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  1. Zombie cuddler: it will hug you and tell you how special you are and if you do not cuddle it back it will break your neck and then cry over your dead body. zombie tap dancer: you will hear its tap dancing feet from up to 100 meters away. The closer it gets the faster it’s feet tap. If it finds you it will tap dance up to you at lightning speed and tap dance you to death. zombie cannibal: eats the corpses of dead zombies to heal and grow stronger.
  2. Perhaps they could add neon light letters like the ones many businesses use on their store fronts.
  3. I was thinking the same thing, that it’s just due to some calculation overload thing. But it Seems to only happen with furniture and other props for me, while all the structural parts of the building completely collapse.
  4. @faatal is the bug where when you collapse a building a lot of the furniture remains floating in the air on the list of bugs to fix?
  5. Please update the trees. The current ones really bring down the visuals and they are always in view when you are outside unlike cotton plants. I like the new character models, much much better than before but I wish I could make my character have bright pink skin if I want to just for fun.
  6. They could make chainsaws lose durability significantly faster when attacking zombies but have them actually deal a decent amount of damage to zombies. or they could make it so they have a jamming mechanic where they get clogged with flesh and it takes several seconds to un-jam them. So they do a lot of damage but randomly get jammed for like 5 or so seconds making them a bit risky to use. Also, I agree that the gear crafting system is mostly useless since you will receive/find gear that is better than what you can make most of the time. They probably should lower the quality level of the rewards traders offer and they should add unique bonuses that can only be found on gear that you craft. For example you could craft a spear with a built in attack speed bonus. Or a higher chance to dismember a zombie, or knockdown, or knock back, etc.
  7. @Roland Hello sir! do you know if they will be updating the old tree models? I like the newer burnt forest pines and the snowy pine trees, but there’s some pretty old tree models in the green biome (whatever it’s called).
  8. Maybe they could add some kind of decay animation, or have them disappear in a bloody puff of mist. Something other than having just pop out of existence
  9. @Roland has the wandering sleepers idea been scrapped? I was excited to see how zombies wandering around poi’s would provide a more unpredictable challenge.
  10. What is a block limit? I never heard about this? Forgive my ignorance
  11. I like the overgrown look. I don’t know how long after the apocalypse 7dtd takes place but I’d imagine after 10 years it would look somewhat like what you have made. Would be cool to see this in the base game
  12. That’s actually the top feature of alpha 22. The fun pumps have been planning out its implementation since the very beginning but they didn’t have skill set or the manpower to put it into the game in a way that fulfilled their desires. Now the time has come, the Yuka Battle Thong will bring a much needed layer of complexity and artistic amplification to this game.
  13. @Laz Man are there any new tiles coming with this alpha?
  14. Are they going redo the old tree models at some point? I like the newer snowy trees but a lot of the regular forest trees look very dated
  15. graphically the biggest issue for me would be all the old mismatched looking tree models and other foliage. I really like the newer snow pine models though and I hope they can redo all the other trees in this style.
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