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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. More localization issues: For the German translation on some items, you have, for example: ,Erfahren Sie, wie eine Wüste Eagle Pistol zusammenzubauen und zu reparieren, This is malformed in the localization, because it's a complete sentence, but isn't wrapped in double quotes, so it isn't being parsed correctly. ,"Erfahren Sie, wie eine Wüste Eagle Pistol zusammenzubauen und zu reparieren", If you do a search for Erfahren Sie, you'll find all the instances that need that sentence wrapped in quotes. Another instance can be found with this string: Un buen brebaje que ayudarل a sobornar a usted, asي como a sي mismo Same as above, it should be wrapped in quotes to protect the comma "Un buen brebaje que ayudarل a sobornar a usted, asي como a sي mismo"
  2. dwallorde, I checked your localization files, and found a few off-entries. Just a few mis-matched entries that could be giving your warnings in the log file.
  3. The client side DLL won't work on the server, which is probably why you are having some trouble. Look for the server-side DLL version for the backpack mod, and it should work. I think it's a 45-slot?
  4. Sorry you are having trouble. With Ravenhearst select, can you click on the View Menu, then go to Log Files. Look in the drop down for the Launcher.txt log file, and click on Upload Log. It'll give you a pastebin.com link. If you give me that link, I'll take a look at the issue.
  5. Certainly is a weird situation. Sorry you are having trouble. Are you using Advanced Mode or Simple mode? My suggestion is to delete your steam install of 7 days to die, and re-sync. Then, using the Mod Launcher, re-make the War of the Walkers. Your save game will be safe.
  6. Thanks. YOu could post the contents on pastebin.com, then give me a link too.
  7. That means it can't find the Asset bundles. Can you post your entire output log?
  8. The 7D2DPatch files can be applied manually with xdelta, if there's a version of that for mac. I can give you instructions, but it's not critical to the function of the mod. It changes the looks of the zombies.
  9. Added back to the Mod launcher! Welcome back, dwallorde!
  10. I am sorry you are having trouble with the mod. What kind of Anti-virus software do you have?
  11. Thank you very much. I'm glad it's helped you and others. Have fun playing Better Balance. Looks like a nice play through!
  12. Sorry for the trouble, but thank you for coming to vent and asking for help, rather than giving up. daydark has great advice for you. The Open URL is open up config files for adding mod configuration rather than mod files. You could also follow the first three steps of daydark's post, and make a manual copy of the game, and extract the True Survival files over top of it, and you should be set.
  13. These are the steps you can expect to see: https://imgur.com/a/RqcLS
  14. Delete the Mod, then use the Download From Steam option. Then try again The splash screen that says 16.2 is probably being over-written by the mod, while the rest of the files are 16.3
  15. You can delete the mod in the Mod Launcher, then go to Download From Steam. It'll sync up the correct version for you.
  16. Hey man. I'd keep an eye on the modders threads for updates. Some will be ready in a few hours, since they have been keeping up with the experimental branch. For a general rule, it's really hard for the mod launcher to figure out if a.mod is compatible or not. It's been on my mind for the last year and no answer yet how I can do it.
  17. Hmm, not that I know of. First time someone's asked me this The Mod Launcher just executes the 7daystodie.exe. I'm not sure if there's a setting in game to handle that, or if it's available at the command prompt. I would add an option for it, it's a command line switch.
  18. Thanks for the remind. I've updated the version number. I think that list remembers things you have installed in the past, so likely at some point, you did play those mods. I should probably come up with a way to clear them out.
  19. Sorry for the trouble There was a bug in the program. I fixed it. Would you mind re-starting the 7D2D Mod Launcher, and getting the update? You'll need to enter your Steam username and password to download it. The bug was that those fields were read-only, preventing you from entering that
  20. Hey WhiteLion. The 7D2D Mod Launcher was never intended to support server-side downloads, or downloads for other platforms. Maybe in the future, we'll be able to figure out which mods are compatible with which Platform / arch type.
  21. Sorry for the trouble. I did try, and it looks like there was a hiccup or two with github. I couldn't grab a download from it. I've changed the download mode, so we'll see if the issue persists. I was able to sync up with other mods. Let me know if the problem persists.
  22. Correct. The True Survival download only contains files that don't push from the server. You'll need to connect to Spider's server for the mod to be fully enabled for you. Spider is in testing mode, and requires players to only play on his server during this phase of development.
  23. Was this in single player? True Survival isn't set up for single playing yet. You will need to connect to Spider's server to test the mod.
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