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  1. The mod "StashBackpack" - is this to just add the "sorting functions" (like stash matching items to inventory button)? Or does it also affect the # of inventory slots? It seems like it might be conflicting with this separate 72 inventory mod, and seems like it would conflict with other inventory expansion mods such as this 96 one We did remove the mod "IncreaseBagSize", but it seems like this is associated or tied to StashBackpack If StashBackpack is conflicting with 72Inv, do you know if there's a way around this? We really want an expanded inventory (around 70) and love the stash matching storage buttons you added
  2. Hi, I really appreciate your answers and clarification! How do I know if I have a dedicated server? I don't know anything about that, but we just host a normal multiplayer game and friends can join through steam. I didn't think we had one but I wasn't 100% sure So far, all the mods we have installed + yours work well, but just from a few hours of testing and @%$#ing around. Hopefully we don't run into that many issues
  3. Hello! I have a few questions: 1. Is there a way I can set the inventory bag to 72? 2. The mod "IncreaseLootBagDecay" - does this mean it increases the amount of time that loot bags exist before they disappear? Or does it increase the decay, as in shorten the amount of time it exists before disappearing? Sorry if this question is worded poorly, I just want to make sure I understand it correctly 3. I assume both server and client need to install any/all of these? Not just server? We are hosting a server for our friends, but it's not a dedicated server 4. Are all of the settings for each mod within the server's menu for the host to configure? (located when you start the server) Or where would I edit most mods? (mainly concerned about zombie spawning rate and such, but in general too). I see that some are in game options (from host), and some are in video options (all players) 5. The mod "ReduceMeat" - is that reduced meat for cooking, or reduced meat obtained from animals? Is this to make it challenging, or was the current amount rather excessive? Sorry for all the questions and thank you for being patient. I want to make sure we set this up correctly Here is what my mods directory looks like (did not copy over DisabledVehiclesDuringBloodmoon, IncreasedLootBagDecay, and QualityDegradationOnRepair)
  4. Hello! Does this mod need to be installed on both clients & server? Or just server? Thank you
  5. I will try this and get back to you, thank you so much!
  6. Thank you for the response. So I did try that, I think that's why I was confused and had to ask how I should do it. When I launched the game, the UI hadn't changed and I think there might've been an error. I will try again. Here are pictures of what my files look like: Update: I launched the game again, and it did not work (I'm going off of the start screen)
  7. Hello @ViperInfinity , I have another question If I want to install BOTH Tactical Weapons and UI, where do I place the files? Since they both have a folder named Config Do I merge both config folders? Right now I have the Tactical Weapons extracted contents inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\Tactical Weapons Is this not the place I should place these mods?
  8. Hello! Does this mod need to be installed on both server and client? Or just server? I assumed both, but I just wanted to make sure Thanks
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