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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. New update should be rolling out to the Cloud. Version should automatically update next time you start the program. If it does not update, click on the original link again, and it'll install the update. I added the ability to exclude file paths in the Config files, which will allow Valmar's mods to work. In addition to updating Valmar's config, I also added additional Configs for Valmod, to include options for the Bigger Back Packs for Overhaul and Expansion.
  2. New version of the Launcher will be pushed out later this evening, once I perform a bit more testing. This will allow filtering, which will allow Valmar's mods to work as expected again. New Configs will be added to support Valmar's various Bigger Backpack options as well, for those interested.
  3. I think I traced the issue for Overhaul. It looks like the Backpack expansion mod is being installed, but grabbing the Assembly-CSharp.dll from the Server folder, which is causing the issue with the BlockTextureAtlsasesD file, which only exists on the Server. I'll see if there's something I can do on my end to filter it.
  4. Thanks again for the log. Everything looks fine there, nothing critical failed. The Mod Launcher makes a copy of the game, so with your Steam downloading alpha 15.1, your Valmar's copy should still have Alpha 15.0, and so should still work. I'll look over your first log file more.
  5. No problem for the help. In the Log Files menu, there's also another type of log available, and that's for the 7D2DLauncher itself. After you try to restart the game through the launcher, would you mind going in, and uploading that log file as well?
  6. Thanks for the log. This is the error you are getting: Unable to open archive file: E:/Program_Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/7_Days_To_Die/7DTD_M_Launcher/7Days2Mod/7Days2Mod/Valmod_Overhaul/7DaysToDie_Data/../Data/Bundles/BlockTextureAtlasesD Can you confirm that path actually exists for you? I notice there's two 7Days2Mod/7Days2Mod folders, which seems a bit unusual.
  7. Hey TempusFugit. After the game fails, would you mind posting the log file? You can go to the View menu, click on Log files, then select the 7 Days To Die folder. It'll give you a pastebin.com link. If you share that, I'll take a look at it. Are you trying to run the mod on A15, or the experimental A15.1? I don't think Valmar supports A15.1 yet, but I could be wrong.
  8. I think there's a few of them. The one I was thinking of has a home theatre.
  9. Some mods play well with CompoPack and MegaCity packs, while others do not, which is why I usually ask the modders if they want that support or not. True Survival does have its own prefabs and mixer, and so mixing it with CompoPack is unnecessary. Some modders, such as Valmar, only modify the other XML files, leaving the prefabs either vanilla or compopack, at the discretion of the player. Other modders include their own prefabs to customize the experience for their players, like Bad Company and True Survival do. They typically remove prefabs that don't really match the vision of their mod (like a perfect mansion, which includes a bunker and 5+ forges). If you find that prefab, then you are well ahead of the game, and make it a lot easier.
  10. It could be. The Launcher does not pretend to be smart when its trying to over-write files. This design was chosen to be simpler, and less fault tolerant when you have different mods, coming with different packaging formats.
  11. You may be right. The Mod Launcher was more designed to handle finished mods, rather than assist in developing them. That being said, there does not appear to be anything amiss about your method on going about doing it. If you want, you can PM me your links or My Mods XML, and I can give it a try.
  12. Nice! No problem. Should we give the option to pair with Compo Pack? Edit: Done. File -> Load Defaults to see it. Next launch of the Mod Launcher should let the users see it as well.
  13. When you hit the Play button in the Launcher, it will download the links, and extract the contents in a folder called TempMods, under your new game folder. You can view the files in that folder and see if that's what you'd expect. When you say you made changes to Bad Company, and replace it... how exactly are you doing this? Are you modifying the files in TempMods? They would get over-written when you click on the Play button again, if the "Refresh Mods Automatically" is enabled.
  14. I believe if you run the OneClick Installer, it will check for the correct version of the .NET framework, and install it automatically, if not found. It requires .NET Framework 4.5 or higher, however. Gareee, I just got back to my desk, and the link you posted has expired. Did you want me to still review the log file?
  15. There's two versions of 7 Days To Die: Client and Dedicated Server (available through Steam Tools menu). Dedicated Server does not require a 7 Days License, and can run without a GUI. You can manually make the copies of Steam for the clients, and apply the mods manually. That's what the Mod Launcher does automatically for you though. The Mod Launcher will keep a separate folder containing a copy of the game, plus its mods. This way, you can switch to playing vanilla and mods, without having to delete, re-download from steam, or the likes.
  16. Sorry for the delay in answer. Maybe I'm not following what you are trying to accomplish. The Mod Launcher will install the mods for client side, so that it can connect to a modded server easily, or just play in single player. Were you having trouble creating a mod pack to share between computers? For that, I would recommend using a tool like Beyond Compare to check for differences between a vanilla clean version of 7 Days To Die, and your modded version. There's an option for "Copy Differences to Folder" that would copy all the changes to a different folder, so you can zip it up as your download link.
  17. So the Mod Launcher is useful only for the client install, and not the server. For the server, you would install the mods manually. Quite a few of the XML files from the server actually get pushed to the client, but having a local copy won't hurt either. You can actually modified the server's Config XML directly, in most cases, without updating your downloadable zip file.
  18. Do you have all your changes in the downloadable zip file? Or is there still a combination of download of Bad Company, plus your own local changes?
  19. Yup. I started a new world, and was able to log into it. Was your game world name unique from all others on your computer? The older alphas used a different path, I think, for saved games.
  20. Rumours are SDX is very close. SDX Team has been working with a test version.
  21. Okay, I just tested, and seems to be working on my end. So let's try to figure out what's going on. Here are the steps of what you should expect to see. Let me know which step doesn't sound right: After you enter in your username and password for Steam, in the Download From Steam option, and click on the Copy button, a message box saying that Steam will be restarted will pop up. After that, a DOS box will pop up, and do a little update for the SteamCMD, then try to log you in. At this point, if this is the first time you are doing it, it will ask you for your Steam Guard code. This should be found in your email that you used to register for Steam. If you do not have Steam Guard, then you should enable it. After successfully entering in the Steam Guard code, the download should begin. Depending on your download speed, this could take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. If you look at the new folder after that, you should see something like this: Notice the Green 7 icon, while the newer ones is Red.
  22. Thanks for the log file. Same results out of that one. When you created your new Alpha 12.5 version, did you choose Download From Steam or did you Copy From Local?
  23. Gotcha. Looks like you installed the Mod under: E:\Program_Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\7_Days_To_Die\7DTD_M_Launcher\7Days2Mod\The_Fun_Pimps\Alpha_12.5\ That should be fine, but maybe try changing your Destination Folder for Mods: to something a little shorter, like E:\7Days\ or the likes, and try to re-sync. It looks like the game is getting confused between the two different versions of the game.
  24. No problem for the attempts to help. And that's exactly what I wanted. That's the error message you are getting. Looks like some UMA zombie cannot find its dreadlocks. Which Mod were you trying to get installed?
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