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LordSoth01 last won the day on November 8 2023

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    Learning to mod for games (7DTD, NMS, Fallout series, D&D games, Subnautica, Valheim, etc)

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  1. Google Translate I cannot tell what mods you have, but most of the times with nests and container errors is you have a mod somewhere that changes, removes or replaces something in it. If you have one that changes loot containers, bird anything (like more eggs, feathers, etc), and anything similar, have them load high... meaning... change the name to alpha - numeric system, where 0 - 9 load before A - Z and give it either a number after 1 as a prefix or the letter A, so it loads before most other mods. Usually this takes care of those issues because it makes it's changes first so that later mods can call upon them without messing up... emphasis on "usually".
  2. LordSoth01

    NPCMod and Addons

    Yeah that's part of the faction system. You can go to the NPC Core mod and find npc.xml and open it up and see all the various factions and relationships between various groups of entities. If that npc falls under the "trader" faction, then they will be "neutral" to it like so. They are in different entity groups too. I believe the base entity is whiteriver faction and you can create groups so that as long as its not the first entity in the group, itll take on the faction/relationship type of the first mob in list, so you can have bandit versions, IIRC.
  3. LordSoth01

    NPCMod and Addons

    Nice, you have a lot of the ones I normally use and doesn't look like a whole lot so it should be easy to take some out in small groups and load a quick new 2K by 2K map to test (more lakes/rivers). I'd start by taking out groups like izy weapons, then vehicles and work with what's left. For the most part, it looks good except I have OCB's Textures loaded way higher (as it's needed by a lot of stuff) and usually have it right up there with and after the "CORE" files. PyroPaints requires it and looks fine where you have it for what you have. Mine is a bit higher but I have mine grouped a bit differently and texture modifers are slightly higher for me, but you don't have that many mods. Also, I have MPLogue's prefabs listed a lot higher, after core and other required files because I have some mods that require it. As for Spherell's A Better Life (the aquatic life stuff), I have it loaded way lower in the order just above world environment & lighting mods. You can try placing it above your world lighting and see. Now I don't know what, if any, prefabs you may have loaded in your prefabs folder (like the prefabs folder in your Steam>7 Days to Die>Data>Prefabs folder), but double check you have any required files to go along with them. Same with the rest of the ones in your mods folder. I haven't actually tried that particular Ramos UI segment, but I wouldn't think it would be an issue unless its doing something in a .dll that you can't see without decompiling it. So after moving stuff around, try it, then if still not working, take some of the non-core (top loading mods) out and keep trying with new 2k maps each time just to be sure and with water assets (lakes/rivers) to high and keep testing the water until you see it. Give it a minute or two and then try another batch until it works. You can also do a bare-minimum test also where you only have ftp's harmony folder, score and spherell's better life mod (trying to think if any other reqs, think just score), and then do a map TO MAKE SURE its working, because nothing should be interfering with that if its minimum. If that doesn't work, make sure it's unpacked correct, go in game properties on steam and verifity integrity... TWICE, the second time fixes the steam assets library, so you should see it download after the second verify integrity (youll have to click on another tab on game properties and then back to where installed files are again to do another "verify integrity"). And this is just a "making sure" everything is correct step and no errors, glitches, or corrupted files are messing things up for you. Then go back and once again make sure everything is unpacked correctly in the mods folder (no nested folders that shouldn't be nested). See if that helps you.
  4. Yeah I am kind of in the same boat having to decide. I like features from both. Im wondering... for BlackRabbitMsk and Black Wolf... What if we clone the armor sets, apply your tags to those sets and then set the changes to those pieces (BR's and BW's), and then have it either loot only, crafted from special BlackRabbit and BlackWolf craft stations (once you find schematics or acquire certain skills so its not open too early). That way you'd be able to choose from basic stuff, BW and BR gear to fit your needs. Slap a tint on it or something... funny you're both "Black*animal*" so the black tints each might be out, lol. But im sure you could do something creative with tint/particles/emissions, etc and still be server side (maybe an optional add-on later for different textures if you want to be fancy).
  5. LordSoth01

    NPCMod and Addons

    What mods are you using and what is their load order?
  6. Loving all the boss and advanced content! Thanks for keeping this kind of thing going!
  7. Love the idea to have Black Wolf's Better Perks compatible with Learn By Use - Hybrid perk setup and I completely understand the amount of tedious work it is to get it all edited and working. Would be nice to have a base setup though so only slight patches applied whenever Black Wolf updates his Better Perks, which is every 5 hours by last count, lol.
  8. Oh that's quite alright, I appreciate the effort but you don't have to. It was both for wondering if a base tier 0 starter block system could be added parallel to the current ones as well as for upgrading the zenith of the basic chain (is it t5 if t0 is used or t6 still? I get confused). I was thinking about not only popular fantasy materials, ore, gems, wood, hide, etc... but also from my own RPG stuff to bring to life. It'll take a while and i'll have to material.xmls too but I can figure it out, hopefully. If you want to do something though, thats fine too. I always like options!
  9. Oh definitely. This also helps with my ideas and thoughts for different base (basic/starting tiers) building blocks. Thank you for that. Just needed some insight as I haven't done that before.
  10. I think it's this, for the color and hand object <property name="TintColor" value="#0002FF"/> also in this format <property name="TintColor" value="0,2,255"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="0,2,255"/> The icon one being for tinting the icon. There was an old bit of code I saw for older alphas on blocks, not sure if its viable still but it was like this <property name="TintColor" value="#0002FF"/> <property name="TintShaderProperties" value="_Color"/> Also, Zilox has his material modifer mod to do colorizing and effects. It helps show you how, here: Zilox - Material Modifier Also sites like this help with various formats for color and complementary colors when you click on them Color Codes & Charts Hope you get it working!
  11. That is correct, a separate construction path for building blocks using similar resources, in this case the new system AND the old system. One of the things I saw people do is when the usual tiered systems got to the steel tier, they'd all use the same "upgrade" steelshapes from that tier with whatever kind of block they were using in their mod (titanium, cobalt, hardened, etc). So I was thinking we could just start off with another set of blocks for exotic materials. They could function similarly, but look different, had different values, and possibly had different resistances, bonuses, buffs, etc depending on tier and rarity of resource. My idea was to have it alongside the current system, vanilla build blocks and tier system, then add in more, like your system tier of blocks. Then, if it was possible, have exotic materials make new blocks from t0/t1 that upgraded like the current system. Could be gem blocks using glass block prefab with color tinting and/or emissives or particles. Same for exotic metals, stone, wood, etc. This way, you could have additional blocks without trying to override each other when you got to the tier5/tier6 block when upgrading. You could attach even more precious or exotic materials to the other sections to take them past t6 if you wanted to. This way you'd have plenty of resources to search and gather for that would offer different aesthetics, resistances, buffs, bonuses, etc. The next step I was thinking, and this is one of the closest example I can use to explain some of the differences, is to use something akin to Ultima Online's material bonus, like how they had different colored ore that all had different bonuses and rarity to find like agapite, verite, etc. Examples here Ultima Online - Material Bonuses These would even confer bonuses to weapons and gear. So, I was looking for the possibility to even get in extra base block systems to, not only get more build options, but for the basis of other ideas. Then once those were working, start adding in other materials then offer bonuses and gear stats, etc. But one step at a time. Since you work with the blocks, I figured you would have a better grasp of what I am talking about. Thanks for listening btw!
  12. Thanks for the updates! About "GK Old System Upgrade", is it possible to, instead of replacing or superimposing the old mechanic on the new, IS IT POSSIBLE... because I've been wondering about this mechanic for a few mod ideas... is it possible to simply have it as an extra add-in, using a new block master or new t0/t1 that you can upgrade using the old methods, so that you would have the choice to build/craft the new ones or the additional old ones. The old ones would use your methods and tier upgrades and the current v1.0+ would still do their upgrade paths. Reason I ask, been wondering about separate starting blocks for different materials since so many modders have something to upgrade from steel blocks... been wondering if we just had a set of different base blocks to use for those special materials, we could have more options for blocks to use instead of stuck with just one hierarchy of blocks upgrading & downgrading. Do you think we could get something like that from your GK Old System Upgrade? Just wondering if you could, would, or if it was even possible. I've never tried to work mechanics at the base/master level of blocks, so I lack experience and insight on it.
  13. Love how this has turned out! Thanks a lot for the continued work. I saw where you said that wandering/random horde spawning was basically disabled to incorporate how your mod works, but you said if they were added they would be used (the other mod) when you get close and the walkersim spawns them in. So to clarify on two points... 1.) If you add a bunch of creature packs that adds things to various spawn tables (night, downtown, wastelandnight, forest, feralhordes, badass, etc), then they are still stored in the data tables and the WalkerSim will spawn them appropriately when nearby (night tables for night time, desertnight for in the desert at night, and bosses when appropriate)? Right? 2.) When you said it disables all spawn... does this mean special "gotcha"/trap spawns too? Like police cars/alarm spawns, air drop spawns, weather spawns (if that's still a thing with storms), buried treasure spawns, quest related spawns? Also, the POI difficulty, a tier 6+ building will still have appropriate mobs and they will spawn when close too, right? (I think I saw something about sleeper spawns being disabled/removed?).
  14. Absolutely love these. Definitely can do special classes with these outfits. Simply amazing! Keep up the great work!
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