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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Sorry for the trouble. Direct links are available in the first post. It's recommended to only use SImple Mode if you are low on Disk Space. Advanced mode is the way to go. You should be able to scrap wood now for sticks. You can add the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe to Steam as a non-Steam game to get your overlay.
  2. I had some time to try it this morning; You are right, that version for big back pack was for 16.3. I'll ask Sirilion if he plans on updating it to A16.4.
  3. I fixed. Can you restart the mod launcher, and try it again?
  4. Click on Open URL, and copy this in: https://pastebin.com/raw/npJy87FX You can view it through the web browser too, and see how that works for you. The new mod will display under "MyMods".
  5. I was struggling a bit with syncing issues. Are you still having issues today?
  6. sure, I can help you out. Which files are you trying to add? The bigger back pack is a DLL change, but also a few XML files need to be changed. Which SMX are you using? One specifically for bigger backpack?
  7. Some times we get focused on what we *know* we need to do, and we miss some of possible other options available I'm glad it's working for you!
  8. You could always do an initial install and play in the Mod Launcher. Then, after you started the game the first time, you can go edit the XML, and not use the mod launcher again until next update.
  9. It can't find some the Mods/SDX/Resources/ files. Are they there?
  10. Near the top of the page, by the View Thread Unread, you have "Thread Tools" You can select "Unsubcribe to this thread" to stop the emails.
  11. Sorry for the trouble. Seems like Windows may have messed up its own folder structure. The Launcher is a OneClick application and sometimes the OneClick cache in windows messes up. Take a look and see if this helps: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-windows_programs/application-cannot-be-started-contact-the/f79fbb4d-4981-413d-b911-0134f86883b0?auth=1
  12. Create a new text file MyMod.xml, for example, and copy and paste this: Should show up under MyMods <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Servers> <ServerGroup Name="MyMods" Logo="" Description=""> <Server Name="Ravenhearst 21 Days" Logo=""> <Description> </Description> <Excludes> <Exclude>7DaysToDieServer_Data</Exclude> </Excludes> <DownloadMode>Clone</DownloadMode> <Version>Latest</Version> <ReleaseNotes/> <Downloads> <Download>https://github.com/JaxTeller718/MainVersion/archive/master.zip</Download> <Download>https://github.com/SphereII/7D2DPatches/raw/master/Alpha16.4/ZombieTextures/ZombieTextureOverhaul.zip</Download> <Download>https://github.com/JaxTeller718/21DayVersion/raw/master/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll</Download> <Download>https://github.com/JaxTeller718/21DayVersion/raw/master/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Mods.dll</Download> <Download>https://github.com/JaxTeller718/21DayVersion/raw/master/7DaysToDie_Data/Managed/Mods.pdb</Download> <Download>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JaxTeller718/21DayVersion/master/Data/Config/gamestages.xml</Download> <Download>https://github.com/JaxTeller718/HeadshotRemoved/archive/master.zip</Download> </Downloads> </Server> </ServerGroup> </Servers> Then, in the Mod Launcher, choose Open File... and select it.
  13. There's a My Mods functionality, but a user found a bug with it today that doesn't allow it to filter. Which add on were you looking for?
  14. If you are manually making changes, then I'd suggest not using the Mod Launcher to run. You can copy your files, then just start the game by running the 7daystodie.exe in the folder the mod launcher created for you.
  15. Sounds like the Mods folder is missing. Can you tr yto do the Delete Complete Mod, and re-install it? This won't affect your saves.
  16. That's more of a general warning. the launcher doesn't really know what is big or not, until you actually try to download it, even then its a bit dicey. I'll look into a way of making it go away if it detects that there's at least some files in there. The Play button will do a sync too. However, what I found was that people were pressing play, and they felt it was locking up, so they killed it. After that, it was challenging to get restarted.
  17. True. However verifying through steam will not remove files that don't belong, which can cause problems. The newest version of the launcher removes the mods folder now on copy.
  18. Sorry for the delay, I didn't see this. It's really tough to say. We'd need to see logs for each of your crash scenarios. If you could post them, that'd be great. you'll find the logs files under 7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt And while it may be too late for this advice, I'll offer it anyway: never mod the steam folder. Make a copy of the game (the Mod Launcher does this under advanced mode), and make your changes there.
  19. You could make your changes under TempMods, but every time you Refresh Mods Automatically, it'll over-write your progression. You could also host your progression files on a site somewhere, like pastebin.com, and make a "My Mod" for it. This will allow you to keep up to date, while continueing to use your progression file. In order to make a My mod, you'll need to know which download links are in the original mod, and copy them into your new My Mod. Your progression.xml link should go last.
  20. If you want to make your changes and keep them, I suggest one of two things: 1) only use the Mod Launcher to refresh and create a new copy of the game and mod, by playing at least once. Then, don't use the launcher anymore. Just go into the folder it creates, and run 7daystodie.exe directly 2) Make your changes under TempMods, and unchec Refresh mods automatically. - - - Updated - - - Take a look at this, and see if it may help you:
  21. Hi Darkon. Sorry for the trouble. Yes, the mod launcher is meant to run two different mods. So let's figure out what the issue is. Are you using Advanced Mode? If you are using Simple mode, I'd suggest deleting your steam copy of 7 days to die (through Windows Explorer - not steam validate). Then switch to Advanced mode in the Mod Launcher. Set your Destination folder (available on the Starting Splash Screen) to something like C:\7D2D\, and try again. - - - Updated - - - Thank you very much. I don't get out into the other areas of the forum much.
  22. If you click on Check here to use a mirror, it'll use GitLab.com instead of Github.com. It may be better for you. The mod itself is a 1.2G download; not a lot of places offer fast hosting for it. The initial download from Github or Gitlab will take some time, depending on your connection, but should only happen once. From then, it should be quick downloads to keep it updated.
  23. I'm not sure if it's written down anywhere, to be honest. You are the third person to mention it to me in a year and a half, so I'm not sure if its a common concern
  24. Oh, I understand. I had the original Craftworx template, and Latheos made a copy. I'll leave a message for him to update his link. Once his link is updated, it'll appear updated in the mod launcher. When it's updated, you'll see COMPOPACK_25 updated in the path. The following downloads will occur to install the mods for this server: - https://github.com/LatheosMod/Craftworx/archive/master.zip - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mdbvecz5tdkptbq/COMPOPACK_25%28for_alpha16experimental%29.zip?dl=0
  25. Sorry for the confusion. The design excluded the option of support spaces in file names. Some api calls may have trouble with them, and I chose not to contend with them, and they are automatically replaced with _. While nearly all APIs support spaces, I couldn't guarantee that all the API calls I do now, or will in the future, support them.
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