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Everything posted by Vedui

  1. Yes. If progression was altered. I personally had the comment watching dev streams that ammo and weapons were super common. It's not hard to have hundreds of rounds of ammo day 1-2, and a few pipe weapons. Save a bit of cash and buy a proper low quality "proper" firearm is easy day 1-2 as well. If progression was day 1-5 bows and if VERY lucky a pipe weapon, then day 6-12 pipe weapons, and 13++ getting into "factory made" firearms, I think people would for sure use them. Right now I commonly find pipe weapons that are better than factory made weapons. Why use that q4 Ak-47 when your Q6 pipe machinegun has more mod slots and better stats? I'd be proud if I could with some pipes and duct tape put together something that's better than a somewhat beat up ak-47
  2. This is starting to make even less sense though. If a pole represents 2-5 % of the material of a full block, it should also have 2-5 % of the resources to craft, and 2-5 % of the HP. Likewise if a plate is 10 % of the full block, it should have 10 % of the HP. But if this just applies to when you upgrade and repair, the whole purpose of pre-made (non wood) blocks falters, as it suddenly represents a much steeper material cost, which really makes the block helper system weird. Not to mention we can't see the HP until after we place, and then damage the block. Beyond that, if plates move back to 100 %, and bars are staying in 100 %, then why are poles and likewise smaller shapes penalized? Then you have basically "Any shape that is 10-100 % of the block space, has 100 % hp, but anything that has 1-9 % of the block space (ie, poles) suddenly have 25 % ... all it means is people won't build using the very tiny blocks for any structural purposes, which they likely don't do today anyhow. So why change it? The only reason I see this would be to discourage using smaller shapes in bases ... but why? If official POI's are an issue, talk to the POI creators. Otherwise it really seems to ONLY be to start restricting players in their builds, which is a super peculiar direction for a sandbox game. Let players build what they want, it hurts no one, not themselves, and no other players either. Now as to bars being intentionally excluded because they are primary window/elevated defenses, that makes little sense too. A pole raised base would suffer from collapses, but a bar-raised base (ie, bars as pillars) would work great. Full HP AND immune to cop vomit as it passes through. In either case, I just think it's a super peculiar design choice. People were super excited with using 1365 (or whatevver) blockshapes, and suddenly this is thrown in which I can't see having any positive effect for players at all, it's all downside. But it's great to see this in an experimental version, so that it can be discussed, fine tuned, and hopefully reverted an removed entirely
  3. I thought... this was communicated last time that there was NO zed damage buff, beyond a "getting stuck" 6x damage which just happened to hit certain shapes more than others, even though it could actually happen to full blocks too? Or are you saying that's not correct, and there was a specific zed damage buff to .. poles?
  4. What about the situation where the "selection" shifts as you click to place .. causing it to place a block not where intended? And to be clear, I am not talking about where the mouse was moved last moment and you misplace. Rather about where the game seems to "jitter" and place where it shouldn't be. This even can (infrequently, but I run across it now and then) place a block BEHIND another block, where you have no visual line of sight to the "back" of the block where it's placing it. Ie, there's no way you could do it on purpose, as you can't target the far side of a block that's out of visual view, but the game "jitter" (for want of better term) still targets it, and places it in an impossible location.
  5. Woo Hoo! Let's hope for those millions of survivors to turn out to the Alpha 20 launch! The feedback I've gotten on all the additions have been great, people seem really excited ... personally love the new RWG/City building style which together with all the POI's is gonna make for a LOT of fun hours exploring!
  6. I believe faatal DID say before Alpha 19 release, that melee bandits were pretty much done, and needed a few days of code to finish up. It was in one of the streams, along with that the raft needed a weekend of work type of thing to get into the game. Now this might have been a super simplification, that certain aspects were ready but not the "final" vision of what Bandits were intended for, but it also likely has increased confusion as to why they are not in. People for instance see lotsa modpacks with bandits and survivors in, very basic sure, but then wonder why TFP "when it only needed a few days" haven't also put them in But it's just one of the unforeseen side-effects of communication, questions are asked, answers are given, but people have their own interpretation on each side that happen to not be in sync
  7. Well, kickstarter developers "legally" owe their supporters (something) as defined in their goals. Early Access on most platforms owe nothing beyond what's there at the time of purchase. However most of this is not about "owing" anything. It's that good developers want to make a good game that their good customers can enjoy. Sometimes we run into not so good developers who are more scammy, but more often they genuinely try to do their best, and sometimes fail. 7 Days To Die has come a long way, and as many have said, likely have given their players value many times over for the cost of the game And not because they OWE anything, but because they LOVE what they do, not just as a business.
  8. I'm a bit surprised this hasn't been locked/banned 😛 I mean it's one thing to want to do a petition against the devs. It seems to go far beyond asking for DONATIONS from people here, to support them in their ... views. Then again I have 2 copies (on 2 steam accounts) and would happily pay for dlc. As far as Early Access games goes, while one can always have issues with speed of updates, there are few games who see active development 8 years down the line, paid for by the initial purchase. The game could have been released years ago and done with, but then we'd have missed so many fun versions to play with!
  9. In survival, not as such. In creative you have some more ways around it. Ultimately, adding a mod which lets you do it, or going into creative is essentially the same. Just use this way, make some brum brum tractor sounds and look away, and it'll be flat in no time! None the wiser! (Also works on MP servers). The actual line number has changed, just search for the stuff (leveltool I think) and it should show up
  10. I admit, I enjoy finding those edge cases where the AI breaks down and it becomes trivial. That said, what I would like to see is AI being different for POI Sleepers VS Blood Moon Horde zombies. Having a fancy "I can run the gauntlet in my POI" is cool, avoids swisscheese much more than what we had in the past. However, for a blood moon horde, a simplistic "We'll rush the player and destroy everything between us and them if we get stuck" would work a lot better (ie, A16 style) and avoid the suspension of belief when they go around the base, then up, then down, through a weak block and then circles around to the now open path to get to the player. In my view, Alpha 16 was the last version where base builds were really fun and challenging. Yes it had the problem with above/below, but if you avoided that particular cheese, you suddenly had a much more interesting base design that looked like a real base, as opposed to a simple A17+ "platform path the zombie falls off on their own" or any other number of ways to treat them like lemmings
  11. Hi, Here's a few in suggested categories: -Thanks Ved! Sorted them all as you suggested. —Roland
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