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Everything posted by xyth

  1. xyth

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Pushed the A19 NPC mods, and its featurepacks like factions to the A19DMT repo. Again, this is a work in progress and any errors not yet found on the Characterpack humans will likely turn up here. Unlike the characterpack humans, characters that turn zombie will attack you, and until I find it less funny, will use ranged and melee weapons on you. I might stop this or more likely make then use walktype 7 and just shoot themselves in the foot instead.
  2. They are available in loot only. You can craft a lazergem to recharge/repair them.
  3. Yes, just change her template from bandit to survivor. Bandits are badguys, survivors are good guys. Otherwise they are identical. So you need to only change 2 lines in entityclasses.xml: <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditClub" extends="humanMeleeFemaleBanditTemplate"> changes to <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditClub" extends="humanMeleeFemaleSurvivorTemplate"> and <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditSMG" extends="humanRangedFemaleBanditTemplate"> changes to <entity_class name="humanHarleyBanditSMG" extends="humanRangedFemaleSurvivorTemplate">
  4. I only swapped 3 sounds for testing as i was focused on making sure turned characters stopped making human sounds. I can add the alert sound in a future release. If you have the latest version you should not get the buff. I did notice players are getting a few unneeded buffs and the humans are not self healing so those changes ARE pushed. One other Known Issue I forgot to mention, the TFP fire buff might either look strange or throw warnings when applied to Humans and NPCs. Thats an issue with their buff not the characters, as far as I can tell.
  5. Pushed fix for infecting player. The player has a tag "human" that i used on human characters so I needed to add but not player". And thanks for the compliments. Lot of work went into this so hope it all works 🙂
  6. The player should not get that buff. There mihht be a book to cure it though but you would need to cheat it in. I will check to see if that is a bug. Thanks.
  7. Pushed the A19 Humans and Zombie packs for testing. There are not many in the packs, as the other contributors are waiting for an updated controller, the very same controller you all will be testing and finding bugs. Aslo included and needing testing is the Character Effectspack modlet. That adds an infection process that lets zombies infect Humans and then the humans turn into zombies. It also adds several new walktypes to both Humans and zombies. Big changes, characters stumble, swim, and turn heads. Ranged characters are deadly accurate now, editable in xml. No more vomit weapons. Do not load these into an existing save game, and do not test on a gamesave you care about. Expect bugs and you wont be disappointed. Known Issues: 1. Still no footstep sounds on characters, as it requires scripts we cant load, but fixed in the NPC pack 2. If you use the effects pack, the process is sped up for testing, so they will turn zombie while you watch. XML explains how to reset that to a full week. Unfortunately once the fully turn, they wont attack they player as factions still dont work in vanilla, and targeting is still class based. Looks cool though, and works much better in the NPC modlet. Also, these are freshly turned zombies, so still hold onto weapons and can use them, even ranged ones. Watch out. Find more please, and have fun.
  8. Packs are all working except one bug to resolve related to the NPC modlet but causing delays in case the bug turns out to be connected to a CPack. The first release will be for testing so I want to emphasise DO NOT add the testing release to a game save. The pack will be updated regularly so expect new bugs and save breaks until stable is dropped. Sooooon.
  9. Added an upgrade path mostly.
  10. I recently pulled that modlet out of the A19 repo as it has a lot of work needed. In the latest exp it changed the lootgroup names, so thats all broken. Also the buffs changed on some of the weapon modifiers, and I dont yet have time to fix all that.
  11. The URL has to be edited inside Unity on the video component. It can't be done in xml.
  12. There are a few modders who know how to rig and configure vehicles properly but I'm not one of those. There is a channel on Guppys Discord dedicated to vehicles. I'd suggest you ask there.
  13. I will, Thanks again. Working on Humans now, lots of work building new templates, but folks will be very happy with the results.
  14. Pushed a rebalancing fix. Since TFP really changed the animal balances, I just tried to keep the new ones using similar values, so let me know how it plays. Also rebalanced Mechs. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks for the info. B163 changed the spawn groups, removing animalsall and sorted others, so likely the balance was thrown way off. I will check it out and adjust as needed. Edit: Woah, they really changed the spawn values on vanilla animals, Like 1 became 40! Amazing you even saw 1 bird!
  16. War3, in your change log for b163, you wrote you "fixed" my published Creaturepacks. By this do you mean you updated your mod to use the latest version of the Creaturepacks that I pushed to fix any known issues? Or did you actuality change something I should be aware of?
  17. All mods updated for latest experimental. I pulled the bats mod as its way out of date, and likely I will convert it to use TFP bats later on.
  18. Good news. I think I can sort the sync issues on zombies and humans. Seems to work, but might need some tuning in the controller, but I'm no longer concerned that we cant make this work for A19. Then again, its EXP, so they make make changes that require another fix.
  19. Pushed a minor update to animals and mechs. Added a Hit tag to the pain states, likely not needed but for OCD reasons. Added GuppyBug fix for invlid layer index.
  20. Uploaded the Animal and Mech CreaturePacks for testing. The packs only have the creatures that I have the project files for, so other character authors will need to update the rest of the characters when they can. A19 made many significant changes to how entities work, and these 2 packs were the easiest to convert. I did basic testing on them and they seem good, but likely things like range, attack sync, damage, etc could use a little polishing. I don't have time for that while wrestling with the Human and zombie changes, so if you make xml improvements please send me updated xml. Thanks.
  21. Generally that means when you updated the project, a script is bad and if any one script in a project fails it blocks all scripts. Check the Unity console, find the bad script and delete it.
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