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Posts posted by Sirillion

  1. 2 minutes ago, hiddenyak said:

    I see. Thank you. Do you have to restart the game each time you make changes in xml to see the changes?

    No, you can reload the interface with the console command "xui reload"

  2. 2 minutes ago, hiddenyak said:

    Hey, I made a forum account just to post on this thread. I really like the style of this hud you created SirillionI just installed it onto my server and I think it looks nice. Would it be possible to remove the long orange lines on the right and left side of the screen? I find them a bit distracting. Is this something I can just do myself?

    Please have a look a few posts up, 5 or 6, where I answered this question to another user.

  3. DqeOHfk.jpg


    Uploaded Z2 A19.0.Release2 to github.


    Release Notes - Z2:

    • Fixed a bug with the food bar where it was set as a stamina bar and not food. (Thanks to Oani for pointing that out.)
    • Separated the color styles for the line diamonds.


  4. 1 hour ago, Oani said:

    Hey, first I wanna thank you for this very good mod you gave to us. 


    I have 2 problems :) Very minor you will see.


    - 1 Can the black bar, appearing when you over an object with your mouse, be less large ie matching the size of the name of the object?

    - 2 It seems that the Food bar does not function as intended the numbers are ok, but the color does not move :) unlike the water one which is ok, color and numbers moving accordingly.


    Sorry for my English, it's not my language.



    Hey, I am glad to hear you like it, sorry to hear about the issues.


    1 - Not really, because that bar is not a reactive item so it cannot change in size depending on the label inside. It is now set to 100% of the window size that the pimps set for that window to account for other languages having longer labels. That said, you can "fix" it yourself though by removing the graphics entirely. You can do this by editing the windows.xml file, find the interactionPrompt window and delete all the sprite entries but leave the label entry intact. That will remove all the custom sprites for that window.


    2 - You found a bug! I've made a mess it seems and set that bar to be a Stamina bar rather than a Food bar. Rectified, and will push a new version soon. Thank you.

  5. 6 minutes ago, 2112 said:

    Hi and thank you for this mod.  Is there any way to turn off the border that goes around the entire screen?  Thank you. 

    There is but that is kinda the entire artistic point of the modlet and it will not look very good without it. You can achieve that by editing the styles.xml file, finding the style entry named mainLineColor then changing the last digits for the color value from 255 to 0 making it look like this 255,128,0,0 from 255,128,0,255. That will render the line invisible but it will still be present.

  6. 56 minutes ago, TriMax said:

    got it to work. was my mistake.... i have a question more. do you plan a nice menue version. because the vanilla version is not matching and also ugly. that will be great. 



    There is a plan but currently not in development.

  7. 1 hour ago, TriMax said:

    hello, i love your mod... but unlikly it is not working anymore, after the update a19 b157. can y fix this ?


    best regards

    hello, i love your mod... but unlikly it is not working anymore, after the update a19 b157. can y fix this ?


    best regards

    Iirc there were no change to the modded sections in the vanilla files between the versions so the modlet should still work.


    Do you have more information about the issue?

  8. 24 minutes ago, shar00m said:

    First of all congratulations on this AWESOME mod! This is "sick" ;)
    Regarding TB10, is it possible to select the last two slots (9th and 10th) via mouse scroll and/or keys "9" and "0"? Cuz I've not been able to and it like to know if there's something I'm doing wrong or if it's still not implemented.
    Once again, congratz on the fantastic work and, PLEASE, keep it up ;)


    Please keep in mind that it is not a 10 slot mod, it is simply a 10 slot design in case you want to add a 10 slot mod or play with it in a mod pack or overhaul that has a 10 slot bag.

    So it should only be used if you have a 10 slot mod installed. I think Khaine made one and you can find it here on the forums.

  9. 1 hour ago, Rowlf said:

    hey love your hud,

    but i tried to use the compass W letters but when i make that change that it uses that line instead of the first image

    i get an error.

    forgot to log which error but was something about not closing right at line 38

    Hi, sounds like you only removed the start bracket of the comment and not the end one.

  10. 9 hours ago, DoctorNightmares said:

    I made an account just to say, this is great!

    I'm a deaf player. Completely deaf, can't hear a thing even if you fire a shotgun off up against my ear in an enclosed room.

    In Alpha 18, I made this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/851

    This mod you made... It's way better! Thank you! It's going to make it much less frustrating to defend my base during blood nights!

    I’m glad you like it, this is exactly the kind of use case that I pictured when putting it together as I’ve noticed requests from people with hearing loss over the years.


    Since you’ve made mods yourself I advice you to have a look in the xmls and adjust it to fit your needs, from there you can adjust the range settings.

  11. ZQLaNavObjectsZombie


    ZQLaNavObjectsZombie is a Proof of Concept modlet that adds zombies the new on-screen sprite system introduced in A19.


    This is just to show it can be done and how to do it, maybe someone can build upon this and make it into something more useful. As for a use case for this modlet, I guess it can be useful for people with hearing impairments that cannot hear the zombies, they will now get a visual indication that a zombie is between 10-50m away from them. Other than that I do not recommend anyone using it unless they want to ruin the zombie horror part of the game.


    • Zombies will show up on the compass, map and on the on-screen sprite system.
    • Fully customizable in regards to functional ranges and other functions.
    • Supports off-screen display. Trails along the edge of the screen to show a zombie that is not on screen.
    • Comes with a custom Zombie icon that is more fitting to this than the vanilla.
    • XML only, no DMT magic required.








  12. DqeOHfk.jpg


    Uploaded Z2 A19.0.Release1 to github.


    Release Notes - Z2:

    • Interaction Prompt now has colored states. (Locked, unlocked, empty etc.)
    • Added hyperlink functionality to buff frames. (New A19 feature.)
    • Added several options for the compass bar style. With or without directional labels with both online and offline locations. Defaults to online without labels. This can be changed in windows.xml.

    • Removed scale settings in xui.xml. The game now has built in scaling in the video settings. UI Size.


    Release Notes - Z2TB10

    • Some minor adjustments to positioning.


    Release Notes - Z2THB

    • No longer needs a DMT patch to work. Enable/disable by installing/removing.


    Please do some testing on it and tell me in a post here how it works. I am particularly interested in the party frames as I have not tested those properly.

  13. It's alive!



    Screenshot from the DMT version of the upcoming SMXhudHarmony modlet. Expect it and its little brother SMXhud to drop sometime tomorrow.

    SMXhud - Will be as you know it.
    SMXhudHarmony - Will require you to use the DMT tool to patch the engine and injects new features to the engine. Like the ability to separate the ammo counter(lower right corner), true food and water label values on the food and water bars (lower left corner), colorable names in chat (not shown) and movable tooltipline (not shown- the line that shows above the toolbelt at times) to mention some of the features for SMXhudHarmony.


    SMXuiHarmony will have even more features to further enhance the UI when we get to that point.

  14. 7 hours ago, MathewMantas said:

    Thanks for the reply, now it works fine. I just wanted to report that i and my friend we found a slight bug with the mod.
    So when you have 10 toolbelt mod active and you're eating for example can of peas the peas get trasfered to the 9'th slot and if you drag it into your inventory while still eating it duplicates the item. This also works for crafting, so if you would have Forged steel in your 9'th slot and craft ladders it would not use materials from that slot and when you would cancel it you would receive the same amount of steel you did not use to your inventory but not that slot. I just wanted to let you know about this and maybe try to patch it.



    Also forgot to mention, when you have those slots taken up and try to use food or medicine it says your either not hungry or not hurt even though you definitely are.

    I think you've misunderstood the 10 slot toolbelt. It is simply a design support, you will still need to install a 10 slot toolbelt mod that actually creates a 10 slot toolbelt, if not it will not work. As stated in the OP: "Please do note that Z2 itself does not currently come with a 10 slot tool belt DMT patch."


    You will need to install a 10 slot toolbelt DMT patch for it to work properly, I do not provide that.

  15. 5 hours ago, Ryu.ita said:

    hy guys, and compliment for the mod.


    I'd like to try it, but it seems that 18.4 (b4) is not yet supported; isn't it ?

    It is fully supported, iirc there were no UI change between 18.3 and 18.4 so I saw no real benefit to update the mod other than to change the version number.

  16. 25 minutes ago, MathewMantas said:

    Hi, i'm currently trying to get this mod working on my private server and i seem to not be able to. I have not used mods before in 7DTD so it's new for me, but i managed to get it working in singleplayer and it looks brilliant. Would it be possible, for this to work in multiplayer? Thanks

    Just install it on the server and it should be good to go.

  17. 1 hour ago, laughingsteam said:

    I know, but you've made tons of mods along with the mod launcher, etc. that really helps this community. Thank you for everything you've done! I found the link thanks! :) 

    That would be sphereii, that made the mod launcher. Thanks for the donation, much appreciated :)

  18. 24 minutes ago, laughingsteam said:

    THAT WORKED!!! Thank you so much!!


    Can you DM me a link to donate? I love this mod so much and everything you create ❤️

    I think there is a link in my other modlets thread but do not feel like you have to donate to me, but if you do it comes appreciated :)




  19. 7 hours ago, laughingsteam said:

    I'm getting the same error as huannan5300 was getting, where it returns the error under console indefinitely for me. It was happening at random for me, sometimes almost within a minute of booting into the game or just leaving it alone.


    Now, I am running a lot of mods, so compatibility is probably the issue there. I was running War3zuk's AIO Overhaul and also under Darkness Falls.


    Very nice design, thank you for creating this mod!

    Z2 is coded to avoid most conflicts as there is only so much that can be done to the HUD that could potentially break the game. The missing compass line asset is one such thing.


    The way Z2 works is that it just takes over the HUD by forcing the xui.xml file to be setup in a certain way with the affected windows. My guess is you are experiencing the same error that he did and that the game cannot find the compass asset. Try following this link and see if you can see the image...




    You can also opt to download the image file, put it into a folder under the mod folder for instance Textures and then change line 24 in windows.xml to fit.


    So that would make the hierarchy \Mods\Z2\Textures\filename.png and the texture value on line 24 would have to be @modfolder:Textures\filename.png


    Hope that helps...

  20. DqeOHfk.jpg


    Uploaded Release 2 to github.


    Release Notes - Z2:

    • Re-Coded parts of the modlet to better comply with scale changes.
    • Added Day / Time display to UI panels.
    • Fixed bug in the tool belt controller which caused the background texture for the paintbrush not to show. (Selected material texture)

    • Changed the design for the throw power bar. (Bow Draw)

    • Added more color diversity in styles.xml.

    • Changed color of labels and icons to white, but kept a separate style entry to keep customization options open.

    • Cleaned up the files some.


    Release Notes - Z2TB10

    • Some minor adjustments due to the Z2 re-code.


    Release Notes - Z2THB

    • Added the dayTimeHUD window to xui.xml.


    Please do some testing on it and tell me in a post here how it works. I am particularly interested in the party frames as I have not tested those properly.

  21. 4 hours ago, giKoN said:

    Love it! Regarding the compass I'm working on something similar for a while for our HUD. I noticed your numbers jump 255 to 260 instead of 270. Just a minor detail to correct :)

    Good catch, thanks for informing me. Lets blame the type-o's 😛

    Fixed now, I uploaded a new version of the compass line to imgur, but due to me not finding out if I can retain the same link name for it I updated the repo with a new texture link. So once you download and update the modlet that should be fixed :)

  22. 3 hours ago, Galaktus said:



    Love the HUD. I downloaded and using all three but I have an issue. I tried to resolve any potential conflicts with any other molders that I had and started new games in an attempt to resolve on my own. Everything except the health bar works. In your example photos in your photo the display portion is there but it stays empt when targeting a zombie. I even tried multiple zombies and animals. I am on an iMac with version 18.4(b4). Any thoughts of what I could try for resolution?


    With the target health bar it is the same as always, it comes with a Harmony folder and a script to unlock the health bar in the engine but it will not activate unless run through the DMT Viewer tool and injected into the game engine.


    You can find DMT in the tools section of this forum.

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