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Posts posted by Blake_

  1. 10 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Lockpicking of doors has been brought of numerous times.  Keep in mind, although evervy POI is destructable, all quest POIs have an intended player path.  This path serves many purposes. Combat pacing, quest clearance without having to double back on previously visited areas.  Sure a player can knock down a door, but if they choose to do so, it will most likely make questing the POI take longer and/or situations where sleepers don't spawn correctly.


    If locking picking was ever introduced, level design would have to revist every quest POI to analyze what adjustments are needed.

    So your name is Lazman and you don't want to revisit every POI to do the change. Got it. Lol.


    Jokes aside, it doesn't really matter, as blocked doors don't need to have a key, and we can break everything. It's exactly like asking for Bananas. Please implement bananas in farming, they are very nutritious and an important source of food. They can be on the edge of the forest/desert areas and they can be balanced to only give 10, 20 each week, like a workstation. The point is, bananas would be as useless as pickable doors because there are quite a bit of actions that give the exact same result design-wise. In the banana case we have lots of varieties, and in the 'picking door locks' case we've got lots of "breaking points", exploding points, 'chainsawable' points, nerd poling from outside the next window,  etc etc.

  2. 10 hours ago, ElDudorino said:


    I'm confused. Why would this require a full redesign of all PoIs? You can already just break the doors.


    I can see in places like Red Mesa that certain heavy-duty doors are meant to be kept locked but you could just make it so that anything steel-tier can't be picked.


    I've recently been playing Undead Legacy which makes doors pickable and it's a nice improvement in my opinion without heavily impacting the game. Overall I'm not crazy about the full mod but some features like pickable doors and storage broadcasting are just obvious wins.


    Anyway good topic, I like to see what people are doing to keep the game fresh. Maybe when a21 comes out I'll try what Roland does with the reversed speed settings. It sounds kinda intense since night sprinters at least have the weakness that they can only hear and can't see you for the most part.

    I don't presume to know the why, it was just a design desition. It would be nice, yes. It is faster than breaking them though, so that would affect balance, I guess? Idk. With the multipath POIs they might be a go in the future as that reason gets even more ridiculous. We can ask and see what happens.


    4 hours ago, ElDudorino said:


    Did caves have zombies spawn in them when they existed, and would they spawn in them again if caves were back?

    I think they did not have entities spawn inside back in alpha 10-11 ?


    They were a bit small,  perlin worm ones with steep entrances and  nitrate stalagmites and stalactites, some ores and mushrooms. 


    I really hope for them to get implemented in a better fashion. That'd really be a game changer. 

  3. 2 hours ago, warmer said:

    When I moved into my perfect spot I thought, damn I have to tear it all down... OR... I could just throw this moltov and watch it burn :) this is only 1 logical choice lol


    One of my fondest memories playing 7 days to die is running through the woods in the dark without a torch with zombies behind me, only to fall into a cave. In my first 20min of play with the new mods I fell into a cave running through a forest. This was a great surprise. It felt new and I wanted to explore it so badly (randomly generated caves) but I was burning daylight and hadn't set up any type of base or gotten food or water sorted out.


    Board Pulling 
    Pulling boards on windows and crates  vs. destroying them. Much more realistic method of entry in a possible zombie infested structure

    Chest broadcasting to work benches
    this just saves you time and lets you have more fun. Workbenches pull from nearby crates

    The above 4 are just a few of dozens from 0-Score SphereII mods, there are a ton of really neat quality of life and features, but it takes some manual editing of the blocks.xml file to turn them one. There are some great tutorials explaining how to get started doing so. 

    Pickable doors:

    this speaks for itself. With that said, a wall safe or a gun safe should require a level of 3 or higher in my opinion, simply because of how uncommon the knowledge/tools of dial safe cracking is compared to a rake and tension bar .

    Lootable/semi-persistent decaying zombies
    Non lootable zombies turn then into "purely" xp and ammo dumps. They cease to have any real identity. When you kill 20 of them around your base and they slowly decompose over time from a battle, it adds SO much dark grit to the game. additionally, these are great for starter clothing pieces and very basic food scavenging. It feels much more immersive.


    Specific wish list "items/guns/vehicles" aside, what other fundamental gameplay aspects are missing?


    Hi ! I think I can clarify some points here, but for further info you might want to talk directly to the devs. 


    In red: Already discussed and it's not gonna happen because:

    Fire: Performance reasons. Each block burning will literally decrease performance by the dozens of FPS, though a kind of fire will be implemented in a21 in the form of burning gas pipes which you have to close to pass.

    Pickable doors: Design desition. it would need a full redesign of ALL the POIs in the game, which count close to 1000. However, some final doors MIGHT happen to have a similar feature in the future, still in progress.

    Lootable Zds. Not gonna happen. Design desition. They had loot, there was an exploit that duplicated it in MP AND it generated a lot of junk loot AND it was tedious to search dozens of Zds AND performance took a hit because of all the decayed bodies AND etc etc, therefore the desition was made to change it to loot bags. Everything was solved and we get lesser loot, albeit more "gamey" in nature. Not good, not bad, just a design desition.




    Caves. Kinyajuu answered that he might get into it if he has the time. That's an IF. Fingers crossed. 

    Board pulling: Nothing has been said about it lately. There aren't even talks about it on the official thread. Nice of you to put it out there, because it might be fun to have an animation that does the exact same thing as breaking them but cooler.

    Workbenches use nearby chests: There have been a few discussions here and there. I'm rooting for that option too! it's a cool quality of life addition and I will support it with my words whenever I have the chance. It would help a lot to take our hands out of those 80 forges, lol. Maybe an electrical tier that makes the feature more "believable" ? (lol).


    I hope my answer helped ! Cheers!



  4. 14 hours ago, Roland said:

    This brings up a good point. Some players let their meters fall to the point where they first get penalized and then eat/drink to fill up and they don’t feel like they are having to eat/drink all the time. Others can’t stand to see anything less than a full meter so they are constantly eating to maintain meters at 100%. This is also something people don’t usually disclose when they complain about how often the game requires them to eat and drink. 


    I’m not an extreme advocate for shorter days but I do enjoy doing a playthrough from time to time at 30 or 40 minute days. I love the time pressure and the more realistic representation of how much work I would be able to get done in an actual day. Fewer daily quests are possible and often you get caught in the middle of one at day’s end which makes for a spicy ending and return trip. For that reason I never play at settings longer than the default because of how cheesy it feels to me having so much time to prepare for horde night. 

    Sure, horde night itself is shorter but in my experience most base designs by experienced players can easily repell a horde whether it last 30 minutes or 2 hours  or 4 hours.  This is especially true if you have given yourself soooooo much extra time to be able to over design your base for the first horde. My horde nights are shorter, true, but I’m also not gorging myself on XP and loot bags like someone who is playing a two hour horde night is. I get fewer rewards and less time to repair and prepare for the next one. 

    My horde nights are shorter but still exciting and just as it starts to feel a bit monotonous the sun comes up and it ends. 

    Hmmm…..maybe I am a strong advocate for shorter days. 🤪

    Well, the point isn't always about questing or Horde nights or even base building. We also have hunting, mining and one of my favourites : exploring. We might also get underground exploring, random events both indoors and out, wtf moments in the wild, sightseeing, 'viewcatching', 'foolmaking', 'partnermocking', 'chickenharassing', 'skydiving', 'bearjumping' or 'partylaughing'. All of those things or 'features' do add up to the whole experience and I personally find that as much of a veteran efficient performer that one might be, one is always wanting to do more  useless tasks to just have fun, but the game won't let you fully engage in that foolish endeavor, even as a late game character. Now, a safe haven that costs 10000 dukes a night is something, but the easier way is just more time. That's the why I would love not having to edit 240 min or 480 min days in the game vs your 30mins or 40 that are, indeed, among the starting options already.

  5. 9 hours ago, Roland said:

    Well the good news is that you will still find mags of the type that you’ve already completed so you can still gift them and sell them. The bonus drops off but that doesn’t mean you won’t still find them as often as any other title. 

    As for having to wait for someone to make something you can’t for you, what do people do now? Do people use up skill points to duplicate what teammates have already done just to not have to wait for them to be online?  In our group the high level crafter makes a bunch and sticks them in a chest. 

    The problem here is that nobody disclosed how long they’ve modified their days to be. Personally, I think the rate of hunger and dehydration fit best with 40 minute days but are not particularly unbalanced with the default 60 minute days. 

    Anyone who complains about how much food and water they have to consume daily while playing 120 or longer days isn’t being mindful of how ridiculously easy the game would become if hunger and thirst were dilated to match the time dilation while the player’s ability to move and act and get things done all remains the same. 

    I play with 120 min days, as nights are long and full of terrors, just as I love them. The hunger and thirst rates are nice. Realistic? well.... I eat 3 times a day to the fullest, 4 or 5 with a full workload and not usually walking except for strategic reasons. The trick I use is always staying hungry and thirsty right until the hp-losing threshold, then I eat a bit, which gives me time to find food, and as for water I did always have it full in a20....I gather that will be trickier now in a21, which I LOVE.

    I'm an extreme advocate for 240 and 480 min days. Some players can extend their gameplays for thousands of days and a 2 hour horde night is just... yeah, hardcore.

  6. 19 hours ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

    This^, they would save much more time on z's with modular way, they instead chose easy way out. But it can still be fixed, they would just need to take them apart and shape them around the parts that would be modular for more flexibility to allow for more variation... It is never too late

    It does take time to pull appart and 'rerig' a 3d model .Nevertheless I'm with you on this. They can afford  delays in order to do it right. This game can benefit immensely from that choice. Yes, doing it now could take from 10 to 18 months from start to finish, but what of it? It can even be a DLC and not count as a core system. Human npcs though  will be awful with repetition, so will player models. 

  7. On 9/26/2022 at 7:42 PM, Roland said:


    They DID choose a modular system for zombies and had to abandon it due to performance issues. I just have to point out that a lot of their constraints are due to the world being voxel but diehard critics are gonna hate me for pointing that out either way...

    They chose an easy path sometime ago (U M A) ... and then decided to do it the easy way (individual models) but repeated the process several times until it became waaaaAaay more time consuming, when a character creator with Zd stuff could've been made from scratch with lesser fuss in about the same time as those 3 tryouts.


    That was a mistake and resulted in huge costs, mainly in gameplay for us. An in-house modular character creator system would've consumed a lot less texture space with more variety as a result and way less repetition. 


    Plz fix thiz or I quit breezin'


  8. 5 hours ago, beerfly said:

    Anxiety +10

    No need to add to that stat. They are in "hard work" mode because of the upcoming Streaming, I'm pretty sure they want to give us a smooth sneak peak. In reality, I'd expect a21 exp for Christmas , which makes all the sense. Rick will probably open his big mouth to wish for November though, bets? xD. Let's get the Bourbon going so he spills the beans.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    1. 9867674


    2. A POI measuring the entirety of the Europa Moon underwater area, but without water.


    3. Mine, only my works are good. I made a Tier V POI the other day that was so good that they upgraded it to Tier VI.

    Thanks for the absolutely unbiased truth! Mostly. :D 

  10. 59 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    Hmmmm, what does Brutus VII and the Denied 5 error message have to do with each other?


    Google has failed me lol...

    I found a muscle man called Brutus The barber with that search. I'm going to pretend those words never happened. Nope, not even trying to find their meaning, lol.


    Btw ! Surprise questions !


    1.How many new Tier 5 POI or otherwise can you confirm as implemented in a21 ?


    2.And another question: Did you guys made some new underground POI for a21? 


    3. What is your favourite "not yours"  a21 POI? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    pure water

    Nice ! All the little tricks to get water are gone then (snow, yucca, etc).  I like that.


    Another question... did the meat take a balance pass? Meaning less meat from animals, more meat for recipies?


    I believe making charred with 10 raw meat could be a sweet little struggle on the first few days. We can always eat veggies, fruits and food cans, right?





  12. 2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    With distance markers identifying the location before you arrive, this shouldn't be an issue. 

    Still a problem if two POI are very close to each other and both have quests. You might be on a vehicle and not have the quest active and it starts, or if it won't start if you do not activate the marker on your inventory we are back to the same problem.


    We actually talked about it a long time ago. The closest solution was either use a timer that goes back to start when you exit the questable area or starts the quest if you stay long enough (1 min?), OR:


    Resetting the POI on quest activation, and then put a marker or a flag: There can be a case in which another player can go in and level the whole POI to the ground and try to break your quest, in which case there will be code in the form of another emergent quest that relays the player to another POI OR even to another target (bandit X escaped and went X, kill him plz or " there is another POI that needs the satchel found, because someone found this one", etc etc).


    The best way to solve double dipping is having a set of emergent gameplay contingency plans. Everybody would agree on more adventure that makes sense within their own adventures . It's not EXTREMELY difficult to do though: just if your quest objective gets solved or broken before you get there, generate an excuse and relay the player anywhere else for an "emergent gameplay apology quest".

  13. 10 hours ago, Roland said:

    Absolutely agree that TFP should continue to optimize and do what they can within the constraints of getting this game finished. I’m certain they will continue to find ways to get better performance especially once the game is feature complete 

    Constraints? What constraints? 7dtd development process should be like a unbreakable marriage : there are no constraints if money keeps pouring in. Wait a sec....

  14. 7 hours ago, Roland said:

    I think this is pretty easily modded. If I recall correctly loot containers have a value called "count" that dictates how many of their slots will be filled with loot. I think if you just increase that value then you should get a larger variety of loot from the table that governs that container. I think you can even go super crazy by editing the lines to count = "all" which will fill every slot of a container with loot.



    I personally think that at default , loot is too high. I would tweak it down a bit -again, at default-. For example, a POI's final chest is nice with just a weapon and bullets, but not with two weapons, bullets, parts and armor mods (too much).  I'm not talking about modding the game here, but about the current balance and item slots filled vs actual effort, which is usually too much for many tier 1 and tier 2 POI, and for higher tiers can sometimes be exploitable too.


    Having a single armour with 1 armour mod and a couple of magazines is cool, not 3 weapons, an armour and 230 bullets plus all of the above. 


    What would I suggest? I would put it closer to 75-85 percent by default, but ensuring every container usually has something.


    I would also put a boss/locked door in each POI fitting the reward. I believe this last one has been mentioned at some point.


    This change will improve quest reward weight on gameplay and make looting a bit less "pinhata".


    Edit: separating quality and quantity in the starting options will help too, but It won't solve the current balance.


  15. @faatal I have a bunch of brand new questions. 


    1. Now that the New character models are in the works, do you know if there will be "head swaps" for the bandit models or will they be fixed ones/always the same set?

    2. What about the character creation system? Will it be able to allow us to modify the head or will we just pick one full model when creating a new player profile?

    3. Do you guys plan for npcs to be able to talk and have Lip sync or will it be just sounds and/ or text?

    4. Are there any plans for a "water armour" or something similar with bonuses of the sort?

    5. Can the player shoot or swing weapons underwater? Any code for that?

    6. Can npcs swim?

    7. Any news on water threats?

    8. Do you plan on bandits placing temporary assets like a pole, a barrel, a tiny barricade... etc for combat in completely flat places artificially created by the player or otherwise (like a mesa)? I bet they might get confused and/or just plain "attack" the player. Noobs.

    9. What are you most excited about regarding a21 at the moment?

    10. Any juicy stuff you can tell us about the new perks?


    Thank you very much in advance.


  16. On 9/9/2022 at 5:33 AM, faatal said:

    1 The advance/retreat to cover is coming along. Steve is working on that.

    2 Player swimming motion rework, which turned into handling move states in our code (mostly), not UFPS. That lead to some bugs which prompted cleanup of multiple pieces of code doing various checks for in water (in water, swimming, head in water). Camera and head in water were treated the same, which they are not when you consider 3rd person camera, like driving.

    That is very nice. It makes sense to let Steve do that behaviour since you and him are kind of in sync on that particular code and you are always neck deep in many features at once.


    I love all the 'watery stuff'. Water gameplay was always in dire need of love and improving that side of the game will get us all wet for the right reasons.

  17. 43 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

    I am eager for dev streams or when ever madmole is ready to show off the rebalanced int tree since it was gutted =p

    Most of it, yes. I'm so excited that it's getting difficult to walk lately. Imagine a perk that gives you bitcoins while connecting us to Epic. AT the same time !

  18. 41 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    Looks like this is your first post.  Welcome to the forums!  Are you hear to genuinely interact or is this just a drive by ambiguous rant?  Game is an Alpha, things will continue to change and get polished leading up to the gold release.

    How dare you, dev!

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