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Fun Pimps Staff
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Everything posted by schwanz9000

  1. Already reported internally. Added to the KI list. Thanks!
  2. Already reported for all animals when using iron and steel axes. Added note to KI list.
  3. Hard to get a 100% repro, but I raised a ticket for it anyway.
  4. Confirmed. Added as an improvement to change the splint and plaster cast to use the new bandage mesh.
  5. Confirmed. I put it in, but we'll have to see what they say. Super low priority I'm sure.
  6. We've got several internal tickets related to bears. Added note to KI list. Thanks!
  7. If you're talking about the water, it will be redone at a later date before POI water gets fixed.
  8. Confirmed. There is a task to add hitboxes as these are still WIP.
  9. There is an internal task to address this. Added to the KI list. Thanks!
  10. Confirmed. Will see if the cart can be moved out of the wall. Thanks
  11. This should be fixed now
  12. Yes, drones are WIP, but we would like feedback on pathing issues. How well does the drone follow the player? Does it get stuck or tp to weird locations?
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