the bootstrapper shouldn't be affected a lot by this ... of course it won't be able to create a start script but everything else should be fine)

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