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Posts posted by Blake_

  1. So, madmole showed us a bit of a21 in his Twitter. Castle Madmole is usually the first hint of an alpha release, and it happens roughly 2-3 months before release. So it's probably not Christmas for Experimental ,but certainly after Avatar 2 either way. Will Starfield drop before a21 stable? , I wonder.

  2. 11 hours ago, Melange said:

    Okay. So if indeed nerdpoling were to be eliminated. Firstly, most airdrops caught in trees would become forfeit. Unless, enterprising and scheming as we are on how to boink that decision, we just carry a few hundred frames and make a set of stairs. A bit more time, but I'm not jumping up to place a block under me. Hence not poling. Ugly and inconvenient, but it will get the job done when hoping against hope there's antibiotics in that airdrop because I'm infected.


    Or one can just stick blocks to the side of a building or one block away (to consider window protusions) and build a set of steps in a similar fashion. Probably won't be as effective for a really high Dishong Tower type of POI though. But I run those pretty much as intended anyways.


    Point being, stop us players if ya can. We will find a way to thwart it, even if we need a mod to do so.


    I did forget about the hay block trick though. Haven't considered or done that in ages.


    Quite frankly, as all of us have enough to deal with the game tweaks from one Alpha to the next, I'm dismayed by those within the community who like to insist that their interpretation of the 'rules' is superior to my interpretation. And in SP, Ya'll ain't even in my game. Sheesh.



    All valid gameplay tactics. The main point is that those stairs, slopes or ladders that you are building take time, so the issue of nerd poling away from danger in an instant is solved by your smarts and  planning beforehand, whereas if you do it in an instant to cheese everything, it's a bit unbalanced and can-objectively- be considered a kind of "cheating your way out of trouble".


    Placing convenient blocks here and there no matter the amount is a wise tactic. I do it fewer times than I should precisely because of nerd poling. You can still "nerd stair", but not in time, forcing you to man up (or girl up, lol) and/or flee.

  3. 2 hours ago, NukemDed said:

    nerd poling. a divisive issue.

    do i nerdpole? yes

    all the time? no

    mostly when i get effed off because i fell of some stupid parkour heavy route to finish a poi in the way it was designed.

    thats fine but i am old and useless at games and hate jumpy jumpy fall and start again type scenarios

    the SINGLE best thing about 7dtd imho is i CAN circumvent any impediment when i choose to.  from nerd poling to cheating in that mini bike i earnt that fell thru the ground to, well hitting pause because i need a @%$#e or a drink or a root lol. you cant pause real life, so even thats an exploit really...


    its all down to self discipline 


    time to self discipline myself. @snowdog, and recommendations?

    In my opinion, it isn't as much about self discipline as about a design choice. I do use nerd poling and I realize that , in the same line as improving water survival would improve the game and would make it more thrilling and rewarding, so would fighting and engaging 7dtd in a more visceral and risky manner.


    It's those tiny controversial little things that make the big impact when you explore: oh, no, a wolf! Would you fight, flee? Or jump, jump, place forward, jump, upgrade and be safe?


  4. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    In one past conversation about it in a team meeting the idea that most liked best was to give frames a native ladder attribute so that zombies could climb up after you and you as well could climb up and down them—-make them even more versatile like a scaffolding block but at the same time a liability since zombies could path up them as well. 

    Honestly, the problem isn’t nerdpoling so much as it is designing a “treasure room” in an easy location like on a roof that can be so easily accessed by nerdpoling. If level designers take nerdpoling into consideration they can surely do some things to mitigate its abuse. 

    That being said…I’ve always been for the removal of nerdpoling and even got its removal to be part of my mod back in the day thanks to the fact that figuring out how to make it happen intrigued someone who knew what they were doing. 

    Making them a ladder is brilliant. POI are not the only exploit. You can cheese boars, wolf hordes, dog hordes, zd hordes, cougars, bears  and general dangerous situations in the middle of the wilderness by just making fast frames in a split second, so making them ladders can be nice. As long as zds ignore the ladder attribute until you are actually ON the blocks and do not get glitched in front of the player due to frames being climbable then it's ok by me.


    Anyway, it is a significant gameplay feature that can actually be a chore to balance if it stays in.

  5. @faatal, what have you guys decided about nerd poling? Will you impede the placing of frames while jumping/falling or something related to the LCB like Rick mentioned in the last interview?


    As a veteran, I use it a lot, and I must say that I seldom die and it's mostly because of the wood frame gods, so maybe it's not that fun to not struggle as intended.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. There are currently no skeletons in the game, true. But there are quite a few closets. The stories they used to tell were astounding too: Big Mum and a plethora of businessmen doing I ,lord ,don't know what , cheerleaders with fatguys, crawlers and dogs... Snowdog stalking under a doormat.... this game is fine I tell you.

  7. 2 hours ago, Roland said:

    Nice work everyone on the 7 Brutus Denied 5 puzzle. Here is a visual puzzle for another A21 feature that has nothing to do with Hunger Games.


    Can you solve my clue and figure out what is coming to the game?



    Alright. Here's my guess. More options for day duration in the game. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Tabby said:

    My first post so please be kind. Regarding bandits. Will there be a way to turn them off, like feral sense? I get killed enough by zombies, dogs, bears, mountain lions, and pretty much anything else in game that can kill you. Bandits don't even interest me.

    Nice to meet you Tabby ! Welcome to the forums. That's a very good question. Only wonderful human beings use "kind" and "kill" in their first post so I'm flattered to make your acquaintance ! About your question, I'm no dev, but I believe I can help you with that. There is currently a way to disable Zds in the starting menu, so I'm guessing you can be pretty sure that we will have a hostility-free playthrough if we choose creative mode, even in future alphas.


    I do enjoy just building too from time to time.


    Again, consider this place your new digital home ! Welcome.

  9. 3 hours ago, Roland said:

    We are not in content lock, there are features in flux, and A21 won’t be held up for features that aren’t ready. When the project manager and the owners decide that it is time for content lock then any features not ready will get punted and those that are ready or can be ready for the experimental release will be included. As faatal said there are features they have prioritized and content lock won’t happen until those features are ready. Any others are up in the air. When the dev stream happens and they show what they’ve been working on you’ll know at that point what those priority features are. 

    I’d say that if this alpha has a main theme it is art assets. There are so many new original assets in the game. Things you probably never realized were placeholders have been replaced with awesome original assets specifically commissioned for the game. So many POIs have been updated with amazing items. Maybe not super exciting for those hoping for big gameplay changes and content but huge for builders (in between all their forced loot runs, of course…haha)


    I do hope bandits make it in at least in an acceptable basic form but it is not a clinched feature yet for A21. It is still possible though so send faatal lots of positive energy!!

    He has all my best wishes, even if they aren't worth much. TFP have quite a lot of exceptional devs. Except Smack9000. He is 'shaping up' to be a PR nightmare because he doesn't give us time"frames". And the  'window' for release is closing.  More importantly he wouldn't ´´gable´´ with anybody on what the stakes are for this alpha. Imma head out now. Wait for me around the corner half.

    2 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Personally, I hope content lock for A21 happens very soon.  As much as I would love for the alpha to be held back until certain features are done, there are alot of other features / changes that will be in a good place for testing/feedback in A21.  Plus, I dare guess, we have a lot of players who look forward to enjoying the latest changes to 7 Days to Die during the winter holiday season.  :)

    Well, I don't mind another waiting alpha. But basic bandits are indeed a thing worth finishing ASAP and also getting feedback as soon as possible to make them the best they can be for Gold. A long wait can still result in "meh" balancing if done too close to Gold. Still, they are too green for school yet, and there's no rush for release because that means a shot in the leg for this incredibly ambitious title. Edit: begging for a screenshot here, it can be a POI ya know.....

  10. 7 hours ago, faatal said:

    Releasing a build by a date can be done many ways. We are not doing a toss it out at some date regardless of how it works. We are doing what features can be done by a date (month/season, not an exact date) and then polish and bug fix THOSE features. If those features are not ready, then the date will slip until they are.

    Does that mean that you guys already have a set of chosen features for a21 and do not plan to push them back until they are done or is content lock not achieved yet and many features are in flux?.

  11. 5 hours ago, faatal said:

    There are other reasons to want a release. Many people, myself included, have worked on other features. They want their work out there too and we also want feedback on those changes. Waiting on features often leads to a feedback loop of, while other devs waited, they did stuff, so you now need to wait for that to be done, so others do stuff and you wait. Where does it end??? I'd rather make dates and get new things out on some regular basis. If not done, then feature skips to next release.

    Bandits delayed isn't a bad thing, there are lots of things to be done before they are ready. POI, AI, animations (big time spender and the brother of AI when it comes to delays). My wish is for them to have different unrepeating faces, but I guess not, by the looks of the twitter pics.



    Btw. Can you show us something about water animations and stuff like that? 

  12. 6 hours ago, faatal said:

    1 I have done AI, anim controller and weapon work for them, and have them spawning as wandering bandits, but there is a lot more work to be done.

    2 General bugs.

    3 Fixing bugs does not make for cool screenshots.

    Does that mean that they are confirmed for a21 as basic "wandering" ones for now? Please do tell. I gather it's a tricky question as their full surrounding behaviour isn't yet finished, but can we get a yes? lol.


    I made a poll with my closest friends. And they all answered the same thing with different words: they want to kill something that is fully human and not invulnerable (traders), that has pain feedback. The reason? to watch them die. And hear them. That made me very uncomfortable for two reasons: first is that I probably should think carefully about my choice of partners in the future, and secondly, let's forget about the first one because I kinda totally agree.

  13. @faatal, good day to you sir !  I have a couple of questions :


    1- Any news about bandits? Specifically, do you know if they are in and working at some level?

    2- What are you working on at the moment? 

    3- Can you give us a cool a21 screenshot? It would ignite the hype train and give us something to talk about.


    Thanks in advance!

  14. 4 hours ago, Roland said:

    Some good guesses and one very very very good solution by Uncle AI. My clue does reference a character in the Hunger Games and in particular something he did "in" the 75th Hunger Games and it does signify changes to a weapon we use in our game that he used in that game-- which Uncle AI pretty much hit squarely on the head. Needless to say, if you ever thought the spear was lackluster and wished it did a bit more damage plus a power thrust rather than a throwing attack you will be happy. 



    If you only played the game because throwing the spear was one of the core elements of the game for you....I guess let's get #speargate started....

    Nice! So how does that power attack work on the spear? You hold the former "spear throw" with the RMB or did the devs standarized for all melee weapons it and put the spear throw on another button like the "holding LMB" ?

  15. 57 minutes ago, Lennie said:

    I did a googling on the Hunger Games thingy, and this Brutus fellow tried to join with the bow lady, but she said no. (He was denied) Perhaps Spears and Bows are now in the same skill tree?

    Hello everyone, btw. I usually lurk, but I can't resist a good puzzle. :) 

     I can, but I'm starting to get itches on several parts of my so called brain, lol.

    @Roland , you seem like a nice guy who gives strong, solid and specific clues. Like.... Brutus = Spear guy in The Hunger Games.

    Can it be a weapon mod or perk that gives us the ability to autoretrieve Spears when thrown if it's X meters from the player?


    Edit: BTW Lennie, welcome to the unlurked version of the forums! It's nice to suddendly meet you, fellow player.

  16. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    No one wants to talk about the details more than me but alas I cannot.


    Maybe if someone could figure out what 7 Brutus Denied 5 means I could work up something new...

    Alright I have 4 interpretations:

    1- Safe haven for players from the horde for a price. 

    2- A new quest.

    3- Camouflage feature of some kind.

    4- Ranged bandits.


    (Edit: Actually, 5. Death penalty has been revisited and improved to a more challenging one, with maybe a new set of options with various degrees of punishment. That one wouldn't come as a HUGE surprise though, just a mildly awesome one).

  17. 1 hour ago, Laz Man said:


    It does matter.  You guys will have to just trust the designers on this one.  We have watched enough POI playthroughs to see how disorienting / confused players can get when they decide to break through a door despite the path of least resistance.  It usually results in them getting lost, lots of doubling backing, sleepers not spawning correctly, etc.


    It may seem futile given the world is fully destructable where the player can plow a hole anywhere they like.  However, I feel we are doing pretty well creating fun/memorable experiences despite that.



    I'd like to add that most people would probably prefer level design add more T4/T5 POIs then revisit all existing POIs just to add lock picking to the vanilla game.

    You are correct and I totally agree, though I do not condemn the other way of thinking, as it is doable, though with too much work vs so little gameplay value. As a result, and seing as this was the way TFP chose, I was always a supporter for hashtag metoonodoors pick-able because of the borked POI exploring  results and general confusion. Even without them, confusion CAN happen. I've seen it happen in "not so newbie" players.  Now, there is always mods for many things. My tastes are vanilla flavour, but others might prefer more arcade and painfully unbalanced mods.

  18. Hello there, @Roland, do you have any info on if there is any info? TFP have been radio silent regarding a21 for quite a while. 

    I, you, We, They would love some pics or juicy features and sneaky gameplay feelings, or juicy feeling pics and sneaky features or whatever. Please?

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