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Everything posted by Fanatical_Meat

  1. I’ve noticed this too, people have crazy expectations and frankly unrealistic expectations. The Pimps are good at what they do. This does not mean they have the skills/knowledge/financing to make a game AI breakthrough that nobody before them has done. bandit AI is the one I tend to hear the most unrealistic expectations about.
  2. Been away for some time, is there a consensus or at least a consensus estimate as to whenA21 happens?
  3. Okay let’s trim the game down to one zombie model, one bandit model and one player model.
  4. I still don’t see a value or even a purpose for having a raft. there simply aren’t maps large enough or bodies of water large enough to justify needing a raft.
  5. Hmmm, I wonder if this “teleport” idea could lead to POI’s or let’s say “Dungeon” instances like there’s an elevator on the surface and it brings you to a bunker that is huge and at least it’s walls are indestructible that needs to be cleared or a subway system that is mostly indestructible blocks that has tons of zombies in it and multiple elevators that open at different areas of the map. Seems like having these places be their own POIs and structures that cannot be destroyed would use less resources to run thus allow more zombies while inside.
  6. Oh do tell, what did he say and what did you think of it?
  7. I want Rick to have a few drinks and leak more info about the upcoming game(s) again. His leak from a year or so ago needs more to understand
  8. Back to clothes. In my perfect world clothes would look more current day but varying degrees of worn. Id like higher tier stuff to generally look more new/clean I’d like armors to look more like pieces stuck together, maybe skins to change their looks slightly. I’d like there to be tons of choices of shirts, pants, coats, sweaters or sweatshirts, shoes, hats and whatever else.
  9. @madmole please start these streams on time, bugs the crap out of me when they start late. If you say it begins at 9PM, it needs to begin at 9PM. Test the streaming stuff out earlier to ensure it all works. Respect your fans by being on time. thank you
  10. Without reading all the text, it is a bummer you don’t like the game. Learn from this lesson and avoid early access games going forward. Personally I enjoy the long development cycle, I enjoy how each alpha is mostly a new game. Feel free to disagree because it is an opinion thing.
  11. I am sticking with summer sale will be the time. I believe that happens in about three months.
  12. 7D2D has never been sold or implied to be capable of handling 50+ player servers. They have said something like 8 players max (or similar). Do not expect a sever that size to run properly. Game is not and likely will not be designed to work for that many players at once.
  13. It’s dumbing the question down to something that adds pain to death because it’s completely silly to say “strap a bomb to ya and when you die in game you die in real life. Point being that realism typically is t “fun” or what we truly want
  14. I have always said if you want realistic but something that is realistic to do would be buy the game, play game and when you die the steam key gets disabled. You need to buy the game every time you die. Doesn’t sound too fun to me.
  15. Spring sale starts like next week. Unless the streamer events will be skipped I think we’ll be waiting longer.
  16. Hasn’t madmole stated there will be no DLC and said something about not liking most DLC. Personally I’m fine with it provided I can still play on a server and use whatever extra DLC on that server or I can still use that DLC and play with a friend that doesn’t own that DLC.
  17. While anything is truly possible regarding 7D2D the choice is likely: scrap what’s been done and work with a new game engine which may not allow everything to be destroyed and certainly would cause a massive delay in development add pets and have fewer zombies add pets and have more lag and/or stuttering. Those are the realistic choices. I do not like any of them and the cost to add pets is far too high of a price to pay.
  18. They have stated with certainty there will be no pets other than the drone. There will be no pets or animal taming. The game engine has trouble with the pathing for pets. Maybe the next fun pimps game there will be pets but we will not see pets in 7D2D.
  19. ChatGPT should already know that since per other posters it’s a totally normal thing to say and every developer says it. Thank you for supporting “when it’s done” should no longer be used.
  20. Why would you need a raft other than to hand out in a lake to avoid a horde?
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