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Everything posted by mr.devolver

  1. Update (prepare for a mess): I can't believe I didn't notice that yesterday, I was probably too excited to see that NPC is actually following me and staying with me after restart. Anyway, they do seem to follow, but sometimes they just stop following for no apparent reason and what's even weirder is that they don't fight back now or rarely. So far I tried NPCNurse, NPCBaker and NPCAmmo and only NPCAmmo attacked a zombie with his weapon after that zombie attacked me, but he also just stood there ignoring that zombie for the most part. NPCs now don't seem to proactively look for targets to kill in their vicinity either. As for the health issue, I'm still investigating. Perhaps the most interesting observation here is that when I tried a new world, the NPCs I met already had full 800 points of health. In that previous gameplay, those NPCs there, one of which I hired all had no more than 200 points of health out of 800, not sure why is that. Anyway, in my latest test world, the health was acting a slightly different than before. I hired NPCNurse and she was actually healing over time which was interesting because I didn't see that with NPCBaker in my previous test world after hiring him, but as soon as I gave NPCNurse water and corn bread into her inventory, her health started going down and never up. After spawning a zombie next to her, she got attacked and didn't fight back and eventually that zombie killed her. In other news, I also found out that Patch_Entity that was put in place as dependency to fix NRE I received when BanditArcher was killed by a snow zombie, also affects the player's own health - when you're hit and the heart icon shows up, it has no actual effect on your health and you never really bleed out. When I disabled Patch_Entity, bleeding on the player's character worked correctly. Not sure if this dependency has anything to do with the issues above, I will do some more tests.
  2. I'm not sure if it was the update that helped, maybe I should have mentioned that I also installed Bloom's Animal Husbandry which had SDX_SpawnFromEntityGroup as dependency. I know Bloom's Animal Husbandry was dependency for NPCs before and now it's supposed to work without that, but perhaps NPCs still depend on it somehow or maybe it depends on SDX_SpawnFromEntityGroup? Well, I don't know but it just works now. I haven't tried this latest update without these two mods yet to see if they helped to solve those issues. As for the health of NPC, yes, I was close to him and he was in that state in which he puts his knife away and looks at you. After hiring him, I didn't think of trying to check his health at longer distance, but I will do that and report back. The state in which he was losing health and healing at the same time which kept his health constantly around 199-200 was before I hired him. After hiring him, he only loses health when he stands still and only starts to heal when he moves. His health is on the swing.
  3. I just realized that some mods provide those localization text files which don't really affect the game until manually added to the original localization text files of the base game! And I was wondering why I have to read incomprehensive gibberish tongue-breaking walls of text in my modded games! What a bummer - Modders can affect the content of the game without messing up the original files, but they can't do the same with localization text files? How are we non-modders supposed to even know that we are supposed to manually add each and every text file into the original one and most importantly, how do we do that safely if we have a lot of mods installed? Sphereii, do you think you could add a feature that would take care of this for us into the Mod Launcher?
  4. Sphereii !!! This seems to be the best update so far! Hired Mickey D The NPCBaker that was spawned a while ago, he follows me without any issue! Great! So that one bug there seems to be gone! I closed the game and then loaded it again. Mickey was still there with me! YAY!!! I opened his inventory and gave him 132 jars of murky water and 13 jars of clean water. Closed the game again and then loaded back into the game. Mickey was still there and his inventory had all the jars of water I gave him (except one jar of murky water which I guess he already used). So, the good news is that NPCs now seem to follow without problems, they stay with us after restart and items placed into their inventory seem to stay there after restart as well. We are on the right track now! However, in the meantime I installed your mod called SphereII Unlock Health Bar and it reveals what is actually happening with the health of the NPCs and probably explains why are they suddenly dying even if we keep them supplied with water and food. Here's my observation of what's going on: Before I hired Mickey, I noticed that his health was constantly moving down and up again, repeatedly. As soon as I hired him, his health started to go down. When I just stand there and watch his health bar, his health goes down and never up, BUT as soon as I start moving and he follows, his health starts going up again and as soon as we stop, his health starts going down again. I'm not quite sure if this is intentional, but it's kinda weird and I can imagine that if he stays in one place long enough, he will just die. It's like that movie called Crank where the main guy had to keep moving if he wanted to stay alive lol
  5. I see no update in Mod launcher yet, I will keep checking. By the way, I tried the version that you uploaded earlier today and I haven't seen any NPCs in the world so far, but apparently the values that affect chances of NPC to spawn didn't change since the previous version in which I met plenty of NPCs in the world. I hope this is not another hidden bug. EDIT: Spoke too quickly. I refreshed the list of mods in Mod Launcher, saw the aforementioned update (saw only new version of SDX_EntityAlive, not sure if there's more to update) and I installed the update and started a new game and I saw the first NPC on the map, yay! Thank you again!
  6. Hello manux, please do me a favor. Look into this circle for 10 seconds, no reason just do that... If you look into spoiler after that, you will have a week full of happiness!
  7. Thank you very much for working on this! I will try asap!
  8. Well, there was a small explosion involved during the horde night, but I swear it was an accident! Thanks for looking into that!
  9. I'm also hiring one NPC at a time, NPCs are still disappearing though. Lol and you remember me! Yes, I do hope you will share with us! I think that little creature that accompanied you there doesn't quite fit the theme, but it was still funny, I like it! As for regeneration of health, it is quite disturbing indeed, I would like to know if we can heal them or let them heal somehow over time. Anyway! I found something suspicious, might be a bug, sometimes when I unintentionally hit my companion, they start attacking me. I do believe that they are supposed to forgive that, but I might be wrong.
  10. Maybe it's a similar problem like we had with minibikes in previous Alphas? But then again, in one of the previous versions of the mod, this wasn't an issue, I remember that I was able to quit the game and when I loaded it again, my NPC companion was there with me. Maybe it would help to know which version it was, but unfortunately I don't remember that exact version.
  11. It could be optional or it could come as a separate mod. Even if it was a separate mod, I would definitely throw it into the pack for my personal gameplay. As for the update itself, I'm looking forward to it and will test as soon as possible. Is this update supposed to fix any of the two issues I mentioned the other day - NPCs not following and disappearence of NPC after restart?
  12. Suggestion: If possible, please add NPC companion mark on the player's compass so that when we lose sight of our companions, we can locate them quickly without looking on the map.
  13. If detection is an issue, how about letting user manually place the mark so that Nitrogen would know where to put the bridge? Would that make it easier to start? Also, I mentioned that thread because the bridge the OP showed in the screenshots looked like they could be repeated to make the actual bridge longer if needed and they do seem to have pillars for better stability, so making them longer shouldn't be an issue.
  14. Hey, have you seen this? If I understood correctly, the goal of the OP was to fix the bridges in Navezgane to achieve better stability. Maybe you could use his custom bridges to enhance the maps generated by your Nitrogen tool?
  15. Thank you for letting me know. I passed that message to Sphereii now.
  16. Hey Xyth, I sent you a private message with my latest observations that will hopefully help you to fix some issues with this mod. I would post here, but I was afraid it would get lost.
  17. Oh, this is what is generated, but the road is not always above the water, sometimes it goes below the water level and creates those walls of water on the sides of the road. Even that wouldn't be bad if the water itself filled that space above the road which would simulate a sunken road. If you're absolutely sure that these roads should always be above the water level, I will try to download the latest version then. EDIT: It looks like I already had the last version available.
  18. Interesting. I have version 0.251 alpha. Is this the one you were talking about? I created one map yesterday and it had similar result in this aspect like version 0.241 that I tried before. What kind of ramps we are talking about? Could you give me a screenshot? I would like to see one, so that I know what I should be looking for in the final result.
  19. Hey, Nitrogen is a nice tool and produces decent results pretty fast, but there are also some weak parts. I would like to know if we will ever see some bridges across the water between two parts of the land? Right now it tends to produce some pretty weird and unrealistic results as it draws roads across the water and the roads are very often below the water level and when you cross the road you are literally surrounded by walls of water. What I would like to see instead are bridges or at least roads that go above the water level instead of under it.
  20. I had exactly the same bug. Could you please share your output_log.txt from that particular game session? You can use website such as pastebin.com or if the output_log.txt is too big, archive it using zip or rar and upload it to Mediafire (or other similar file sharing website). The more logs with this bug, the better, because I was told that the origin of this problem is still unknown, thanks. EDIT: So you're saying that this happens with farmer NPC. In my case it was NPCAmmo and I thought that I might be missing something, perhaps other NPCs don't have that issue, I was about to try the other NPCs and apparently it's no longer necessary. At least now we know that this bug doesn't happen just with NPCAmmo. Maybe that will help to isolate the problem too.
  21. That would be awesome. Also if we could just take some aspects of one overhaul and add it to another one or just use it in our favorite set of mods, that would be cool.
  22. I thought that a clean copy of the game + manual installation of the mod files using SDX can do the trick?
  23. Yes, it's normal, those are messages from NPCs mod for debugging purposes.
  24. You're welcome. If you need something else, please let me know. Personally I can't wait for the issues to be resolved so I will help with testing as much as I can.
  25. Ok, so I just finished testing on a fresh copy of the game with only the following mods installed: I started a new game with pre-generated world from Nitrogen. I played the initial quest until the point when I was supposed to locate the trader. Still with the active quest "locate the trader", I started looting random POIs and sold as much as I could to get 1000 Casino tokens from wandering traders. I found NPCAmmo in the world and hired him. I went into the main menu and then I loaded the game again. NPCAmmo was gone. I'm uploading the log, but please note that for some reason it's a massive 166MB file which I noticed only when I tried to upload it on standard text sharing websites such as Pastebin - my web browser crashed, so I am uploading it on Mediafire. It takes forever to upload, so please have patience with me, thank you. EDIT: After failed upload of the text file itself, I decided to compress the log with rar. I hope you understand. The archive is now only 4.2 MB, but unpacks to full 166 MB output_log.txt, here is the link. I hope this will help you in the debugging process.
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