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Posts posted by Rabbitslovecactus

  1. 22 hours ago, Roland said:


    I don't think it will be a thunder-stealing stream even if the streamer weekend happens this coming weekend. There are two major audiences really: Those who watch and follow the person they enjoy watching and those who watch to get information on the game. The first group will watch their guy or gal no matter what and enjoy it immensely-- probably more than watching TFP staff play. The second group greatly prefers just getting the information and will be interested in the Q&A aspect and that it is TFP staff answering the questions. Many in the second group are often annoyed by the personalities and antics of professional streamers and just want the info and are likely to just skip the streamer weekend but will want to watch QA staff playing and showing stuff off.


    At any rate, experimental is at the door and about to come into the house and when it comes, any and all annoyance is forgotten in the excitement of getting it and playing it.

    I'm watching all the Dev streams and also my favorite streamers (G4K and GNS). But let me tell you, as soon as the game comes out, it will be tunnel vision lol. 

  2. 48 minutes ago, steve_collins said:

    So if i start a game in 20.7 right now, i wont be able to play it when A21 comes out correct?? 


    You can, but you'll have issues. I personally uninstall the game and reinstall it from scratch and also start a new save. If you have lots of work put into a save, I'd back it up. You can always reinstall the older version to play it again. 

  3. 54 minutes ago, amazing25grace said:

    Hey fun pimps!


    Got a new idea for a quest after watch GNS and Jawoodle how about making a POI that has a sound system that calls in a mini hoard to a known position of the poi. And your given supplies to fortify it and a few in game hours to complete your preparations and fight the mini hoard for a decent reward. 


    What you guys think? 

    I wish they would change the stealth mode so that sound is a threat at all times. Even scent should be a threat the way that it used to be. Now stealth mode feels broken. I can break the door of a closet down with a zombie inside and it stays asleep.  

  4. 21 hours ago, Blur99 said:

    I'm so glad to see more hedges coming soon.  I would love to see stackable/growing vines.  I'm thinking Pripyat post Chernobyl nuclear accident.  Let nature reclaim the abandoned buildings and allow us to camouflage our bases.spacer.png


    Yes I love this idea. I'm still trying to figure out how far after the pandemic this game is set in. The cars all look old and rusted. Same goes with many houses. Paint peeling etc.. It's only appropriate that we have overgrown vegetation and trees growing in strange places if that's the case. 

  5. I have a curious question. Lets say the whole alpha thing didn't exist and The Fun Pimps worked on the game from 0-100% and then dropped the gold game. How much easier would it have made to work on the game, and also, how much time do you think it would have saved you? In hind sight, would you change that now, or do you still think using a playable alpha is helpful. 


    That being said, there must also be some advantages to having a playable alpha out since you can get feedback from us, even though some of us can be whiny at times lolol.


    Thanks guys.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Code6 said:


    If you love the game and wish to provide further monetary compensation to TFP, then simply purchase additional copies of the game.  Then you can give them away to friends or even strangers.

    The best way to support them. This way you support and spread the word. 7 days to Preach. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Gamida said:

    I am from the generation where you got a game when it was finished. I think I may be one of them there boomers.

    Hidden away I have fancy boxes which contain floppy disks (3.5 and 5.25) and manuals about how to install and play the game.

    I recall the pain of having to insert disks to continue in game.

    I eventually stopped playing games (well I did embarrassingly play those hidden object games for a while but am not counting those)

    My first real game since maybe the late 80's, early 90's was this one. Never even heard of steam before it.

    Now I have a love/hate relationship with it.

    I love the game and yes I also hate the wait (BUT, I understand it)

    Anyway that is all for now. My nurse is here for my spongebath and to medicate me and I think today is enema day, so there is that.

    Take care all and have fun.

    I'm from the same generation. You need to remember one thing. Back then when the games were finished, some of them weren't really finished. Lots of bugs went unrepaired because games couldn't get updates the way they can nowadays unless you bought a new version at the store. With that being said, I think (most) games from that generation had more thorough testing done because of that limitation. My biggest issue with many developers today (The fun pimps excluded) milk customers with dlc. This was never a thing in the 70s 80s and 90s. Dlc should be only for one thing, to keep a game alive without creating a whole new game. Nowadays company's release paid dlc on the same day as the game. The whole standard, gold, platinum is another example of milking. Just give us the game for crying out loud, the whole game.... Thank you Fun Pimps for being such great Devs. You rock! 

  8. 18 hours ago, Laz Man said:



    I wish someone at the Pimps would sneak in an easter egg where an actual cocaine bear spawns and goes into the pop n pills and starts eating all the meds. That would kick ass in a super funny way. We'd just be a bystander watching the whole thing, he wouldn't attack us because of his cravings. But as soon as all the pills are gone, be somewhere else!!  😂

  9. 8 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I don't think so. Just go into a random POI without taking a quest for it und you will find a loot room just like if you had taken a quest.



    Yeah I know. I was discussing how the opposite would be much better. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, kexes said:


    Many POIs still not involved in quests, that means if you not using traders then most of the POIs simply become worthless to visit and loot.

    Just the loot rooms, not random loot.  the least the could do is randomize the chance and location  if the don't remove them. 

  11. 11 hours ago, gunner1912 said:

    @faatal do you think this new crafting change will not just change the standard method of progressing from grind xp for crafting to grind quest bc why not when i can get t6 loot in a week doing quests vs lootings for 3 weeks for a t4 lower tech lv item? or is the quest system going to be reworked to balance this new system as well?

    One fix would be to get rid of all the loot rooms. The only time a loot room shows up is if there is an active quest for the poi. Maybe even make it random so you may or may not get one, and the location is random too. That would spice up the game a lot. 

  12. 6 hours ago, custom_hero said:

    Congratulations on the successful release of your game. This is a testament to your tireless work and talent. We look forward to hearing about your next project. Thank you for being with us all these years and providing us with unforgettable gaming experiences. We have experienced each of the 20 alphas with you

    Yes, Borat is nice, King in na chairrr. I make plow with wife in farm like mule, and go indoor and play 7 days to fly. IS number ONE!!!

  13. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Will there be any change to the limited options for trader quests? Aka getting the same locations over and over again even when there is a ton more options for the same tier?

    I fully agree with this. When we complete a mission at a POI, it should be crossed off the list. It gets boring when we are presented with the same missions over and over. 

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