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Everything posted by schwanz9000

  1. Already reported internally. Added to the known issues list. Thanks!
  2. Confirmed. The collider is a little small for sure.
  3. Old maps will do that. I see it was made in B128, but you're now using B129 in the screenshot. RWG had a major change in B129. Please make sure to wipe your maps every build when testing. Thanks! HUGE thanks for adding all of the proper info!
  4. Confirmed and reported, but not sure how they'll fix it. Some blocks are like that by design so they blend in (sit level and not float) with the world's terrain bumps and hills.
  5. schwanz9000

    Drops FPS

    Already reported internally. Updated known issues list to include plants. Thanks!
  6. This is by design. <!-- metal desk --> <lootcontainer id="24" count="1,2" size="6,2" sound_open="UseActions/open_file_cabinet" sound_close="UseActions/close_file_cabinet" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item group="groupApparelClothes" prob="40"/> <item group="trophyGroup"/> <item group="groupAmmoRegular"/> <item group="books"/> <item name="resourceGlue" /> <item group="medicine"/> <item name="meleeToolFlashlight02"/> <item name="apparelCigar" prob=".3"/> </lootcontainer>
  7. I'm afraid that gasolina has some slang references. When it comes to translations, we want to be careful not to use slang words.
  8. This is a known issue. Please make sure to search the list before reporting.
  9. This was reported internally already. Happens on all fat/cop sized zombies. Added to KI. Thanks!
  10. Confirmed. If you point the frame you want to place on top to the left or right block, it will place. It will then flash between "Press (E) to use" and "Press (E) to pick up: Wood Frame Block" prompts.
  11. Confirmed. There is an issue with the shader right now that the team is working on.
  12. Can I get your video settings for both A18 and A19? A screenshot of the Video Quality tab would be great when reporting graphics issues. Also, do you have any dye installed in the pistol as well? For example, green dye will make it green.
  13. Water will get a another remake at some point. This is as designed for now.
  14. The fire rate has been slowed down a bit. I'm not hearing what you have in your video. Used buff buffme for max stats.
  15. Confirmed. Moving <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapIron" count="12" tag="allHarvest"/> below the cloth results in harvesting both resources with a pick.
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