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Posts posted by Sirillion

  1. 5 minutes ago, MuriloDestefani said:

    Thanks for your excellent work, the design of this mod is perfect and I always use it. :)
    I would like to ask if this pack has a tool belt with 10 slots too?

    On the nexus site there is an optional download for a 10 slot tool belt conversion but it is only to create compatibility and does not contain a DMT patch to create a 10 slot tool belt, you will need to find that elsewhere.

  2. // 2020.08.08 //


    SMX has been updated to support A190B177.



    // CHANGELOG //

    • Added a new pivot point to the menus and they should now populate from the bottom and not fall off screen when in creative/debug mode. (Might overlap the logo)
    • Reworked the inventory control buttons. Retained the old functionality for now with the three buttons and the locked slot bar.
    • Recolored the empty locked slot bar to better visualize it.
    • Reworked the container control buttons. Retained the old functionality with three buttons.
    • Added a modded version of the vehicle container window. (Known bug: It is close to the infopanel, this is due to a limitation in the engine, it has been reported.)


    // MAJOR CHANGE //


    I've decided to change how I distribute the modlets. Instead of creating so many different downloads I have now gathered the modlets into one download where you instead delete the parts you do not want to use. Be advised! They are all ENABLED by default.


    The new distribution contains 10 modlets and its contents are as follows:














    SMXlib - This is the core modlet and MUST stay with the pack.


    To use SMXhud you will need to keep SMXhud and ZMXhudCP. ZMXhudCPTHB can be deleted if you do NOT want to use the target health bar.

    To use SMXmenu you will need to keep SMXmenu.

    To use SMXui you will need to keep SMXui and ZMXuiCP.


    There are now three different BBM modlets.

    ZMXuiCPBBM (63 slots)

    ZMXuiCPBBMxl (99 slots)

    ZMXuiCPBBMxxl (110 slots)


    These are dependent on each other and you will need to keep the one below when selecting a slot number. So for the 110 slot version you need to keep all three. For the 99 slot one you need to keep the first two. And for the 63 slot one you just need the first one. If you do not want to play with bigger bags just delete all three.


    Hopefully this will make it easier for both me and you.




    • Download the modpack from Nexusmods.
    • Decompress the archive with WinRAR.
    • Move the Mods folder into your 7DTD installation folder.
    • Check the hierarchy. (\Mods\SMXlib\ModInfo.xml)  If it looks anything else than this you have installed it wrong.




  3. 5 hours ago, FastBurst said:

    @Sirillion - Any headway on the Video's option not working. I thought maybe it was another modlet messing with it, but had it happen on a standalone new install as well with just SMX installed nothing else.

    There also seems to be an issue with looting, if you open a container and press R keep in mind this is with A19 B177


    2020-08-07T06:41:09 289.395 INF [DECO] written 0
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at XUiC_LootWindow.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00136] in <8fbb29136efb4922ae1ac85641b21e86>:0 
      at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <8fbb29136efb4922ae1ac85641b21e86>:0 
      at XUiC_LootWindowGroup.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00000] in <8fbb29136efb4922ae1ac85641b21e86>:0 
      at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x0014d] in <8fbb29136efb4922ae1ac85641b21e86>:0 
      at XUiUpdater.Update () [0x0003f] in <8fbb29136efb4922ae1ac85641b21e86>:0 
      at XUiUpdateHelper.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <8fbb29136efb4922ae1ac85641b21e86>:0 
    (Filename: <8fbb29136efb4922ae1ac85641b21e86> Line: 0)


    All has been resolved. I still need to do more testing to see that all works well but I should be able to pop a version late this evening, so 6-7hrs from now.

  4. 3 hours ago, roguenation702 said:

    Hello there, I was wondering if its possible you could add map elevation to the Hud as well. Also what line do i need to edit to calibrate the compass N,E,S,W (its slightly off) Great mod by the way!!!

    Edit: Changing this line from .30 to .25 fixed it. (rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset=".8,0") 

    There is no plans to add elevation at this time.

  5. 52 minutes ago, DaSilver said:

    For some odd reason, cant get the HUD display properly. Day and time is missing, The compass is in the middle of the screen (on crosshair). Tried editing position, but failed miserably =(. Help. I downloaded the Core lib, and HUD modlet. B173 version. 

    Make sure you have all the modlets installed correctly. By the sound of it you are missing the ZMXhudCP modlet which is the modlet that decides the positions.


    For SMXhud you will need to have SMXhud, SMXlib and ZMXhudCP installed.

  6. 10 hours ago, fclen said:

    If you enable the 110 slot bp and die with a full inventory you lose everything beyond 99 slots. And if you leave it at 99 slots and and die with a full inventory you lose all beyond 90 slots. This is with the game set to drop backpack only.

    If set to drop everything, you lose all above 90, your toolbelt and your clothes.




    An oversight on my part, thanks.

    Fixed in the upcoming Release3, please play with drop nothing until that release comes out.

  7. 1 hour ago, danielspoa said:

    Sirillion, I've been using ur mods for quite a few alphas and would like to know if u plan on releasing different hud versions like the old times (I mean the hp/food/etc part).

    I actually like this one, just wanted it bigger, or another of the old versions as they were bigger too :)

    thank you!

    Hi, I cannot say that I do. At the moment the modlets are not complete and as such I am trying to not stray from the development path too much until they are. But maybe after that, when all the windows in all the modlets have been modded I can start considering that.

  8. // READ THIS FIRST! //

    2020.07.18 - The experimental SMX version have been updated to support A19.0B169.

    Please be advised that SMXlib is now a new, mandatory, modlet that all must install to be able to use SMX, this modlet is a library that contains all the assets that the modlets use and share. If this modlet is not installed, then you will experience errors and SMX will not work.

    SMXhudTB10 does NOT make the tool belt have 10 slots, it just converts SMXhud to SUPPORT a 10 slot tool belt DMT mod. You will have to find and install a 10 slot tool belt DMT mod for it to work. Please do not make support claims for slot 9 and 10 not working if you do not have a 10 slot DMT mod installed. If you do not know how to find and install a 10 slot DMT mod then SMXhudTB10 is not for you!

    // New as of 19.0.Release2 //

    Some stuff have been moved around to further increase compatibility with other mods / modlets. Please be aware of the following changes:

    SMXhudTHB has been moved to the compatibility branch and is now named ZMXhudCPTHB, delete SMXhudTHB when updating!
    SMXuiBBM has been moved to the compatibility branch and is now named ZMXuiCPBBM, delete SMXuiBBM when updating!
    SMXuiBBMxl has been moved to the compatibility branch and is now named ZMXuiCPBBMxl, delete SMXuiBBMxl when updating!

    Failure to follow the above instructions can lead to unexpected results!

    The different modlets are now as follows:

    1 - SMXlib (CORE) - A library of assets and styles that the modlets share between them. MANDATORY!
    2 - SMXhud - Consists of SMXhud, ZMXhudCP & ZMXhudCPTHB. This is the hud as you know it but with the target health bar built in and a compatibility patch that hopefully will increase the level of compatibility between SMXhud and other modlets. (Don't want target health bars? Just deleted ZMXhudCPTHB)
    3 - SMXmenu - This is the menu as you know it.
    4 - SMXui - Consists of SMXui and ZMXuiCP. This is the UI as you know it with a compatibility patch that hopefully will increase the level of compatibility between SMXui and other modlets.

    1 - SMXhudTB10 - An extension that converts SMXhud to work with 10 slot toolbelt DMT modlets. Does not contain a 10 slot toolbelt DMT modlet!
    2 - ZMXuiCPBBM - Converts SMXui to use a 63 slot bigger bag modlet.
    3 - ZMXuiCPBBMxl - Converts SMXui to use a 99 slot bigger bag modlet. Requires ZMXuiCPBBM to work. (110 slots can be obtained with editing the code)

    Please try and read the instructions BEFORE asking for help. SMXlib is mandatory, install it with your modlets of choice.



  9. 23 minutes ago, Riles said:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! And nice to meet you! You are a legend in the 7d2d modding. 🙂


    Oh I don't know about legend. I am just a guy that kept at it ... for a while ... years in fact ... crazy would be a more fitting description 😛

  10. 23 minutes ago, Riles said:

    Clients do not need to download them for the server. Quick question, as I am new to this forum. How do I respond directly to someone's post???


    Press the quote button. And welcome to the forums, always nice to see a fellow UI modder, we are a rare breed :)

  11. 10 minutes ago, Reckis said:

    Has anyone else had a problem with the food bar not changing with the value? Mine stays solid green no matter how the number changes. I am on the latest version of the mod.

    You are sure you are on the latest version? That was an issue a few versions ago, shouldn't be an issue now.


  12. 16 minutes ago, TheReaperME3 said:

    its allready  on 100% so and higher is not possible. any other way? 


    and an second question if you loot for example an car. then  the "serach bar" which says,,, "press something to loot" is pretty wide,,, can i reduce the bar a bit formyself?

    Then you will need to edit the scale in the vanilla xui.xml file.


    You can, have a look in windows.xml for the interactionprompt window.

  13. 2020.07.12 - A test version of SMX has now been uploaded to Nexusmods.

    Please be advised that SMXlib is now a new, mandatory, modlet that all must install to be able to use SMX, this modlet is a library that contains all the assets that the modlets use and share. If this modlet is not installed, then you will experience errors and SMX will not work.

    The different modlets are now as follows:

    1 - SMXlib (CORE) - A library of assets and styles that the modlets share between them. MANDATORY!
    2 - SMXhud - Consists of SMXhud, SMXhudTHB and ZMXhudCP. This is the hud as you know it but with the target health bar built in and a compatibility patch that hopefully will increase the level of compatibility between SMXhud and other modlets. (Don't want target health bars? Just deleted SMXhudTHB)
    3 - SMXmenu - This is the menu as you know it.
    4 - SMXui - Consists of SMXui and ZMXuiCP. This is the UI as you know it with a compatibility patch that hopefully will increase the level of compatibility between SMXui and other modlets.

    1 - SMXhudTB10 - An extension that converts SMXhud to work with 10 slot toolbelt DMT modlets. Does not contain a 10 slot toolbelt DMT modlet!
    2 - SMXuiBBM - Converts SMXui to use a 63 slot bigger bag modlet.
    3 - SMXuiBBMxl - Converts SMXui to use a 99 slot bigger bag modlet. (110 slots can be obtained with editing the code)

    Please try and read the instructions BEFORE asking for help. SMXlib is mandatory, install it with your modlets of choice.


    Do NOT use the links in the OP. All download must be done from here for the time being...


  14. 3 hours ago, TheReaperME3 said:

    So  i saw the Hud overhaul is not really big "scale friendly"? which  means? i wanna increase it a bit.   maybe 20%?   not sure. but how can i do it?  or  is it more complicated?

    It because of the lines, it can be scaled but if scaled too much it can end up looking weird.


    Scale can be set in game in A19. Look for it in the video options.

  15. 40 minutes ago, hiddenyak said:

    Are you wanting to change the orange lines to teal?

    <style_entry name="mainLineColor"						value="255,128,0,255" />

    This is the line in styles.xml that dictates the color for the lines around the screen. Just change the value to a color you prefer.

    This is correct, I use an RGB calculator like www.rapidtables.com to find the color values I want then put those in.


    The first three values indicate the colors while the forth indicate the opacity.


    So if you want to change the colors you need to set the RGB value with x,x,x then if it is too sharp you can tone it down by reducing the last value.

  16. 1 hour ago, Oani said:

    Ok, it is a very minor issue and it does not affect the gameplay at all, thank you very much for your work very nice mod.

    I fixed the issue actually, updated the mod again just after the other issue :)

  17. 1 hour ago, pgriffith said:

    C'mon man, you're killin' me here. Standard UI is awful.  😜

    Hehe, I did state that no one should expect anything during experimental. 😜


    You should try my other HUD while waiting, Z2.


    SMX will still be at least another week due to family and holiday time. At this point I just hope I will be able to get it out before going back to work, if not we are looking at August.


    I just hope people understand that I don’t have time to work on the modlets constantly. But I do spend every moment that I am able to on it.

  18. DqeOHfk.jpg


    Uploaded Z2 A19.0.Release3 to github.


    Release Notes - Z2:

    • Fixed an issue with the blinking food bar.
    • Fixed a minor issue with the target health bar.


    The modlets can now also be downloaded from Nexusmods for those that prefer that.

  19. 17 minutes ago, ArNaLdInHo said:



    what code should i use to put only zombie names and no health on zombies?



    Edit windows.xml, navigate to line 543 or search for windowTargetBar. In that window the lines 564 and 565 are the name and health values respectively. Delete or comment the entire line of choice to remove that entry from the target health bar.

  20. 11 minutes ago, Oani said:

    Nice, what a fast answer and you did the fix! I am downloading the update and will try to adjust the interactionPrompt window.

    Thank you very much.

    I have just tested the food bar, now the size is accurate with the numbers, but the bar is flashing ^^ :(


    Indeed it does, I didn't notice that. Strange thing. The code is just a rework of the vanilla so I will peg that on a vanilla issue for now but I will continue to look into it and see. It appears to only happen when standing still though.

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